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1 package body ame_api6 as
2 /* $Header: ameeapi6.pkb 120.6 2011/11/14 14:54:40 kkananth ship $ */
3   ambiguousApproverException exception;
4   ambiguousApproverMessage constant ame_util.longestStringType :=
5     ame_util.getMessage(applicationShortNameIn =>'PER',
6     messageNameIn => 'AME_400812_NULL_APPR_REC_NAME');
7     procedure getApproverDetails(nameIn                in varchar2
8                                  ,validityOut          out NOCOPY varchar2
9                                  ,displayNameOut       out NOCOPY varchar2
10                                  ,origSystemIdOut      out NOCOPY integer
11                                  ,origSystemOut        out NOCOPY varchar2 ) as
12     begin
13       validityOut := 'INVALID';
14       select
15         display_name,
16         orig_system,
17         orig_system_id
18         into
19           displayNameOut,
20           origSystemOut,
21           origSystemIdOut
22         from wf_roles
23         where
24           name = nameIn and
25           status = 'ACTIVE' and
26           (expiration_date is null or
27             sysdate < expiration_date) and
28           rownum < 2;
29         validityOut := 'VALID';
30       exception
31         when no_data_found then
32           begin
33             select
34               display_name,
35               orig_system,
36               orig_system_id
37               into
38                 displayNameOut,
39                 origSystemOut,
40                 origSystemIdOut
41               from wf_local_roles
42               where
43                 name = nameIn and
44                 rownum < 2;
45             validityOut := 'INACTIVE';
46             exception
47               when no_data_found then
48                 displayNameOut := nameIn;
49                 origSystemOut  := 'PER';
50           end;
51     end getApproverDetails;
52   procedure getApprovers(applicationIdIn   in number
53                         ,transactionTypeIn in varchar2
54                         ,transactionIdIn   in varchar2
55                         ,approversOut     out nocopy ame_util.approversTable2) as
56     ameApplicationId integer;
57     tempIndex        integer;
58     l_valid varchar2(50);
59     l_display_name varchar2(200);
60     cursor approversCursor (applicationIdIn in integer
61                            ,transactionIdIn in varchar2) is
62       select atah.row_timestamp row_timestamp
63             ,atah.item_class item_class
64             ,atah.item_id item_id
65             ,atah.name name
66             ,atah.order_number order_number
67             ,atah.approver_category category
68             ,atah.user_comments user_comment
69             ,atah.status status
70             ,atah.authority
71             ,atah.occurrence
72             ,atah.action_type_id
73             ,atah.group_or_chain_id
74             ,atah.api_insertion
75             ,atah.member_order_number
76        from ame_trans_approval_history atah
77       where atah.date_cleared is null
78         and atah.transaction_id   = transactionIdIn
79         and atah.application_id   = applicationIdIn
80         and atah.row_timestamp =
81              (
82               select max(b.row_timestamp)
83                 from ame_trans_approval_history b
84                where atah.transaction_id     = b.transaction_id
85                  and atah.application_id     = b.application_id
86                  and atah.name               = b.name
87                  and atah.approver_category  = b.approver_category
88                  and atah.item_class         = b.item_class
89                  and atah.item_id            = b.item_id
90                  and atah.action_type_id     = b.action_type_id
91                  and atah.authority          = b.authority
92                  and atah.group_or_chain_id  = b.group_or_chain_id
93                  and atah.occurrence         = b.occurrence
94                  and b.date_cleared is null);
95     begin
96       --+
97       -- get the ame application id.
