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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 67

                                             c_selected_asg_set_range it will
                                             be called in place of
                                             c_selected_asg_set CURSOR,
                                             if RANGE_PERSON_ID is enabled.
    31-Dec-2012 rgottipa  115.18   15886428 Done changes to support print
                                            terminate employees and online
                                            'paper' option.

   gv_package        VARCHAR2(100) := 'pay_ca_eoy_t4a_amend_reg';
Line: 100

      select to_number(pay_ca_eoy_t4a_amend_reg.get_parameter(
        from pay_payroll_actions ppa
       where ppa.payroll_action_id = cp_payroll_action_id;
Line: 188

      select to_number(pay_ca_eoy_t4a_amend_reg.get_parameter(
        from pay_payroll_actions ppa
       where ppa.payroll_action_id = cp_payroll_action_id;
Line: 271

   Purpose   : This returns the select statement that is
               used to created the range rows for the
               T4A Amendment PAPER.
   Arguments :
   Notes     : Calls procedure - get_payroll_action_info
  PROCEDURE range_cursor(
                    p_payroll_action_id in number
                   ,p_sqlstr           out nocopy  varchar2)

    ld_end_date          DATE;
Line: 316

         'select distinct asg.person_id person_id
            from per_assignments_f asg
           where person_id = ' || ln_person_id ||
         ' and :p_payroll_action_id > 0';
Line: 326

           'select distinct paf.person_id
             from hr_assignment_set_amendments asgset,
                  per_assignments_f paf
            where assignment_set_id = ' || ln_asg_set || '
              and asgset.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
              and asgset.include_or_exclude = ''I''
              and :p_payroll_action_id > 0
            order by paf.person_id ';
Line: 340

        'select distinct paf.person_id
         from pay_payroll_actions ppa_arch,
              pay_assignment_actions paa_arch,
              per_assignments_f paf,
              pay_payroll_actions ppa
        where paa_arch.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
          and ppa.payroll_action_id = :p_payroll_action_id
          and ppa_arch.business_group_id = ppa.business_group_id
          and ppa_arch.effective_date = ppa.effective_date
          and ppa_arch.report_type = ''CAEOY_T4A_AMEND_PP''
          and paa_arch.tax_unit_id = '|| ln_tax_unit_id ||'
          and paa_arch.action_status = ''C''
          and ppa_arch.payroll_action_id = paa_arch.payroll_action_id
        order by paf.person_id  ';
Line: 358

        'select distinct paf.person_id
         from pay_payroll_actions ppa_arch,
              pay_assignment_actions paa_arch,
              per_assignments_f paf,
              pay_payroll_actions ppa
        where paa_arch.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
          and ppa.payroll_action_id = :p_payroll_action_id
          and ppa_arch.business_group_id = ppa.business_group_id
          and ppa_arch.effective_date = ppa.effective_date
          and ppa_arch.report_type = ''CAEOY_T4A_AMEND_PP''
          and paa_arch.action_status = ''C''
          and ppa_arch.payroll_action_id = paa_arch.payroll_action_id
        order by paf.person_id  ';
Line: 437

   CURSOR c_selected_asg_set(cp_start_person in number
                            ,cp_end_person in number
                            ,cp_asg_set in number
                            ,cp_effective_date in date) is
   select distinct paf.person_id
   from hr_assignment_set_amendments asgset,
        per_assignments_f  paf,
        pay_payroll_actions    ppa,
        pay_assignment_actions paa
   where asgset.assignment_set_id = cp_asg_set
   and asgset.include_or_exclude = 'I'
   and paf.assignment_id = asgset.assignment_id
   and paf.person_id between cp_start_person
                         and cp_end_person
   and ppa.business_group_id = ln_business_group_id
   and ppa.report_type = 'CAEOY_T4A_AMEND_PP'
   and ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
   and paa.tax_unit_id = nvl(ln_tax_unit_id, paa.tax_unit_id)
   and paa.action_status = 'C'
   and ppa.effective_date = cp_effective_date
   and paf.person_id = to_number(paa.serial_number);
Line: 462

