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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 194

      SELECT name
      INTO   x_organization_name
      FROM   hr_all_organization_units_tl haoutl
      WHERE  haoutl.organization_id = p_organization_id
      AND    haoutl.LANGUAGE = USERENV('LANG');
Line: 320

        SELECT gl_ledgers.currency_code
          INTO l_functional_currency
          FROM gl_ledgers gl_ledgers
         WHERE gl_ledgers.ledger_id =
            /*   (SELECT DISTINCT xllv.ledger_id
                  FROM xle_le_ou_ledger_v xllv
                 WHERE xllv.operating_unit_id = p_ou_id
Line: 328

                 (select set_of_books_id from hr_operating_units
                  where organization_id = p_ou_id);
Line: 375

Line: 376

Line: 538

          SELECT mp.organization_id
            FROM mtl_parameters               mp
                ,hr_organization_information  hoi
                ,hr_all_organization_units    haou
                ,HR_ALL_ORGANIZATION_UNITS_TL haoutl
           WHERE mp.organization_id = hoi.organization_id
             AND haou.organization_id = hoi.organization_id
             AND haou.organization_id = haoutl.organization_id
             AND NVL(mp.trading_partner_org_flag,'N') = 'N'
             AND hoi.org_information_context = 'Accounting Information'
             AND hoi.org_information3 = to_char(lp_ou_id) -- bug 14108256
             AND haoutl.NAME >= NVL(lp_oem_inv_org_name_from
             AND haoutl.NAME <= NVL(lp_oem_inv_org_name_to
             AND haoutl.LANGUAGE = USERENV('LANG');
Line: 571

      SELECT mip.to_organization_id --tp_org_id
            ,mp.organization_code --tp_org_code
            ,pv.vendor_id --supplier_id
            ,pvs.vendor_site_id --supplier_site_id
        FROM mtl_interorg_parameters     mip
            ,po_vendors                  pv
            ,po_vendor_sites_all         pvs
            ,hr_organization_information hoi
            ,mtl_parameters              mp
       WHERE mip.from_organization_id = lp_oem_inv_org_id
        --AND mip.shikyu_enabled_flag = 'Y'
         AND mip.subcontracting_type in ('B','C') -- 12.1 Buy/Sell Subcontracting Changes
         AND mp.trading_partner_org_flag = 'Y' --hide for test as there is not data for this column!!!
         AND hoi.org_information_context = 'Customer/Supplier Association' --to identify the flexfield
         AND hoi.org_information3 = pv.vendor_id --(Application : Human Resources,Descriptive Flexfield Segment Title: Org Developer DF.)
         AND hoi.org_information4 = pvs.vendor_site_id
         AND mip.to_organization_id = hoi.organization_id
         AND mip.to_organization_id = mp.organization_id
         AND ((pv.vendor_name IS NULL) OR
             ((pv.vendor_name >= NVL(lp_supplier_name_from
                                     ,pv.vendor_name)) AND
             (pv.vendor_name <= NVL(lp_supplier_name_to
         AND ((pvs.vendor_site_code IS NULL) OR
             (pvs.vendor_site_code >=
                  ,pvs.vendor_site_code)) AND
             (pvs.vendor_site_code <=
Line: 690

        INSERT INTO jmf_shikyu_cfr_mid_temp
          (row_type --onhand row type
          ,oem_inv_org_id --oem_inv_org_id
          ,supplier_id --supplier_id
          ,site_id --site_id
          ,tp_inv_org_id --tp_inv_org_id
          ,item_id --item_id
          ,primary_unconsumed_quantity --onhand primary uom quantity
          ,project_id --project_id
          ,task_id --task_id
          SELECT p_onhand_row_type
                ,SUM(onhand.transaction_quantity) primary_uom_qty
            FROM MTL_ONHAND_QUANTITIES  onhand
                ,MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B_KFV item_f -- the latest view for the item flexfield
           WHERE onhand.organization_id = l_tp_inv_org_id
             AND onhand.organization_id = item_f.organization_id
             AND onhand.inventory_item_id = item_f.inventory_item_id
             AND item_f.subcontracting_component IS NOT NULL --= 'Y'
/*             AND item_f.concatenated_segments >=
                 NVL(p_item_number_from, item_f.concatenated_segments)
             AND item_f.concatenated_segments <=
                 NVL(p_item_number_to, item_f.concatenated_segments)*/
             AND (p_item_number_from IS NULL
                     OR item_f.concatenated_segments >= p_item_number_from)
             AND (p_item_number_to IS NULL
                     OR item_f.concatenated_segments <= p_item_number_to)
             GROUP BY onhand.organization_id
Line: 817

