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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 10

l_insert_update_flag                  INSERT_UPDATE_FLAG;
Line: 68

Line: 93

CURSOR c_denorm_rel IS select sub_id,
                              decode(rs.relationship_code, 'COMPETITOR_OF','Y','N') comp_flag,
                              decode(rs.relationship_code, 'REFERENCE_FOR' ,'Y','N') ref_flag,
                              decode(rs.relationship_code, 'PARTNER_OF'   ,'Y','N') par_flag
                              from hz_imp_relships_sg rs
                       where rs.batch_mode_flag = p_batch_mode_flag
                       and rs.batch_id = p_batch_id
                       and rs.action_flag = 'I'
                       and rs.sub_orig_system = p_os
                       and rs.sub_orig_system_reference between p_from_osr and p_to_osr
                       and rs.relationship_code IN ('COMPETITOR_OF','REFERENCE_FOR','PARTNER_OF');
Line: 122

        UPDATE hz_parties set
               competitor_flag    = decode(l_comp_flag(i),'Y','Y',competitor_flag),
               reference_use_flag = decode(l_ref_flag(i) ,'Y','Y',reference_use_flag),
               third_party_flag   = decode(l_par_flag(i) ,'Y','Y',third_party_flag)
        WHERE party_id           = l_subject_id(i)
        AND   request_id         = p_request_id;
Line: 130

        UPDATE hz_parties set
               competitor_flag    = decode(l_comp_flag(i),'Y','Y',competitor_flag),
               reference_use_flag = decode(l_ref_flag(i) ,'Y','Y',reference_use_flag),
               third_party_flag   = decode(l_par_flag(i) ,'Y','Y',third_party_flag)
        WHERE party_id           = l_subject_id(i)
        AND   request_id IN (SELECT main_conc_req_id FROM hz_imp_batch_details
                             WHERE batch_id = p_batch_id);
Line: 170

l_new_sql varchar2(1300) := 'SELECT  p.party_id
                         FROM  HZ_PARTIES p, HZ_PERSON_PROFILES pf, HZ_IMP_PARTIES_SG ps
                        WHERE  p.request_id = :p_request_id
                          AND  p.party_type  = ''PERSON''
                          AND  p.party_id    = pf.party_id
                          AND  pf.effective_end_date is NULL
                          AND  p.party_id = ps.party_id
                          AND  ps.batch_id = :p_batch_id
                          AND  ps.party_orig_system = :p_os
                          AND  ps.party_orig_system_reference between :p_from_osr and :p_to_osr
                          AND  ps.batch_mode_flag = :p_batch_mode_flag';
Line: 191

l_rerun_sql varchar2(1300) := 'SELECT  p.party_id
                         FROM  HZ_PARTIES p, HZ_PERSON_PROFILES pf, HZ_IMP_PARTIES_SG ps, hz_imp_batch_details bd
                        WHERE  p.request_id = bd.main_conc_req_id
                          AND   bd.batch_id = ps.batch_id
                          AND  p.party_type  = ''PERSON''
                          AND  p.party_id    = pf.party_id
                          AND  pf.effective_end_date is NULL
                          AND  p.party_id = ps.party_id
                          AND  ps.batch_id = :p_batch_id
                          AND  ps.party_orig_system = :p_os
                          AND  ps.party_orig_system_reference between :p_from_osr and :p_to_osr
                          AND  ps.batch_mode_flag = :p_batch_mode_flag';
Line: 264

        UPDATE hz_person_profiles
          SET person_name = l_person_name
        WHERE party_id    = l_party_id(i)
        AND  effective_end_date is NULL;
Line: 269

        UPDATE hz_parties
           SET party_name = substrb(l_person_name,1,360)
        WHERE party_id    = l_party_id(i);
Line: 309

l_new_sql varchar2(1100) := 'SELECT p.party_id
                                ,null record_id
                                ,''PARTY'' entity
                                ,decode(ps.action_flag, ''I'', ''C'', ps.action_flag) operation_flag
                          FROM   hz_parties p, HZ_IMP_PARTIES_SG ps
                         WHERE   p.request_id =    :p_request_id
                           AND   p.party_type IN (''ORGANIZATION'',''PERSON'',''GROUP'')
                           AND   p.party_id = ps.party_id
                           AND   ps.batch_id = :p_batch_id
                           AND   ps.party_orig_system = :p_os
                           AND   ps.party_orig_system_reference between :p_from_osr and :p_to_osr
                           AND   ps.batch_mode_flag = :p_batch_mode_flag';
Line: 326

l_rerun_sql varchar2(1100) := 'SELECT p.party_id
                                ,null record_id
                                ,''PARTY'' entity
                                ,decode(ps.action_flag, ''I'', ''C'', ps.action_flag) operation_flag
                          FROM   hz_parties p, HZ_IMP_PARTIES_SG ps, hz_imp_batch_details bd
                         WHERE   p.request_id = bd.main_conc_req_id
                           AND   bd.batch_id = ps.batch_id
                           AND   p.party_type IN (''ORGANIZATION'',''PERSON'',''GROUP'')
                           AND   p.party_id = ps.party_id
                           AND   ps.batch_id = :p_batch_id
                           AND   ps.party_orig_system = :p_os
                           AND   ps.party_orig_system_reference between :p_from_osr and :p_to_osr
                           AND   ps.batch_mode_flag = :p_batch_mode_flag';
Line: 398

