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Line 701: -- SYMANTEC THROUGHPUT Fix: removed the dynamic SQL execution with standard

697: --dbms_output.put_line('record fetched');
698: --END IF;
700: IF global_struct_attrs_cur%FOUND THEN
701: -- SYMANTEC THROUGHPUT Fix: removed the dynamic SQL execution with standard
702: -- PL/SQL code.
703: /*
704: --Assign the value to the global structure in a sql_stmt string
705: l_sql_stmt := 'BEGIN '||

Line 840: -- SYMANTEC THROUGHPUT Fix: removed the dynamic SQL execution with standard

836: --If global_struct_attrs_cur%FOUND THEN
837: --dbms_output.put_line('record fetched 2');
838: --END IF;
839: IF global_struct_attrs_cur%FOUND THEN
840: -- SYMANTEC THROUGHPUT Fix: removed the dynamic SQL execution with standard
841: -- PL/SQL code.
842: /*
843: --Assign the value to the global structure in a sql_stmt string
844: l_sql_stmt := ''; --initialize

Line 900: -- SYMANTEC THROUGHPUT Fix: removed the dynamic SQL execution with standard

897: -- uncommenting for Pattern since it is required to populate global variable
898: -- before calling build context otherwise attribute will not be sourced.
900: -- SYMANTEC THROUGHPUT Fix: removed the dynamic SQL execution with standard
901: -- PL/SQL code.
903: --Assign the value to the global structure in a sql_stmt string
904: l_sql_stmt := 'BEGIN '||