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1 package body PAY_SOE_UTIL as
2 /* $Header: pysoeutl.pkb 120.1.12010000.2 2009/01/05 11:40:05 parusia ship $ */
3 --
4 g_debug boolean := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
5 --
6 cursor config is
7 select org_information2 elements1
8 ,      org_information3 elements2
9 ,      org_information4 elements3
10 ,      org_information5 elements4
11 ,      org_information6 elements5
12 ,      org_information7 elements6
13 ,      org_information8 information1
14 ,      org_information9 balances1
15 ,      org_information10 balances2
16 ,      org_information11 balances3
17 from   hr_organization_information
18 where  organization_id = fnd_profile.value('PER_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID')
19 and    org_information_context = 'Business Group:SOE Information'
20 and    org_information1 = fnd_profile.value('PAY_SOE_USER_CATEGORY');
21 --
22 l_config config%ROWTYPE;
23 --
24 TYPE dataValueRecType is RECORD (colName varchar2(30)
25                                 ,colValue VARCHAR2(240)
26                                 ,firstCol BOOLEAN
27                                 ,lastCol BOOLEAN);
28 dataValueRec dataValueRecType;
29 --
30 TYPE dataValueTabType is TABLE of dataValueRecType INDEX by BINARY_INTEGER;
31 dataValueTab dataValueTabType;
32 --
33 i number := 0;
34 --
35 --
36 initialized boolean := FALSE;
37 -- Bug 7377886
38 -- global variable bgid_save will store the bg_id for which SOE Information
39 -- has been retrieved
40 bgid_save number ;
41 --
42 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
43    Procedure : setValue
44    --------------------
45 Maintain pl/sql table of column name and value pairs. firstcol and
46 lastcol indicate the select statements first and last columns (used
47 to format the statement correctly
48 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
49 procedure setValue(name varchar2
50                   ,value varchar2
51                   ,firstCol BOOLEAN
52                   ,lastCol BOOLEAN) is
53 begin
54    if g_debug then
55      hr_utility.trace('colid  = ' || name || value);
56    end if;
57    --
58    dataValueRec.colName := ' COL' || name;
59    dataValueRec.colValue := value;
60    dataValueRec.firstCol := firstCol;
61    dataValueRec.lastCol := lastCol;
62    --
63    i := i + 1;
64    dataValueTab(i) := dataValueRec;
65 end;
66 --
67 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
68    Procedure : clear
69    --------------------
70 Clears down existing dataValueTab PL/SQL table
71 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
72 procedure clear is
73 begin
74    dataValueTab.delete;
75    i := 0;
76 end;
77 --
78 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
79    Function : genCursor
80    --------------------
81 Process contents of pl/SQL table to return SQL statement in the form
83    select 'a' COL1, 'b' COL2 from dual
84    union
85    select 'c' COL1, 'd' COL2 from dual;
86 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
87 function genCursor return long is
88    l_sql_string long;
89    l_ref_cursor ref_cursor;
90 begin
91   for a in dataValueTab.first..dataValueTab.last loop
92      if dataValueTab(a).firstCol then
93         l_sql_string := l_sql_string ||'select ';     else
94         l_sql_string := l_sql_string ||',';
95      end if;
96      l_sql_string :=
97         l_sql_string || ''''
98                      || dataValueTab(a).colValue
99                      || ''''
100                      || dataValueTab(a).colName;
101      --
102      if dataValueTab(a).lastCol then
103         l_sql_string :=
104            l_sql_string || ' from dual ';
105         --
106         if a <> dataValueTab.last then
107            l_sql_string := l_sql_string ||' union all ';
108         end if;
109      end if;
110   end loop;
111   --
112 -- Create the reference cursor
113 --
114 --  open l_ref_cursor for l_sql_string;
115 --
116   return l_sql_string;
117 end;
118 --
119 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
120    Function : convertCursor
121    --------------------
122 The following function is called by the SOE moduled VO code for each of the
123 SOE Regions to convert the SQL string in to a REF CURSOR that
124 can be processed by the VO.
125 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
126 function convertCursor(p_sql_string long) return ref_cursor is
127 l_ref_cursor ref_cursor;
128 begin
129     if g_debug then
130       hr_utility.trace(substr(p_sql_string,1,2000));
131       hr_utility.trace(substr(p_sql_string,2001,2000));
132       hr_utility.trace(substr(p_sql_string,4001,2000));
133     end if;
134     --
135     open l_ref_cursor for p_sql_string;
136     return l_ref_cursor;
137 end;
138 --
139 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
140    Function : getIDFlexValue
141    --------------------
142 The following function evaluates a key flexfield segment to determine
143 whether it has a Table Validated Value Set. If so then it returns
144 the MEANING value from the value set, otherwise the ID value.
145 This is used by the Bank Flexfield function, but is made public so
146 that it could be used by other legislatively defined functions.
