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Line 480: l_po_number po_headers_all.segment1%TYPE;

477: -- declaring local variables
478: l_vendor_id po_vendors.vendor_id%TYPE;
479: l_supplier_name po_vendors.vendor_name%TYPE;
480: l_po_number po_headers_all.segment1%TYPE;
481: l_header_id po_headers_all.po_header_id%TYPE;
482: l_line_id po_lines_all.po_line_id%TYPE;
483: l_line_num po_lines_all.line_num%TYPE;
484: l_currency_code fnd_currencies_vl.currency_code%type;

Line 481: l_header_id po_headers_all.po_header_id%TYPE;

477: -- declaring local variables
478: l_vendor_id po_vendors.vendor_id%TYPE;
479: l_supplier_name po_vendors.vendor_name%TYPE;
480: l_po_number po_headers_all.segment1%TYPE;
481: l_header_id po_headers_all.po_header_id%TYPE;
482: l_line_id po_lines_all.po_line_id%TYPE;
483: l_line_num po_lines_all.line_num%TYPE;
484: l_currency_code fnd_currencies_vl.currency_code%type;
485: l_currency_code1 fnd_currencies_vl.currency_code%type;

Line 497: l_org_id po_headers_all.org_id%TYPE := null;

493: l_ou_name VARCHAR2(30);
494: x_rowid ROWID;
495: x_ci_transaction_id NUMBER(15);
496: l_error_msg_code varchar2(100);
497: l_org_id po_headers_all.org_id%TYPE := null;
498: l_data VARCHAR2(2000);
499: l_msg_data VARCHAR2(2000);
500: l_msg_index_out NUMBER;
501: l_module_name VARCHAR2(200) := 'PA_CONTROL_API_PVT.add_supplier_details';

Line 524: From po_headers_all po

520: ,po.currency_code PoCurrency
521: ,po.org_id Poorgid
522: ,substr(pa_expenditures_utils.getorgtlname(po.org_id),1,30) PoOuname
523: ,pod.project_id PoProjectId
524: From po_headers_all po
525: ,po_vendors v
526: ,po_distributions_all pod
527: Where po.vendor_id = v.vendor_id
528: and NVL(po.closed_code,'XX') NOT IN ('FINALLY CLOSED','CLOSED')

Line 545: From po_headers_all po

541: ,po.currency_code PoCurrency
542: ,po.org_id Poorgid
543: ,substr(pa_expenditures_utils.getorgtlname(po.org_id),1,30) PoOuname
544: ,pod.project_id PoProjectId
545: From po_headers_all po
546: ,po_vendors v
547: ,po_distributions_all pod
548: Where po.vendor_id = v.vendor_id
549: and NVL(po.closed_code,'XX') NOT IN ('FINALLY CLOSED','CLOSED')

Line 568: ,po_headers_all poh

564: ,pod.project_id Projectid
565: ,substr(pa_expenditures_utils.getorgtlname(pod.org_id),1,30) Ouname
566: ,pod.po_distribution_id Podistid
567: From po_lines_all pol
568: ,po_headers_all poh
569: ,po_distributions_all pod
570: Where poh.po_header_id = pol.po_header_id
571: and pod.po_header_id = pol.po_header_id
572: and pod.po_line_id = pol.po_line_id

Line 592: ,po_headers_all poh

588: ,pod.project_id Projectid
589: ,substr(pa_expenditures_utils.getorgtlname(pod.org_id),1,30) Ouname
590: ,pod.po_distribution_id Podistid
591: From po_lines_all pol
592: ,po_headers_all poh
593: ,po_distributions_all pod
594: Where poh.po_header_id = pol.po_header_id
595: and pod.po_header_id = pol.po_header_id
596: and pod.po_line_id = pol.po_line_id

Line 811: l_check_vendor_query := l_check_vendor_query || ' where EXISTS (select * from po_distributions_all pod ,po_headers_all poh where pod.po_header_id = poh.po_header_id and pod.project_id = '||

807: /*if vendor id is not null then check whether it is valid or not,
808: depending on the change_type, execute the cursor query*/
809: if p_vendor_id is not null and p_vendor_id <> G_PA_MISS_NUM then
810: if p_change_type = 'UPDATE' then
811: l_check_vendor_query := l_check_vendor_query || ' where EXISTS (select * from po_distributions_all pod ,po_headers_all poh where pod.po_header_id = poh.po_header_id and pod.project_id = '||
812: l_project_id ||' and poh.vendor_id = v.vendor_id and v.vendor_id = '''||p_vendor_id ||''') ';
813: else
814: l_check_vendor_query := l_check_vendor_query ||
815: ' where v.vendor_id = '''||p_vendor_id ||'''';