      SELECT supplier_id
        FROM jmf_shikyu_cfr_mid_temp
       WHERE row_type = p_onhand_row_type;
Line: 910

       UPDATE jmf_shikyu_cfr_mid_temp
          SET primary_unallocated_quantity = l_onhand_quantity
        WHERE row_type = p_onhand_row_type
          AND supplier_id = l_supplier_id
          AND site_id = l_supplier_site_id
          AND oem_inv_org_id = l_oem_inv_org_id
          AND tp_inv_org_id = l_tp_inv_org_id
          AND item_id = l_item_id
          AND ((project_id IS NULL) OR (project_id = l_project_id))
          AND ((task_id IS NULL) OR (task_id = l_task_id));
Line: 1007

      SELECT rt.transaction_id
    -- Updated to fix potential issue of operations between null numbers
    --        ,rt.primary_quantity -
            ,NVL(rt.primary_quantity,0) -
             NVL((SELECT SUM(NVL(jscmt_rcv.primary_unallocated_quantity
                               ,0) + NVL(jscmt_rcv.primary_unconsumed_quantity
                   FROM jmf_shikyu_cfr_mid_temp jscmt_rcv
                  WHERE jscmt_rcv.row_type = 40
                    AND jscmt_rcv.shikyu_id = rt.transaction_id)
--Added to fix bug 5509464 start
             ,pha.vendor_id --p_supplier_id
             ,pha.vendor_site_id --p_supplier_site_id
--Added to fix bug 5509464 end
        FROM jmf_shikyu_cfr_mid_temp mid
            ,po_line_locations_all   pll
            ,rcv_transactions        rt
--Added to fix bug 5509464 start
            ,po_headers_all pha
--Added to fix bug 5509464 end
       WHERE mid.row_type = p_rep_po_unalloc_row_type
         AND NVL(mid.get_rcv_flag
                ,'N') <> CFR_REP_PO_GET_RCV_FLAG --if the rep_po line have done get rcv process, the get_rcv_flag will be set to 1
         AND mid.shikyu_id = pll.line_location_id
         AND rt.transaction_type = 'RECEIVE'
         AND pll.line_location_id = rt.po_line_location_id
--Added to fix bug 5509464 start
         AND pha.po_header_id=pll.po_header_id
--Added to fix bug 5509464 end
       ORDER BY rt.transaction_date;
Line: 1274