      SET   customer_key = l_key
      WHERE  party_id    = l_party_id(i);
Line: 439

l_new_sql varchar2(1300) := 'SELECT l.location_id
                                ,null party_id
                                ,ps.party_site_id record_id
				,''PARTY_SITES'' entity
				,decode(addr_sg.action_flag, ''I'', ''C'', addr_sg.action_flag) operation_flag
                                ,null party_type
                           FROM hz_locations l, hz_party_sites ps,
                                hz_imp_addresses_sg addr_sg
                          WHERE l.request_id = :p_request_id
                                and l.location_id = ps.location_id
                                and addr_sg.batch_id = :p_batch_id
                                and addr_sg.batch_mode_flag = :p_batch_mode_flag
                                and addr_sg.party_orig_system = :p_os
                                and addr_sg.party_orig_system_reference between :p_from_osr and :p_to_osr
                                and addr_sg.party_site_id = ps.party_site_id';
Line: 460

l_rerun_sql varchar2(1300) := 'SELECT l.location_id
                                ,null party_id
                                ,ps.party_site_id record_id
				,''PARTY_SITES'' entity
				,decode(addr_sg.action_flag, ''I'', ''C'', addr_sg.action_flag) operation_flag
                                ,null party_type
                           FROM hz_locations l, hz_party_sites ps,
                                hz_imp_addresses_sg addr_sg, hz_imp_batch_details bd
                          WHERE l.request_id = bd.main_conc_req_id
                                and bd.batch_id = addr_sg.batch_id
                                and l.location_id = ps.location_id
                                and addr_sg.batch_id = :p_batch_id
                                and addr_sg.batch_mode_flag = :p_batch_mode_flag
                                and addr_sg.party_orig_system = :p_os
                                and addr_sg.party_orig_system_reference between :p_from_osr and :p_to_osr
                                and addr_sg.party_site_id = ps.party_site_id';
Line: 533

        SET   address_key    = l_key
        WHERE  location_id    = l_location_id(i);
Line: 571

  SELECT r.object_id,r.subject_id, r.relationship_code
  FROM hz_imp_parties_sg ps,hz_imp_relships_sg rs,hz_relationships r
  WHERE ps.batch_id = p_batch_id
  AND  ps.batch_mode_flag = p_batch_mode_flag
  AND  ps.party_orig_system_reference BETWEEN p_from_osr AND p_to_osr
  AND  ps.party_orig_system = 'DNB'
  AND  ps.party_id = rs.obj_id
  AND  rs.batch_mode_flag = p_batch_mode_flag
  AND  rs.action_flag = 'I'
  AND  rs.batch_id = p_batch_id
  AND  r.subject_id = rs.sub_id
  AND  r.relationship_code IN ('PARENT_OF','HEADQUARTERS_OF',
  AND  r.object_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
  AND  r.relationship_id = rs.relationship_id
  AND  r.directional_flag = 'F'
  ORDER BY r.object_id;
Line: 706

CURSOR c_loc IS SELECT ps.location_id,ps.created_by_module,site_sg.site_orig_system_reference
                FROM   hz_imp_addresses_sg site_sg,
                       hz_imp_addresses_int site_int,
                       hz_party_sites ps
               WHERE   site_sg.batch_id              = p_batch_id
                 AND   site_sg.batch_mode_flag       = p_batch_mode_flag
                 AND   site_sg.site_orig_system      = p_os
                 AND   site_sg.site_orig_system_reference between p_from_osr and p_to_osr
                 AND   site_sg.action_flag           = 'U'
                 AND   site_sg.int_row_id            = site_int.rowid
                 AND   site_int.correct_move_indicator = 'C'
                 AND   site_int.interface_status IS NULL  /* check if any validation error */
                 AND   site_sg.party_site_id         = ps.party_site_id
                 AND   exists (select 1 from hz_geo_name_references gnr
                               where gnr.location_id = ps.location_id
                               and gnr.location_table_name = 'HZ_LOCATIONS');
Line: 745

