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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 75

  SELECT group_reference_id
  FROM bom_cto_src_orgs_b
  WHERE config_item_id = l_config_item_id
  AND group_reference_id is not null;
Line: 119

    delete from bom_ato_configurations
    where 	( 	p_base_model is null
                 or (	p_base_model is not null and p_option_item is null and base_model_id = p_base_model)
                 or (	p_base_model is not null and p_option_item is not null and config_item_id in
                                  ( select config_item_id from bom_ato_configurations bac
                                    where bac.base_model_id = p_base_model
                                      and bac.component_item_id = p_option_item )
                and  	( 	p_config_item is null or
        		(	p_config_item is not null and config_item_id = p_config_item))
        	and   	( 	p_created_days_ago is null or
                	(	p_created_days_ago is not null and TRUNC(creation_date) <= TRUNC(SYSDATE) - p_created_days_ago))
        	and   	( 	p_last_ref_days_ago is null or
                	(	p_last_ref_days_ago is not null and TRUNC(last_referenced_date) <= TRUNC(SYSDATE)- p_last_ref_days_ago))
        --bugfix 3557190
    RETURNING config_item_id BULK COLLECT INTO cfg_item_id_tbl;
Line: 140

    FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'Deleted from BAC : '||to_char(l_rec_count)||' records.');
Line: 194

	 DELETE from bom_cto_model_orgs
         WHERE group_reference_id = l_grp_ref_id_tbl(k);
Line: 198

    FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'Rows deleted from bcmo:'|| sql%rowcount); --end bugfix 3557190
Line: 212

                        SELECT ato_line_id
                          BULK COLLECT INTO lbcolline_tbl      --Bulk Collecting as a config may be linked to more than one line
                            FROM bom_cto_order_lines
                            WHERE config_item_id = l_config_item_id;
Line: 230

                             SELECT parent_ato_line_id, line_id
                               INTO lpatolineid, llineid
                                 FROM bom_cto_order_lines
                                 WHERE config_item_id = l_config_item_id
                                 and   ato_line_id = lbcolline_tbl(j);
Line: 243

                                UPDATE bom_cto_order_lines SET config_item_id = NULL WHERE line_id = llineid;
Line: 247

                                SELECT parent_ato_line_id
                                  INTO lpatolineid
                                    FROM bom_cto_order_lines
                                    WHERE line_id = llineid;
Line: 254

                             UPDATE bom_cto_order_lines SET config_item_id = NULL WHERE line_id = llineid;