    INSERT INTO jmf_shikyu_cfr_mid_temp
     SELECT p_rep_po_unalloc_row_type
    -- Updated to fix potential issue of operations between null numbers
                                                         -- ,plla.quantity_received) -
                                                         ,NVL(plla.quantity_received,0)) -
            (SELECT SUM(JMF_SHIKYU_RPT_UTIL.get_item_primary_quantity(jsr.tp_organization_id
                                                                     -- fix bug 5702139
                                                                     -- ,uom_tl_s.uom_code
--Updated to fix bug 5509464 start
                                                                     --,jsa.allocated_quantity)) pll_allocated
                                                                     ,nvl(jsa.allocated_quantity,0))) pll_allocated
--Updated to fix bug 5509464 end
               FROM jmf_shikyu_allocations    jsa
                   ,jmf_shikyu_replenishments jsr
                   ,MTL_UNITS_OF_MEASURE_TL uom_tl_s
--Updated to fix bug 5509464 start
              --WHERE jsa.replenishment_so_line_id = jsr.replenishment_so_line_id
              --  AND jsa.shikyu_component_id = jsr.shikyu_component_id
              WHERE jsa.replenishment_so_line_id(+) = jsr.replenishment_so_line_id
                AND jsa.shikyu_component_id(+) = jsr.shikyu_component_id
--Updated to fix bug 5509464 end
                AND jsr.replenishment_po_shipment_id = plla.line_location_id
                AND plla.po_line_id = pla.po_line_id
                AND uom_tl_s.LANGUAGE = USERENV('LANG')
                -- fix bug 5702139
                -- AND pla.unit_meas_lookup_code = uom_tl_s.unit_of_measure
                AND po_uom_s.get_primary_uom(pla.item_id,p_tp_inv_org_id,null) = uom_tl_s.unit_of_measure -- primary UOM
                AND jsr.shikyu_component_id = p_item_id) residual_unallocated_pri
           ,pha.vendor_id --p_supplier_id
           ,pha.vendor_site_id --p_supplier_site_id
       FROM po_headers_all          pha
           ,po_lines_all            pla
           ,po_line_locations_all   plla
           ,MTL_UNITS_OF_MEASURE_TL uom_tl
           ,HR_ORGANIZATION_INFORMATION hoi -- Add this table to get information of oem
      WHERE pla.po_header_id = pha.po_header_id
        AND plla.po_line_id = pla.po_line_id
        AND pla.unit_meas_lookup_code = uom_tl.unit_of_measure
        AND uom_tl.LANGUAGE = USERENV('LANG')
        AND pha.org_id = p_ou_id
        AND hoi.ORGANIZATION_ID = p_oem_inv_org_id
        AND hoi.org_information_context = 'Customer/Supplier Association' --to identify the flexfield
        AND ((pha.vendor_id = hoi.org_information3) OR -- when org_information_context is set to be 'Customer/Supplier Association',this identify the supplier_id of org
            (pha.vendor_id IS NULL AND hoi.org_information3 IS NULL))
        AND ((pha.vendor_site_id = hoi.org_information4) OR -- when org_information_context is set to be 'Customer/Supplier Association',this identify the supplier_site_id of org
            (pha.vendor_site_id IS NULL AND hoi.org_information4 IS NULL))
        AND pla.item_id = p_item_id
        AND plla.line_location_id NOT IN
            (SELECT jscmt.shikyu_id
               FROM jmf_shikyu_cfr_mid_temp jscmt
              WHERE jscmt.row_type = p_rep_po_unalloc_row_type
                AND jscmt.item_id = p_item_id
                AND jscmt.oem_inv_org_id = p_oem_inv_org_id
                AND jscmt.tp_inv_org_id = p_tp_inv_org_id
                AND jscmt.supplier_id = p_supplier_id
                AND jscmt.site_id = p_supplier_site_id)
--updated to fix bug 5232863 start
--        AND JMF_SHIKYU_RPT_UTIL.get_item_primary_quantity(pha.org_id
        AND JMF_SHIKYU_RPT_UTIL.get_item_primary_quantity(p_tp_inv_org_id
    -- Updated to fix potential issue of operations between null numbers
                                                         -- ,plla.quantity_received) >
                                                         ,NVL(plla.quantity_received,0)) >
--            (SELECT SUM(JMF_SHIKYU_RPT_UTIL.get_item_primary_quantity(jsr.tp_organization_id
            (SELECT SUM(JMF_SHIKYU_RPT_UTIL.get_item_primary_quantity(p_tp_inv_org_id
--updated to fix bug 5232863 end
                                                                     -- fix bug 5702139
                                                                     -- ,uom_tl_s.uom_code
--Updated to fix bug 5509464 start
                                                                     --,jsa.allocated_quantity)) pll_allocated
                                                                     ,nvl(jsa.allocated_quantity,0))) pll_allocated
--Updated to fix bug 5509464 end
               FROM jmf_shikyu_allocations    jsa
                   ,jmf_shikyu_replenishments jsr
                   ,MTL_UNITS_OF_MEASURE_TL uom_tl_s
--Updated to fix bug 5509464 start
              --WHERE jsa.replenishment_so_line_id = jsr.replenishment_so_line_id
              --  AND jsa.shikyu_component_id = jsr.shikyu_component_id
              WHERE jsa.replenishment_so_line_id(+) = jsr.replenishment_so_line_id
                AND jsa.shikyu_component_id(+)  = jsr.shikyu_component_id
--Updated to fix bug 5509464 end
                AND jsr.replenishment_po_shipment_id = plla.line_location_id
                AND plla.po_line_id = pla.po_line_id
                -- fix bug 5702139
                -- AND pla.unit_meas_lookup_code = uom_tl_s.unit_of_measure
                AND po_uom_s.get_primary_uom(pla.item_id,p_tp_inv_org_id,null) = uom_tl_s.unit_of_measure -- primary UOM
                AND jsr.shikyu_component_id = p_item_id);
Line: 1394