        HZ_TAX_ASSIGNMENT_V2PUB.update_loc_assignment (
                                       p_location_id                  => l_location_id(i),
                                       p_created_by_module            => l_created_by_module(i),
                                       p_application_id               => 222,
                                       x_return_status                => x_return_status,
                                       x_msg_count                    => l_msg_count,
                                       x_msg_data                     => l_msg_data,
                                       x_loc_id                       => l_loc_id,
                                       x_org_id                       => l_org_id );
Line: 788

select l.location_id, l.country, l.state, l.city, l.postal_code
from   hz_locations l,hz_imp_addresses_int addr_int, hz_imp_addresses_sg addr_sg,
       hz_party_sites ps
where  l.location_id = ps.location_id
  and addr_sg.batch_id = p_batch_id
  and addr_sg.batch_mode_flag = p_batch_mode_flag
  and addr_sg.party_orig_system = p_os
  and addr_sg.party_orig_system_reference between p_from_osr and p_to_osr
  and addr_sg.int_row_id = addr_int.rowid
  and addr_sg.party_site_id = ps.party_site_id
  AND  addr_int.timezone_code IS NULL
  AND  addr_int.interface_status IS NULL
  AND  (decode(addr_int.COUNTRY,p_g_miss_char,NULL,addr_int.COUNTRY) IS NOT NULL  OR
	decode(addr_int.STATE,p_g_miss_char,NULL,addr_int.STATE) IS NOT NULL    OR
	decode(addr_int.CITY,p_g_miss_char,NULL,addr_int.CITY) IS NOT NULL     OR
	decode(addr_int.POSTAL_CODE,p_g_miss_char,NULL,addr_int.POSTAL_CODE) IS NOT NULL);
Line: 837

      UPDATE hz_locations
      SET timezone_id = l_timezone_id
      WHERE location_id = l_location_id(i);
Line: 866

l_new_sql varchar2(1000) := 'SELECT cp.contact_point_id, cp.phone_country_code, cp.phone_area_code
          FROM hz_contact_points cp,hz_imp_contactpts_int cpint,hz_imp_contactpts_sg cpsg
          WHERE cpsg.batch_id = :p_batch_id
            AND cpsg.party_orig_system = :p_os
            AND cpsg.party_orig_system_reference between :p_from_osr and :p_to_osr
            AND cpsg.batch_mode_flag = :p_batch_mode_flag
            AND cp.contact_point_id = cpsg.contact_point_id
            AND cp.request_id = :p_request_id
	    AND cpsg.contact_point_type = ''PHONE''
            AND cpsg.int_row_id = cpint.rowid
	    AND cpint.timezone_code is NULL
	    AND (decode(cpint.phone_country_code,:p_g_miss_char,NULL,cpint.phone_country_code) IS NOT NULL OR decode(cpint.phone_area_code,:p_g_miss_char,NULL,cpint.phone_area_code) IS NOT NULL)';
Line: 879

l_rerun_sql varchar2(1000) := 'SELECT cp.contact_point_id, cp.phone_country_code, cp.phone_area_code
          FROM hz_contact_points cp,hz_imp_contactpts_int cpint,hz_imp_contactpts_sg cpsg, hz_imp_batch_details bd
          WHERE cpsg.batch_id = :p_batch_id
            AND cpsg.party_orig_system = :p_os
            AND cpsg.party_orig_system_reference between :p_from_osr and :p_to_osr
            AND cpsg.batch_mode_flag = :p_batch_mode_flag
            AND cp.contact_point_id = cpsg.contact_point_id
            AND cp.request_id = bd.main_conc_req_id
            AND bd.batch_id = cpsg.batch_id
	    AND cpsg.contact_point_type = ''PHONE''
            AND cpsg.int_row_id = cpint.rowid
	    AND cpint.timezone_code is NULL
	    AND (decode(cpint.phone_country_code,:p_g_miss_char,NULL,cpint.phone_country_code) IS NOT NULL OR decode(cpint.phone_area_code,:p_g_miss_char,NULL,cpint.phone_area_code) IS NOT NULL)';
Line: 934

      UPDATE hz_contact_points
      SET timezone_id = l_timezone_id
      WHERE contact_point_id = l_contact_point_id(i);
Line: 973

l_new_sql varchar2(1500) := 'SELECT cp.contact_point_id,cp.raw_phone_number,
                                 null party_id,
                                 cp.contact_point_id record_id,
                                 ''CONTACT_POINTS'' entity,
                                 decode(cps.action_flag, ''I'', ''C'', cps.action_flag) operation_flag,
                                 null party_type
                            FROM hz_contact_points cp, hz_imp_contactpts_sg cps
                           WHERE cp.request_id = :p_request_id
                             AND cp.contact_point_id = cps.contact_point_id
                             and cps.batch_id = :p_batch_id
                             and cps.party_orig_system = :p_os
                             and cps.party_orig_system_reference between :p_from_osr and :p_to_osr
                             and cps.batch_mode_flag = :p_batch_mode_flag
                             and cps.action_flag is not null';
Line: 994

