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2 /* $Header: BOMXINQS.pls 120.2 2008/05/21 11:54:54 rajaiswa ship $ */
3 /*#
4 * This API contains methods to Explode BOM and Export the data to PL/SQL tables.This method
5 * exports bill of material data for a particular assembly, in all subordinate organizations in a specified
6 * organization hierarchy. The number of levels to which a BOM is exploded for a
7 * particular organization depends on the Max Bill Levels field setting in the
8 * Organization Parameters form. If this value is greater than or equal to the levels of
9 * the bill being exported, then that bill will be exploded to the lowest level
10 * @rep:scope public
11 * @rep:product BOM
12 * @rep:displayname Structure Export
13 * @rep:lifecycle active
15 */
16 /*==========================================================================+
17 |   Copyright (c) 1993 Oracle Corporation Belmont, California, USA          |
18 |                          All rights reserved.                             |
19 +===========================================================================+
20 |                                                                           |
21 | File Name    : BOMXINQS.sql                                               |
22 | DESCRIPTION  : This file is a packaged procedure for the exploders.
23 | 		 This package contains 3 different exploders for the
24 |  		 modules it can be called from.  The procedure exploders
25 |		 calls the correct exploder based on the module option.
26 |		 Each of the 3 exploders can be called on directly too.
27 |
28 | Revision
29 |  		Shreyas Shah	creation
30 |  02/10/94	Shreyas Shah	added multi-org capability from bom_lists
31 |				max_bom_levels of all orgs for multi-org
32 | 08/03/95	Rob Yee		added parameters for 10SG
33 | 09/01/00      Syed Musanna    Added the BOM EXPORT utility for multiorg
34 |                                                                           |
35 +==========================================================================*/
37 --===================
39 --===================
40 -- Table type used to hold exploded BOM
41 TYPE bomexporttabtype IS TABLE OF bom_small_expl_temp%ROWTYPE
44 --========================================================================
45 -- PROCEDURE  :   Export_BOM
46 -- PARAMETERS :   Org_hierarchy_name        IN   VARCHAR2     Organization Hierarchy
47 --                                                            Name
48 --                Assembly_item_name        IN   VARCHAR2     Assembly item name
49 --                Organization_code         IN   VARCHAR2     Organization code
50 --                Alternate_bm_designator   IN   VARCHAR2     Alternate bom designator
51 --                Costs                     IN   NUMBER       Cost flag
52 --                Cost_type_id              IN   NUMBER       Cost type id
53 --                P_bom_header_tbl          OUT
54 --                p_bom_revisions_tbl       OUT
55 --                p_bom_components_tbl      OUT
56 --                p_bom_ref_designators_tbl OUT
57 --                p_bom_sub_components_tbl  OUT
58 --                p_bom_comp_ops_tbl        OUT
59 --                Err_Msg                   OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2     Error Message
60 --                Error_Code                OUT  NOCOPY NUMBER       Error Megssage
61 --
62 -- COMMENT    :   API Accepts the name of an hierarchy, Assembly item name,
63 --                Organization code, Alternate bom designator, Costs,
64 --                Cost type id. It returns the following six pl/sql tables:
65 --                1. P_bom_header_tbl ,
66 --                2. p_bom_revisions_tbl,
67 --                3. p_bom_components_tbl,
68 --                4. p_bom_ref_designators_tbl,
69 --                5. p_bom_sub_components_tbl,
70 --                6. p_bom_comp_ops_tbl
71 --                p_bom_header_tbl consists of all bom header records. p_bom_revisions_tbl
72 --                consists of all revisions for an assembly item withina bom.
73 --                p_bom_components_tbl consists of all components of a bom.
74 --                p_bom_ref_designators_tbl consists of the reference designators for each
75 --                of the components within a bom. p_bom_sub_components_tbl consits of
76 --                substitute components for each of the components within a bom.
