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Line 30: , pay_user_tables put

26: --
27: cursor csr_sec_grp is
28: select pbg.security_group_id
29: from per_business_groups_perf pbg
30: , pay_user_tables put
31: where put.user_table_id = p_user_table_id
32: and pbg.business_group_id = put.business_group_id;
33: --
34: -- Declare local variables

Line 94: , pay_user_tables put

90: --
91: cursor csr_leg_code is
92: select pbg.legislation_code
93: from per_business_groups_perf pbg
94: , pay_user_tables put
95: where put.user_table_id = p_user_table_id
96: and pbg.business_group_id (+) = put.business_group_id;
97: --
98: -- Declare local variables

Line 186: (p_associated_column1 => 'PAY_USER_TABLES.LEGISLATION_CODE'

182: --
183: exception
184: when app_exception.application_exception then
185: if hr_multi_message.exception_add
186: (p_associated_column1 => 'PAY_USER_TABLES.LEGISLATION_CODE'
187: ) then
188: raise;
189: end if;
190: when others then

Line 215: (p_associated_column1 => 'PAY_USER_TABLES.RANGE_OR_MATCH'

211: end if;
212: exception
213: when app_exception.application_exception then
214: if hr_multi_message.exception_add
215: (p_associated_column1 => 'PAY_USER_TABLES.RANGE_OR_MATCH'
216: ) then
217: raise;
218: end if;
219: end chk_range_or_match;

Line 232: (p_check_column1 => 'PAY_USER_TABLES.RANGE_OR_MATCH'

228: ) is
229: l_associated_column2 varchar2(80) := null;
230: begin
231: if hr_multi_message.no_exclusive_error
232: (p_check_column1 => 'PAY_USER_TABLES.RANGE_OR_MATCH'
233: ,p_associated_column1 => 'PAY_USER_TABLES.USER_KEY_UNITS'
234: ) then
235: if hr_api.not_exists_in_hrstanlookups
236: (p_effective_date => p_effective_date

Line 233: ,p_associated_column1 => 'PAY_USER_TABLES.USER_KEY_UNITS'

229: l_associated_column2 varchar2(80) := null;
230: begin
231: if hr_multi_message.no_exclusive_error
232: (p_check_column1 => 'PAY_USER_TABLES.RANGE_OR_MATCH'
233: ,p_associated_column1 => 'PAY_USER_TABLES.USER_KEY_UNITS'
234: ) then
235: if hr_api.not_exists_in_hrstanlookups
236: (p_effective_date => p_effective_date
237: ,p_lookup_type => 'DATA_TYPE'

Line 242: l_associated_column2 := 'PAY_USER_TABLES.RANGE_OR_MATCH';

238: ,p_lookup_code => p_user_key_units
239: ) then
240: pay_put_shd.constraint_error('PAY_UTAB_USER_KEY_UNITS_CHK');
241: elsif p_range_or_match = 'R' and p_user_key_units <> 'N' then
242: l_associated_column2 := 'PAY_USER_TABLES.RANGE_OR_MATCH';
243: fnd_message.set_name('PAY','PAY_33173_UTAB_BAD_RANGE_UNITS');
244: fnd_message.raise_error;
245: end if;
246: end if;

Line 250: (p_associated_column1 => 'PAY_USER_TABLES.USER_KEY_UNITS'

246: end if;
247: exception
248: when app_exception.application_exception then
249: if hr_multi_message.exception_add
250: (p_associated_column1 => 'PAY_USER_TABLES.USER_KEY_UNITS'
251: ,p_associated_column2 => l_associated_column2
252: ) then
253: raise;
254: end if;

Line 274: from pay_user_tables put

270: cursor csr_name_exists_generic
271: (p_user_table_name in varchar2
272: ) is
273: select null
274: from pay_user_tables put
275: where upper(put.user_table_name) = p_user_table_name
276: ;
277: --
278: -- STARTUP row name clash.

Line 285: from pay_user_tables put

281: (p_user_table_name in varchar2
282: ,p_legislation_code in varchar2
283: ) is
284: select null
285: from pay_user_tables put
286: , per_business_groups_perf pbg
287: where upper(put.user_table_name) = p_user_table_name
288: and ((put.business_group_id = pbg.business_group_id and
289: pbg.legislation_code = p_legislation_code) or

Line 301: from pay_user_tables put

297: (p_user_table_name in varchar2
298: ,p_business_group_id in number
299: ) is
300: select null
301: from pay_user_tables put
302: , per_business_groups_perf pbg
303: where upper(put.user_table_name) = p_user_table_name
304: and ((put.business_group_id = p_business_group_id) or
305: (pbg.business_group_id = p_business_group_id and

Line 366: (p_associated_column1 => 'PAY_USER_TABLES.USER_TABLE_NAME'

362: end if;
363: exception
364: when app_exception.application_exception then
365: if hr_multi_message.exception_add
366: (p_associated_column1 => 'PAY_USER_TABLES.USER_TABLE_NAME'
367: ) then
368: raise;
369: end if;
370: when others then

Line 496: hr_multi_message.add(p_associated_column1 => 'PAY_USER_TABLES.USER_TABLE_ID');

492: into l_ret;
493: if csr_rows_exist%found then
494: close csr_rows_exist;
495: fnd_message.set_name('PAY', 'PAY_6369_USERTAB_ROWS_FIRST');
496: hr_multi_message.add(p_associated_column1 => 'PAY_USER_TABLES.USER_TABLE_ID');
497: else
498: close csr_rows_exist;
499: end if;
500: --

Line 507: hr_multi_message.add(p_associated_column1 => 'PAY_USER_TABLES.USER_TABLE_ID');

503: into l_ret;
504: if csr_columns_exist%found then
505: close csr_columns_exist;
506: fnd_message.set_name('PAY', 'PAY_6368_USERTAB_COLUMNS_FIRST');
507: hr_multi_message.add(p_associated_column1 => 'PAY_USER_TABLES.USER_TABLE_ID');
508: else
509: close csr_columns_exist;
510: end if;
511: exception