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2 /* $Header: jtavstzs.pls 120.3 2005/09/08 06:02:40 deeprao ship $ */
3 /*======================================================================+
4 |  Copyright (c) 1995 Oracle Corporation Redwood Shores, California, USA|
5 |                            All rights reserved.                       |
6 +=======================================================================+
7 | FILENAME                                                              |
8 |          jtavstzs.pls                                                 |
9 |                                                                       |
10 | DESCRIPTION                                                           |
11 |          This package has all the cursors                             |
12 |                                                                       |
13 | NOTES                                                                 |
14 |                                                                       |
15 |                                                                       |
16 |Date           Developer   Change                                      |
17 |-----------    ---------   ------------------------------------------- |
18 |04-02-02       SSALLAKA      Created                                   |
19 |04-19-2002     SSALLAKA      Updated with Object_changted_date instead |
20 |                               last_update_date in jtf_tasks_b table   |
21 |04-22-2002     CJANG         Added t.owner_type_code = 'RS_EMPLOYEE'   |
22 |                                 in the cursor c_delete_assignment     |
23 |04-23-2002     CJANG         When a user change non-repeat to repeat   |
24 |                            after sync, the cursor c_new_repeating_task|
25 |                            was selecting the repeating as a new.      |
26 |                            This bug is fixed by moving                |
27 |                              jtaa.last_update_date > b_syncanchor from|
28 |                              inline view to outside where clause      |
29 |                            This may affect performance.               |
30 |04-24-2002     CJANG        Modified the cursor c_modify_non_repeat_task
31 |                              and c_modify_non_repeat_task             |
32 |                              and c_delete_tasks                       |
33 |                              and c_delete_rejected_tasks              |
34 |                             to pick up all the non-task manager source|
35 |04-25-2002     CJANG        Modified the cursor                        |
36 |                              1) c_new_repeating_task:                 |
37 |                                Added ta.assignment_status_id IN (3,18)|
38 |                                Select the greatest start_date_active  |
39 |                              2) c_modify_repeating_task:              |
40 |                                Added ta.assignment_status_id IN (3,18)|
41 |                                Select the greatest start_date_active  |
42 |                              3) c_delete_assignee_reject: Newly added |
43 |                              4) c_delete_rejected_tasks:              |
44 |                                                                       |
45 |               OR ( nvl(sts.completed_flag,'N') = 'Y' AND              |
46 |                    nvl(sts.cancelled_flag,'N') = 'Y' AND              |
47 |                    nvl(sts.rejected_flag,'N') = 'Y' AND               |
48 |                    nvl(sts.closed_flag,'N') = 'Y'                     |
49 |              ====>                                                    |
50 |               OR ( nvl(sts.completed_flag,'N') = 'Y' OR               |
51 |                    nvl(sts.cancelled_flag,'N') = 'Y' OR               |
52 |                    nvl(sts.rejected_flag,'N') = 'Y' OR                |
53 |                    nvl(sts.closed_flag,'N') = 'Y'                     |
54 |                                                                       |
55 |04-26-2002     CJANG       1)Added two more conditions to the cursor   |
56 |                                 c_non_repeat_task                     |
57 |                                                                       |
58 |                                AND ta.assignment_status_id IN (3, 18) |
59 |                                AND ta.resource_id = b_resource_id     |
60 |                              not to pick up any rejected appts/task   |