98       --+
99       tempIndex := 0;
100       ameApplicationId :=
101           ame_admin_pkg.getApplicationId
102                             (fndAppIdIn          => applicationIdIn
103                             ,transactionTypeIdIn => transactionTypeIn);
104       for approver in approversCursor(applicationIdIn => ameApplicationId
105                                      ,transactionIdIn => transactionIdIn) loop
106         tempIndex := tempIndex + 1;
107         approversOut(tempIndex).name := approver.name;
108         approversOut(tempIndex).display_name := ame_approver_type_pkg.getApproverDisplayName4(nameIn => approver.name);
109         approversOut(tempIndex).item_class := approver.item_class;
110         approversOut(tempIndex).item_id    := approver.item_id;
111         approversOut(tempIndex).approver_category := approver.category;
112         approversOut(tempIndex).authority := approver.authority;
113         approversOut(tempIndex).approval_status := approver.status;
114         approversOut(tempIndex).action_type_id := approver.action_type_id;
115         approversOut(tempIndex).group_or_chain_id := approver.group_or_chain_id;
116         approversOut(tempIndex).occurrence := approver.occurrence;
117         approversOut(tempIndex).approver_order_number := approver.order_number;
118         approversOut(tempIndex).api_insertion := approver.api_insertion;
119         approversOut(tempIndex).member_order_number := approver.member_order_number;
120         begin
121           ame_approver_type_pkg.getApproverOrigSystemAndId
122              (nameIn          => approver.name
123              ,origSystemOut   => approversOut(tempIndex).orig_system
124              ,origSystemIdOut => approversOut(tempIndex).orig_system_id);
125         /*
126           The old approver list does not maintain source.  Calling applications requiring
127           source data must get it by calling getNextApprover or getAllApprovers.
128         */
129         exception
130           when others then
131              getApproverDetails(nameIn => approver.name
132                                  ,validityOut     => l_valid
133                                  ,displayNameOut  => l_display_name
134                                  ,origSystemIdOut => approversOut(tempIndex).orig_system_id
135                                  ,origSystemOut   => approversOut(tempIndex).orig_system);
136             if l_valid = 'INVALID' then
137               approversOut(tempIndex).orig_system_id := null;
138               approversOut(tempIndex).orig_system := null;
139             end if;
140         end;
141         approversOut(tempIndex).source := null;
142       end loop;
143     exception
144       when others then
145         ame_util.runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_api6',
146                                   routineNameIn => 'getApprovers',
147                                   exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
148                                   exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
149         approversOut.delete;
150         raise;
151     end getApprovers;
152       procedure updateApprovalStatus(applicationIdIn in number,
153                                  transactionTypeIn in varchar2,
154                                  transactionIdIn in varchar2,
155                                  approverIn in ame_util.approverRecord2,
156                                  notificationIn in ame_util2.notificationRecord
157                                           default ame_util2.emptyNotificationRecord,
158                                  forwardeeIn in ame_util.approverRecord2 default
159                                              ame_util.emptyApproverRecord2,
160                                  updateItemIn in boolean default false) as
161      errorCode integer;
162     errorMessage ame_util.longStringType;
163     begin
164       /* Validate the input approver. */
165       if(approverIn.name is null) then
166         raise ambiguousApproverException;
167       end if;
168       ame_engine.updateApprovalStatus(applicationIdIn => applicationIdIn,
169                                  transactionTypeIn => transactionTypeIn,
170                                  transactionIdIn => transactionIdIn,
171                                  approverIn => approverIn,
172                                  notificationIn => notificationIn,
173                                  forwardeeIn => forwardeeIn,
174                                  updateItemIn => updateItemIn);
175       exception
176         when ambiguousApproverException then
177           errorCode := -20310;
178           errorMessage := ambiguousApproverMessage;
179           ame_util.runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_api2',
180                                     routineNameIn => 'updateApprovalStatus',