77 --                p_bom_comp_ops_tbl consists of component operations for each of the
78 --                components within a bom. Error Code and corresponding Error
79 --                mesages are returned in case of an error
80 --
81 --
82 --========================================================================
84 /*#
85 * The Bill of Material Export method provides the ability to export bill of material data
86 * for a particular assembly, in all subordinate organizations in a specified
87 * organization hierarchy. The number of levels to which a BOM is exploded for a
88 * particular organization depends on the Max Bill Levels field setting in the
89 * Organization Parameters form. If this value is greater than or equal to the levels of
90 * the bill being exported, then that bill will be exploded to the lowest level
91 * @param P_org_hierarchy_name IN The name of the organization hierarchy to which all subordinate
92 * organizations will receive the exported bill of material data
93 * @param P_assembly_item_name IN Assembly item name
94 * @param P_organization_code IN Organization code
95 * @param P_alternate_bm_designator IN The alternate bill defined for this primary bill
96 * @param P_Costs IN Pass parameter as 1, if cost details need to be exported. Pass the appropriate
97 * P_Cost_type_id for that item and organization combination. If the parameter is passed as 2, then pass
98 * P_Cost_type_id as having zero value. If this parameter is passed as NULL or, then it will take the
99 * default value of 2
100 * @param P_Cost_type_id IN Pass the appropriate cost_type_id for that item and organization combination.
101 * This works in conjunction with the P_Costs parameter
102 * @param X_bom_header_tbl OUT consists of all bom header records
103 * @rep:paraminfo { @rep:innertype BOM_BO_PUB.BOM_HEADER_TBL_TYPE }
104 * @param X_bom_revisions_tbl OUT consists of all revisions for an assembly item within a bom
105 * @rep:paraminfo { @rep:innertype BOM_BO_PUB.BOM_REVISION_TBL_TYPE }
106 * @param X_bom_components_tbl OUT consists of all components of a bom
107 * @rep:paraminfo { @rep:innertype BOM_BO_PUB.BOM_COMPS_TBL_TYPE }
108 * @param X_bom_ref_designators_tbl OUT consists of the reference designators for each of the
109 * components within a bom
110 * @rep:paraminfo { @rep:innertype BOM_BO_PUB.BOM_REF_DESIGNATOR_TBL_TYPE }
111 * @param X_bom_sub_components_tbl OUT consits of substitute components for each of the components
112 * within a bom
113 * @rep:paraminfo { @rep:innertype BOM_BO_PUB.BOM_SUB_COMPONENT_TBL_TYPE }
114 * @param X_bom_comp_ops_tbl OUT consists of component operations for each of the components within a bom
115 * @rep:paraminfo { @rep:innertype BOM_BO_PUB.BOM_COMP_OPS_TBL_TYPE }
116 * @param X_Err_Msg OUT Error Messages
117 * @param X_Error_Code OUT Error Codes.0 indicates success.
118 * 9998 indicates Bill exceeds the maximum number of levels defined for that organization
119 * You need to reduce the number of levels of the bill, or increase the maximum number of levels
120 * allowed for a bill in that organization
121 * SQLCODE indicates Oracle database related errors
122 * @rep:scope public
123 * @rep:lifecycle active
124 * @rep:displayname Export BOM
125 */
127 PROCEDURE Export_BOM(P_org_hierarchy_name        IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
128                      P_assembly_item_name        IN   VARCHAR2,
129                      P_organization_code         IN   VARCHAR2,
130                      P_alternate_bm_designator   IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
131                      P_Costs                     IN   NUMBER DEFAULT 2,
132                      P_Cost_type_id	       IN   NUMBER DEFAULT 0,
133                      X_bom_header_tbl          OUT  NOCOPY BOM_BO_PUB.BOM_HEADER_TBL_TYPE,
134                      X_bom_revisions_tbl       OUT  NOCOPY BOM_BO_PUB.BOM_REVISION_TBL_TYPE,
135                      X_bom_components_tbl      OUT  NOCOPY BOM_BO_PUB.BOM_COMPS_TBL_TYPE,
136                      X_bom_ref_designators_tbl OUT  NOCOPY BOM_BO_PUB.BOM_REF_DESIGNATOR_TBL_TYPE,
137                      X_bom_sub_components_tbl  OUT  NOCOPY BOM_BO_PUB.BOM_SUB_COMPONENT_TBL_TYPE,