61 |                           2)Modified the following statement in all   |
62 |                             cursors                                   |
63 |                                 tm.resource_id = b_resource_id        |
64 |                  ==>tm.resource_id = jta_sync_task.g_login_resource_id|
65 |                           3)Modified all cursor for handling group id |
66 |                                                                       |
67 |04-29-2002     CJANG       Added a condition in c_new_non_repeat_task  |
68 |                               "AND ta.assignment_status_id IN (3,18)" |
69 |                                                                       |
70 |05-02-2002     CJANG       Modified c_new_repeating_task to pick up    |
71 |                             all the future appts modified.            |
72 |                           Modified c_delete_rejected_tasks,           |
73 |                                    c_delete_assignment                |
74 |                            to support diverse source_object_type      |
75 |                                 such as Opportunity, Lead etc         |
76 |                                                                       |
77 |07-02-2002     CJANG       Fix Bug: 2442496                            |
78 |                           Modified c_delete_assignee_reject to pick up|
79 |                             only the rejected appointment.            |
80 |                           A task is not deleted from device even if   |
81 |                             the task has been rejected by the current |
82 |                             logged-in assignee.                       |
83 |07-03-2002     CJANG       After Code Review for Fix Bug: 2442496      |
84 |                             Modified c_delete_assignee_reject         |
85 |                           ta.assignee_role = 'ASSIGNEE'               |
86 |                           ==> nvl(ta.assignee_role,'ASSIGNEE')        |
87 |                                      = 'ASSIGNEE'                     |
88 |									|
89 |18-JUL-2005   TSINGHAL   Commented code 'assignment_status_id IN(3,18)'|
90 |                         to allow all	assignment_status_id as per     |
91 |                         bug 4397779 update				|
92 |									|
93 |08-SEP-2005  DEEPRAO	  Modified c_delete_unsubscribed                |
94 |                                                                       |
95 *=======================================================================*/
96    CURSOR c_new_repeating_task (
97       b_syncanchor           DATE,
98       b_resource_id          NUMBER,
99       b_resource_type        VARCHAR2,
100       b_source_object_type   VARCHAR2
101    )
102    IS
103       SELECT DISTINCT tl.task_name,
104              tl.description,
105              t.date_selected,
106              t.planned_start_date,
107              t.planned_end_date,
108              t.scheduled_start_date,
109              t.scheduled_end_date,
110              t.actual_start_date,
111              t.actual_end_date,
112              t.calendar_start_date,
113              t.calendar_end_date,
114              t.task_status_id,
115              tb.importance_level importance_level,
116              NVL (t.alarm_on, 'N') alarm_on,
117              t.alarm_start,
118              UPPER (t.alarm_start_uom) alarm_start_uom,
119              NVL (t.private_flag, 'N') private_flag,
120              t.deleted_flag,
121              NVL (t.timezone_id, jta_sync_task_common.g_client_timezone_id) timezone_id,
122              t.task_id,
123              t.owner_type_code,
124              t.source_object_type_code,
125              rc.recurrence_rule_id,
126              rc.occurs_uom,
127              rc.occurs_every,
128              rc.occurs_number,
129              greatest(rc.start_date_active, t.planned_start_date) start_date_active,
130              rc.end_date_active,
131              rc.sunday,
132              rc.monday,
133              rc.tuesday,
134              rc.wednesday,
135              rc.thursday,
136              rc.friday,
137              rc.saturday,
138              rc.date_of_month,
139              rc.occurs_which,
140              greatest(t.object_changed_date, ta.last_update_date) new_timestamp
141         FROM jtf_task_recur_rules rc,
142              jtf_task_statuses_b ts,
143              jtf_task_priorities_b tb,
144              jtf_tasks_tl tl,
145              jtf_task_all_assignments ta,
146              jtf_tasks_b t,
147              (SELECT jtb.recurrence_rule_id