181                                     exceptionNumberIn => errorCode,
182                                     exceptionStringIn => errorMessage);
183           raise_application_error(errorCode,
184                                   errorMessage);
185         when others then
186           ame_util.runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_api2',
187                                     routineNameIn => 'updateApprovalStatus',
188                                     exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
189                                     exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
190           raise;
191     end updateApprovalStatus;
192   procedure updateApprovalStatus2(applicationIdIn in number,
193                                   transactionTypeIn in varchar2,
194                                   transactionIdIn in varchar2,
195                                   approvalStatusIn in varchar2,
196                                   approverNameIn in varchar2,
197                                   itemClassIn in varchar2 default null,
198                                   itemIdIn in varchar2 default null,
199                                   actionTypeIdIn in number default null,
200                                   groupOrChainIdIn in number default null,
201                                   occurrenceIn in number default null,
202                                   notificationIn in ame_util2.notificationRecord
203                                         default ame_util2.emptyNotificationRecord,
204                                   forwardeeIn in ame_util.approverRecord2
205                                         default ame_util.emptyApproverRecord2,
206                                  updateItemIn in boolean default false) as
207     approver ame_util.approverRecord2;
208     errorCode integer;
209     errorMessage ame_util.longStringType;
210     nullApproverException exception;
211     l_error_code number;
212     begin
213       /* No locking needed here as it is done in updateApprovalStatus */
214       if  approverNameIn is not null  then
215         approver.name := approverNameIn;
216       else
217         raise nullApproverException;
218       end if;
219       approver.item_class := itemClassIn ;
220       approver.item_id := itemIdIn ;
221       approver.approval_status := approvalStatusIn;
222       approver.action_type_id :=actionTypeIdIn ;
223       approver.group_or_chain_id := groupOrChainIdIn;
224       approver.occurrence := occurrenceIn;
225       begin
226        ame_approver_type_pkg.getOrigSystemIdAndDisplayName(nameIn =>approver.name,
227                                           origSystemOut => approver.orig_system,
228                                           origSystemIdOut => approver.orig_system_id,
229                                           displayNameOut => approver.display_name);
230       exception
231         when others then
232           l_error_code := sqlcode;
233           if l_error_code = -20213 then
234           errorCode := -20224;
235           errorMessage := ame_util.getMessage(applicationShortNameIn =>'PER',
236                                               messageNameIn => 'AME_400837_INV_APR_FOUND',
237                                               tokenNameOneIn  => 'PROCESS_NAME',
238                                               tokenValueOneIn => 'ame_api6.updateApprovalStatus2',
239                                               tokenNameTwoIn => 'NAME',
240                                               tokenValueTwoIn => approver.name);
241           raise_application_error(errorCode,errorMessage);
242           end if;
243           raise;
244       end;
245       ame_engine.updateApprovalStatus(applicationIdIn => applicationIdIn,
246                            transactionIdIn => transactionIdIn,
247                            approverIn => approver,
248                            transactionTypeIn => transactionTypeIn,
249                            notificationIn => notificationIn,
250                            forwardeeIn => forwardeeIn,
251                            updateItemIn => updateItemIn);
252       exception
253         when nullApproverException then
254           errorCode := -20309;
255           errorMessage := ambiguousApproverMessage;
256           ame_util.runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_api2',
257                                     routineNameIn => 'updateApprovalStatus2',
258                                     exceptionNumberIn => errorCode,
259                                     exceptionStringIn => errorMessage);
260           raise_application_error(errorCode,
261                                   errorMessage);
262         when others then
263           ame_util.runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_api2',