   CURSOR c_selected_asg_set_range(cp_start_person in number
                            ,cp_end_person in number
                            ,cp_asg_set in number
                            ,cp_effective_date in date) is
   select distinct paf.person_id
   from hr_assignment_set_amendments asgset,
        per_assignments_f  paf,
        pay_payroll_actions    ppa,
        pay_assignment_actions paa,
        pay_population_ranges  ppr
   where asgset.assignment_set_id = cp_asg_set
   and asgset.include_or_exclude = 'I'
   and paf.assignment_id = asgset.assignment_id
--   and paf.person_id between cp_start_person
--                         and cp_end_person
   and ppr.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id
   and ppr.chunk_number = p_chunk
   and ppr.person_id = paf.person_id
   and ppa.business_group_id = ln_business_group_id
   and ppa.report_type = 'CAEOY_T4A_AMEND_PP'
   and ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
   and paa.tax_unit_id = nvl(ln_tax_unit_id, paa.tax_unit_id)
   and paa.action_status = 'C'
   and ppa.effective_date = cp_effective_date
   and paf.person_id = to_number(paa.serial_number);
Line: 489

   /* Cursor c_all_gres to select T4A Amendment GRE based on Business Group
      and effective date  */
   CURSOR c_all_gres(cp_bg_id number,
                     cp_eff_date date) IS
   select hou.organization_id
   from hr_organization_information hoi,
        hr_all_organization_units   hou
   where hou.business_group_id  = cp_bg_id
   AND hou.organization_id = hoi.organization_id
   AND hou.date_from <= cp_eff_date
   AND nvl(hou.date_to,fnd_date.canonical_to_date('4712/12/31 00:00:00'))
       >= cp_eff_date
   AND hoi.org_information_context = 'Canada Employer Identification'
   AND hoi.org_information5 in ('T4A/RL1','T4A/RL2')
   AND exists ( SELECT 1
                FROM pay_payroll_actions ppa ,
                     pay_assignment_actions paa
                WHERE ppa.report_type = 'CAEOY_T4A_AMEND_PP'
                AND ppa.report_qualifier = 'CAEOY_T4A_AMEND_PPQ'
                AND ppa.business_group_id  = cp_bg_id
                AND ppa.effective_date = cp_eff_date
                AND paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
                AND paa.tax_unit_id = hou.organization_id);
Line: 518

   select distinct paa_arch.serial_number
   from  pay_payroll_actions ppa_arch,
         pay_assignment_actions paa_arch
   where ppa_arch.business_group_id =  cp_bg_id
   and ppa_arch.report_type = 'CAEOY_T4A_AMEND_PP'
   AND ppa_arch.report_qualifier = 'CAEOY_T4A_AMEND_PPQ'
   and ppa_arch.effective_date = cp_eff_date
   and ppa_arch.action_status = 'C'
   and paa_arch.payroll_action_id = ppa_arch.payroll_action_id
   and paa_arch.action_status = 'C'
   and paa_arch.tax_unit_id = nvl(cp_gre,paa_arch.tax_unit_id)
   and to_number(paa_arch.serial_number) between
                 cp_start_person and cp_end_person;
Line: 539

   select distinct paa_arch.serial_number
   from  pay_payroll_actions ppa_arch,
         pay_assignment_actions paa_arch,
         pay_population_ranges  ppr
   where ppa_arch.business_group_id =  cp_bg_id
   and ppa_arch.report_type = 'CAEOY_T4A_AMEND_PP'
   AND ppa_arch.report_qualifier = 'CAEOY_T4A_AMEND_PPQ'
   and ppa_arch.effective_date = cp_eff_date
   and ppa_arch.action_status = 'C'
   and paa_arch.payroll_action_id = ppa_arch.payroll_action_id
   and paa_arch.action_status = 'C'
   and paa_arch.tax_unit_id = nvl(cp_gre,paa_arch.tax_unit_id)
--   and to_number(paa_arch.serial_number) between
--                 cp_start_person and cp_end_person;
Line: 565

