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Line 813: FROM jai_rgm_refs_all

809: /*For bug 12641455. Remove parameters organization_id and location_id condition as for TCS , these two fields are not passed*/
811: CURSOR cur_inv_payment_tcs(cp_regn_no VARCHAR2, cp_organization_type VARCHAR2) IS
812: SELECT SUM(total_tax_amt * decode(sign(total_tax_amt), -1, -1, 0)) -- Negative amount converted to positive and taken as credit amount
813: FROM jai_rgm_refs_all
814: WHERE org_tan_no = cp_regn_no
815: --AND source_document_type = 'Invoice Payment'
816: AND settlement_id =
817: (SELECT MAX(jbal.settlement_id)

Line 837: FROM jai_rgm_refs_all

833: ln_location_id jai_rgm_stl_balances.location_id%TYPE,
834: lv_party_type jai_rgm_stl_balances.party_type%TYPE
835: ) IS
836: SELECT NVL(total_tax_amt * decode(sign(total_tax_amt), -1, -1, 0),0) credit_balance, organization_id party_id, rowid
837: FROM jai_rgm_refs_all
838: WHERE organization_id = ln_party_id
839: AND nvl(location_id,-999) = nvl(ln_location_id,-999)/*rchandan for Service Type FP*/
840: AND settlement_id <= pn_settlement_id
841: ORDER BY 1 desc;

Line 850: FROM jai_rgm_refs_all

846: ln_location_id jai_rgm_stl_balances.location_id%TYPE,
847: lv_party_type jai_rgm_stl_balances.party_type%TYPE
848: ) IS
849: SELECT NVL(total_tax_amt * decode(sign(total_tax_amt), -1, 0, 1),0) debit_balance, organization_id party_id, rowid
850: FROM jai_rgm_refs_all
851: WHERE organization_id = ln_party_id
852: AND nvl(location_id,-999) = nvl(ln_location_id,-999)/*rchandan for Service Type FP*/
853: AND settlement_id <= pn_settlement_id
854: ORDER BY 1 desc;

Line 1053: p_repository_name => 'JAI_RGM_REFS_ALL',

1049: -- p_accounting_date => SYSDATE, commented by anujsax for bug #6126142
1050: p_accounting_date => r_acct_balances.settlement_date, --added by anujsax for Bug#6126142
1051: p_transaction_date => r_acct_balances.settlement_date,
1052: p_calling_object => 'JAIRGMSP',
1053: p_repository_name => 'JAI_RGM_REFS_ALL',
1054: p_repository_id => NULL,
1055: p_reference_name => NULL,
1056: p_reference_id => NULL,
1057: p_currency_code => jai_constants.func_curr);

Line 1125: p_repository_name => 'JAI_RGM_REFS_ALL',

1121: -- p_accounting_date => SYSDATE, commented by anujsax for bug #6126142
1122: p_accounting_date => r_acct_balances.settlement_date, --added by anujsax for Bug#6126142
1123: p_transaction_date => r_acct_balances.settlement_date,
1124: p_calling_object => 'JAIRGMSP',
1125: p_repository_name => 'JAI_RGM_REFS_ALL',
1126: p_repository_id => NULL,
1127: p_reference_name => NULL,
1128: p_reference_id => NULL,
1129: p_currency_code => jai_constants.func_curr);

Line 1603: FROM jai_rgm_refs_all

1599: /*Start additions by mmurtuza for bug12641455*/
1600: CURSOR cur_recovertcs_fromorg (cp_org_id in number,cp_loc_id in number,cp_tax_type varchar2)
1601: IS
1602: SELECT SUM(total_tax_amt * decode(sign(total_tax_amt), -1, -1, 0))
1603: FROM jai_rgm_refs_all
1604: WHERE settlement_id = pn_settlement_id
1605: -- and source_document_type='SETTLEMENT'
1606: -- and source_table_name='JAI_RGM_SETTLEMENTS' --mmurtuza need to discuss
1607: --and nvl(trx_credit_amount,0)>0

Line 1612: ln_recovery_tcs jai_rgm_refs_all.total_tax_amt%type;

1608: and organization_id=cp_org_id
1609: and location_id=cp_loc_id;
1610: --and tax_type=cp_tax_type;
1612: ln_recovery_tcs jai_rgm_refs_all.total_tax_amt%type;
1614: /*end additions by mmurtuza for bug12641455*/