147 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
148 function getIDFlexValue(p_id_flex_code in varchar2
149                        ,p_id_flex_num in number
150                        ,p_application_column_name varchar2
151                        ,p_id in varchar2) return varchar2 is
152 --
153 TYPE FlexCurTyp IS REF CURSOR;  -- define weak REF CURSOR type
154 flex_cv   FlexCurTyp;  -- declare cursor variable
155 --
156 l_code varchar2(30);
157 l_val varchar2(80);
158 --
159 l_sql varchar2(2000);
160 l_flex_value_set_id number;
161 --
162 cursor getTableValidation is
163 select f.flex_value_set_id
164 from   fnd_id_flex_segments f
165 ,      fnd_flex_validation_tables t
166 where  f.id_flex_code = p_id_flex_code
167 and    f.id_flex_num = p_id_flex_num
168 and    f.application_column_name = p_application_column_name
169 and    f.flex_value_set_id = t.flex_value_set_id;
170 --
171 begin
172 open getTableValidation;
173 fetch getTableValidation into l_flex_value_set_id;
174 close getTableValidation;
175   --
176 if l_flex_value_set_id is not null then
177   l_sql := per_cagr_utility_pkg.get_sql_from_vset_id(l_flex_value_set_id);
178   --
179   OPEN flex_cv FOR l_sql;
180   loop
181     fetch flex_cv into l_code,l_val;
182     if flex_cv%notfound then
183        l_val := p_id;
184        exit;
185     elsif l_code = p_id then
186        exit;
187     end if;
188   end loop;
189   --
190   close flex_cv;
191   --
192  else
193    l_val := p_id;
194  end if;
198 --
195  --
196  return l_val;
197 end getIdFlexValue;
199 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
200    Function : getBankDetails
201    --------------------
202 The following function retrieves the Bank Name or Bank Account Number
203 (depending on Segment Type passed in).
204 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
205 function getBankDetails(p_legislation_code varchar2
206                        ,p_external_account_id varchar2
207                        ,p_segment_type varchar2
208                        ,p_mask number) return varchar2 is
209 --
210 cursor getSegment is
211 select decode(substr(meaning,1,3)
212              ,p_legislation_code||'_',substr(meaning,4,length(meaning)-3)
213              ,meaning)
214 from   hr_lookups
215 where  lookup_type = p_segment_type
216 and    lookup_code = p_legislation_code;
217 --
218 l_segment varchar2(30);
219 l_value varchar2(80);
220 l_id_flex_num number;
221 l_id varchar2(80);
222 l_sql varchar2(2000);
223 l_seglen number;
224 begin
225   open getSegment;
226   fetch getSegment into l_segment;
227   close getSegment;
228   --
229   if l_segment is not null then
230      l_sql := 'select id_flex_num,'||l_segment||
231               ' from pay_external_accounts '||
232               ' where external_account_id = :eaId';
233      --
234      EXECUTE IMMEDIATE l_sql INTO l_id_flex_num, l_id
235                              USING p_external_account_id;
236      --
237      l_value := getIdFlexValue('BANK',l_id_flex_num,l_segment,l_id);
238   end if;
239   --
240   if p_mask is not null then
241      l_seglen := length(l_value);
242      --
243      if sign(p_mask) = 1 then
244         -- Bugfix 5695538
245         -- Don't do any masking if the number of characters to display is
246         -- greater than the number of characters in the segment
247         if p_mask <= l_seglen then
248           l_value := lpad(substr(l_value,l_seglen-p_mask+1,p_mask),l_seglen,'X');
249         end if;
250      else
251         l_value := rpad(substr(l_value,1,abs(p_mask)),l_seglen,'X');
252      end if;
253   end if;
254   --
255   return l_value;
256 end getBankDetails;
257 --
258 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
259    Function : getConfig
260    --------------------
261 This following function retrieves information from the
262 "Business Group:SOE" flexfield and returns the value of the segment requested.
263 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
264 function getConfig(p_config_type varchar2) return varchar2 is
265 --
266 l_config_value varchar2(80);
267 l_bgid number;
268 l_soe_user_cat varchar2(50);
269 l_init varchar2(10);
270 --
271 begin
273   select fnd_profile.value('PER_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID') into l_bgid from dual ;
274   select fnd_profile.value('PAY_SOE_USER_CATEGORY') into l_soe_user_cat from dual ;
276   if initialized = true then
277       l_init := 'true';
278   else
279       l_init := 'false';
280   end if ;
282   hr_utility.trace('initialized : '||l_init);
283   hr_utility.trace('PER_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID : '||l_bgid);
284   hr_utility.trace('PAY_SOE_USER_CATEGORY : '||l_soe_user_cat);
286   -- Bug 7377886
287   -- Added the clause bgid_save = l_bgid,
288   -- so that the SOE intialization part is skipped only if the BG is not changed
289   -- If BG is changed, then the SOE Information from BG needs to re-retrieved
290   if initialized and bgid_save = l_bgid then
291      null;
292   else
293      open config;
294      fetch config into l_config;
295      if config%notfound then
296         close config;
297         initialized := TRUE;
298         return null;
299      end if;
300      close config;
301      --
302      initialized := TRUE;
303      -- Bug 7377886
304      -- Saving the BG id for which the SOE information has been retrieved
305      bgid_save := l_bgid ;
306   end if;
307   --
308     if p_config_type = 'ELEMENTS1' then
309        l_config_value := l_config.elements1;
310     elsif p_config_type = 'ELEMENTS2' then
311           l_config_value := l_config.elements2;
312     elsif p_config_type = 'ELEMENTS3' then
313           l_config_value := l_config.elements3;
314     elsif p_config_type = 'ELEMENTS4' then
315           l_config_value := l_config.elements4;
316     elsif p_config_type = 'ELEMENTS5' then
317           l_config_value := l_config.elements5;
318     elsif p_config_type = 'ELEMENTS6' then
319           l_config_value := l_config.elements6;
320     elsif p_config_type = 'INFORMATION1' then
321           l_config_value := l_config.information1;
322     elsif p_config_type = 'BALANCES1' then
323           l_config_value := l_config.balances1;
324     elsif p_config_type = 'BALANCES2' then
325           l_config_value := l_config.balances2;
326     elsif p_config_type = 'BALANCES3' then
327           l_config_value := l_config.balances3;
328     end if;
329   --
330   hr_utility.trace('Returning '||p_config_type||' : '||l_config_value);
331   return l_config_value;
332   --
333 end getConfig;
334 --
335 end pay_soe_util;