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Line 87: from hr_organization_units HOU

83: and (APPLICATION_ID=800)
84: and (ID_FLEX_CODE='SCL') ;
85: cursor csr_get_formula_id ( p_id_flex_num number) is
86: select HOI2.org_information1
87: from hr_organization_units HOU
88: ,hr_organization_information HOI1
89: ,hr_organization_information HOI2
90: ,hr_soft_coding_keyflex HSCK
91: ,per_all_assignments_f PAA

Line 188: from hr_organization_units HOU

184: and (APPLICATION_ID=800)
185: and (ID_FLEX_CODE='SCL') ;
186: cursor csr_get_formula_id ( p_id_flex_num number) is
187: select HOI2.org_information1
188: from hr_organization_units HOU
189: ,hr_organization_information HOI1
190: ,hr_organization_information HOI2
191: ,hr_soft_coding_keyflex HSCK
192: ,per_all_assignments_f PAA

Line 291: from hr_organization_units HOU

287: and (APPLICATION_ID=800)
288: and (ID_FLEX_CODE='SCL') ;
289: cursor csr_get_formula_id ( p_id_flex_num number) is
290: select HOI2.org_information2
291: from hr_organization_units HOU
292: ,hr_organization_information HOI1
293: ,hr_organization_information HOI2
294: ,hr_soft_coding_keyflex HSCK
295: ,per_all_assignments_f PAA