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Line 24: FROM pqp_vehicle_allocations_f va

20: Usage_type,
21: effective_start_date,
22: effective_end_date,
23: private_use_flag -- Added for the bug 10088866
24: FROM pqp_vehicle_allocations_f va
25: WHERE va.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
26: AND ( (va.effective_start_date BETWEEN g_start_date AND g_end_date
27: OR va.effective_end_date BETWEEN g_start_date AND g_end_date)
28: OR (g_start_date BETWEEN va.effective_start_date AND va.effective_end_date

Line 49: Pqp_vehicle_allocations_f va

45: hr_soft_coding_keyflex sck,
46: per_all_assignments_f paaf,
47: per_all_assignments_f paaf2,
48: Pqp_vehicle_repository_f vr,
49: Pqp_vehicle_allocations_f va
50: WHERE paaf2.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
51: AND paaf2.person_id = paaf.person_id
52: AND p_eff_date
53: BETWEEN paaf.effective_start_date

Line 80: FROM pqp_vehicle_allocations_f va

76: --
77: CURSOR c_alloc_dates(p_vehicle_allocation_id NUMBER) IS
78: SELECT min(effective_start_Date) min_start_date,
79: max(effective_end_date) max_end_Date
80: FROM pqp_vehicle_allocations_f va
81: WHERE va.vehicle_allocation_id = p_vehicle_allocation_id;
82: --
83: alc_dates_rec c_alloc_dates%ROWTYPE;
84: --

Line 89: Pqp_vehicle_allocations_f va

85: CURSOR c_primary_car(p_assignment_id IN NUMBER, p_eff_date IN DATE) IS
86: SELECT va.vehicle_allocation_id,
87: vr.vehicle_repository_id
88: FROM Pqp_vehicle_repository_f vr,
89: Pqp_vehicle_allocations_f va
90: WHERE va.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
91: AND p_eff_date
92: BETWEEN va.effective_start_date
93: AND va.effective_end_date

Line 114: FROM Pqp_vehicle_allocations_f va,

110: vr.make,
111: vr.model,
112: vr.engine_capacity_in_cc,
113: va.effective_end_date
114: FROM Pqp_vehicle_allocations_f va,
115: pqp_vehicle_repository_f vr
116: WHERE va.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
117: AND va.effective_end_date
118: BETWEEN (p_new_car_start_date - 30)

Line 123: FROM Pqp_vehicle_allocations_f va2

119: AND (p_new_car_start_date - 1)
120: AND va.usage_type = 'P'
121: AND va.effective_end_date =
122: (SELECT max(va2.effective_end_date)
123: FROM Pqp_vehicle_allocations_f va2
124: WHERE va2.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
125: AND va2.effective_end_date
126: BETWEEN (p_new_car_start_date - 30)
127: AND (p_new_car_start_date - 1)

Line 147: FROM Pqp_vehicle_allocations_f va,

143: vr.make,
144: vr.model,
145: vr.engine_capacity_in_cc,
146: va.effective_end_date
147: FROM Pqp_vehicle_allocations_f va,
148: pqp_vehicle_repository_f vr
149: WHERE va.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
150: AND va.effective_start_date
151: BETWEEN (p_withdrawn_car_end_date + 1)

Line 156: FROM Pqp_vehicle_allocations_f va2

152: AND least((p_withdrawn_car_end_date + 30), g_end_date)
153: AND va.usage_type = 'P'
154: AND va.effective_start_date =
155: (SELECT min(va2.effective_start_date)
156: FROM Pqp_vehicle_allocations_f va2
157: WHERE va2.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
158: AND va2.effective_start_date
159: BETWEEN (p_withdrawn_car_end_date + 1)
160: AND least((p_withdrawn_car_end_date + 30), g_end_date)

Line 245: Pqp_vehicle_allocations_f va

241: va.usage_type usage_type,
242: va.effective_start_date,
243: va.effective_end_date
244: FROM Pqp_vehicle_repository_f vr,
245: Pqp_vehicle_allocations_f va
246: WHERE va.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
247: AND p_eff_date BETWEEN va.effective_start_date AND va.effective_end_date
248: AND va.vehicle_repository_id = vr.vehicle_repository_id
249: AND p_eff_date BETWEEN vr.effective_start_date AND vr.effective_end_date

Line 278: FROM pqp_vehicle_allocations_f va

274: -- has to be re-reported
276: cursor private_flag_check(p_vehicle_aloc_id in number) is
277: SELECT max(va.effective_start_Date)
278: FROM pqp_vehicle_allocations_f va
279: WHERE va.vehicle_allocation_id = p_vehicle_aloc_id
280: and exists (select 1
281: from pqp_vehicle_allocations_f previous_va
282: where previous_va.vehicle_allocation_id = va.vehicle_allocation_id

Line 281: from pqp_vehicle_allocations_f previous_va

277: SELECT max(va.effective_start_Date)
278: FROM pqp_vehicle_allocations_f va
279: WHERE va.vehicle_allocation_id = p_vehicle_aloc_id
280: and exists (select 1
281: from pqp_vehicle_allocations_f previous_va
282: where previous_va.vehicle_allocation_id = va.vehicle_allocation_id
283: and previous_va.effective_end_date+1 = va.effective_start_Date
284: and nvl(previous_va.PRIVATE_USE_FLAG,'N') <> va.private_use_flag)
285: and ((va.effective_start_date BETWEEN g_start_date AND g_end_date

