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Line 196: fnd_global.user_id,sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,sysdate,

192: object_version_number)
194: (iby_trxn_extensibility_s.NEXTVAL,
195: p_trxnmid,p_extend_names(i),p_extend_vals(i),
196: fnd_global.user_id,sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,sysdate,
197: fnd_global.login_id,1);
198: END LOOP;
200: IF (p_commit = 'Y') THEN

Line 197: fnd_global.login_id,1);

194: (iby_trxn_extensibility_s.NEXTVAL,
195: p_trxnmid,p_extend_names(i),p_extend_vals(i),
196: fnd_global.user_id,sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,sysdate,
197: fnd_global.login_id,1);
198: END LOOP;
200: IF (p_commit = 'Y') THEN
201: COMMIT;

Line 440: sysdate, fnd_global.user_id, sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,

436: order_id_in, l_mpayeeid, merchant_id_in, vendor_id_in,
437: vendor_key_in, l_tmid, vendor_code_in, vendor_message_in,
438: error_location_in, ecapp_id_in, org_id_in,
439: payerinstrid_in, l_instrnum, payerid_in, instrType_in,
440: sysdate, fnd_global.user_id, sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,
441: fnd_global.login_id, 1, l_cc_type, trxnref_in,
442: org_type_in, payment_channel_code_in, factored_flag_in,
443: lx_range_id, lx_cc_hash, lx_instr_len, lx_segment_id,
444: l_payer_party_id, process_profile_code_in,

Line 441: fnd_global.login_id, 1, l_cc_type, trxnref_in,

437: vendor_key_in, l_tmid, vendor_code_in, vendor_message_in,
438: error_location_in, ecapp_id_in, org_id_in,
439: payerinstrid_in, l_instrnum, payerid_in, instrType_in,
440: sysdate, fnd_global.user_id, sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,
441: fnd_global.login_id, 1, l_cc_type, trxnref_in,
442: org_type_in, payment_channel_code_in, factored_flag_in,
443: lx_range_id, lx_cc_hash, lx_instr_len, lx_segment_id,
444: l_payer_party_id, process_profile_code_in,
445: iby_security_pkg.get_salt_version,'Y',sub_key_id_in);

Line 496: sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,

492: instr_city_in, instr_state_in, instr_country_in, instr_postalcode_in,
493: instr_phonenumber_in, instr_email_in,
494: pos_reader_cap_in, pos_entry_method_in, pos_card_id_method_in,
495: pos_auth_source_in, reader_data_in, l_pos_txn,debit_network_code_in, surcharge_amount_in, proc_tracenumber_in,
496: sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,
497: sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,fnd_global.login_id,1
498: );
500: -- probably a superflous call since the first insert is

Line 497: sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,fnd_global.login_id,1

493: instr_phonenumber_in, instr_email_in,
494: pos_reader_cap_in, pos_entry_method_in, pos_card_id_method_in,
495: pos_auth_source_in, reader_data_in, l_pos_txn,debit_network_code_in, surcharge_amount_in, proc_tracenumber_in,
496: sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,
497: sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,fnd_global.login_id,1
498: );
500: -- probably a superflous call since the first insert is
501: -- to log the transaction before it is sent to the payment system

Line 565: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,

561: cc_issuer_range_id = lx_range_id,
562: instrnum_sec_segment_id = lx_segment_id,
563: trxnref = trxnref_in,
564: last_update_date = sysdate,
565: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
566: creation_date = sysdate,
567: created_by = fnd_global.user_id,
568: object_version_number = object_version_number + 1,
569: payment_channel_code = payment_channel_code_in,

Line 567: created_by = fnd_global.user_id,

563: trxnref = trxnref_in,
564: last_update_date = sysdate,
565: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
566: creation_date = sysdate,
567: created_by = fnd_global.user_id,
568: object_version_number = object_version_number + 1,
569: payment_channel_code = payment_channel_code_in,
570: factored_flag = factored_flag_in
571: WHERE TrxnMID = l_trxn_mid;

Line 613: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,

609: debit_network_code = debit_network_code_in,
610: surcharge_amount = surcharge_amount_in,
611: proc_tracenumber = proc_tracenumber_in,
612: last_update_date = sysdate,
613: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
614: creation_date = sysdate,
615: created_by = fnd_global.user_id,
616: object_version_number = object_version_number + 1
617: WHERE TrxnMID = l_trxn_mid;

