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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 60

 *  insert for parallelisation.
type range_info_r is record
  rows_in_range    number,
  range_number     number,
  range_start      number,
  range_end        number
Line: 102

   range_ins_dbg   boolean,   /* information about range inserts */
   range_proc_dbg  boolean,   /* info on processing ranges */
   get_id_dbg      boolean,   /* log info from failing get_id functions */
   conc_file_dbg   boolean,   /* send messages to concurrent log file */
   batch_line_info boolean    /* show batch_line information */
Line: 157

   select parameter_value
   into p_para_value
   from pay_action_parameters
   where parameter_name = p_para_name;
Line: 195

  select grp.business_group_id
  ,      grp.security_group_id
  ,      pbh.batch_name
  ,      pbh.batch_status
  ,      pbh.business_group_name
  ,      nvl(upper(pbh.atomic_linked_calls), 'N')
  into   p_business_group_id
  ,      p_security_group_id
  ,      p_batch_name
  ,      p_batch_status
  ,      p_business_group_name
  ,      p_atomic_linked_calls
  from   per_business_groups_perf grp
  ,      hr_pump_batch_headers pbh
  where  pbh.batch_id = p_batch_id
  and    grp.name (+) = pbh.business_group_name
  for    update of pbh.batch_status
Line: 256

    update hr_pump_batch_headers h
    set    h.batch_status = 'P'
    where  h.batch_id = p_batch_id;
Line: 475

 *  Outputs information about range inserts.
procedure range_ins_debug
   p_info in range_info_r
) is
   l_rows   varchar2(80);
Line: 724

 *  updated correctly.
 *  p_overmsg is an override message e.g. in validate mode
 *  the code saves error text before it rolls back any
 *  processing it performed. The saved error text is used
 *  as the override message in a call to post_error after the
 *  rollback.
function post_error
   p_sqlcode in number,
   p_errmsg  in varchar2,
   p_overmsg in varchar2,
   p_level   in varchar2,
   p_type    in varchar2,
   p_id      in number,
   p_processing in boolean default false
) return varchar2 is
   l_exception_text hr_pump_batch_exceptions.exception_text%type;
Line: 764

      update hr_pump_batch_headers pbh
      set    pbh.batch_status = 'E'
      where  pbh.batch_id     = p_id;
Line: 768

      update hr_pump_batch_lines pbl
      set    pbl.line_status   = 'E'
      where  pbl.batch_line_id = p_id;
Line: 782

   insert into hr_pump_batch_exceptions (
   values (hr_pump_batch_exceptions_s.nextval,
Line: 801

 *  Inserts a pump requests row.
 *  Gets the concurrent request from profile.
 *  Does not perform commit.
procedure ins_pump_request
   p_batch_id     in number,
   p_process_type in varchar2
) is
   l_request_id number;
Line: 821

   insert  into hr_pump_requests (
   values (p_batch_id,
Line: 832

 *  Deletes a pump request row for the
 *  current request_id.
 *  Does not perform commit.
procedure del_pump_request
   p_batch_id number
) is
   l_request_id number;
Line: 851

   delete from hr_pump_requests hpr
   where  hpr.batch_id   = p_batch_id
   and    hpr.request_id = l_request_id;
Line: 959

 *  Procedure to select important startup
 *  data for the master process.
procedure get_startup_info
   p_batch_id     in  number,
   p_pap_group_id in  number,
   p_env          out nocopy master_env_r,
   p_batch_status out nocopy varchar2
) is
l_found       boolean;
Line: 1046

 *  Procedure to insert a row in the ranges table.
 *  Before insert, it checks that the range
 *  is not empty.
procedure insert_range
   p_batch_id      in number,
   p_range_info    in range_info_r
) is
Line: 1061

      insert into hr_pump_ranges (
      values (p_batch_id,
Line: 1074

Line: 1075

end insert_range;
Line: 1078

 *  Procedure to insert range rows for parallelisation.
 *  Note that these rows are inserted afresh on every
 *  run on the process.  This function should not be
 *  called if there are rows in existence.
function process_ranges
   p_env      in master_env_r,
   p_batch_id in number
) return number is
   -- Cursor returning rows to process.
   cursor c1 is
   select pbl.batch_line_id,
   from   hr_pump_batch_lines pbl
   where  pbl.batch_id    = p_batch_id
   and    pbl.line_status <> 'C'
   order by nvl(pbl.user_sequence, pbl.batch_line_id);
Line: 1124

