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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 16

         /* Update statement called in update_rti_error
            UPDATE rcv_transactions_interface
            SET processing_status_code = 'ERROR',
                processing_request_id = g_request_id
          WHERE header_interface_id = p_rti_row.header_interface_id
         AND    processing_status_code IN('PENDING', 'RUNNING')
         AND    transaction_status_code = 'PENDING';
Line: 25

         RCV_ROI_PREPROCESSOR.update_rti_error(p_group_id                => p_rti_row.group_id,
                   p_interface_id            => NULL,
                   p_header_interface_id     => p_rti_row.header_interface_id,
                   p_lpn_group_id            => NULL
Line: 31

      RCV_ROI_PREPROCESSOR.update_rti_error(p_group_id                => p_rti_row.group_id,
                         p_interface_id            => NULL,
                         p_header_interface_id     => NULL,
                         p_lpn_group_id            => p_rti_row.lpn_group_id
Line: 38

      RCV_ROI_PREPROCESSOR.update_rti_error(p_group_id                => p_rti_row.group_id,
                         p_interface_id            => p_rti_row.interface_transaction_id,
                         p_header_interface_id     => NULL,
                         p_lpn_group_id            => NULL
Line: 46

Line: 60

      SELECT count(*)
        INTO x_rti_count
        FROM rcv_transactions_interface
       WHERE header_interface_id = p_rhi_row.header_interface_id
         AND processing_status_code in ('PENDING','RUNNING')
         AND transaction_status_code = 'PENDING';
Line: 76

Line: 88

   BEGIN --update block
      BEGIN --exception handling block
Line: 96

            UPDATE rcv_transactions_interface
               SET processing_status_code = 'ERROR',
                   processing_request_id = g_request_id
             WHERE header_interface_id = p_rhi_row.header_interface_id
            AND    processing_status_code IN('PENDING', 'RUNNING')
            AND    transaction_status_code = 'PENDING';
Line: 104

Line: 110

   BEGIN --this is the update block
      BEGIN --this is the exception catching block
         IF (p_rti_row.GROUP_ID IS NULL) THEN
            p_rti_row.GROUP_ID  := g_group_id;
Line: 130

Line: 143

Line: 169

		select  transaction_id,
		into	l_parent_transaction_id,
		from    rcv_transactions
		where	transaction_type = 'UNORDERED'
		connect by prior
			parent_transaction_id = transaction_id
		start with transaction_id = p_rti_row.parent_transaction_id;
Line: 180

                        select  count(1)
                        into    l_match_count
                        from    rcv_transactions
                        where   transaction_type = 'MATCH'
                        and     parent_transaction_id = l_parent_transaction_id;
Line: 268

Line: 275

                        select count(1)
                        into   l_lpn_group_rti_count
                        from   rcv_transactions_interface rti
                        where  rti.group_id = p_rti_row.group_id
                        and    rti.lpn_group_id is not null
                        and    rti.lpn_group_id = p_rti_row.lpn_group_id
                        and    rti.interface_transaction_id <> p_rti_row.interface_transaction_id  -- Bug 8343139
                        and    (rti.transaction_type = 'RECEIVE'
                                or (rti.transaction_type = 'SHIP'
                                    and rti.auto_transact_code in ('RECEIVE','DELIVER')))          -- Bug 8343139
                        and    rti.source_document_code = 'PO'
                        and    exists (select 'LCM Shipment' from po_line_locations_all pll
                                       where  pll.line_location_id = rti.po_line_location_id
                                       and    lcm_flag = 'Y')
                        and    (rti.lcm_shipment_line_id is null or rti.unit_landed_cost is null);
Line: 298