Line 615: created_by = fnd_global.user_id,

611: proc_tracenumber = proc_tracenumber_in,
612: last_update_date = sysdate,
613: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
614: creation_date = sysdate,
615: created_by = fnd_global.user_id,
616: object_version_number = object_version_number + 1
617: WHERE TrxnMID = l_trxn_mid;
619: insert_extensibility(l_trxn_mid,'N',extend_names_in,extend_vals_in);

Line 685: Last_Updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,

681: bepmessage = bepmessage_in,
682: UpdateDate = SYSDATE,
683: errorlocation = error_loc_in,
684: Last_Update_Date = sysdate,
685: Last_Updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
686: Object_Version_Number = object_version_number + 1
687: WHERE trxnmid = trxnmid_in
688: AND reqtype = 'ORAPMTREVERSE'
689: AND trxntypeid = trxntype_in;

Line 706: Last_Updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,

703: UPDATE iby_trxn_summaries_all
704: SET status = trxntype_in,
705: Last_Update_Date = sysdate,
706: Last_Updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
707: Object_Version_Number = object_version_number + 1
708: WHERE trxnmid = l_old_auth_trxnmid;
710: UPDATE iby_trxn_core

Line 718: Last_Updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,

714: CVV2Result = cvv2result_in,
715: Acquirer = acquirer_in,
716: Auxmsg = Auxmsg_in,
717: Last_Update_Date = sysdate,
718: Last_Updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
719: Object_Version_Number = object_version_number + 1
720: WHERE trxnmid = trxnmid_in;
721: iby_debug_pub.add('Inserting extensibility data for reversal record.',IBY_DEBUG_PUB.G_LEVEL_INFO,l_dbg_mod);
722: insert_extensibility(trxnmid_in,'N',extend_names_in,extend_vals_in);

Line 747: sysdate, fnd_global.user_id, sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,

743: revised_amt_in, CurrencyNameCode, UpdateDate, 0, PaymentMethodName,
744: TangibleID, MPayeeID, PayeeID, BEPID,bepKey, mtangibleid,
745: BEPCode, BEPMessage,Errorlocation,ecappid, org_id,
746: payerinstrid, instrnumber, payerid, instrType,
747: sysdate, fnd_global.user_id, sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,
748: fnd_global.login_id, 1, instrsubtype, trxnref,
749: org_type, payment_channel_code, factored_flag,
750: cc_issuer_range_id, instrnum_hash, instrnum_length,
751: instrnum_sec_segment_id, payer_party_id, process_profile_code,

Line 748: fnd_global.login_id, 1, instrsubtype, trxnref,

744: TangibleID, MPayeeID, PayeeID, BEPID,bepKey, mtangibleid,
745: BEPCode, BEPMessage,Errorlocation,ecappid, org_id,
746: payerinstrid, instrnumber, payerid, instrType,
747: sysdate, fnd_global.user_id, sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,
748: fnd_global.login_id, 1, instrsubtype, trxnref,
749: org_type, payment_channel_code, factored_flag,
750: cc_issuer_range_id, instrnum_hash, instrnum_length,
751: instrnum_sec_segment_id, payer_party_id, process_profile_code,
752: salt_version,needsupdt,sub_key_id,initiator_extension_id

Line 787: sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,

783: Instr_Owner_Email,
784: POS_Reader_Capability_Code, POS_Entry_Method_Code,
785: POS_Id_Method_Code, POS_Auth_Source_Code, Reader_Data, POS_Trxn_Flag,
786: debit_network_code, surcharge_amount, proc_tracenumber,
787: sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,
788: sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,fnd_global.login_id,1
789: FROM iby_trxn_core
790: WHERE trxnmid = l_old_auth_trxnmid);

Line 788: sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,fnd_global.login_id,1

784: POS_Reader_Capability_Code, POS_Entry_Method_Code,
785: POS_Id_Method_Code, POS_Auth_Source_Code, Reader_Data, POS_Trxn_Flag,
786: debit_network_code, surcharge_amount, proc_tracenumber,
787: sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,
788: sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,fnd_global.login_id,1
789: FROM iby_trxn_core
790: WHERE trxnmid = l_old_auth_trxnmid);
792: --insert_extensibility(l_new_auth_trxnmid,'N',extend_names_in,extend_vals_in);

Line 806: fnd_global.user_id,sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,sysdate,