Line 295: FROM pqp_vehicle_allocations_f va

291: ---
293: cursor private_flag_arch(p_vehicle_aloc_id in number) is
294: SELECT va.effective_start_Date,va.effective_end_Date,va.private_use_flag
295: FROM pqp_vehicle_allocations_f va
296: WHERE va.vehicle_allocation_id = p_vehicle_aloc_id
297: and exists (select 1
298: from pqp_vehicle_allocations_f previous_va
299: where previous_va.vehicle_allocation_id = va.vehicle_allocation_id

Line 298: from pqp_vehicle_allocations_f previous_va

294: SELECT va.effective_start_Date,va.effective_end_Date,va.private_use_flag
295: FROM pqp_vehicle_allocations_f va
296: WHERE va.vehicle_allocation_id = p_vehicle_aloc_id
297: and exists (select 1
298: from pqp_vehicle_allocations_f previous_va
299: where previous_va.vehicle_allocation_id = va.vehicle_allocation_id
300: and previous_va.effective_end_date+1 = va.effective_start_Date
301: and nvl(previous_va.PRIVATE_USE_FLAG,'N') <> va.private_use_flag)
302: and ((va.effective_start_date BETWEEN g_start_date AND g_end_date

Line 314: from pqp_vehicle_allocations_f va

311: cursor withdrawal_check(p_vehicle_aloc_id in number, p_start_date in date)
312: is
313: select va.private_use_flag
314: from pqp_vehicle_allocations_f va
315: where va.vehicle_allocation_id = p_vehicle_aloc_id
316: and p_start_date BETWEEN va.effective_start_date AND va.effective_end_date;
318: -----------------------------------------------------


839: FROM pay_payroll_actions
840: WHERE payroll_action_id = pactid;
841: --
842: CURSOR c_asg IS
844: */
845: asg.assignment_id,
846: min(asg.effective_start_date) asg_min_start_date,
847: max(asg.effective_end_date) asg_max_end_date

Line 851: pqp_vehicle_allocations_f va,

847: max(asg.effective_end_date) asg_max_end_date
848: FROM hr_soft_coding_keyflex flex,
849: per_all_assignments_f asg,
850: pay_payrolls_f ppf,
851: pqp_vehicle_allocations_f va,
852: pqp_vehicle_repository_f vr
853: WHERE asg.person_id BETWEEN stperson AND endperson
854: AND asg.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
855: AND asg.payroll_id = nvl(g_payroll_id,asg.payroll_id)


1304: FROM pay_payroll_actions
1305: WHERE payroll_action_id = pactid;
1306: --
1307: CURSOR c_asg IS
1309: */
1310: asg.assignment_id,
1311: min(asg.effective_start_date) asg_min_start_date,
1312: max(asg.effective_end_date) asg_max_end_date

Line 1316: pqp_vehicle_allocations_f va,

1312: max(asg.effective_end_date) asg_max_end_date
1313: FROM hr_soft_coding_keyflex flex,
1314: per_all_assignments_f asg,
1315: pay_payrolls_f ppf,
1316: pqp_vehicle_allocations_f va,
1317: pqp_vehicle_repository_f vr
1318: WHERE asg.person_id BETWEEN stperson AND endperson
1319: AND asg.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
1320: AND asg.payroll_id = nvl(g_payroll_id,asg.payroll_id)


1838: FROM pay_payroll_actions
1839: WHERE payroll_action_id = pactid;
1840: --
1841: CURSOR c_asg IS
1843: */
1844: asg.assignment_id,
1845: min(asg.effective_start_date) asg_min_start_date,
1846: max(asg.effective_end_date) asg_max_end_date

Line 1850: pqp_vehicle_allocations_f va,

1846: max(asg.effective_end_date) asg_max_end_date
1847: FROM hr_soft_coding_keyflex flex,
1848: per_all_assignments_f asg,
1849: pay_payrolls_f ppf,
1850: pqp_vehicle_allocations_f va,
1851: pqp_vehicle_repository_f vr
1852: WHERE asg.person_id BETWEEN stperson AND endperson
1853: AND asg.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
1854: AND asg.payroll_id = nvl(g_payroll_id,asg.payroll_id)


2378: FROM pay_payroll_actions
2379: WHERE payroll_action_id = pactid;
2380: --
2381: CURSOR c_asg IS
2383: */
2384: asg.assignment_id,
2385: min(asg.effective_start_date) asg_min_start_date,
2386: max(asg.effective_end_date) asg_max_end_date

Line 2390: pqp_vehicle_allocations_f va,

2386: max(asg.effective_end_date) asg_max_end_date
2387: FROM hr_soft_coding_keyflex flex,
2388: per_all_assignments_f asg,
2389: pay_payrolls_f ppf,
2390: pqp_vehicle_allocations_f va,
2391: pqp_vehicle_repository_f vr
2392: WHERE asg.person_id BETWEEN stperson AND endperson
2393: AND asg.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
2394: AND asg.payroll_id = nvl(g_payroll_id,asg.payroll_id)

Line 2949: FROM pqp_vehicle_allocations_f

2945: CURSOR c_alloc IS
2946: SELECT capital_contribution,
2947: private_contribution,
2948: fuel_benefit
2949: FROM pqp_vehicle_allocations_f
2950: WHERE vehicle_allocation_id = p_vehicle_allocation_id
2951: AND l_eff_date between effective_start_date
2952: and effective_end_Date;
2953: --

Line 3015: FROM pqp_vehicle_allocations_f

3012: -- Added the below cursor for the bug 9354919
3013: CURSOR c_interval_of_payment IS
3014: SELECT val_information10
3015: FROM pqp_vehicle_allocations_f
3016: WHERE vehicle_allocation_id = p_vehicle_allocation_id
3017: AND l_eff_date between effective_start_date
3018: and effective_end_Date;