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Line 166: FROM cs_incidents_all_b

162: cp_component_id,
163: cp_subcomponent_id,
164: inv_component_id,
165: inv_subcomponent_id
166: FROM cs_incidents_all_b
167: WHERE incident_id = p_incident_id;
169: -- For 11.5.10+ Need to get the location_id from party sites
170: -- for location_type, HZ_PARTY_SITES

Line 215: -- territory attributes from cs_incidents_all_b

211: l_main_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
212: -- Raise Error when both incident_id and the service request record is not
213: -- passed. The service request record is checked for null based on the
214: -- incident_type_id. If only incident_id is passed then fetch all the
215: -- territory attributes from cs_incidents_all_b
216: IF (p_incident_id IS NULL and p_service_request_rec.type_id IS NULL) THEN
218: ELSE
219: IF (p_service_request_rec.type_id IS NULL) THEN

Line 459: cs_incidents_all_b csi

455: -- bug 14156822
456: CURSOR c_area_code(c_incident_id NUMBER) IS
457: SELECT hzp.phone_area_code
458: FROM hz_contact_points hzp,
459: cs_incidents_all_b csi
460: WHERE csi.incident_id = c_incident_id
461: AND csi.customer_phone_id = hzp.contact_point_id
462: AND csi.customer_phone_id IS NOT NULL;

Line 547: FROM cs_incidents_all_b

543: -- 12.1.2 Enhancement
544: Begin
545: SELECT to_char(sysdate, 'd'), to_char(sysdate, 'hh24:mi')
546: INTO l_day_week, l_time_day
547: FROM cs_incidents_all_b
548: WHERE incident_id = l_incident_id ;
549: Exception
550: When Others then
551: l_time_day := null ;

Line 719: cs_incidents_all_b csi

716: CURSOR c_area_code(c_incident_id NUMBER) IS
717: SELECT hzp.phone_area_code
718: FROM hz_contact_points hzp,
719: cs_incidents_all_b csi
720: WHERE csi.incident_id = c_incident_id
721: AND csi.customer_phone_id = hzp.contact_point_id
722: AND csi.customer_phone_id IS NOT NULL;

Line 816: FROM cs_incidents_all_b

812: -- 12.1.2 Enhancement
813: Begin
814: SELECT to_char(sysdate, 'd'), to_char(sysdate, 'hh24:mi')
815: INTO l_day_week, l_time_day
816: FROM cs_incidents_all_b
817: WHERE incident_id = l_incident_id ;
818: Exception
819: When Others then
820: l_time_day := null ;