802: object_version_number)
804: (iby_trxn_extensibility_s.NEXTVAL,
805: l_new_auth_trxnmid,extend_rec.extend_name,extend_rec.extend_value,
806: fnd_global.user_id,sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,sysdate,
807: fnd_global.login_id,1);
808: END LOOP;
810: END IF;

Line 807: fnd_global.login_id,1);

804: (iby_trxn_extensibility_s.NEXTVAL,
805: l_new_auth_trxnmid,extend_rec.extend_name,extend_rec.extend_value,
806: fnd_global.user_id,sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,sysdate,
807: fnd_global.login_id,1);
808: END LOOP;
810: END IF;
811: END IF ;

Line 1086: sysdate, fnd_global.user_id, sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,

1082: l_order_id, l_mpayeeid, merchant_id_in, vendor_id_in,
1083: vendor_key_in, l_tmid, vendor_code_in, vendor_message_in,
1084: error_location_in, ecapp_id_in, l_org_id,
1085: l_payerinstrid, l_instrnum, l_payerid,
1086: sysdate, fnd_global.user_id, sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,
1087: fnd_global.login_id, 1, l_instrtype, l_instrsubtype, trxnref_in,
1088: org_type_in, nvl(payment_channel_code_in, l_pmt_chnl_code), factored_flag_in,
1089: lx_cc_hash, lx_instr_len, lx_range_id, lx_segment_id,
1090: l_payer_party_id, l_process_profile_code,

Line 1087: fnd_global.login_id, 1, l_instrtype, l_instrsubtype, trxnref_in,

1083: vendor_key_in, l_tmid, vendor_code_in, vendor_message_in,
1084: error_location_in, ecapp_id_in, l_org_id,
1085: l_payerinstrid, l_instrnum, l_payerid,
1086: sysdate, fnd_global.user_id, sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,
1087: fnd_global.login_id, 1, l_instrtype, l_instrsubtype, trxnref_in,
1088: org_type_in, nvl(payment_channel_code_in, l_pmt_chnl_code), factored_flag_in,
1089: lx_cc_hash, lx_instr_len, lx_range_id, lx_segment_id,
1090: l_payer_party_id, l_process_profile_code,
1091: iby_security_pkg.get_salt_version,'Y', settlement_date_in, settlement_due_date_in

Line 1110: sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,

1106: instr_owner_name_in, instr_address_line1_in, instr_address_line2_in,
1107: instr_address_line3_in, instr_city_in, instr_state_in,
1108: instr_country_in, instr_postalcode_in, instr_phonenumber_in,
1109: instr_email_in,
1110: sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,
1111: fnd_global.login_id,1);
1113: insert_extensibility(l_trxn_mid,'N',extend_names_in,extend_vals_in);

Line 1111: fnd_global.login_id,1);

1107: instr_address_line3_in, instr_city_in, instr_state_in,
1108: instr_country_in, instr_postalcode_in, instr_phonenumber_in,
1109: instr_email_in,
1110: sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,
1111: fnd_global.login_id,1);
1113: insert_extensibility(l_trxn_mid,'N',extend_names_in,extend_vals_in);
1115: ELSIF (l_num_trxns = 1) THEN

Line 1176: Last_Updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,

1172: instrnum_sec_segment_id = lx_segment_id,
1173: trxnref = trxnref_in,
1174: payment_channel_code = l_pmt_chnl_code,
1175: Last_Update_Date = sysdate,
1176: Last_Updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
1177: Creation_Date = sysdate,
1178: Created_By = fnd_global.user_id,
1179: Object_Version_Number = object_version_number + 1
1180: WHERE TrxnMID = l_trxn_mid;

Line 1178: Created_By = fnd_global.user_id,

1174: payment_channel_code = l_pmt_chnl_code,
1175: Last_Update_Date = sysdate,
1176: Last_Updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
1177: Creation_Date = sysdate,
1178: Created_By = fnd_global.user_id,
1179: Object_Version_Number = object_version_number + 1
1180: WHERE TrxnMID = l_trxn_mid;
1182: DELETE iby_security_segments WHERE sec_segment_id = l_old_segment_id;

Line 1201: Last_Updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,

1197: Instr_Owner_PostalCode = instr_postalcode_in,
1198: Instr_Owner_Phone = instr_phonenumber_in,
1199: Instr_Owner_Email = instr_email_in,
1200: Last_Update_Date = sysdate,
1201: Last_Updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
1202: Creation_Date = sysdate,
1203: Created_By = fnd_global.user_id,
1204: Object_Version_Number = object_version_number + 1
1205: WHERE TrxnMID = l_trxn_mid;