148                    , MIN (jtb.task_id) task_id
149                 FROM jtf_tasks_b jtb
150                    , jtf_task_all_assignments jtaa
151                WHERE jtaa.resource_id = b_resource_id
152                  AND jtaa.resource_type_code = b_resource_type
153                  AND jtb.task_id = jtaa.task_id
154                  AND jtb.source_object_type_code = b_source_object_type
155                  AND b_source_object_type = 'APPOINTMENT'
156                  AND jtb.recurrence_rule_id IS NOT NULL
157               HAVING NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1
158                                    FROM jta_sync_task_mapping tm
159                                   WHERE tm.task_id = MIN(jtb.task_id)
160                                     AND tm.resource_id = jta_sync_task.g_login_resource_id)
161               GROUP BY jtb.recurrence_rule_id) newtask
162        WHERE t.task_id = newtask.task_id
163          AND ( (b_resource_type = 'RS_GROUP' AND
164                 t.owner_type_code = b_resource_type AND
165                 t.owner_id = b_resource_id
166                )
167                OR
168                (b_resource_type = 'RS_EMPLOYEE' AND
169                 t.owner_type_code = b_resource_type
170                )
171              )
172          AND (t.object_changed_date > b_syncanchor OR
173               ta.last_update_date > b_syncanchor)
174          AND ta.task_id = t.task_id
175          AND ta.resource_id = b_resource_id
176          AND ta.resource_type_code = b_resource_type
177 		 -- Modifed by TSINGHAL for bug 4397779
178 		 /*
179          AND ta.assignment_status_id IN (3 -- Accepted
180                                         ,18 -- Invited
181                                         )*/
182          AND tl.task_id = t.task_id
183          AND ts.task_status_id = t.task_status_id
184          AND tl.language = USERENV ('LANG')
185          AND task_type_id <> 22
186          AND rc.recurrence_rule_id = t.recurrence_rule_id
187          AND tb.task_priority_id (+) = t.task_priority_id;
189    CURSOR c_modify_repeating_task (
190       b_syncanchor           DATE,
191       b_resource_id          NUMBER,
192       b_resource_type        VARCHAR2,
193       b_source_object_type   VARCHAR2
194    )
195    IS
196       SELECT DISTINCT tl.task_name,
197                       tl.description,
198                       t.date_selected,
199                       t.planned_start_date,
200                       t.planned_end_date,
201                       t.scheduled_start_date,
202                       t.scheduled_end_date,
203                       t.actual_start_date,
204                       t.actual_end_date,
205                       t.calendar_start_date,
206                       t.calendar_end_date,
207                       t.task_status_id,
208                       tb.importance_level l_importance_level,
209                       NVL (t.alarm_on, 'N') alarm_on,
210                       t.alarm_start,
211                       UPPER (t.alarm_start_uom) alarm_start_uom,
212                       NVL (t.private_flag, 'N') private_flag,
213                       t.deleted_flag,
214                       NVL (t.timezone_id, jta_sync_task_common.g_client_timezone_id) timezone_id,
215                       tm.task_sync_id,
216                       t.task_id,
217                       t.owner_type_code,
218                       t.source_object_type_code,
219                       ta.assignment_status_id,
220                       rc.recurrence_rule_id,
221                       rc.occurs_uom,
222                       rc.occurs_every,
223                       rc.occurs_number,
224                       greatest(rc.start_date_active, t.planned_start_date) start_date_active,
225                       rc.end_date_active,
226                       rc.sunday,
227                       rc.monday,
228                       rc.tuesday,
229                       rc.wednesday,
230                       rc.thursday,
231                       rc.friday,
232                       rc.saturday,
233                       rc.date_of_month,
234                       rc.occurs_which,
235                       greatest(t.object_changed_date, ta.last_update_date) new_timestamp
236         FROM jtf_task_recur_rules rc,
237              jta_sync_task_mapping tm,
238              jtf_task_all_assignments ta,
239              jtf_task_statuses_b ts,
240              jtf_task_priorities_b tb,
241              jtf_tasks_tl tl,
242              jtf_tasks_b t
