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Line 936: cursor c_invalid_fnd_users (p_username varchar2) is

933: -- Invalid and Duplicated records in the (FND_USR) partition
934: -- For bug 6752821: no need to consider role_name, it does not intervene,
935: -- no (FND_RESP) partition is considered.
936: cursor c_invalid_fnd_users (p_username varchar2) is
937: select wu.rowid, wu.orig_system old_orig_system,
938: wu.orig_system_id old_orig_system_id,
939: decode(nvl(fu.employee_id, -1),-1,'FND_USR','PER') new_orig_system,
940: nvl(fu.employee_id, fu.user_id)

Line 942: fnd_user fu

938: wu.orig_system_id old_orig_system_id,
939: decode(nvl(fu.employee_id, -1),-1,'FND_USR','PER') new_orig_system,
940: nvl(fu.employee_id, fu.user_id)
941: from wf_local_roles partition (FND_USR) wu,
942: fnd_user fu
943: where wu.name = fu.user_name
944: and (p_username is null or wu.name = p_username)
945: and (wu.orig_system <> decode(nvl(fu.employee_id, -1),-1,'FND_USR','PER')
946: or wu.orig_system_id <> nvl(fu.employee_id, fu.user_id)

Line 1255: open c_invalid_fnd_users (p_username);

1251: <>
1252: loop
1253: --Clear the l_rowIDTAB before the next iteration
1254: l_rowIDTAB.DELETE;
1255: open c_invalid_fnd_users (p_username);
1256: fetch c_invalid_fnd_users bulk collect into l_rowIDTAB, l_userOrigSrcTAB,
1257: l_userOrigIDSrcTAB, l_userOrigDestTAB, l_userOrigIDDestTAB
1258: limit l_maxRows;
1259: close c_invalid_fnd_users;

Line 1256: fetch c_invalid_fnd_users bulk collect into l_rowIDTAB, l_userOrigSrcTAB,

1252: loop
1253: --Clear the l_rowIDTAB before the next iteration
1254: l_rowIDTAB.DELETE;
1255: open c_invalid_fnd_users (p_username);
1256: fetch c_invalid_fnd_users bulk collect into l_rowIDTAB, l_userOrigSrcTAB,
1257: l_userOrigIDSrcTAB, l_userOrigDestTAB, l_userOrigIDDestTAB
1258: limit l_maxRows;
1259: close c_invalid_fnd_users;

Line 1259: close c_invalid_fnd_users;

1255: open c_invalid_fnd_users (p_username);
1256: fetch c_invalid_fnd_users bulk collect into l_rowIDTAB, l_userOrigSrcTAB,
1257: l_userOrigIDSrcTAB, l_userOrigDestTAB, l_userOrigIDDestTAB
1258: limit l_maxRows;
1259: close c_invalid_fnd_users;
1261: if (l_rowIDTAB.count > 0) then
1262: begin
1263: forall i in l_rowIDTAB.FIRST..l_rowIDTAB.LAST save exceptions

Line 1285: if c_invalid_fnd_users%ISOPEN then

1281: end if;
1282: end loop fnd_usr_loop;
1283: exception
1284: when others then
1285: if c_invalid_fnd_users%ISOPEN then
1286: close c_invalid_fnd_users;
1287: end if;
1289: raise;

Line 1286: close c_invalid_fnd_users;

1282: end loop fnd_usr_loop;
1283: exception
1284: when others then
1285: if c_invalid_fnd_users%ISOPEN then
1286: close c_invalid_fnd_users;
1287: end if;
1289: raise;
1290: end; --End of duplicate/invalid FND_USR/PER user correction.