Line 1203: Created_By = fnd_global.user_id,

1199: Instr_Owner_Email = instr_email_in,
1200: Last_Update_Date = sysdate,
1201: Last_Updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
1202: Creation_Date = sysdate,
1203: Created_By = fnd_global.user_id,
1204: Object_Version_Number = object_version_number + 1
1205: WHERE TrxnMID = l_trxn_mid;
1207: insert_extensibility(l_trxn_mid,'N',extend_names_in,extend_vals_in);

Line 1266: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,

1262: --
1263: status=decode(status,100,114,status),
1264: last_update_date = sysdate,
1265: updatedate = sysdate,
1266: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
1267: object_version_number = object_version_number + 1
1268: WHERE (transactionid=transaction_id_in_out) AND (trxntypeid=l_target_trxn_type);
1269: END IF;

Line 1408: sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,

1404: time_in, status_in, amount_in, currency_in,
1405: l_order_id, l_mpayeeid, merchant_id_in, vendor_id_in,
1406: vendor_key_in, ecapp_id_in, l_org_id,l_tmid,
1407: payerinstrid_in, l_instrnum, l_subkey_id, payerid_in, instrType_in,
1408: sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,
1409: fnd_global.login_id,1,l_cc_type,trxntypeid_in,trxnref_in,
1410: org_type_in, payment_channel_code_in, factored_flag_in,'Y');

Line 1409: fnd_global.login_id,1,l_cc_type,trxntypeid_in,trxnref_in,

1405: l_order_id, l_mpayeeid, merchant_id_in, vendor_id_in,
1406: vendor_key_in, ecapp_id_in, l_org_id,l_tmid,
1407: payerinstrid_in, l_instrnum, l_subkey_id, payerid_in, instrType_in,
1408: sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,
1409: fnd_global.login_id,1,l_cc_type,trxntypeid_in,trxnref_in,
1410: org_type_in, payment_channel_code_in, factored_flag_in,'Y');
1413: INSERT INTO iby_trxn_core

Line 1418: sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,fnd_global.login_id,1);

1414: (TrxnMID,
1415: last_update_date,last_updated_by,creation_date,created_by,
1416: last_update_login,object_version_number)
1417: VALUES (l_trxn_mid,
1418: sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,fnd_global.login_id,1);
1421: ELSIF (l_num_trxns = 1) THEN
1422: -- One previous transaction, so update previous row

Line 1457: Last_Updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,

1453: instrType = instrType_in,
1454: trxnref = trxnref_in,
1456: Last_Update_Date = sysdate,
1457: Last_Updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
1458: Creation_Date = sysdate,
1459: Created_By = fnd_global.user_id,
1460: Object_Version_Number = object_version_number + 1,
1461: payment_channel_code = payment_channel_code_in,

Line 1459: Created_By = fnd_global.user_id,

1456: Last_Update_Date = sysdate,
1457: Last_Updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
1458: Creation_Date = sysdate,
1459: Created_By = fnd_global.user_id,
1460: Object_Version_Number = object_version_number + 1,
1461: payment_channel_code = payment_channel_code_in,
1462: factored_flag = factored_flag_in
1463: WHERE TrxnMID = l_trxn_mid;

Line 1576: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,

1572: batchid = merch_batchid_in,
1573: mbatchid = l_mbatchid,
1574: last_update_date = sysdate,
1575: updatedate = sysdate,
1576: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
1577: object_version_number = object_version_number + 1
1578: WHERE (bepid = vendor_id_in)
1579: AND (bepkey = vendor_key_in)
1580: AND (payeeid = merchant_id_in)

Line 1614: sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,fnd_global.login_id,1,sysdate);

1610: vendor_key_in, pmt_type_in, status_in, time_in, viby_batchid_in,
1611: '', 0, batchstate_in, batchtotal_in, saleamount_in,
1612: cramount_in, gwid_in, vendor_code_in, vendor_message_in,
1613: error_location_in, terminal_id_in, Acquirer_id_in,req_type_in, sysdate,
1614: sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,fnd_global.login_id,1,sysdate);
1616: validate_open_batch(vendor_id_in, l_mbatchid, sec_key_present_in,
1617: l_trxncount, l_batchcurr);