    UPDATE jmf_shikyu_cfr_mid_temp
       SET quantity = NVL(primary_unallocated_quantity,0) *
     WHERE row_type = p_rep_po_unalloc_row_type
       AND quantity IS NULL --only for those do not get the primary uom
       AND supplier_id = p_supplier_id
       AND site_id = p_supplier_site_id
       AND oem_inv_org_id = p_oem_inv_org_id
       AND tp_inv_org_id = p_tp_inv_org_id
       AND item_id = p_item_id;
Line: 1506

    SELECT cfr_mid.primary_unallocated_quantity
      INTO l_rep_po_unallocated_pri
      FROM jmf_shikyu_cfr_mid_temp cfr_mid
          ,po_line_locations_all   poloc
          ,rcv_transactions        rcv
     WHERE rcv.transaction_type = 'RECEIVE'
       AND poloc.line_location_id = rcv.po_line_location_id
       AND cfr_mid.shikyu_id = poloc.line_location_id
       AND rcv.transaction_id = P_rcv_transaction_id
       AND cfr_mid.supplier_id = p_supplier_id
       AND cfr_mid.site_id = p_supplier_site_id
       AND cfr_mid.oem_inv_org_id = p_oem_inv_org_id
       AND cfr_mid.tp_inv_org_id = p_tp_inv_org_id
       AND cfr_mid.item_id = p_item_id
       AND cfr_mid.row_type = p_rep_po_unalloc_row_type
       AND rownum = 1;
Line: 1631

    UPDATE jmf_shikyu_cfr_mid_temp
    -- Updated to fix potential issue of operations between null numbers
       --SET quantity                     = quantity -
       --                                   (quantity *
       SET quantity                     = NVL(quantity,0) -
                                          (NVL(quantity,0) *
                                          p_new_rep_po_unallocated_pri /
                                          primary_unallocated_quantity) --residual_unallocated for the UOM
    -- Updated to fix potential issue of operations between null numbers
    --      ,primary_unallocated_quantity = primary_unallocated_quantity -
          ,primary_unallocated_quantity = NVL(primary_unallocated_quantity,0) -
                                          p_new_rep_po_unallocated_pri --residual_unallocated for the primary UOM
     WHERE row_type = p_rep_po_unalloc_row_type
       AND supplier_id = p_supplier_id
       AND site_id = p_supplier_site_id
       AND oem_inv_org_id = p_oem_inv_org_id
       AND tp_inv_org_id = p_tp_inv_org_id
       AND item_id = p_item_id
       AND shikyu_id =
           (SELECT rcv.po_line_location_id
              FROM rcv_transactions rcv
             WHERE rcv.transaction_id = p_rcv_transaction_id
                   AND rcv.transaction_type = 'RECEIVE');
Line: 1760

      INTO l_jmf_cfr_mid_temp_rcv_rows
      FROM jmf_shikyu_cfr_mid_temp
     WHERE row_type = p_rcv_row_type
       AND shikyu_id = p_rcv_transaction_id;
Line: 1769

      UPDATE jmf_shikyu_cfr_mid_temp
    -- Updated to fix potential issue of operations between null numbers
--         SET primary_unallocated_quantity = primary_unallocated_quantity +
         SET primary_unallocated_quantity = NVL(primary_unallocated_quantity,0) +
       WHERE row_type = p_rcv_row_type
         AND shikyu_id = p_rcv_transaction_id;
Line: 1779

