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Line 192: FROM fa_distribution_history

189: begin
190: SELECT distribution_id
191: INTO l_new_from_dist_id
192: FROM fa_distribution_history
193: WHERE asset_id = p_asset_id AND
194: book_type_code = p_book_type_code AND
195: location_id = p_from_location_id AND
196: code_combination_id = p_from_expense_ccid AND

Line 212: FROM fa_distribution_history

208: cse_util_pkg.write_log(' Find OUT NOCOPY the new to distribution id...');
210: SELECT distribution_id
211: INTO l_new_to_dist_id
212: FROM fa_distribution_history
213: WHERE asset_id = p_asset_id AND
214: book_type_code = p_book_type_code AND
215: location_id = p_to_location_id AND
216: code_combination_id = p_to_expense_ccid AND

Line 306: FROM fa_distribution_history

302: l_api_name VARCHAR2(100) := 'CSE_IFA_TRANS_PKG.adjust_fa_distribution' ;
303: l_msg_index NUMBER ;
304: CURSOR c_dist1 IS
305: SELECT distribution_id
306: FROM fa_distribution_history
307: WHERE asset_id = p_asset_id AND
308: book_type_code = p_book_type_code AND
309: location_id = p_location_id AND
310: code_combination_id = p_expense_ccid AND

Line 315: FROM fa_distribution_history

311: nvl(assigned_to, -1) = nvl(p_employee_id, -1) AND
312: date_ineffective is null;
313: CURSOR c_dist2 IS
314: SELECT distribution_id
315: FROM fa_distribution_history
316: WHERE asset_id = p_asset_id AND
317: book_type_code = p_book_type_code AND
318: date_ineffective is null;
319: BEGIN

Line 359: from fa_distribution_history

355: assigned_to
356: into l_location_id,
357: l_expense_ccid,
358: l_employee_id
359: from fa_distribution_history
360: where distribution_id = l_temp_dist_id;
362: select fa_mass_external_transfers_s.nextval
363: into l_seq_num

Line 537: FROM fa_distribution_history

533: -- Find out the new id for the temp distribution
535: SELECT distribution_id
536: INTO l_new_dist_id
537: FROM fa_distribution_history
538: WHERE asset_id = p_asset_id AND
539: book_type_code = p_book_type_code AND
540: location_id = l_location_id AND
541: code_combination_id = l_expense_ccid AND

Line 550: FROM fa_distribution_history

546: -- Find out the new distribution id
548: SELECT distribution_id
549: INTO l_new_dist_id
550: FROM fa_distribution_history
551: WHERE asset_id = p_asset_id AND
552: book_type_code = p_book_type_code AND
553: location_id = p_location_id AND
554: code_combination_id = p_expense_ccid AND

Line 693: FROM fa_distribution_history

689: -- Find out the new distribution id
690: begin
691: SELECT distribution_id
692: INTO l_new_dist_id
693: FROM fa_distribution_history
694: WHERE asset_id = p_asset_id AND
695: book_type_code = p_book_type_code AND
696: location_id = p_location_id AND
697: code_combination_id = p_expense_ccid AND