264                                     routineNameIn => 'updateApprovalStatus2',
265                                     exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
266                                     exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
267           raise;
268     end updateApprovalStatus2;
270 procedure getApprovers2(applicationIdIn   in number
271                         ,transactionTypeIn in varchar2
272                         ,transactionIdIn   in varchar2
273                         ,approversOut     out nocopy ame_util.approversTable2) as
274     ameApplicationId integer;
275     tempIndex        integer;
276     l_valid varchar2(50);
277     l_display_name varchar2(200);
278     cursor approversCursor  is
279 				SELECT   ol.name
280 				        ,ame_approver_type_pkg.getapproverdisplayname4 (ol.name) display_name
281 								,ol.approval_status
282 								,ol.approver_category
283 							  ,ol.authority
284 								,ol.action_type_id
285 								,ol.group_or_chain_id
286 								,ol.item_class
287 								,ol.item_id
288 				FROM    ame_temp_old_approver_lists ol
289 				       ,ame_trans_approval_history h
290 				       ,fnd_lookups lookup
291 				       ,fnd_lookups lookup2
292 				       ,fnd_lookups lookup3
293 				       ,ame_approval_groups_vl apg
294 				WHERE   ol.transaction_id = h.transaction_id
295 				AND     ol.application_id = h.application_id
296 				AND     ol.name = h.name
297 				AND     ol.item_class = h.item_class
298 				AND     ol.item_id = h.item_id
299 				AND     ol.api_insertion = h.api_insertion
300 				AND     ol.action_type_id = h.action_type_id
301 				AND     ol.authority = h.authority
302 				AND     ol.occurrence = h.occurrence
303 				AND     lookup.lookup_type (+) = 'AME_APPROVAL_STATUS'
304 				AND     lookup.lookup_code (+) = h.status
305 				AND     apg.approval_group_id (+) = ol.group_or_chain_id
306 				AND     (
307 				                h.status IS NULL
308 				        OR      h.status = 'APPROVE AND FORWARD'
309 				        OR      h.status = 'APPROVE'
310 				        OR      h.status = 'BEAT BY FIRST RESPONDER'
311 				        OR      h.status = 'FORWARD'
312 				        OR      h.status = 'NO RESPONSE'
313 				        OR      h.status = 'NOTIFIED'
314 				        OR      h.status = 'REJECT'
315 				        )
316 				AND     (
317 				                ol.approval_status IS NULL
318 				        OR      ol.approval_status = 'APPROVE AND FORWARD'
319 				        OR      ol.approval_status = 'APPROVE'
320 				        OR      ol.approval_status = 'BEAT BY FIRST RESPONDER'
321 				        OR      ol.approval_status = 'FORWARD'
322 				        OR      ol.approval_status = 'NO RESPONSE'
323 				        OR      ol.approval_status = 'NOTIFIED'
324 				        OR      ol.approval_status = 'REJECT'
325 				        )
326 				AND     h.date_cleared IS NULL
327 				AND     lookup2.lookup_type = 'AME_APPROVER_CATEGORY'
328 				AND     ol.approver_category = lookup2.lookup_code
329 				AND     h.transaction_id = transactionIdIn
330 				AND     h.application_id =
331 				        (
332 				        SELECT  application_id
333 				        FROM    ame_calling_apps
334 				        WHERE   SYSDATE BETWEEN start_date
335 				                        AND     nvl (end_date
336 				                                    ,SYSDATE)
337 				        AND     fnd_application_id = applicationIdIn
338 				        AND     transaction_type_id = transactionTypeIn
339 				        )
340 				AND     lookup3.lookup_type (+) = 'FND_WF_ORIG_SYSTEMS'
341 				AND     lookup3.lookup_code (+) = ame_approver_type_pkg.getapproverorigsystem3 (ol.name)
342 				AND     h.row_timestamp =
343 				        (
344 				        SELECT  max (b.row_timestamp)
345 				        FROM    ame_trans_approval_history b
346 				        WHERE   h.transaction_id = b.transaction_id
347 				        AND     h.application_id = b.application_id
348 				        AND     h.name = b.name
349 				        AND     h.approver_category = b.approver_category
350 				        AND     h.item_class = b.item_class
351 				        AND     h.item_id = b.item_id
352 				        AND     h.action_type_id = b.action_type_id
353 				        AND     h.authority = b.authority
354 				        AND     h.group_or_chain_id = b.group_or_chain_id
355 				        AND     h.occurrence = b.occurrence
356 				        AND     b.date_cleared IS NULL
357 				        )
358 				UNION
359 				SELECT  ol.name
360 				        ,ame_approver_type_pkg.getapproverdisplayname4 (ol.name) display_name
361 								,ol.approval_status
362 								,ol.approver_category
363 							  ,ol.authority
364 								,ol.action_type_id
365 								,ol.group_or_chain_id
366 								,ol.item_class
367 								,ol.item_id
368 				FROM    ame_temp_old_approver_lists ol
369 				       ,fnd_lookups lookup
370 				       ,fnd_lookups lookup2
371 				       ,fnd_lookups lookup3