    *  link_value are inserted into the same
    *  range.
      fetch c1 into c1rec;
Line: 1143

         update hr_pump_batch_lines pbl
         set    pbl.process_sequence = l_proc_seq
         where  pbl.batch_line_id    = c1rec.batch_line_id;
Line: 1164

         insert_range(p_batch_id, l_range_info);
Line: 1330

 * Updates results for a range. Used at after the API have been executed
 * to:
 * DELETE existing rows from HR_PUMP_BATCH_EXCEPTIONS.
procedure update_range_results
(p_failed_lines in dbms_sql.number_table
,p_exc_ids      in dbms_sql.number_table
,p_exc_text     in dbms_sql.varchar2_table
,p_ls_ids       in dbms_sql.number_table
,p_ls_statuses  in dbms_sql.varchar2s
) is
lbound binary_integer;
Line: 1347

Line: 1359

         delete from hr_pump_batch_exceptions e
         where  e.source_id = p_failed_lines(i)
         and    e.source_type = 'BATCH_LINE'
Line: 1377

         update hr_pump_batch_lines bl
         set    bl.line_status = p_ls_statuses(i)
         where  bl.batch_line_id = p_ls_ids(i);
Line: 1394

         insert into hr_pump_batch_exceptions
Line: 1414

Line: 1415

end update_range_results;
Line: 1499

   select pbl.batch_line_id
   ,      pbl.line_status
   ,      ham.api_module_id
   ,      ham.module_package
   ,      ham.module_name
   ,      pbl.link_value
   ,      grp.business_group_id
   ,      grp.security_group_id
   ,      pbl.business_group_name
   from   hr_pump_batch_lines pbl
   ,      hr_api_modules      ham
   ,      per_business_groups_perf grp
   where  pbl.batch_id      = p_batch_id
   and    ham.api_module_id = pbl.api_module_id
   and    pbl.process_sequence between
          p_range_start and p_range_end
   and    pbl.line_status <> 'C'
   and    grp.name (+)= pbl.business_group_name
   order by pbl.process_sequence;
Line: 1520

   select business_group_id
   ,      security_group_id
   from   per_business_groups_perf
   where  name = p_business_group_name
Line: 1813

Line: 1816

Line: 1817

Line: 1848

   (p_failed_lines => l_failed_lines
   ,p_exc_ids      => l_exc_ids
   ,p_exc_text     => l_exc_text
   ,p_ls_ids       => l_ls_ids
   ,p_ls_statuses  => l_ls_statuses
Line: 2012

         select hpr.rowid,
         from   hr_pump_ranges        hpr,
                hr_pump_batch_headers pbh
         where  hpr.batch_id     = p_batch_id
         and    hpr.range_status = 'U'
         and    pbh.batch_id     = hpr.batch_id
         and    pbh.batch_status <> 'E'
         order by
         for update of
                hpr.starting_process_sequence, pbh.batch_status
Line: 2029

         select hpr.rowid,
         from   hr_pump_ranges        hpr,
                hr_pump_batch_headers pbh
         where  hpr.batch_id     = p_batch_id
         and    hpr.range_status = 'U'
         and    pbh.batch_id     = hpr.batch_id
         and    pbh.batch_status <> 'E'
         and    rownum           < 2   -- only get one row
         for update of
                hpr.starting_process_sequence, pbh.batch_status
Line: 2060

      update hr_pump_ranges hpr
      set    hpr.range_status = 'P'
      where  hpr.rowid = l_range_rowid;
Line: 2074

      delete from hr_pump_ranges hpr
      where  hpr.rowid = l_range_rowid;
Line: 2084

    *  to exit.  Therefore, attempt to update the batch status
    *  as appropriate to what has happened.

   -- Attempt to lock the row.
   select pbh.batch_status
   into   l_batch_status
   from   hr_pump_batch_headers pbh
   where  pbh.batch_id = p_batch_id
   for update of pbh.batch_status;
Line: 2101

      select count(*)
      into   l_range_count
      from   hr_pump_ranges hpr
      where  hpr.batch_id = p_batch_id;
Line: 2108

         update hr_pump_batch_headers pbh
         set    pbh.batch_status = 'C'
         where  pbh.batch_id     = p_batch_id;
Line: 2145

     delete from hr_pump_ranges hpr
     where  hpr.rowid = l_range_rowid;
Line: 2180

    and inserts a pump request row - both of which would already
    have been done if the slave is called directly from the master.

procedure slave
   errbuf              out nocopy varchar2,
   retcode             out nocopy number,
   p_business_group_id in  number,
   p_security_group_id in  number,
   p_batch_id          in  number,
   p_max_errors        in  binary_integer,
   p_validate          in  varchar2 default 'N'
  ,p_pap_group_id      in  number   default null
) is
   -- Set action_parameter_group_id. This must be done before any
   -- code that accesses PAY_ACTION_PARAMETERS.
   pay_core_utils.set_pap_group_id(p_pap_group_id => p_pap_group_id);
Line: 2273

      delete from hr_pump_requests hpr
      where  hpr.batch_id = p_batch_id;
Line: 2281

      delete from hr_pump_batch_exceptions e
      where  e.source_id = p_batch_id
      and    e.source_type = 'BATCH_HEADER';
Line: 2287

      delete from hr_pump_ranges where batch_id = p_batch_id;
Line: 2403

    from   hr_pump_batch_lines l
    where  l.batch_id = p_batch_id
    and    l.line_status = p_line_status
    and    rownum <= p_chunk_size
Line: 2442

    from   hr_pump_batch_line_user_keys uk
    where  uk.batch_line_id is null
    and    uk.user_key_id between
           p_lower_bound and p_upper_bound
    and    rownum <= p_chunk_size
Line: 2498