Line 1646: Last_Updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,

1642: BEPCODE = vendor_code_in,
1643: BEPMESSAGE = vendor_message_in,
1644: ERRORLOCATION = error_location_in,
1645: Last_Update_Date = sysdate,
1646: Last_Updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
1648: -- Do not update creation timestamp
1649: -- when updating records: Bug 3128675
1650: --Creation_Date = sysdate,

Line 1651: --Created_By = fnd_global.user_id,

1648: -- Do not update creation timestamp
1649: -- when updating records: Bug 3128675
1650: --Creation_Date = sysdate,
1651: --Created_By = fnd_global.user_id,
1653: Object_Version_Number = Object_Version_Number + 1
1655: WHERE batchid = merch_batchid_in

Line 2004: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,

2000: || '_' || i,
2001: mbatchid = l_trxns_in_batch_tab(i).mbatch_id,
2002: last_update_date = sysdate,
2003: updatedate = sysdate,
2004: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
2005: object_version_number = object_version_number + 1
2006: WHERE
2007: (bepid = vendor_id_in) AND
2008: (bepkey = vendor_key_in) AND

Line 2046: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,

2042: mbatchid = l_trxns_in_batch_tab(i).
2043: mbatch_id,
2044: last_update_date = sysdate,
2045: updatedate = sysdate,
2046: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
2047: object_version_number = object_version_number + 1
2048: WHERE
2049: transactionid = l_trxns_in_batch_tab(i).trxn_id AND
2050: status = iby_transactioncc_pkg.C_STATUS_OPEN_BATCHED

Line 2149: fnd_global.user_id,

2145: l_batches_tab(i).profile_code,
2146: instr_type_in,
2147: br_disputed_flag_in,
2148: sysdate,
2149: fnd_global.user_id,
2150: sysdate,
2151: fnd_global.user_id,
2152: fnd_global.login_id,
2153: 1,

Line 2151: fnd_global.user_id,

2147: br_disputed_flag_in,
2148: sysdate,
2149: fnd_global.user_id,
2150: sysdate,
2151: fnd_global.user_id,
2152: fnd_global.login_id,
2153: 1,
2154: l_batches_tab(i).int_bank_acct_id,
2155: l_batches_tab(i).le_id,

Line 2152: fnd_global.login_id,

2148: sysdate,
2149: fnd_global.user_id,
2150: sysdate,
2151: fnd_global.user_id,
2152: fnd_global.login_id,
2153: 1,
2154: l_batches_tab(i).int_bank_acct_id,
2155: l_batches_tab(i).le_id,
2156: l_batches_tab(i).org_id,

Line 2228: LAST_UPDATED_BY = fnd_global.user_id,

2224: BEPCODE = vendor_code_in,
2225: BEPMESSAGE = vendor_message_in,
2226: ERRORLOCATION = error_location_in,
2227: LAST_UPDATE_DATE = sysdate,
2228: LAST_UPDATED_BY = fnd_global.user_id,
2230: -- Do not update creation timestamp
2231: -- when updating records: Bug 3128675
2232: --CREATION_DATE = sysdate,

Line 2233: --CREATED_BY = fnd_global.user_id,

2230: -- Do not update creation timestamp
2231: -- when updating records: Bug 3128675
2232: --CREATION_DATE = sysdate,
2233: --CREATED_BY = fnd_global.user_id,
2236: WHERE
2237: batchid = merch_batchid_in AND

Line 2666: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,

2662: || '_' || i,
2663: mbatchid = l_trxns_in_batch_tab(i).mbatch_id,
2664: last_update_date = sysdate,
2665: updatedate = sysdate,
2666: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
2667: object_version_number = object_version_number + 1
2668: WHERE
2669: (bepid = vendor_id_in) AND
2670: (bepkey = vendor_key_in) AND

Line 2709: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,

2705: mbatchid = l_trxns_in_batch_tab(i).
2706: mbatch_id,
2707: last_update_date = sysdate,
2708: updatedate = sysdate,
2709: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
2710: object_version_number = object_version_number + 1
2711: WHERE
2712: transactionid = l_trxns_in_batch_tab(i).trxn_id AND
2713: status = iby_transactioncc_pkg.C_STATUS_OPEN_BATCHED

Line 2820: fnd_global.user_id,

2816: profile_code_array(1),
2817: instr_type_in,
2818: br_disputed_flag_in,
2819: sysdate,
2820: fnd_global.user_id,
2821: sysdate,
2822: fnd_global.user_id,
2823: fnd_global.login_id,
2824: 1,