       select ppa.report_type,
       from pay_payroll_actions ppa,
            pay_assignment_actions paa
       where paa.serial_number = to_char(cp_person_id)
       and paa.tax_unit_id = nvl(cp_tax_unit_id,paa.tax_unit_id)
       and ppa.business_group_id = ln_business_group_id
       and paa.action_status = 'C'
       and ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
       and ppa.effective_date = cp_effective_date
       and ppa.report_type = 'CAEOY_T4A_AMEND_PP'
       and not exists (select 1
                       from pay_action_interlocks pai,
                            pay_assignment_actions paa1,
                            pay_payroll_actions ppa1
                       where pai.locked_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
                         and pai.locking_action_id = paa1.assignment_action_id
                         and paa1.payroll_action_id = ppa1.payroll_action_id
                         and ppa1.report_type = ppa.report_type)
       and exists (select 1
                   from per_assignments_f paf
                   where paf.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
                   and   paf.effective_start_date <= cp_effective_date
                   and   paf.effective_end_date   >= trunc(cp_effective_date,'Y'))
       order by paa.assignment_action_id desc;
Line: 596

       select ppa.report_type,
       from pay_payroll_actions ppa,
            pay_assignment_actions paa,
            per_assignments_f paf
       where (paa.serial_number = to_char(cp_person_id) or paf.person_id = cp_person_id)
       and paa.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
       and paa.tax_unit_id = nvl(cp_tax_unit_id,paa.tax_unit_id)
       and ppa.business_group_id = ln_business_group_id
       and paa.action_status = 'C'
       and ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
       and ppa.effective_date = cp_effective_date
       and ppa.report_type = 'CAEOY_T4A_AMEND_PP'
       and not exists
             ( SELECT  pail.locked_action_id
               FROM    pay_action_interlocks pail,
                       pay_payroll_actions pact,
                       pay_assignment_actions passt
               WHERE   pact.report_type IN ('PAYCAT4AAMPDF','CAEOY_T4A_AMEND_PP') -- #10352779
               AND     pact.payroll_action_id = passt.payroll_action_id
               AND     pact.effective_date = cp_effective_date /*Added for 10381064*/
               AND     passt.assignment_action_id = pail.locking_action_id
               AND     passt.assignment_id=paf.assignment_id
               AND     passt.tax_unit_id = paa.tax_unit_id  -- Added this condition #10332249
               AND     (pail.locked_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
               OR paa.assignment_action_id < passt.assignment_action_id))
       and paf.effective_end_date = (select max(paf.effective_end_date)
                   from per_assignments_f paf
                   where paf.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
                   and   paf.effective_start_date <= cp_effective_date
                   and   paf.effective_end_date   >= trunc(cp_effective_date,'Y'))
       group by paa.assignment_action_id,ppa.report_type,paa.assignment_id,paa.tax_unit_id,paf.effective_end_date
       order by paa.assignment_action_id desc;
Line: 636

       select ppa.report_type,
       from pay_payroll_actions ppa,
            pay_assignment_actions paa
       where paa.serial_number = to_char(cp_person_id)
       and paa.tax_unit_id = nvl(cp_tax_unit_id,paa.tax_unit_id)
       and ppa.business_group_id = ln_business_group_id
       and paa.action_status = 'C'
       and ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
       and ppa.effective_date = cp_effective_date
       and ppa.report_type = 'CAEOY_T4A_AMEND_PP'
       and exists (select 1
                   from per_assignments_f paf
                   where paf.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
                   and   paf.effective_start_date <= cp_effective_date
                   and   paf.effective_end_date   >= trunc(cp_effective_date,'Y'))
       order by paa.assignment_action_id desc;
Line: 659