,p_delete_header      in            boolean
,p_error_message         out nocopy varchar2
) is
l_work_to_do          boolean;
Line: 2545

      update hr_pump_batch_line_user_keys uk
      set    uk.batch_line_id = null
      where  uk.batch_line_id in
               select bl.batch_line_id
               from   hr_pump_batch_lines bl
               where  bl.batch_id = p_batch_id
      and rownum <= p_chunk_size
Line: 2556

      from   hr_pump_batch_line_user_keys uk
      where  uk.batch_line_id in
               select l.batch_line_id
               from   hr_pump_batch_lines l
               where  l.batch_id = p_batch_id
      and rownum <= p_chunk_size
Line: 2581

    from   hr_pump_batch_exceptions e
    where  (
               e.source_id = p_batch_id and
               e.source_type = 'BATCH_HEADER'
             ) or
               e.source_id in
                 select l.batch_line_id
                 from   hr_pump_batch_lines l
                 where  l.batch_id = p_batch_id
               ) and
               e.source_type = 'BATCH_LINE'
    and rownum <= p_chunk_size;
Line: 2660

    from   hr_pump_ranges r
    where  r.batch_id = p_batch_id
    and    rownum <= p_chunk_size
Line: 2677

  delete from hr_pump_requests
  where  batch_id = p_batch_id;
Line: 2679

  if p_delete_header then

    -- Only do the delete if there are no remaining batch lines.
    select count(*)
    into   l_count
    from   hr_pump_batch_lines
    where  batch_id = p_batch_id
Line: 2691

      from   hr_pump_batch_headers
      where  batch_id = p_batch_id
Line: 2696

      update hr_pump_batch_headers
      set    batch_status = 'C'
      where  batch_id = p_batch_id;
Line: 2701

    update hr_pump_batch_headers
    set    batch_status = 'C'
    where  batch_id = p_batch_id;
Line: 2736

    update hr_pump_batch_headers
    set    batch_status = 'E'
    where  batch_id = p_batch_id;
Line: 2753

,p_delete_header      in            varchar2 default 'Y'
,p_chunk_size         in            number
,p_thread_number      in            number
,p_threads            in            number
,p_pap_group_id       in            number
,p_lower_bound        in            number
,p_upper_bound        in            number
) is
l_all_batches        boolean;
Line: 2766

l_delete_header      boolean;
Line: 2776

select h.batch_id
from   hr_pump_batch_headers h
where  h.batch_id between
       p_lower_bound and p_upper_bound
and    h.batch_status <> 'P'
Line: 2815

  l_delete_header := upper(p_delete_header) = 'Y';
Line: 2835

      ,p_delete_header      => l_delete_header
      ,p_error_message      => l_error_message
Line: 2857

    ,p_delete_header      => l_delete_header
    ,p_error_message      => l_error_message
Line: 2954

,p_delete_header      in            varchar2 default 'Y'
,p_pap_group_id       in            number   default null
) is
l_chunk_size    number;
Line: 2973

select A.maximum
,      B.minimum
from   (select max(batch_id) maximum from hr_pump_batch_headers) A
,      (select min(batch_id) minimum from hr_pump_batch_headers) B
Line: 2984

select A.maximum
,      B.minimum
from   (select max(user_key_id) maximum from hr_pump_batch_line_user_keys) A
,      (select min(user_key_id) minimum from hr_pump_batch_line_user_keys) B
Line: 3044

  hr_data_pump.message('P_DELETE_HEADER:' || p_delete_header);
Line: 3159

      ,argument7   => p_delete_header
      ,argument8   => to_char(l_chunk_size)
      ,argument9   => to_char(thread)
      ,argument10  => to_char(l_threads)
      ,argument11  => to_char(p_pap_group_id)
      ,argument12  => to_char(l_lower)
      ,argument13  => to_char(l_upper)
Line: 3204

  ,p_delete_header      => p_delete_header
  ,p_chunk_size         => l_chunk_size
  ,p_thread_number      => 0
  ,p_threads            => l_threads
  ,p_pap_group_id       => p_pap_group_id
  ,p_lower_bound        => l_lower
  ,p_upper_bound        => l_upper