243        WHERE tm.resource_id = jta_sync_task.g_login_resource_id
244          AND t.task_id = tm.task_id
245          AND t.task_id = ta.task_id
246          AND tl.task_id = t.task_id
247          AND ( (b_resource_type = 'RS_GROUP' AND
248                 t.owner_type_code = b_resource_type AND
249                 t.owner_id = b_resource_id
250                )
251                OR
252                (b_resource_type = 'RS_EMPLOYEE' AND
253                 t.owner_type_code = b_resource_type
254                )
255              )
256          AND ta.resource_id = b_resource_id
257 		 -- Modified by TSINGHAL for bug 4397779
258 /*         AND ta.assignment_status_id IN (3,   -- Accepted
259                                          18   -- Invited
260                                         )*/
261          AND ts.task_status_id = t.task_status_id
262          AND t.recurrence_rule_id IS NOT NULL
263          AND rc.recurrence_rule_id = t.recurrence_rule_id
264          AND tb.task_priority_id (+) = t.task_priority_id
265          AND task_type_id <> 22
266          AND tl.language = USERENV ('LANG')
267          AND t.source_object_type_code = b_source_object_type
268          AND b_source_object_type = 'APPOINTMENT'
269          AND (  rc.last_update_date > b_syncanchor
270              OR ta.last_update_date > b_syncanchor
271              OR t.object_changed_date > b_syncanchor)
272          AND ts.task_status_id = t.task_status_id ;
274    CURSOR c_delete_task (b_syncanchor         DATE,
275                          b_resource_id        NUMBER,
276                          b_resource_type      VARCHAR2,
277                          b_source_object_type VARCHAR2)
278    IS
279       SELECT tm.task_sync_id
280         FROM jtf_tasks_b t
281            , jta_sync_task_mapping tm
282        WHERE tm.resource_id = jta_sync_task.g_login_resource_id
283          AND t.task_id = tm.task_id
284          AND ( (b_resource_type = 'RS_GROUP' AND
285                 t.owner_type_code = b_resource_type AND
286                 t.owner_id = b_resource_id
287                )
288                OR
289                (b_resource_type = 'RS_EMPLOYEE' AND
290                 t.owner_type_code = b_resource_type
291                )
292              )
293          AND NVL (t.deleted_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
294          AND decode(t.source_object_type_code,'APPOINTMENT','APPOINTMENT','TASK')  = b_source_object_type
295          AND task_type_id <> 22
296          AND t.object_changed_date > b_syncanchor;
298    -- This cursor is working for only appointment
299    -- If the invitee rejects the invitation, then it sends a delete signal
300    CURSOR c_delete_assignee_reject (b_syncanchor           DATE,
301                                     b_resource_id          NUMBER,
302                                     b_resource_type        VARCHAR2,
303                                     b_source_object_type   VARCHAR2)
304    IS
305       SELECT tm.task_sync_id
306         FROM jtf_tasks_b t
307            , jta_sync_task_mapping tm
308            , jtf_task_all_assignments ta
309        WHERE tm.resource_id = jta_sync_task.g_login_resource_id
310          AND t.task_id = tm.task_id
311          AND t.owner_type_code = b_resource_type
312          AND b_resource_type = 'RS_EMPLOYEE'
313          AND NVL (t.deleted_flag, 'N') = 'N'
314          AND t.task_type_id <> 22
315          AND decode(t.source_object_type_code,'APPOINTMENT','APPOINTMENT','TASK')  = b_source_object_type
316          AND b_source_object_type = 'APPOINTMENT' -- Fix bug 2442496
317          AND ta.task_id = t.task_id
318          AND ta.resource_id = b_resource_id
319          AND ta.resource_type_code = b_resource_type
320          AND nvl(ta.assignee_role,'ASSIGNEE') = 'ASSIGNEE' -- Fix bug 2442496
321          AND ta.assignment_status_id = 4 -- Reject Status
322          AND ta.last_update_date > b_syncanchor;
324    CURSOR c_delete_rejected_tasks (b_syncanchor           DATE,
325                                    b_resource_id          NUMBER,
326                                    b_resource_type        VARCHAR2,
327                                    b_source_object_type   VARCHAR2)
328    IS
329       SELECT tm.task_sync_id
330         FROM jtf_tasks_b t
331            , jta_sync_task_mapping tm
332        WHERE tm.resource_id = jta_sync_task.g_login_resource_id
333          AND t.task_id = tm.task_id
334          AND ( (b_resource_type = 'RS_GROUP' AND
335                 t.owner_type_code = b_resource_type AND
336                 t.owner_id = b_resource_id