Line 2822: fnd_global.user_id,

2818: br_disputed_flag_in,
2819: sysdate,
2820: fnd_global.user_id,
2821: sysdate,
2822: fnd_global.user_id,
2823: fnd_global.login_id,
2824: 1,
2825: l_batches_tab(i).int_bank_acct_id,
2826: l_batches_tab(i).le_id,

Line 2823: fnd_global.login_id,

2819: sysdate,
2820: fnd_global.user_id,
2821: sysdate,
2822: fnd_global.user_id,
2823: fnd_global.login_id,
2824: 1,
2825: l_batches_tab(i).int_bank_acct_id,
2826: l_batches_tab(i).le_id,
2827: l_batches_tab(i).org_id,

Line 2904: LAST_UPDATED_BY = fnd_global.user_id,

2900: BEPCODE = vendor_code_in,
2901: BEPMESSAGE = vendor_message_in,
2902: ERRORLOCATION = error_location_in,
2903: LAST_UPDATE_DATE = sysdate,
2904: LAST_UPDATED_BY = fnd_global.user_id,
2906: -- Do not update creation timestamp
2907: -- when updating records: Bug 3128675
2908: --CREATION_DATE = sysdate,

Line 2909: --CREATED_BY = fnd_global.user_id,

2906: -- Do not update creation timestamp
2907: -- when updating records: Bug 3128675
2908: --CREATION_DATE = sysdate,
2909: --CREATED_BY = fnd_global.user_id,
2912: WHERE
2913: batchid = merch_batchid_in AND

Line 5396: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,

5392: batchid = trxnTab.batchid(i),
5393: mbatchid = trxnTab.mbatchid(i),
5394: last_update_date = sysdate,
5395: updatedate = sysdate,
5396: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
5397: object_version_number = object_version_number + 1
5398: WHERE
5399: transactionid = trxnTab.transactionid(i) AND
5400: status = iby_transactioncc_pkg.C_STATUS_OPEN_BATCHED

Line 5680: * If FND_GLOBAL.conc_request_id is -1, it implies that

5677: BEGIN
5679: /*
5680: * If FND_GLOBAL.conc_request_id is -1, it implies that
5681: * this method has not been invoked via the concurrent
5682: * manager. In that case, write to apps log else write
5683: * to concurrent manager log file.
5684: */

Line 5690: IF (FND_GLOBAL.conc_request_id = -1) THEN

5686: -- INSERT INTO TEMP_IBY_LOGS VALUES (p_module || ': '
5687: -- || p_debug_text, sysdate);
5688: -- commit;
5690: IF (FND_GLOBAL.conc_request_id = -1) THEN
5692: /*
5693: * OPTION I:
5694: * Write debug text to the common application log file.

Line 5931: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,

5927: SET BatchID = merch_batchid_in,
5928: MBatchID = l_mbatchid,
5929: last_update_date=sysdate,
5930: updatedate = sysdate,
5931: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
5932: creation_date = sysdate,
5933: created_by = fnd_global.user_id,
5934: object_version_number = object_version_number + 1
5935: WHERE TangibleID = order_id_in

Line 5933: created_by = fnd_global.user_id,

5929: last_update_date=sysdate,
5930: updatedate = sysdate,
5931: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
5932: creation_date = sysdate,
5933: created_by = fnd_global.user_id,
5934: object_version_number = object_version_number + 1
5935: WHERE TangibleID = order_id_in
5936: AND PayeeID = merchant_id_in
5937: AND TrxntypeID IN (2, 3, 8,9)

Line 5953: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,

5949: SET BatchID = merch_batchid_in,
5950: MBatchID = l_mbatchid,
5951: last_update_date=sysdate,
5952: updatedate = sysdate,
5953: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
5954: creation_date = sysdate,
5955: created_by = fnd_global.user_id,
5956: object_version_number = object_version_number + 1
5957: WHERE TangibleID = order_id_in

Line 5955: created_by = fnd_global.user_id,

5951: last_update_date=sysdate,
5952: updatedate = sysdate,
5953: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
5954: creation_date = sysdate,
5955: created_by = fnd_global.user_id,
5956: object_version_number = object_version_number + 1
5957: WHERE TangibleID = order_id_in
5958: AND PayeeID = merchant_id_in
5959: AND TrxntypeID IN (5, 10)