                          select count(1)
                          into   l_lpn_group_rti_count
                          from   rcv_transactions_interface rti
                          where  rti.group_id = x_rhi_row.group_id
                          and    rti.header_interface_id = x_rhi_row.header_interface_id
                          and    rti.interface_transaction_id <> p_rti_row.interface_transaction_id -- Bug 8343139
                          and    (rti.transaction_type = 'RECEIVE'
                                  or (rti.transaction_type = 'SHIP'
                                      and rti.auto_transact_code in ('RECEIVE','DELIVER')))         -- Bug 8343139
                          and    rti.source_document_code = 'PO'
                          and    exists (select 'LCM Shipment' from po_line_locations_all pll
                                         where  pll.line_location_id = rti.po_line_location_id
                                         and    lcm_flag = 'Y')
                          and    (rti.lcm_shipment_line_id is null or rti.unit_landed_cost is null);
Line: 324

Line: 334

Line: 349

Line: 356

Line: 368

          UPDATE rcv_transactions_interface
          SET    processing_status_code = 'RUNNING',
                 processing_request_id = g_request_id
          WHERE  processing_status_code = 'PENDING'
          AND    (    processing_request_id = g_request_id
                   OR processing_request_id IS NULL)
          AND    (    mo_global.check_access(org_id) = 'Y'
                   OR org_id IS NULL)
          AND    (    lpn_group_id IS NOT NULL
                   OR lpn_id IS NOT NULL
                   OR license_plate_number IS NOT NULL
                   OR interface_transaction_id IN (SELECT interface_transaction_id
                                                   FROM   wms_lpn_contents_interface));
Line: 382

          UPDATE rcv_transactions_interface
          SET    processing_status_code = 'RUNNING',
                 processing_request_id = g_request_id
          WHERE  processing_status_code = 'PENDING'
          AND    (    processing_request_id = g_request_id
                   OR processing_request_id IS NULL)
          AND    org_id = g_org_id
          AND    (    lpn_group_id IS NOT NULL
                   OR lpn_id IS NOT NULL
                   OR license_plate_number IS NOT NULL
                   OR interface_transaction_id IN (SELECT interface_transaction_id
                                                   FROM   wms_lpn_contents_interface));
Line: 409

          UPDATE rcv_transactions_interface
          SET    processing_status_code = 'PENDING'
          WHERE  processing_status_code = 'RUNNING'
          AND    processing_request_id = g_request_id;
Line: 414

          UPDATE rcv_transactions_interface
          SET    processing_status_code = 'PENDING'
          WHERE  processing_status_code = 'RUNNING'
          AND    processing_request_id = g_request_id
          AND    org_id = g_org_id;
Line: 436

          UPDATE rcv_transactions_interface
          SET    processing_status_code = 'RUNNING',
                 processing_request_id = g_request_id,
                 group_id = g_group_id
          WHERE  processing_status_code = 'PENDING'
          AND    (   processing_request_id = g_request_id
                  OR processing_request_id IS NULL)
          AND    group_id = g_group_id
          AND    (   lpn_group_id IS NOT NULL
                  OR lpn_id IS NOT NULL
                  OR license_plate_number IS NOT NULL
                  OR interface_transaction_id IN (SELECT interface_transaction_id
                                                  FROM   wms_lpn_contents_interface));
Line: 450

          UPDATE rcv_transactions_interface
          SET    processing_status_code = 'RUNNING',
                 processing_request_id = g_request_id,
                 group_id = g_group_id
          WHERE  processing_status_code = 'PENDING'
          AND    (   processing_request_id = g_request_id
                  OR processing_request_id IS NULL)
          AND    group_id = g_group_id
          AND    org_id = g_org_id
          AND    (   lpn_group_id IS NOT NULL
                  OR lpn_id IS NOT NULL
                  OR license_plate_number IS NOT NULL
                  OR interface_transaction_id IN (SELECT interface_transaction_id
                                                  FROM   wms_lpn_contents_interface));
Line: 478

          UPDATE rcv_transactions_interface
          SET    processing_status_code = 'PENDING'
          WHERE  processing_status_code = 'RUNNING'
          AND    processing_request_id = g_request_id
          AND    group_id = g_group_id;
Line: 484