       select ppa.report_type,
       from pay_payroll_actions ppa,
            pay_assignment_actions paa,
            per_assignments_f paf
       where  (paa.serial_number = to_char(cp_person_id) or paf.person_id = cp_person_id)
       and paa.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
       and paa.tax_unit_id = nvl(cp_tax_unit_id,paa.tax_unit_id)
       and ppa.business_group_id = ln_business_group_id
       and paa.action_status = 'C'
       and ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
       and ppa.effective_date = cp_effective_date
       and ppa.report_type = 'CAEOY_T4A_AMEND_PP'
       and exists
             ( SELECT  pail.locked_action_id
               FROM    pay_action_interlocks pail,
                       pay_payroll_actions pact,
                       pay_assignment_actions passt
               WHERE   pact.report_type = 'PAYCAT4AAMPDF'
               AND     pact.payroll_action_id = passt.payroll_action_id
               AND     pact.effective_date = cp_effective_date /*Added for 10381064*/
               AND     passt.assignment_action_id = pail.locking_action_id
               AND     passt.assignment_id=paf.assignment_id
               AND     passt.tax_unit_id = paa.tax_unit_id --#10352779
               AND     (pail.locked_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
               OR paa.assignment_action_id < passt.assignment_action_id))
       and paf.effective_end_date = (select max(paf.effective_end_date)
                   from per_assignments_f paf
                   where paf.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
                   and   paf.effective_start_date <= cp_effective_date
                   and   paf.effective_end_date   >= trunc(cp_effective_date,'Y'))
      /* Added not exists condition for # 10323048 */
       and not exists (select 1
                       from pay_payroll_actions ppa2,
                            pay_assignment_actions paa2
                       where ppa2.payroll_action_id = paa2.payroll_action_id
                         and ppa2.report_type = 'CAEOY_T4A_AMEND_PP'
                         and paa2.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
                         and paa2.tax_unit_id = paa.tax_unit_id  -- Added this condition #10328209
                         and ppa2.effective_date = cp_effective_date /*Added for 10381064*/
                         and paa2.assignment_action_id > paa.assignment_action_id)
       group by paa.assignment_action_id,ppa.report_type,paa.assignment_id,paa.tax_unit_id,paf.effective_end_date
       order by paa.assignment_action_id desc;
Line: 711

       select ppa.report_type,
       from pay_payroll_actions ppa,
            pay_assignment_actions paa,
            per_assignments_f paf,
            per_periods_of_service pds
       where (paa.serial_number = to_char(cp_person_id) or paf.person_id = cp_person_id)
       and paa.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
       and paa.tax_unit_id = nvl(cp_tax_unit_id,paa.tax_unit_id)
       and ppa.business_group_id = ln_business_group_id
       and paa.action_status = 'C'
       and ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
       and ppa.effective_date = cp_effective_date
       and ppa.report_type = 'CAEOY_T4A_AMEND_PP'
       and not exists
             ( SELECT  pail.locked_action_id
               FROM    pay_action_interlocks pail,
                       pay_payroll_actions pact,
                       pay_assignment_actions passt
               WHERE   pact.report_type IN ('PAYCAT4AAMPDF','CAEOY_T4A_AMEND_PP') -- #10352779
               AND     pact.payroll_action_id = passt.payroll_action_id
               AND     pact.effective_date = cp_effective_date /*Added for 10381064*/
               AND     passt.assignment_action_id = pail.locking_action_id
               AND     passt.assignment_id=paf.assignment_id
               AND     passt.tax_unit_id = paa.tax_unit_id  -- Added this condition #10332249
               AND     (pail.locked_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
               OR paa.assignment_action_id < passt.assignment_action_id))
       and paf.effective_end_date = (select max(paf.effective_end_date)
                   from per_assignments_f paf
                   where paf.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
                   and   paf.effective_start_date <= cp_effective_date
                   and   paf.effective_end_date   >= trunc(cp_effective_date,'Y'))
		   and   pds.actual_termination_date is not null
		   and   pds.period_of_service_id	= paf.period_of_service_id
       group by paa.assignment_action_id,ppa.report_type,paa.assignment_id,paa.tax_unit_id,paf.effective_end_date
       order by paa.assignment_action_id desc;
Line: 754

