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Line 13: CURSOR C IS SELECT rowid FROM per_grade_spines_f

9: X_Parent_Spine_Id NUMBER,
10: X_Grade_Id NUMBER,
11: X_Ceiling_Step_Id IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
12: ) IS
13: CURSOR C IS SELECT rowid FROM per_grade_spines_f
14: WHERE grade_spine_id = X_Grade_Spine_Id;
16: CURSOR C2 IS SELECT per_grade_spines_s.nextval
17: FROM sys.dual;

Line 77: FROM per_grade_spines_f

73: X_program_update_date DATE
74: ) IS
76: SELECT *
77: FROM per_grade_spines_f
78: WHERE rowid = chartorowid(X_Rowid)
79: FOR UPDATE of Grade_Spine_Id NOWAIT;
81: Recinfo C%ROWTYPE;

Line 148: UPDATE per_grade_spines_f

144: X_Grade_Id NUMBER,
145: X_Ceiling_Step_Id NUMBER
146: ) IS
147: BEGIN
148: UPDATE per_grade_spines_f
149: SET
150: grade_spine_id = X_Grade_Spine_Id,
151: effective_start_date = X_Effective_Start_Date,
152: effective_end_date = X_Effective_End_Date,

Line 176: l_grade_spine_id per_grade_spines_f.grade_spine_id%Type;

173: -- Start of fix for Bug 2694503.
176: l_grade_spine_id per_grade_spines_f.grade_spine_id%Type;
177: BEGIN
178: select grade_spine_id
179: into l_grade_spine_id
180: from per_grade_spines_f

Line 180: from per_grade_spines_f

176: l_grade_spine_id per_grade_spines_f.grade_spine_id%Type;
177: BEGIN
178: select grade_spine_id
179: into l_grade_spine_id
180: from per_grade_spines_f
181: where rowid = chartorowid(X_Rowid);
183: Delete from per_spinal_point_steps_f
184: where grade_spine_id = l_grade_spine_id;

Line 194: DELETE FROM per_grade_spines_f

190: end ;
192: -- End of fix for Bug 2694503.
194: DELETE FROM per_grade_spines_f
195: WHERE rowid = chartorowid(X_Rowid);
197: if (SQL%NOTFOUND) then
198: hr_utility.set_message(801,'HR_6153_ALL_PROCEDURE_FAIL');

Line 215: per_grade_spines_f gs

212: cursor c1 is
213: select 'x'
214: from per_spinal_point_steps_f sps,
215: per_grade_spines_f gs
216: where gs.grade_spine_id = sps.grade_spine_id
217: and gs.parent_spine_id = p_pspine_id
218: and gs.grade_id = p_grd_id
219: and exists

Line 227: per_grade_spines_f gs

223: --
224: cursor c2 is
225: select 'x'
226: from per_spinal_point_steps_f sps,
227: per_grade_spines_f gs
228: where gs.grade_spine_id = sps.grade_spine_id
229: and gs.parent_spine_id = p_pspine_id
230: and gs.grade_id = p_grd_id
231: and exists

Line 275: from per_grade_spines_f

271: l_exists VARCHAR2(1);
273: cursor c3 is
274: select 'x'
275: from per_grade_spines_f
276: where grade_id = p_grd_id
277: and p_sess between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
278: --
279: begin

Line 383: ,per_grade_spines_f pgs

379: select pps.name
380: ,psp.spinal_point
381: ,pgs.grade_id
382: from per_parent_spines pps
383: ,per_grade_spines_f pgs
384: ,per_spinal_points psp
385: where pgs.grade_spine_id = p_grade_spine_id
386: and p_effective_date between
387: pgs.effective_start_date and pgs.effective_end_date

Line 649: from per_grade_spines_f

645: -- the steps can be opened to the end of time.
646: --
647: cursor get_end is
648: select effective_start_date -1
649: from per_grade_spines_f
650: where grade_id = p_grade_id
651: and effective_start_date > p_eff_end_date
652: and grade_spine_id <> p_gspine_id;
653: --

Line 819: from per_grade_spines_f

815: -- step change.
816: --
817: cursor check_notceilchng is
818: select 1
819: from per_grade_spines_f
820: where grade_spine_id = p_gspine_id
821: and effective_start_date > p_eff_end_date;
822: --
823: -- cursor to locate the spinal point steps that require re-opening.