      INSERT INTO jmf_shikyu_cfr_mid_temp
Line: 1876

      SELECT rt.transaction_id
            ,rt.primary_quantity -
             NVL((SELECT SUM(NVL(mid_s.primary_unallocated_quantity
                               ,0) + NVL(mid_s.primary_unconsumed_quantity
                   FROM jmf_shikyu_cfr_mid_temp mid_s
                  WHERE mid_s.row_type = p_rcv_transaction_row_type
                    AND mid_s.shikyu_id = rt.transaction_id)
        FROM jmf_shikyu_allocations    alloc
            ,jmf_shikyu_replenishments jsr
            ,jmf_shikyu_cfr_mid_temp   mid
            ,rcv_transactions          rt
       WHERE mid.row_type = p_sub_po_unconsumed_row_type
         AND NVL(mid.get_rep_flag
                ,'N') <> CFR_REP_PO_GET_RCV_FLAG --if the rep_po line have done get rcv process, the get_rcv_flag will be set to 1
         AND mid.shikyu_id = alloc.subcontract_po_shipment_id
         AND mid.item_id = alloc.shikyu_component_id
         AND alloc.replenishment_so_line_id = jsr.replenishment_so_line_id
         AND jsr.replenishment_po_shipment_id = rt.po_line_location_id
         AND rt.transaction_type = 'RECEIVE'
         AND jsr.oem_organization_id = p_oem_inv_org_id
         AND jsr.tp_organization_id = p_tp_inv_org_id
         AND jsr.tp_supplier_id = p_supplier_id
         AND jsr.tp_supplier_site_id = p_supplier_site_id
         AND jsr.shikyu_component_id = p_item_id
       ORDER BY rt.transaction_date;
Line: 2123

    INSERT INTO jmf_shikyu_cfr_mid_temp
      SELECT p_sub_po_unconsumed_row_type
            ,((SELECT NVL(SUM(JMF_SHIKYU_RPT_UTIL.get_item_primary_quantity(sub_po.tp_organization_id
                 FROM jmf_shikyu_allocations jsa_a
                WHERE jsa_a.subcontract_po_shipment_id =
                  AND jsa_a.shikyu_component_id = comp.shikyu_component_id) -
             ) primary_possible_unconsumed
        FROM po_line_locations_all      pll
            ,jmf_subcontract_orders     sub_po
            ,po_headers_all             ph
            ,jmf_shikyu_components      comp
            ,wip_requirement_operations wip_req
       WHERE pll.line_location_id = sub_po.subcontract_po_shipment_id
         AND pll.quantity > pll.quantity_received --this can be ignore if allow the allocated qty larger than ordered qty
         AND sub_po.oem_organization_id = p_oem_inv_org_id
         AND sub_po.tp_organization_id = p_tp_inv_org_id
         AND pll.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id
         AND ((ph.org_id IS NULL) OR (ph.org_id = p_ou_id))
         AND ph.vendor_id = p_supplier_id
         AND ph.vendor_site_id = p_supplier_site_id
         AND sub_po.wip_entity_id = wip_req.wip_entity_id
         AND sub_po.subcontract_po_shipment_id =
         AND comp.shikyu_component_id = wip_req.inventory_item_id
         AND comp.shikyu_component_id = p_item_id
         AND sub_po.tp_organization_id = wip_req.organization_id
         AND wip_req.repetitive_schedule_id IS NULL
         AND wip_req.operation_seq_num = 1
--This may cause issue when same components are found in different tp organization,the onhand component are found
--   secondly,will be lost in them mid_temp table.That means in the report will lose some datas which should be displayed.
-- updated to fix this potensial issue.
/*         AND NOT ((comp.subcontract_po_shipment_id IN
              (SELECT jscmt_s.shikyu_id
                      FROM jmf_shikyu_cfr_mid_temp jscmt_s
                     WHERE jscmt_s.row_type = p_sub_po_unconsumed_row_type)) AND
              (comp.shikyu_component_id IN
              (SELECT jscmt_i.item_id
                      FROM jmf_shikyu_cfr_mid_temp jscmt_i
                     WHERE jscmt_i.row_type = p_sub_po_unconsumed_row_type)))*/
         AND NOT (comp.subcontract_po_shipment_id IN
                          (SELECT jscmt_s.shikyu_id
                              FROM jmf_shikyu_cfr_mid_temp jscmt_s
                            WHERE jscmt_s.row_type = p_sub_po_unconsumed_row_type
                                 AND jscmt_s.item_id = p_item_id))
Line: 2196

    UPDATE jmf_shikyu_cfr_mid_temp
       SET quantity = NVL(primary_unconsumed_quantity,0) *
     WHERE row_type = p_sub_po_unconsumed_row_type
       AND quantity IS NULL --only for those do not get the quantity of uom
       AND supplier_id = p_supplier_id
       AND site_id = p_supplier_site_id
       AND oem_inv_org_id = p_oem_inv_org_id
       AND tp_inv_org_id = p_tp_inv_org_id
       AND item_id = p_item_id;
Line: 2310