       select ppa.report_type,
       from pay_payroll_actions ppa,
            pay_assignment_actions paa,
            per_assignments_f paf,
            per_periods_of_service pds
       where  (paa.serial_number = to_char(cp_person_id) or paf.person_id = cp_person_id)
       and paa.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
       and paa.tax_unit_id = nvl(cp_tax_unit_id,paa.tax_unit_id)
       and ppa.business_group_id = ln_business_group_id
       and paa.action_status = 'C'
       and ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
       and ppa.effective_date = cp_effective_date
       and ppa.report_type = 'CAEOY_T4A_AMEND_PP'
       and exists
             ( SELECT  pail.locked_action_id
               FROM    pay_action_interlocks pail,
                       pay_payroll_actions pact,
                       pay_assignment_actions passt
               WHERE   pact.report_type = 'PAYCAT4AAMPDF'
               AND     pact.payroll_action_id = passt.payroll_action_id
               AND     pact.effective_date = cp_effective_date /*Added for 10381064*/
               AND     passt.assignment_action_id = pail.locking_action_id
               AND     passt.assignment_id=paf.assignment_id
               AND     passt.tax_unit_id = paa.tax_unit_id --#10352779
               AND     (pail.locked_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
               OR paa.assignment_action_id < passt.assignment_action_id))
       and paf.effective_end_date = (select max(paf.effective_end_date)
                   from per_assignments_f paf
                   where paf.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
                   and   paf.effective_start_date <= cp_effective_date
                   and   paf.effective_end_date   >= trunc(cp_effective_date,'Y'))
      /* Added not exists condition for # 10323048 */
       and not exists (select 1
                       from pay_payroll_actions ppa2,
                            pay_assignment_actions paa2
                       where ppa2.payroll_action_id = paa2.payroll_action_id
                         and ppa2.report_type = 'CAEOY_T4A_AMEND_PP'
                         and paa2.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
                         and paa2.tax_unit_id = paa.tax_unit_id  -- Added this condition #10328209
                         and ppa2.effective_date = cp_effective_date /*Added for 10381064*/
                         and paa2.assignment_action_id > paa.assignment_action_id)
		   and   pds.actual_termination_date is not null
		   and   pds.period_of_service_id	= paf.period_of_service_id
       group by paa.assignment_action_id,ppa.report_type,paa.assignment_id,paa.tax_unit_id,paf.effective_end_date
       order by paa.assignment_action_id desc;
Line: 810

      select payroll_action_id
      from pay_payroll_actions
      where business_group_id = cp_bg_id
      and report_type = 'T4A'
      and report_qualifier = 'CAEOY'
      and action_type = 'X'
      and action_status = 'C'
      and effective_date = cp_year
      and pay_ca_eoy_t4a_amend_reg.get_parameter('TRANSFER_GRE',
                        legislative_parameters)  = to_char(cp_gre);
Line: 823

       select substr(full_name,1,48), employee_number
         from per_people_f
        where person_id = cp_person_id
        order by effective_end_date desc;
Line: 830

     select value
     from ff_archive_items
     where context1 = cp_asg_act_id
     and   user_entity_id = cp_uid_t4amend_flag;
Line: 837

     select user_entity_id
     from ff_database_items
     where user_name = cp_user_name;
Line: 946

		                      select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
		                      into ln_t4a_amend_reg_asg_action
		                      from dual;
Line: 953

		                      /* Insert into pay_assignment_actions. */
Line: 965

		                      ** Update the serial number column with
		                      ** Archiver assignment_action and Archiver Payroll_action_id
		                      ** so that we need not refer back in the reports. This
		                      ** logic works for both T4A Amendment PDF report
		                      ln_serial_number := lpad(to_char(ln_asg_act_to_lock),14,0)||
		                                                      (ln_asg_act_to_lock ,
Line: 976

		                      update pay_assignment_actions aa
		                         set aa.serial_number = ln_serial_number
		                       where aa.assignment_action_id = ln_t4a_amend_reg_asg_action;
Line: 1102

		                      select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
		                      into ln_t4a_amend_reg_asg_action
		                      from dual;
Line: 1109

		                      /* Insert into pay_assignment_actions. */
Line: 1121

		                      ** Update the serial number column with
		                      ** Archiver assignment_action and Archiver Payroll_action_id
		                      ** so that we need not refer back in the reports. This
		                      ** logic works for both T4A Amendment PDF report
		                      ln_serial_number := lpad(to_char(ln_asg_act_to_lock),14,0)||
		                                                    (ln_asg_act_to_lock ,
Line: 1132

		                      update pay_assignment_actions aa
		                         set aa.serial_number = ln_serial_number
		                       where aa.assignment_action_id = ln_t4a_amend_reg_asg_action;
Line: 1240

                      select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
                      into ln_t4a_amend_reg_asg_action
                      from dual;
Line: 1247

