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Line 1498: outlength := dbms_lob.getlength(out_xml);

1495: amount_var := MAX_LENGTH;
1497: -- loop through the length of clob and do write_text
1498: outlength := dbms_lob.getlength(out_xml);
1499: -- initialize outlengthb. outlengthb is the actual length of character
1500: -- based on charset. For double byte character, the actual length should
1501: -- be half of the outlength.
1502: outlengthb := 0;

Line 1508: dbms_lob.read(out_xml,outlength,1,outstream);

1504: -- ** Oracle charset is 'UTF8' (without a dash, not 'UTF-8')
1505: IF(outlength <= MAX_LENGTH) THEN
1506: -- fix bug 3754442
1507: --outstream := out_xml;
1508: dbms_lob.read(out_xml,outlength,1,outstream);
1509: -- Count the actual length of characters to be sent by converting to UTF8 charset
1510: -- this outlengthb is used to set the content length
1511: outlengthb := LENGTHB(convert(outstream, 'UTF8'));
1512: log('Length of xml: '||outlengthb);

Line 1524: dbms_lob.read(out_xml,amount_var,offset_var,outstream);

1520: -- Write text
1521: fl := floor(outlength/MAX_LENGTH);
1522: FOR i in 1..fl LOOP
1523: offset_var := ((i-1)*MAX_LENGTH)+1;
1524: dbms_lob.read(out_xml,amount_var,offset_var,outstream);
1525: --UTL_HTTP.WRITE_TEXT(http_req, outstream);
1526: log('Set outstreams');
1527: outstreams(i) := outstream;
1528: log('In Loop: '||i);

Line 1535: dbms_lob.read(out_xml,amount_var,offset_var,outstream);

1531: amount_var := outlength-(fl*MAX_LENGTH);
1532: offset_var := (fl*MAX_LENGTH)+1;
1533: -- read only if the amount is larger than 0
1534: IF(amount_var > 0) THEN
1535: dbms_lob.read(out_xml,amount_var,offset_var,outstream);
1536: END IF;
1538: --UTL_HTTP.WRITE_TEXT(http_req, outstream);
1539: outstreams(fl+1) := outstream;