372 				       ,ame_approval_groups_vl apg
374 				        (
375 				        SELECT  x.transaction_id
376 				               ,x.application_id
377 				        FROM    ame_trans_approval_history x
378 				        WHERE   ol.transaction_id = x.transaction_id
379 				        AND     ol.name = x.name
380 				        AND     ol.application_id = x.application_id
381 				        AND     ol.item_class = x.item_class
382 				        AND     ol.item_id = x.item_id
383 				        AND     ol.api_insertion = x.api_insertion
384 				        AND     ol.action_type_id = x.action_type_id
385 				        AND     ol.authority = x.authority
386 				        AND     ol.occurrence = x.occurrence
387 				        )
388 				AND     ol.transaction_id = transactionIdIn
389 				AND     ol.application_id =
390 				        (
391 				        SELECT  application_id
392 				        FROM    ame_calling_apps
393 				        WHERE   SYSDATE BETWEEN start_date
394 				                        AND     nvl (end_date
395 				                                    ,SYSDATE)
396 				        AND     fnd_application_id = applicationIdIn
397 				        AND     transaction_type_id = transactionTypeIn
398 				        )
399 				AND     lookup.lookup_type (+) = 'AME_APPROVAL_STATUS'
400 				AND     lookup.lookup_code (+) = ol.approval_status
401 				AND     lookup2.lookup_type = 'AME_APPROVER_CATEGORY'
402 				AND     ol.approver_category = lookup2.lookup_code
403 				AND     apg.approval_group_id (+) = ol.group_or_chain_id
404 				AND     lookup3.lookup_type (+) = 'FND_WF_ORIG_SYSTEMS'
405 				AND     lookup3.lookup_code (+) = ame_approver_type_pkg.getapproverorigsystem3 (ol.name)
406 				AND     (
407 				                ol.approval_status IS NULL
408 				        OR      ol.approval_status = 'APPROVE AND FORWARD'
409 				        OR      ol.approval_status = 'APPROVE'
410 				        OR      ol.approval_status = 'BEAT BY FIRST RESPONDER'
411 				        OR      ol.approval_status = 'FORWARD'
412 				        OR      ol.approval_status = 'NO RESPONSE'
413 				        OR      ol.approval_status = 'NOTIFIED'
414 				        OR      ol.approval_status = 'REJECT'
415 				        );
417     begin
418       --+
419       -- get the ame application id.
420       --+
421       tempIndex := 0;
422       ameApplicationId :=
423           ame_admin_pkg.getApplicationId
424                             (fndAppIdIn          => applicationIdIn
425                             ,transactionTypeIdIn => transactionTypeIn);
427       for approver in approversCursor loop
428         tempIndex := tempIndex + 1;
429         approversOut(tempIndex).name := approver.name;
430         approversOut(tempIndex).display_name := approver.display_name;
431         approversOut(tempIndex).item_class := approver.item_class;
432         approversOut(tempIndex).item_id    := approver.item_id;
433         approversOut(tempIndex).approver_category := approver.approver_category;
434         approversOut(tempIndex).authority := approver.authority;
435         approversOut(tempIndex).approval_status := approver.approval_status;
436         approversOut(tempIndex).action_type_id := approver.action_type_id;
437         approversOut(tempIndex).group_or_chain_id := approver.group_or_chain_id;
439         begin
440           ame_approver_type_pkg.getApproverOrigSystemAndId
441              (nameIn          => approver.name
442              ,origSystemOut   => approversOut(tempIndex).orig_system
443              ,origSystemIdOut => approversOut(tempIndex).orig_system_id);
444         /*
445           The old approver list does not maintain source.  Calling applications requiring
446           source data must get it by calling getNextApprover or getAllApprovers.
447         */
448         exception
449           when others then
450              getApproverDetails(nameIn => approver.name
451                                  ,validityOut     => l_valid
452                                  ,displayNameOut  => l_display_name
453                                  ,origSystemIdOut => approversOut(tempIndex).orig_system_id
454                                  ,origSystemOut   => approversOut(tempIndex).orig_system);
455             if l_valid = 'INVALID' then
456               approversOut(tempIndex).orig_system_id := null;
457               approversOut(tempIndex).orig_system := null;
458             end if;
459         end;
460         approversOut(tempIndex).source := null;
461       end loop;
462     exception
463       when others then
464         ame_util.runtimeException(packageNameIn => 'ame_api6',
465                                   routineNameIn => 'getApprovers2',
466                                   exceptionNumberIn => sqlcode,
467                                   exceptionStringIn => sqlerrm);
468         approversOut.delete;
469         raise;
470     end getApprovers2;
472 end ame_api6;