                    /* Insert into pay_assignment_actions. */
Line: 1259

                   ** Update the serial number column with
                   ** Archiver assignment_action and Archiver Payroll_action_id
                   ** so that we need not refer back in the reports. This
                   ** logic works for both T4A Amendment Register and T4A Register
                   ** reports.
                      ln_serial_number := lpad(to_char(ln_asg_act_to_lock),14,0)||
Line: 1268

                      update pay_assignment_actions aa
                      set aa.serial_number = ln_serial_number
                      where  aa.assignment_action_id = ln_t4a_amend_reg_asg_action;
Line: 1347

                     select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
                     into ln_t4a_amend_reg_asg_action
                     from dual;
Line: 1353

                   /* Insert into pay_assignment_actions. */
Line: 1365

                   ** Update the serial number column with
                   ** Archiver assignment_action and Archiver Payroll_action_id
                   ** so that we need not refer back in the reports. This
                   ** logic works for both T4A Amendment Register and T4A Register
                   ** reports.
                     ln_serial_number := lpad(to_char(ln_asg_act_to_lock),14,0)||
Line: 1377

                     update pay_assignment_actions aa
                     set aa.serial_number = ln_serial_number
                     where  aa.assignment_action_id = ln_t4a_amend_reg_asg_action;
Line: 1424

			  select report_format
			   into   l_report_format
			   from   pay_report_format_mappings_f
			   where  report_type = lv_ppr_report_type
			   and    report_qualifier = l_state
			   and    report_category = l_report_cat ;
Line: 1455

                   hr_utility.trace('opening c_selected_asg_set_range CURSOR');
Line: 1456

                OPEN c_selected_asg_set_range (p_start_person_id
Line: 1461

                    hr_utility.trace('opening c_selected_asg_set CURSOR');
Line: 1462

                OPEN c_selected_asg_set (p_start_person_id
Line: 1472

                    hr_utility.trace('fetching from c_selected_asg_set_range CURSOR');
Line: 1473

                    fetch c_selected_asg_set_range
                         into ln_set_person_id;
Line: 1475

                       exit when c_selected_asg_set_range%NOTFOUND;
Line: 1477

                    hr_utility.trace('fetching from c_selected_asg_set CURSOR');
Line: 1478

                    fetch c_selected_asg_set
                         into ln_set_person_id;
Line: 1480

                       exit when c_selected_asg_set%NOTFOUND;
Line: 1490

               hr_utility.trace('closing c_selected_asg_set_range CURSOR');
Line: 1491

               close c_selected_asg_set_range;
Line: 1493

               hr_utility.trace('closing c_selected_asg_set CURSOR');
Line: 1494

               close c_selected_asg_set;
Line: 1641

sqlstr :=  'select paa1.rowid
                   from hr_all_organization_units  hou,
                        hr_all_organization_units  hou1,
                        hr_locations_all           loc,
                        per_all_people_f           ppf,
                        per_all_assignments_f      paf,
                        pay_assignment_actions     paa1,
                        pay_payroll_actions        ppa1
                   where ppa1.payroll_action_id = :p_payroll_action_id
                   and   paa1.payroll_action_id = ppa1.payroll_action_id
                   and   paa1.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
                   and   paf.effective_start_date  =
                                  (select max(paf2.effective_start_date)
                                   from per_all_assignments_f paf2
                                   where paf2.assignment_id= paf.assignment_id
                                     and paf2.effective_start_date
                                         <= ppa1.effective_date)
                   and   paf.effective_end_date    >= ppa1.start_date
                   and   paf.assignment_type = ''E''
                   and   hou1.organization_id = paa1.tax_unit_id
                   and   hou.organization_id = paf.organization_id
                   and   loc.location_id  = paf.location_id
                   and   ppf.person_id = paf.person_id
                   and   ppf.effective_start_date  =
                                  (select max(ppf2.effective_start_date)
                                   from per_all_people_f ppf2
                                   where ppf2.person_id= paf.person_id
                                     and ppf2.effective_start_date
                                         <= ppa1.effective_date)
                   and   ppf.effective_end_date    >= ppa1.start_date
                   order by