337                )
338                OR
339                (b_resource_type = 'RS_EMPLOYEE' AND
340                 t.owner_type_code = b_resource_type
341                )
342              )
343          AND NVL (t.deleted_flag, 'N') = 'N'
344          AND t.task_type_id <> 22
345          AND decode(t.source_object_type_code,'APPOINTMENT','APPOINTMENT','TASK')  = b_source_object_type
346          AND
347              (
348              -- Closed Status
349                 NVL(t.open_flag,'Y') = 'N' -- Enh# 2666995
351              -- endless task
352              OR
353                 (   t.calendar_end_date IS NULL AND
354                     t.calendar_start_date IS NOT NULL AND
355                     t.source_object_type_code <> 'APPOINTMENT')
357              -- Appointment with the spanned Date
358              OR (   t.source_object_type_code = 'APPOINTMENT' AND
359                     TRUNC (t.calendar_start_date) <> TRUNC (t.calendar_end_date)
360                 )
361              )
362          AND t.object_changed_date > b_syncanchor;
364    CURSOR c_delete_assignment (b_syncanchor           DATE,
365                                b_resource_id          NUMBER,
366                                b_resource_type        VARCHAR2,
367                                b_source_object_type   VARCHAR2)
368    IS
369       SELECT tm.task_sync_id
370         FROM jtf_tasks_b t
371            , jta_sync_task_mapping tm
372        WHERE tm.resource_id = jta_sync_task.g_login_resource_id
373          AND t.task_id = tm.task_id
374          AND t.owner_type_code = b_resource_type
375          AND b_resource_type = 'RS_EMPLOYEE'
376          AND NVL (t.deleted_flag, 'N') = 'N'
377          AND decode(t.source_object_type_code,'APPOINTMENT','APPOINTMENT','TASK')  = b_source_object_type
378          --this indicates that the resource is no longer on the task, however the task is not deleted
379          AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1
380                            FROM jtf_task_all_assignments asgn
381                           WHERE asgn.task_id = t.task_id
382                             AND asgn.resource_id = b_resource_id/*and asgn.last_update_date >= b_syncanchor */
383              );
385    CURSOR c_new_non_repeat_task (b_syncanchor           DATE,
386                                  b_resource_id          NUMBER,
387                                  b_resource_type        VARCHAR2,
388                                  b_source_object_type   VARCHAR2)
389    IS
390       SELECT distinct tl.task_name,
391              tl.description,
392              t.date_selected,
393              t.planned_start_date,
394              t.planned_end_date,
395              t.scheduled_start_date,
396              t.scheduled_end_date,
397              t.actual_start_date,
398              t.actual_end_date,
399              t.calendar_start_date,
400              t.calendar_end_date,
401              t.task_status_id,
402              tb.importance_level,
403              NVL (t.alarm_on, 'N') alarm_on,
404              t.alarm_start,
405              UPPER (t.alarm_start_uom) alarm_start_uom,
406              NVL (t.private_flag, 'N') private_flag,
407              t.deleted_flag,
408              NVL (t.timezone_id, jta_sync_task_common.g_client_timezone_id) timezone_id,
409              t.task_id,
410              t.owner_type_code,
411              t.source_object_type_code,
412              t.recurrence_rule_id,
413              ta.assignment_status_id,
414              greatest(t.object_changed_date, ta.last_update_date) new_timestamp
415         FROM jtf_task_all_assignments ta,
416              jtf_task_priorities_b tb,
417              jtf_tasks_tl tl,
418              jtf_tasks_b t
419        WHERE ta.resource_id = b_resource_id
420          AND ta.resource_type_code = b_resource_type
421 		 -- Commented by TSINGHAL to fix bug 4397779
422          /* AND ta.assignment_status_id IN (3,   -- Accepted
423                                          18   -- Invited
424                                         )*/
425          AND t.task_id = ta.task_id
426          AND ( (b_resource_type = 'RS_GROUP' AND
427                 t.owner_type_code = b_resource_type AND
428                 t.owner_id = b_resource_id
429                )
430                OR
431                (b_resource_type = 'RS_EMPLOYEE' AND
432                 t.owner_type_code = b_resource_type
433                )
434              )
435          AND task_type_id <> 22
436          AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1
