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Line 3007: -- with PO_ACTION_HISTORY_SV.insert_action_history.

3003: -- Insert a record in the PO_ACTION_HISTORY table with the Signature details
3005: -- bug 3568077
3006: -- Replaced PO_FORWARD_SV1.insert_action_history
3007: -- with PO_ACTION_HISTORY_SV.insert_action_history.
3009: -- bug3738420
3010: -- We should pass p_employee_id to insert_action_history isntead of deriving
3011: -- it from PO_ACCEPTANCES table because the person who is logged in accetpance table may

Line 3014: PO_ACTION_HISTORY_SV.insert_action_history(

3010: -- We should pass p_employee_id to insert_action_history isntead of deriving
3011: -- it from PO_ACCEPTANCES table because the person who is logged in accetpance table may
3012: -- not be the one who performs the action.
3014: PO_ACTION_HISTORY_SV.insert_action_history(
3015: p_doc_id_tbl => po_tbl_number(p_po_header_id)
3016: , p_doc_type_tbl => po_tbl_varchar30(p_object_type_code)
3017: , p_doc_subtype_tbl => po_tbl_varchar30(p_object_subtype_code)
3018: , p_doc_revision_num_tbl => po_tbl_number(p_revision_num)

Line 3214: -- with PO_ACTION_HISTORY_SV.insert_action_history.

3210: -- Insert a record in the PO_ACTION_HISTORY table with the Signature details
3212: -- bug 3568077
3213: -- Replaced PO_FORWARD_SV1.insert_action_history
3214: -- with PO_ACTION_HISTORY_SV.insert_action_history.
3216: -- bug3738420
3217: -- We should pass p_employee_id to insert_action_history isntead of deriving
3218: -- it from PO_ACCEPTANCES table because the person who is logged in accetpance table may

Line 3223: PO_ACTION_HISTORY_SV.insert_action_history(

3219: -- not be the one who performs the action.
3220: -- CLM Apprvl. If the document is a modification we need to pass the draft_id as the object_id for inserting into po_action_history table
3221: if p_draft_id <> -1 then
3223: PO_ACTION_HISTORY_SV.insert_action_history(
3224: p_doc_id_tbl => po_tbl_number(p_draft_id)
3225: , p_doc_type_tbl => po_tbl_varchar30(p_object_type_code)
3226: , p_doc_subtype_tbl => po_tbl_varchar30(p_object_subtype_code)
3227: , p_doc_revision_num_tbl => po_tbl_number(p_revision_num)

Line 3233: PO_ACTION_HISTORY_SV.insert_action_history(

3229: , p_employee_id => p_employee_id -- bug3738420
3230: );
3231: else
3233: PO_ACTION_HISTORY_SV.insert_action_history(
3234: p_doc_id_tbl => po_tbl_number(p_po_header_id)
3235: , p_doc_type_tbl => po_tbl_varchar30(p_object_type_code)
3236: , p_doc_subtype_tbl => po_tbl_varchar30(p_object_subtype_code)
3237: , p_doc_revision_num_tbl => po_tbl_number(p_revision_num)