Line 6034: sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,

6030: vendor_key_in, ecapp_id_in, org_id_in, status_in, time_in,
6031: trxn_type_in, l_mbatchid, merch_batchid_in,
6032: vendor_code_in, vendor_message_in, error_location_in,
6033: l_reqtype, sysdate, l_mtangibleid,
6034: sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,
6035: fnd_global.login_id,1,l_instrtype,l_instrsubtype,'Y');
6036: --dbms_output.put_line('position 6');
6037: ELSE

Line 6035: fnd_global.login_id,1,l_instrtype,l_instrsubtype,'Y');

6031: trxn_type_in, l_mbatchid, merch_batchid_in,
6032: vendor_code_in, vendor_message_in, error_location_in,
6033: l_reqtype, sysdate, l_mtangibleid,
6034: sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,
6035: fnd_global.login_id,1,l_instrtype,l_instrsubtype,'Y');
6036: --dbms_output.put_line('position 6');
6037: ELSE
6039: -- retrieve existing tid out

Line 6156: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,

6152: instrType = NVL(l_instrtype,instrType),
6153: instrsubtype = NVL(l_instrsubtype,instrsubtype),
6154: --org_id = org_id_in,
6155: last_update_date = sysdate,
6156: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
6157: last_update_login = fnd_global.login_id,
6158: object_version_number = object_version_number+1
6159: WHERE (trxnmid = l_trxn_mid);

Line 6157: last_update_login = fnd_global.login_id,

6153: instrsubtype = NVL(l_instrsubtype,instrsubtype),
6154: --org_id = org_id_in,
6155: last_update_date = sysdate,
6156: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
6157: last_update_login = fnd_global.login_id,
6158: object_version_number = object_version_number+1
6159: WHERE (trxnmid = l_trxn_mid);
6161: UPDATE iby_trxn_core

Line 6170: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,

6166: Auxmsg = auxmsg_in,
6167: TraceNumber = trace_number_in,
6168: InstrName = NVL(payment_name_in,instrname),
6169: last_update_date = sysdate,
6170: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
6171: last_update_login = fnd_global.login_id,
6172: object_version_number = object_version_number+1
6173: WHERE (trxnmid = l_trxn_mid);

Line 6171: last_update_login = fnd_global.login_id,

6167: TraceNumber = trace_number_in,
6168: InstrName = NVL(payment_name_in,instrname),
6169: last_update_date = sysdate,
6170: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
6171: last_update_login = fnd_global.login_id,
6172: object_version_number = object_version_number+1
6173: WHERE (trxnmid = l_trxn_mid);
6175: COMMIT;

Line 6250: sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,

6246: amount_in, currency_in, time_in, status_in,
6247: order_id_in, l_mpayeeid, merchant_id_in, vendor_id_in,
6248: vendor_key_in, l_mtangibleid,
6249: vendor_code_in, vendor_message_in, error_location_in, org_id_in,
6250: sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,
6251: fnd_global.login_id,1,l_instrtype,l_instrsubtype,l_trxnref,'Y');
6253: INSERT INTO iby_trxn_core
6254: (TrxnMID, AuthCode, ReferenceCode, AVSCode, Acquirer, Auxmsg,

Line 6251: fnd_global.login_id,1,l_instrtype,l_instrsubtype,l_trxnref,'Y');

6247: order_id_in, l_mpayeeid, merchant_id_in, vendor_id_in,
6248: vendor_key_in, l_mtangibleid,
6249: vendor_code_in, vendor_message_in, error_location_in, org_id_in,
6250: sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,
6251: fnd_global.login_id,1,l_instrtype,l_instrsubtype,l_trxnref,'Y');
6253: INSERT INTO iby_trxn_core
6254: (TrxnMID, AuthCode, ReferenceCode, AVSCode, Acquirer, Auxmsg,
6255: TraceNumber, InstrName,

Line 6262: sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,fnd_global.login_id,1);

6258: object_version_number)
6259: VALUES (l_trxn_mid, authcode_in,referencecode_in,avscode_in, acquirer_in,
6260: auxmsg_in, trace_number_in, payment_name_in,
6262: sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,sysdate,fnd_global.user_id,fnd_global.login_id,1);
6264: END IF;
6266: COMMIT;