    INSERT INTO jmf_shikyu_cfr_mid_temp
      SELECT p_rep_po_unconsumed_row_type
                                                          ,alloc.allocated_quantity) -
        FROM jmf_shikyu_allocations     alloc
            ,jmf_shikyu_replenishments  jsr
            ,jmf_shikyu_cfr_mid_temp    mid
            ,jmf_subcontract_orders     jso
            ,wip_requirement_operations wro
       WHERE mid.row_type = p_sub_po_unconsumed_row_type
         AND NVL(mid.get_rep_flag
                ,'N') <> CFR_SUB_PO_GET_REP_FLAG
         AND mid.shikyu_id = alloc.subcontract_po_shipment_id
         AND mid.item_id = alloc.shikyu_component_id
         AND alloc.replenishment_so_line_id = jsr.replenishment_so_line_id
         AND jsr.oem_organization_id = p_oem_inv_org_id
         AND jsr.tp_organization_id = p_tp_inv_org_id
         AND jsr.tp_supplier_id = p_supplier_id
         AND jsr.tp_supplier_site_id = p_supplier_site_id
         AND alloc.shikyu_component_id = p_item_id
         AND alloc.subcontract_po_shipment_id =
         AND jso.wip_entity_id = wro.wip_entity_id(+)
         AND jso.tp_organization_id = wro.organization_id(+)
         AND ((wro.operation_seq_num IS NULL) OR
             (wro.operation_seq_num = 1))
         AND wro.repetitive_schedule_id IS NULL
         AND alloc.shikyu_component_id = wro.inventory_item_id
--This may cause issue when same components are found in different tp organization,the onhand component are found
--   secondly,will be lost in them mid_temp table.That means in the report will lose some datas which should be displayed.
-- updated to fix this potensial issue.
/*         AND NOT
              ((jsr.replenishment_po_shipment_id IN
              (SELECT jscmt_s.shikyu_id
                   FROM jmf_shikyu_cfr_mid_temp jscmt_s
                  WHERE jscmt_s.row_type = p_rep_po_unconsumed_row_type)) AND
              (alloc.shikyu_component_id IN
              (SELECT jscmt_i.item_id
                   FROM jmf_shikyu_cfr_mid_temp jscmt_i
                  WHERE jscmt_i.row_type = p_rep_po_unconsumed_row_type)));
Line: 2374

                          (SELECT jscmt_s.shikyu_id
                              FROM jmf_shikyu_cfr_mid_temp jscmt_s
                            WHERE jscmt_s.row_type = p_rep_po_unconsumed_row_type
                                 AND jscmt_s.item_id = p_item_id));
Line: 2380

    UPDATE jmf_shikyu_cfr_mid_temp
       SET quantity = NVL(primary_unconsumed_quantity,0) *
     WHERE row_type = p_rep_po_unconsumed_row_type
       AND quantity IS NULL --only for those do not get the quantity of uom
       AND supplier_id = p_supplier_id
       AND site_id = p_supplier_site_id
       AND oem_inv_org_id = p_oem_inv_org_id
       AND tp_inv_org_id = p_tp_inv_org_id
       AND item_id = p_item_id;
Line: 2491

    SELECT SUM(NVL(cfr_mid.primary_unconsumed_quantity
      INTO l_sub_po_residual_pri
      FROM jmf_shikyu_cfr_mid_temp   cfr_mid
          ,rcv_transactions          rcv
          ,jmf_shikyu_allocations    alloc
          ,jmf_shikyu_replenishments jsr
     WHERE rcv.transaction_id = P_rcv_transaction_id
       AND rcv.transaction_type = 'RECEIVE'
       AND cfr_mid.row_type = p_sub_po_unconsumed_row_type
       AND cfr_mid.supplier_id = p_supplier_id
       AND cfr_mid.site_id = p_supplier_site_id
       AND cfr_mid.oem_inv_org_id = p_oem_inv_org_id
       AND cfr_mid.tp_inv_org_id = p_tp_inv_org_id
       AND cfr_mid.item_id = p_item_id
       AND cfr_mid.shikyu_id = alloc.subcontract_po_shipment_id
       AND cfr_mid.item_id = alloc.shikyu_component_id
       AND alloc.replenishment_so_line_id = jsr.replenishment_so_line_id
       AND jsr.replenishment_po_shipment_id = rcv.po_line_location_id;
Line: 2579