l_rerun_sql varchar2(1500) := 'SELECT cp.contact_point_id,cp.raw_phone_number,
                                 null party_id,
                                 cp.contact_point_id record_id,
                                 ''CONTACT_POINTS'' entity,
                                 decode(cps.action_flag, ''I'', ''C'', cps.action_flag) operation_flag,
                                 null party_type
                            FROM hz_contact_points cp, hz_imp_contactpts_sg cps, hz_imp_batch_details bd
                           WHERE cp.request_id = bd.main_conc_req_id
                             AND bd.batch_id = cps.batch_id
                             AND cp.contact_point_id = cps.contact_point_id
                             and cps.batch_id = :p_batch_id
                             and cps.party_orig_system = :p_os
                             and cps.party_orig_system_reference between :p_from_osr and :p_to_osr
                             and cps.batch_mode_flag = :p_batch_mode_flag
                             and cps.action_flag is not null';
Line: 1016

 SELECT country
   FROM   hz_locations
  WHERE  location_id = (SELECT location_id
                          FROM   hz_party_sites
                         WHERE  party_site_id = p_site_id);
Line: 1066

          select territory_code into l1_country_code
          from  hz_phone_country_codes
          where  phone_country_code = l_country_code(i)
          and   rownum = 1;
Line: 1105

      Update hz_contact_points SET
             phone_number           = l_phone_number(i),
             phone_area_code        = l_phone_area_code(i),
             phone_country_code     = l_country_code(i),
             transposed_phone_number = hz_phone_number_pkg.transpose(
      Where contact_point_id = l_contact_point_id(i);
Line: 1114

      Update hz_contact_points SET
      raw_phone_number        = l_phone_area_code(i) || '-' || l_phone_number(i),
      transposed_phone_number = hz_phone_number_pkg.transpose(
      Where contact_point_id = l_contact_point_id(i);
Line: 1123

      UPDATE hz_parties set
             primary_phone_contact_pt_id       = l_contact_point_id(i),
             primary_phone_purpose             = l_primary_by_purpose(i),
             primary_phone_line_type           = l_phone_line_type(i),
             primary_phone_country_code        = l_country_code(i),
             primary_phone_area_code           = l_phone_area_code(i),
             primary_phone_number              = l_phone_number(i),
             primary_phone_extension           = l_phone_extension(i)
      WHERE    party_id = l_owner_table_id(i);
Line: 1162

l_new_sql varchar2(1100) := 'SELECT null party_id,
                               ocsg.contact_id p_record_id,
                               ''CONTACTS'' entity,
                               decode(ocsg.action_flag, ''I'', ''C'', ocsg.action_flag) operation_flag,
                               null party_type
                        FROM hz_org_contacts oc, hz_imp_contacts_sg ocsg
                       WHERE ocsg.batch_mode_flag = :p_batch_mode_flag
                         and ocsg.batch_id = :p_batch_id
                         and ocsg.sub_orig_system = :p_os
                         and ocsg.sub_orig_system_reference between :p_from_osr and :p_to_osr
                         and ocsg.contact_id = oc.org_contact_id
                       and oc.request_id = :p_request_id';
Line: 1175

l_rerun_sql varchar2(1100) := 'SELECT null party_id,
                               ocsg.contact_id p_record_id,
                               ''CONTACTS'' entity,
                               decode(ocsg.action_flag, ''I'', ''C'', ocsg.action_flag) operation_flag,
                               null party_type
                        FROM hz_org_contacts oc, hz_imp_contacts_sg ocsg, hz_imp_batch_details bd
                       WHERE ocsg.batch_mode_flag = :p_batch_mode_flag
                         and ocsg.batch_id = :p_batch_id
                         and ocsg.sub_orig_system = :p_os
                         and ocsg.sub_orig_system_reference between :p_from_osr and :p_to_osr
                         and ocsg.contact_id = oc.org_contact_id
                         and oc.request_id = bd.main_conc_req_id
                         and bd.batch_id = ocsg.batch_id';
Line: 1357

    /* Update status to Complete for the work unit that just finished */
Line: 1464

    /* Update status to Complete for the work unit that just finished */
Line: 1487

    UPDATE hz_imp_batch_summary
    SET import_status = 'ERROR'
    WHERE batch_id = P_BATCH_ID;
Line: 1491

    UPDATE hz_imp_batch_details
    SET import_status = 'ERROR'
    WHERE batch_id = P_BATCH_ID
    AND run_number = (SELECT max(run_number)
    		      FROM hz_imp_batch_details
    		      WHERE batch_id = P_BATCH_ID);