Line 6305: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,

6301: batchid = newbatchid_in,
6302: mbatchid = l_mbatchid,
6303: last_update_date = sysdate,
6304: updatedate = sysdate,
6305: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
6306: object_version_number = object_version_number + 1
6307: WHERE (bepid = bepid_in)
6308: AND (bepkey = bepkey_in)
6309: AND (payeeid = payeeid_in)

Line 6347: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,

6343: bepcode=DECODE(NVL(bep_code_in,''), '',bepcode, bep_code_in),
6344: bepmessage=DECODE(NVL(bep_msg_in,''), '',bepmessage, bep_msg_in),
6345: errorlocation=DECODE(NVL(error_loc_in,''), '',errorlocation, error_loc_in),
6346: last_update_date = sysdate,
6347: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
6348: object_version_number = object_version_number + 1
6350: WHERE

Line 6541: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,

6537: bepcode = bep_code_in,
6538: bepmessage = bep_message_in,
6539: errorlocation = error_location_in,
6540: last_update_date = sysdate,
6541: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
6542: object_version_number = object_version_number + 1
6543: WHERE (payeeid = payeeid_in)
6544: AND (mbatchid = batchid_in);

Line 6596: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,

6592: bepcode = trxn_bep_code_in(i),
6593: bepmessage = trxn_bep_msg_in(i),
6594: errorlocation = TO_NUMBER(trxn_error_loc_in(i)),
6595: last_update_date = sysdate,
6596: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
6597: object_version_number = object_version_number + 1,
6598: needsupdt = l_needsupdt
6599: WHERE (trxnmid = l_tmid);

Line 6606: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,

6602: SET authcode = trxn_authcode_in(i),
6603: avscode = trxn_avscode_in(i),
6604: cvv2result = trxn_cvv2result_in(i),
6605: last_update_date = sysdate,
6606: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
6607: object_version_number = object_version_number + 1
6608: WHERE (trxnmid = l_tmid);
6610: --trxnid_out(i) := l_tid;

Line 6646: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,

6645: last_update_date = sysdate,
6646: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
6647: object_version_number = object_version_number + 1
6648: WHERE (payeeid = payeeid_in)
6649: AND (mbatchid = batchid_in)
6650: AND (status = iby_transactioncc_pkg.C_STATUS_BATCH_PENDING);

Line 7093: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,

7089: instr_expirydate = NULL,
7090: expiry_sec_segment_id = l_expdate_sec_segment_id,
7091: object_version_number = object_version_number + 1,
7092: last_update_date = sysdate,
7093: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
7094: last_update_login = fnd_global.login_id
7095: WHERE (trxnmid = core_rec.tmid);
7097: END LOOP;

Line 7094: last_update_login = fnd_global.login_id

7090: expiry_sec_segment_id = l_expdate_sec_segment_id,
7091: object_version_number = object_version_number + 1,
7092: last_update_date = sysdate,
7093: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
7094: last_update_login = fnd_global.login_id
7095: WHERE (trxnmid = core_rec.tmid);
7097: END LOOP;
7098: --END IF;

Line 7253: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,

7249: instr_expirydate = l_exp_date,
7250: expiry_sec_segment_id = NULL,
7251: object_version_number = object_version_number + 1,
7252: last_update_date = sysdate,
7253: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
7254: last_update_login = fnd_global.login_id
7255: WHERE (trxnmid = core_rec.trxnmid);
7257: END LOOP;

Line 7254: last_update_login = fnd_global.login_id

7250: expiry_sec_segment_id = NULL,
7251: object_version_number = object_version_number + 1,
7252: last_update_date = sysdate,
7253: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
7254: last_update_login = fnd_global.login_id
7255: WHERE (trxnmid = core_rec.trxnmid);
7257: END LOOP;
7258: --END IF;

Line 7511: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,

7507: -- Only for settlement trxn
7508: UPDATE iby_batches_all
7509: SET
7510: last_update_date = sysdate,
7511: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
7512: object_version_number = object_version_number + 1,
7513: payer_notification_required = l_payer_notif_flag
7514: WHERE (mbatchid = mbatchid_in);

Line 7521: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,

7517: -- authcapture, capture and markcapture
7518: UPDATE iby_trxn_summaries_all
7519: SET payer_notification_required = l_payer_notif_flag,
7520: last_update_date=sysdate,
7521: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
7522: object_version_number = object_version_number + 1
7523: WHERE mbatchid = mbatchid_in
7524: AND TrxntypeID IN (3,8,9,100);