          UPDATE rcv_transactions_interface
          SET    processing_status_code = 'PENDING'
          WHERE  processing_status_code = 'RUNNING'
          AND    processing_request_id = g_request_id
          AND    group_id = g_group_id
          AND    org_id = g_org_id;
Line: 505

         SELECT rcv_interface_groups_s.NEXTVAL
         FROM   DUAL;
Line: 509

         SELECT *
         FROM   rcv_headers_interface
         WHERE  processing_status_code = 'PENDING'
         AND    (   mo_global.check_access(org_id) = 'Y'
                 OR org_id IS NULL)
         ORDER BY group_id, header_interface_id; -- added by bug 16393104 to avoid deadlock
Line: 518

         SELECT *
         FROM   rcv_headers_interface
         WHERE  processing_status_code = 'PENDING'
         AND    GROUP_ID = g_group_id
         ORDER BY header_interface_id; -- added by bug 16393104 to avoid deadlock
Line: 531

         SELECT * FROM (              --Bug 12594135
		SELECT     *
		FROM       rcv_transactions_interface
		WHERE      processing_status_code = 'PENDING'
		AND        processing_mode_code = g_processing_mode  -- Bug 6311798
		AND        (   mo_global.check_access(org_id) = 'Y'
			     OR org_id IS NULL)
			) rcv
         CONNECT BY PRIOR rcv.interface_transaction_id = rcv.parent_interface_txn_id
         START WITH rcv.parent_interface_txn_id IS NULL  --Reverted the initial fix of 12718851 and keeping the original code
         ORDER BY  group_id, interface_transaction_id;   -- added by bug 16393104 to avoid deadlock
Line: 545

         SELECT * FROM (              --Bug 12594135
		SELECT     *
		FROM       rcv_transactions_interface
		WHERE      processing_status_code = 'PENDING'
		AND        processing_mode_code = g_processing_mode  -- Bug 6311798
		AND        GROUP_ID = g_group_id
			) rcv
         CONNECT BY PRIOR rcv.interface_transaction_id = rcv.parent_interface_txn_id
         START WITH rcv.parent_interface_txn_id IS  NULL --Reverted the initial fix of 12718851 and keeping the original code
         ORDER BY   interface_transaction_id;  -- added by bug 16393104 to avoid deadlock
Line: 575

         SELECT     *
         FROM       rcv_transactions_interface rti
         WHERE      rti.processing_status_code = 'PENDING'
	 AND        rti.processing_mode_code = g_processing_mode  -- Bug 6311798
         AND        (   mo_global.check_access(rti.org_id) = 'Y'
                     OR rti.org_id IS NULL)
         CONNECT BY PRIOR rti.interface_transaction_id = parent_interface_txn_id
         START WITH rti.interface_transaction_id IN (SELECT rti1.interface_transaction_id --Bug:5473673
                                                FROM   rcv_transactions_interface rti1
                                                WHERE  rti1.parent_interface_txn_id IS NOT NULL -- Bug 8745599
						                                    AND rti1.PROCESSING_MODE_CODE = g_processing_mode  --Bug 12594135
                                                AND rti1. parent_interface_txn_id NOT IN(SELECT rti2.interface_transaction_id
                                                                                      FROM   rcv_transactions_interface rti2))
         ORDER BY rti.group_id, rti.interface_transaction_id;  -- added by bug 16393104 to avoid deadlock
Line: 592

         SELECT     *
         FROM       rcv_transactions_interface rti
         WHERE      rti.processing_status_code = 'PENDING'
	 AND        rti.processing_mode_code = g_processing_mode  -- Bug 6311798
         AND        rti.GROUP_ID = g_group_id
         CONNECT BY PRIOR rti.interface_transaction_id = rti.parent_interface_txn_id
         START WITH rti.interface_transaction_id IN (SELECT rti1.interface_transaction_id --Bug: 5473673
                                                FROM   rcv_transactions_interface rti1
                                                WHERE  rti1.parent_interface_txn_id IS NOT NULL -- Bug 8745599
						                                      AND rti1.PROCESSING_MODE_CODE = g_processing_mode  --Bug 12594135
						                                      AND rti1.GROUP_ID = g_group_id		      --Bug 12594135
                                                  AND  rti1.parent_interface_txn_id NOT IN(SELECT rti2.interface_transaction_id
                                                                                      FROM   rcv_transactions_interface rti2))
         ORDER BY rti.interface_transaction_id;  -- added by bug 16393104 to avoid deadlock
Line: 610