      SELECT cfr_mid.shikyu_id
        FROM jmf_shikyu_cfr_mid_temp   cfr_mid
            ,rcv_transactions          rcv
            ,jmf_shikyu_allocations    alloc
            ,jmf_shikyu_replenishments jsr
       WHERE rcv.transaction_id = p_rcv_transaction_id
         AND rcv.transaction_type = 'RECEIVE'
         AND cfr_mid.row_type = p_sub_po_unconsumed_row_type
         AND cfr_mid.supplier_id = p_supplier_id
         AND cfr_mid.site_id = p_supplier_site_id
         AND cfr_mid.oem_inv_org_id = p_oem_inv_org_id
         AND cfr_mid.tp_inv_org_id = p_tp_inv_org_id
         AND cfr_mid.item_id = p_item_id
         AND cfr_mid.shikyu_id = alloc.subcontract_po_shipment_id
         AND cfr_mid.item_id = alloc.shikyu_component_id
         AND alloc.replenishment_so_line_id = jsr.replenishment_so_line_id
         AND jsr.replenishment_po_shipment_id = rcv.po_line_location_id
         AND cfr_mid.primary_unconsumed_quantity > 0
       ORDER BY cfr_mid.shikyu_id DESC;
Line: 2662

      UPDATE jmf_shikyu_cfr_mid_temp
    -- Updated to fix potential issue of operations between null numbers
    --     SET quantity                    = quantity -
    --                                       (quantity * l_cur_sub_po_consumed_pri /
         SET quantity                    = NVL(quantity,0) -
                                           ( NVL(quantity,0)  * l_cur_sub_po_consumed_pri /
                                           primary_unconsumed_quantity) --possible unconsumed for UOM
            ,primary_unconsumed_quantity = NVL(primary_unconsumed_quantity,0) -
                                           l_cur_sub_po_consumed_pri --possible unconsumed for primary UOM
       WHERE row_type = p_sub_po_unconsumed_row_type
         AND shikyu_id = l_sub_po_id
         AND oem_inv_org_id = p_oem_inv_org_id
         AND tp_inv_org_id = p_tp_inv_org_id
         AND item_id = p_item_id;
Line: 2788

      INTO l_jmf_cfr_mid_temp_rcv_rows
      FROM jmf_shikyu_cfr_mid_temp
     WHERE row_type = p_rcv_row_type
       AND shikyu_id = p_rcv_transaction_id;
Line: 2797

      UPDATE jmf_shikyu_cfr_mid_temp
    -- Updated to fix potential issue of operations between null numbers
    --     SET primary_unconsumed_quantity = primary_unconsumed_quantity +
         SET primary_unconsumed_quantity = NVL(primary_unconsumed_quantity,0) +
       WHERE row_type = p_rcv_row_type
         AND shikyu_id = p_rcv_transaction_id;
Line: 2807

      INSERT INTO jmf_shikyu_cfr_mid_temp
Line: 2895

    UPDATE jmf_shikyu_cfr_mid_temp jscmt
       SET jscmt.uom         = (SELECT rt.unit_of_measure
                                  FROM rcv_transactions rt
                                 WHERE jscmt.row_type = CFR_TMP_RCV_ROW
                                   AND rt.transaction_id = jscmt.shikyu_id)
          ,jscmt.primary_uom = (SELECT rt.primary_unit_of_measure
                                  FROM rcv_transactions rt
                                 WHERE jscmt.row_type = CFR_TMP_RCV_ROW
                                   AND rt.transaction_id = jscmt.shikyu_id)
     WHERE jscmt.row_type = CFR_TMP_RCV_ROW;
Line: 2907

    UPDATE jmf_shikyu_cfr_mid_temp
       SET quantity = (NVL(primary_unallocated_quantity
                          ,0) + NVL(primary_unconsumed_quantity
                                    ,0)) *
     WHERE row_type = CFR_TMP_RCV_ROW;
Line: 3119