138                      X_bom_comp_ops_tbl        OUT  NOCOPY BOM_BO_PUB.BOM_COMP_OPS_TBL_TYPE,
139                      X_Err_Msg                 OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
140                      X_Error_Code              OUT  NOCOPY NUMBER);
147 --========================================================================
148 -- PROCEDURE  :   Export_BOM
149 -- PARAMETERS :   Profile_id         IN   NUMBER       Security Profile Id
150 --                Org_hierarchy_name IN   VARCHAR2     Organization Hierarchy
151 --                                                     Name
152 --                Assembly_item_id   IN   NUMBER       Assembly item id
153 --                Organization_id    IN   NUMBER       Organization id
154 --                Alternate_bm_designator IN VARCHAR2  Alternate bom designator
155 --                Costs              IN   NUMBER       Cost flag
156 --                Cost_type_id       IN   NUMBER       Cost type id
157 --                bom_export_tab     OUT  bomexporttabtype export table
158 --                Err_Msg            OUT  VARCHAR2     Error Message
159 --                Error_Code         OUT  NUMBER       Error Megssage
160 --
161 -- COMMENT    :   API Accepts the security profile id,name of an hierarchy,
162 --		  Assembly item id, Organization id, Alternate bom designator,
163 --                Costs, Cost type id and returns bom_export_tab PL/SQL table
164 --                consists  of exploded BOM for all the organizations under
165 --                the hierarchy name. Error Code and corresponding Error
166 --                mesages are returned in case of an error
167 --
168 --
169 --=======================================================================
171 /*#
172 * The Bill of Material Export method provides the ability to export bill of material data
173 * for a particular assembly, in all subordinate organizations in a specified
174 * organization hierarchy. The number of levels to which a BOM is exploded for a
175 * particular organization depends on the Max Bill Levels field setting in the
176 * Organization Parameters form. If this value is greater than or equal to the levels of
177 * the bill being exported, then that bill will be exploded to the lowest level
178 * @param Profile_id IN Security Profile Id
179 * @param Org_hierarchy_name IN The name of the organization hierarchy to which all subordinate
180 * organizations will receive the exported bill of material data
181 * @param Assembly_item_id IN Must be the inventory_item_id of the bill, and must exist in the
182 * mtl_system_items table for that organization. This item must exist in all subordinate organizations
183 * under the hierarchy origin
184 * @param Organization_id IN Uniquely identifies a bill which will be exploded with the bill details in
185 * the bom_export_tab, PL/SQL table
186 * @param Alternate_bm_designator IN The alternate bill defined for this primary bill. This can be passed
187 * as NULL or if there are no alternatives defined. It uniquely identifies a bill which will be exploded
188 * with the bill details in the bom_export_tab, PL/SQL table
189 * @param Costs IN Pass parameter as 1, if cost details need to be exported. Pass the appropriate
190 * cost_type_id for that item and organization combination. If the parameter is passed as 2, then pass
191 * cost_type_id as having zero value. If this parameter is passed as NULL or, then it will take the
192 * default value of 2
193 * @param Cost_type_id IN Pass the appropriate cost_type_id for that item and organization combination.
194 * This works in conjunction with the Costs parameter
195 * @param bom_export_tab OUT PL/SQL table containing the exploded bill of material information. This
196 * information can be inserted into a custom table, written to a text file, or passed to
197 * host arrays (Oracle Call Interface). Error_Code should have a value of zero and Err_Msg
198 * should be NULL, before inserting the date into a custom table
199 * PL/SQL Output Table (BOM_EXPORT_TAB) Columns
211 * This parameter is of type bom_small_expl_temp table
212 * @param Err_Msg OUT Error Messages
213 * @param Error_Code OUT Error Codes .0 indicates success.