         SELECT *
         FROM   rcv_headers_interface
         WHERE  processing_status_code = 'PENDING'
         AND    org_id = p_org_id
         ORDER BY group_id,header_interface_id; -- added by bug 16393104 to avoid deadlock
Line: 618

         SELECT * FROM (
		           SELECT     *
		           FROM       rcv_transactions_interface
		           WHERE      processing_status_code = 'PENDING'
		           AND        processing_mode_code = g_processing_mode
		           AND        org_id = p_org_id
		        ) rcv
         CONNECT BY PRIOR rcv.interface_transaction_id = rcv.parent_interface_txn_id
         START WITH rcv.parent_interface_txn_id IS NULL
         ORDER BY  group_id, interface_transaction_id;   -- added by bug 16393104 to avoid deadlock
Line: 631

         SELECT     *
         FROM       rcv_transactions_interface rti
         WHERE      rti.processing_status_code = 'PENDING'
         AND        rti.processing_mode_code = g_processing_mode
         AND        rti.org_id = p_org_id
         CONNECT BY PRIOR rti.interface_transaction_id = rti.parent_interface_txn_id
         START WITH rti.interface_transaction_id IN (SELECT rti1.interface_transaction_id
                                                 FROM   rcv_transactions_interface rti1
                                                 WHERE  rti1.parent_interface_txn_id IS NOT NULL
                                                 AND    rti1.processing_mode_code = g_processing_mode
                                                 AND    rti1.org_id = p_org_id
                                                 AND    rti1.parent_interface_txn_id NOT IN (SELECT rti2.interface_transaction_id
                                                                                        FROM   rcv_transactions_interface rti2))
         ORDER BY rti.group_id, rti.interface_transaction_id;  -- added by bug 16393104 to avoid deadlock
Line: 648

         SELECT *
         FROM   rcv_headers_interface
         WHERE  processing_status_code = 'PENDING'
         AND    group_id = g_group_id
         AND    org_id = p_org_id
         ORDER BY header_interface_id; -- added by bug 16393104 to avoid deadlock
Line: 657

         SELECT * FROM (
		           SELECT     *
		           FROM       rcv_transactions_interface
		           WHERE      processing_status_code = 'PENDING'
		           AND        processing_mode_code = g_processing_mode
		           AND        group_id = g_group_id
		           AND        org_id = p_org_id
		        ) rcv
         CONNECT BY PRIOR rcv.interface_transaction_id = rcv.parent_interface_txn_id
         START WITH       rcv.parent_interface_txn_id IS  NULL
         ORDER BY   interface_transaction_id;  -- added by bug 16393104 to avoid deadlock
Line: 671

         SELECT     *
         FROM       rcv_transactions_interface rti
         WHERE      rti.processing_status_code = 'PENDING'
         AND        rti.processing_mode_code = g_processing_mode
         AND        rti.org_id = p_org_id
         CONNECT BY PRIOR rti.interface_transaction_id = rti.parent_interface_txn_id
         START WITH rti.interface_transaction_id IN (SELECT rti1.interface_transaction_id
                                                 FROM   rcv_transactions_interface rti1
                                                 WHERE  rti1.parent_interface_txn_id IS NOT NULL
                                                 AND    rti1.processing_mode_code = g_processing_mode
                                                 AND    rti1.group_id = g_group_id
                                                 AND    rti1.org_id = p_org_id
                                                 AND    rti1.parent_interface_txn_id NOT IN (SELECT rti2.interface_transaction_id
                                                                                        FROM   rcv_transactions_interface rti2))
         ORDER BY rti.interface_transaction_id;  -- added by bug 16393104 to avoid deadlock
Line: 722