437                            FROM jta_sync_task_mapping tm
438                           WHERE tm.task_id = t.task_id
439                             AND tm.resource_id = jta_sync_task.g_login_resource_id)
440          AND t.recurrence_rule_id IS NULL
441          AND decode(t.source_object_type_code,'APPOINTMENT','APPOINTMENT','TASK')  = b_source_object_type
442          AND tl.task_id = t.task_id
443          AND tl.language = USERENV ('LANG')
444          AND tb.task_priority_id (+) = t.task_priority_id
445          AND NVL(t.open_flag,'Y') = 'Y' -- Enh# 2666995
446          AND (  ta.last_update_date > b_syncanchor
447              OR t.object_changed_date > b_syncanchor);
449    CURSOR c_modify_non_repeat_task (
450       b_syncanchor           DATE,
451       b_resource_id          NUMBER,
452       b_resource_type        VARCHAR2,
453       b_source_object_type   VARCHAR2
454    )
455    IS
456       SELECT  distinct  tl.task_name,
457              tl.description,
458              t.date_selected,
459              t.planned_start_date,
460              t.planned_end_date,
461              t.scheduled_start_date,
462              t.scheduled_end_date,
463              t.actual_start_date,
464              t.actual_end_date,
465              t.calendar_start_date,
466              t.calendar_end_date,
467              t.task_status_id,
468              tb.importance_level,
469              NVL (t.alarm_on, 'N') alarm_on,
470              t.alarm_start,
471              UPPER (t.alarm_start_uom) alarm_start_uom,
472              NVL (t.private_flag, 'N') private_flag,
473              t.deleted_flag,
474              NVL (t.timezone_id, jta_sync_task_common.g_client_timezone_id) timezone_id,
475              tm.task_sync_id,
476              t.task_id,
477              t.owner_type_code,
478              t.source_object_type_code,
479              t.recurrence_rule_id,
480              ta.assignment_status_id,
481              greatest(t.object_changed_date, ta.last_update_date) new_timestamp
482         FROM jta_sync_task_mapping tm,
483              jtf_task_all_assignments ta,
484              jtf_task_priorities_b tb,
485              jtf_tasks_tl tl,
486              jtf_tasks_b t
487        WHERE tm.resource_id = jta_sync_task.g_login_resource_id
488          AND t.task_id = tm.task_id
489          AND ( (b_resource_type = 'RS_GROUP' AND
490                 t.owner_type_code = b_resource_type AND
491                 t.owner_id = b_resource_id
492                )
493                OR
494                (b_resource_type = 'RS_EMPLOYEE' AND
495                 t.owner_type_code = b_resource_type
496                )
497              )
498          AND ta.task_id = t.task_id
499 		 -- Modified by TSINGHAL for bug 4397779
500 /*         AND ta.assignment_status_id IN (3, 18) -- Accepted, Invited */
501          AND ta.resource_id = b_resource_id
502          AND t.recurrence_rule_id IS NULL
503          AND task_type_id <> 22
504          AND (  t.object_changed_date > b_syncanchor
505              OR ta.last_update_date > b_syncanchor)
506          AND tl.task_id = t.task_id
507          AND ta.resource_type_code = b_resource_type
508          AND ta.resource_id = b_resource_id
509          AND NVL(t.open_flag,'Y') = 'Y' -- Enh# 2666995
510          AND decode(t.source_object_type_code,'APPOINTMENT','APPOINTMENT','TASK')  = b_source_object_type
511          AND tl.language = USERENV ('LANG')
512          AND tb.task_priority_id (+) = t.task_priority_id;
515    CURSOR c_delete_unsubscribed (
516        b_resource_id          NUMBER,
517        b_resource_type        VARCHAR2,
518        b_source_object_type   VARCHAR2
519       )
520       IS
521        SELECT m.task_sync_id
522         FROM  jtf_tasks_b b, jta_sync_task_mapping m
523        WHERE b.task_id = m.task_id
524         AND m.resource_id = jta_sync_task.g_login_resource_id
525         AND NVL (b.deleted_flag, 'N') = 'N'
526         AND b.owner_type_code ='RS_GROUP'
527         AND b.source_object_type_code = jta_sync_task_common.G_APPOINTMENT
528         AND b_resource_id = m.resource_id
529         AND b_source_object_type = jta_sync_task_common.G_APPOINTMENT
530         AND b_resource_type = 'RS_EMPLOYEE'
531         AND NOT EXISTS
532         (SELECT 1
533           FROM fnd_grants g
534         WHERE g.instance_pk1_value = to_char(b.owner_id) -- fix bug bug 2613008
535           AND g.grantee_key = to_char(jta_sync_task.g_login_resource_id) -- fix bug#4592625
536         );
539 END;   -- Package Specification JTA_SYNC_TASK_CURSORS