214 * 9998 indicates Bill exceeds the maximum number of levels defined for that organization
215 * You need to reduce the number of levels of the bill, or increase the maximum number of levels
216 * allowed for a bill in that organization
217 * SQLCODE indicates Oracle database related errors
218 * @rep:scope private
219 * @rep:lifecycle active
220 * @rep:displayname Export BOM
221 */
224 PROCEDURE Export_BOM  (	Profile_id                      IN   NUMBER ,
225                         Org_hierarchy_name   		IN 	VARCHAR2,
226 			Assembly_item_id		IN	NUMBER,
227 			Organization_id			IN	NUMBER,
228 			Alternate_bm_designator		IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '',
229 			Costs				IN	NUMBER DEFAULT 2,
230 			Cost_type_id			IN	NUMBER DEFAULT 0,
231 			bom_export_tab			OUT NOCOPY bomexporttabtype,
232 			Err_Msg				OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
233 			Error_Code			OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
234 			);
236 --========================================================================
237 -- Procedure    : exploder_userexit
238 -- Parameters:	org_id		organization_id
239 -- 		order_by	1 - Op seq, item seq
240 -- 				2 - Item seq, op seq
241 -- 		grp_id		unique value to identify current explosion
242 -- 				use value from sequence bom_small_expl_temp_s
243 -- 		session_id	unique value to identify current session
244 -- 			 	use value from bom_small_expl_temp_session_s
245 -- 		levels_to_explode
246 -- 		bom_or_eng	1 - BOM
247 -- 				2 - ENG
248 -- 		impl_flag	1 - implemented only
249 -- 				2 - both impl and unimpl
250 -- 		explode_option	1 - All
251 --				2 - Current
252 --				3 - Current and future
253 --		module		1 - Costing
254 --				2 - Bom
255 --				3 - Order entry
256 --		cst_type_id	cost type id for costed explosion
257 --		std_comp_flag	1 - explode only standard components
258 --				2 - all components
259 --		expl_qty	explosion quantity
260 --		item_id		item id of asembly to explode
261 --		list_id		unique id for lists in bom_lists for range
262 --		report_option	1 - cost rollup with report
263 --				2 - cost rollup no report
264 --				3 - temp cost rollup with report
265 --		cst_rlp_id	rollup_id
266 --		req_id		request id
267 --		prgm_appl_id	program application id
268 --		prg_id		program id
269 --		user_id		user id
270 --		lock_flag	1 - do not lock the table
271 --				2 - lock the table
272 --		alt_rtg_desg	alternate routing designator
273 --		rollup_option	1 - single level rollup
274 --				2 - full rollup
275 --		plan_factor_flag1 - Yes
276 --				2 - No
277 --		alt_desg	alternate bom designator
278 --		rev_date	explosion date
279 --		comp_code	concatenated component code lpad 16
280 --              show_rev        1 - obtain current revision of component
281 --				2 - don't obtain current revision
282 --		material_ctrl   1 - obtain subinventory locator
283 --				2 - don't obtain subinventory locator
284 --		lead_time	1 - calculate offset percent
285 --				2 - don't calculate offset percent
286 --		eff_control     1 - date effectivity
287 --				2 - serial effectivity
288 --		err_msg		error message out buffer
289 --		error_code	error code out.  returns sql error code
290 --				if sql error, 9999 if loop detected.
291 --========================================================================
294 PROCEDURE exploder_userexit (
295 	verify_flag		IN  NUMBER DEFAULT 0,
296 	org_id			IN  NUMBER,
297 	order_by 		IN  NUMBER DEFAULT 1,
298 	grp_id			IN  NUMBER,
299 	session_id		IN  NUMBER DEFAULT 0,
300 	levels_to_explode 	IN  NUMBER DEFAULT 1,
304 	explode_option 		IN  NUMBER DEFAULT 2,
301 	bom_or_eng		IN  NUMBER DEFAULT 1,
302 	impl_flag		IN  NUMBER DEFAULT 1,
303 	plan_factor_flag	IN  NUMBER DEFAULT 2,
305 	module			IN  NUMBER DEFAULT 2,
306 	cst_type_id		IN  NUMBER DEFAULT 0,
307 	std_comp_flag		IN  NUMBER DEFAULT 0,
308 	expl_qty		IN  NUMBER DEFAULT 1,
309 	item_id			IN  NUMBER,
310 	unit_number_from	IN  VARCHAR2,
311 	unit_number_to		IN  VARCHAR2,
312 	alt_desg		IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '',
313 	comp_code               IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '',
314 	rev_date		IN  DATE DEFAULT sysdate,
315         show_rev        	IN NUMBER DEFAULT 2,
316 	material_ctrl   	IN NUMBER DEFAULT 2,
317 	lead_time		IN NUMBER DEFAULT 2,
318 	err_msg			OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
319 	error_code		OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
320 );