          SELECT name
          INTO   g_ou_name
          FROM   hr_organization_units
          WHERE  organization_id = g_org_id;
Line: 743

		 UPDATE rcv_headers_interface
		 SET    org_id = p_org_id
		 WHERE  processing_status_code = 'PENDING'
		 AND    org_id IS NULL
		 AND    operating_unit = g_ou_name;
Line: 749

		 UPDATE rcv_transactions_interface
		 SET    org_id = p_org_id
		 WHERE  processing_status_code = 'PENDING'
		 AND    validation_flag = 'Y'
		 AND    org_id IS NULL
		 AND    operating_unit = g_ou_name;
Line: 760

                  SELECT *
                    INTO x_rhi_row1
                    FROM rcv_headers_interface WHERE header_interface_id = x_rhi_row.header_interface_id
                     FOR UPDATE NOWAIT;
Line: 772

                  SELECT *
                    INTO x_rti_row1
                    FROM rcv_transactions_interface WHERE interface_transaction_id = x_rti_row.interface_transaction_id
                     FOR UPDATE NOWAIT;
Line: 785

                  SELECT *
                    INTO x_rti_row1
                    FROM rcv_transactions_interface WHERE interface_transaction_id = x_rti_row.interface_transaction_id
                     FOR UPDATE NOWAIT;
Line: 805

		 UPDATE rcv_headers_interface
		 SET    org_id = p_org_id
		 WHERE  processing_status_code = 'PENDING'
		 AND    group_id = g_group_id
		 AND    org_id IS NULL
		 AND    operating_unit = g_ou_name;
Line: 812

		 UPDATE rcv_transactions_interface
		 SET    org_id = p_org_id
		 WHERE  processing_status_code = 'PENDING'
		 AND    group_id = g_group_id
		 AND    validation_flag = 'Y'
		 AND    org_id IS NULL
		 AND    operating_unit = g_ou_name;
Line: 824

                  SELECT *
                    INTO x_rhi_row1
                    FROM rcv_headers_interface WHERE header_interface_id = x_rhi_row.header_interface_id
                     FOR UPDATE NOWAIT;
Line: 836

                  SELECT *
                    INTO x_rti_row1
                    FROM rcv_transactions_interface WHERE interface_transaction_id = x_rti_row.interface_transaction_id
                     FOR UPDATE NOWAIT;
Line: 849

                  SELECT *
                    INTO x_rti_row1
                    FROM rcv_transactions_interface WHERE interface_transaction_id = x_rti_row.interface_transaction_id
                     FOR UPDATE NOWAIT;
Line: 896

                  SELECT *
                    INTO x_rhi_row1
                    FROM rcv_headers_interface WHERE header_interface_id = x_rhi_row.header_interface_id
                     FOR UPDATE NOWAIT;
Line: 908

                  SELECT *
                    INTO x_rti_row1
                    FROM rcv_transactions_interface WHERE interface_transaction_id = x_rti_row.interface_transaction_id
                     FOR UPDATE NOWAIT;
Line: 921

                  SELECT *
                    INTO x_rti_row1
                    FROM rcv_transactions_interface WHERE interface_transaction_id = x_rti_row.interface_transaction_id
                     FOR UPDATE NOWAIT;
Line: 944

                  SELECT *
                    INTO x_rhi_row1
                    FROM rcv_headers_interface WHERE header_interface_id = x_rhi_row.header_interface_id
                     FOR UPDATE NOWAIT;
Line: 956

                  SELECT *
                    INTO x_rti_row1
                    FROM rcv_transactions_interface WHERE interface_transaction_id = x_rti_row.interface_transaction_id
                     FOR UPDATE NOWAIT;
Line: 969

                  SELECT *
                    INTO x_rti_row1
                    FROM rcv_transactions_interface WHERE interface_transaction_id = x_rti_row.interface_transaction_id
                     FOR UPDATE NOWAIT;