  INSERT INTO jmf_shikyu_cfr_rpt_temp
    ,item_cost --the cost based on UOM after conversion from Pri_Uom
    ,value1 --the item qty in Pri Uom
    ,value2 --the item price in Pri UOM and Pri Currency
    ,value3 --the item cost in Pri UOM and Pri Currency, from cst_item_costs table
    ,EXPECTED_RCV_DATE --the Rep PO need by date
    SELECT p_rpt_mode rpt_mode
          ,cfr_mid.shikyu_id TRANSACTION_ID
          ,cfr_mid.oem_inv_org_id oem_inv_org_id
          ,mp_oem.organization_code oem_org_code
          ,cfr_mid.supplier_id supplier_id
          ,pv.vendor_name supplier_name
          ,cfr_mid.site_id site_id
          ,pvs.vendor_site_code site_code
          ,pvs.address_line1 || ',' || pvs.address_line2 || ',' ||
           pvs.address_line3 site_address
          ,ph.vendor_contact_id contact_id
          ,pvc.prefix || ' ' || pvc.first_name || ',' || pvc.middle_name || ',' ||
           pvc.middle_name || ',' || pvc.last_name contact_name
          ,cfr_mid.tp_inv_org_id tp_inv_org_id
          ,mp_tp.organization_code tp_inv_org_code
          ,cfr_mid.item_id item_id
                                              ,cfr_mid.item_id) item_number
          ,item_v.description item_description
          ,ooha.transactional_curr_code currency_code --or jmf_shikyu_components.Currency ,not ph.currency_code
          ,p_functional_currency functional_currency
          ,oola.unit_selling_price po_unit_price --not pl.unit_price
           --Amy update for fixing currency conversing issue start
           --when paramter p_currency_conversion_date and p_currency_conversion_type are not specified,
           -- use sysdate and conversion_type in so as default value.
           --Amy update for fixing currency conversing issue end
                                                 ,0) *
                                                                       ,cfr_mid.item_id)) item_cost --the cost based on UOM after conversion from Pri_Uom
          ,(cfr_mid.quantity *
                                     ,cfr_mid.item_id)) value1 --item qty in Primary
           --Amy update for fixing currency conversing issue start
           --when paramter p_currency_conversion_date and p_currency_conversion_type are not specified,
           -- use sysdate and conversion_type in so as default value.
           --Amy update for fixing currency conversing issue end
                                             ,oola.unit_selling_price *
                                                                       ,cfr_mid.item_id)) value2 --the item price in Pri UOM and Pri Currency
              ,0) value3 --Standard_Item_Cost in Pri UOM and Pri Currency
--updated to fix project_id related issue start
          --,rcv.project_id project_id
          ,sub.project_id project_id
--updated to fix project_id related issue start
--updated to fix project_number related issue start
          --,prj.segment1 project_number
         ,NVL((SELECT DISTINCT segment1 AS project_number
                  FROM pa_projects_all
                WHERE pa_projects_all.project_id(+) = sub.project_id),
              (SELECT DISTINCT project_number
               FROM   pjm_seiban_numbers
               WHERE pjm_seiban_numbers.project_id(+) = sub.project_id)) project_number
--updated to fix project_number related issue end
--updated to fix project_id related issue start
          --,rcv.task_id task_id
          ,sub.task_id task_id
--updated to fix project_id related issue start
          ,task.task_number task_number
          ,cfr_mid.uom --should jmf_shikyu_components.uom,need rcv.unit_of_measure to conversion?
          ,cfr_mid.quantity --the SHIKYU component quantity find in rcv for unallocated + unconsumed
          ,cfr_mid.primary_uom --rcv.primary_unit_of_measure
          ,oola.header_id RepSO_header_id
          ,ooha.order_number REP_SO_NUMBER
          ,ooha.version_number RepSO_Version_number
          ,oola.line_id RepSO_line_id
          ,oola.line_number REP_SO_LINE
          ,oola.actual_shipment_date SHIPPED_DATE
          ,poloc.need_by_date --,EXPECTED_RCV_DATE
          ,rcv.po_header_id RepPO_header_id
          ,ph.segment1 REP_PO_NUMBER
          ,rcv.po_revision_num RepPO_Revision_num
          ,rcv.po_release_id RepPO_Release_id
          ,pra.release_num REP_PO_RELEASE
          ,rcv.po_line_id RepPO_Line_id
          ,pl.line_num REP_PO_LINE
          ,rcv.po_line_location_id RepPO_line_location_id
          ,poloc.shipment_num REP_PO_SHIPMENT
          ,rcv.po_distribution_id RepPO_distribution_id
          ,pha_s.po_header_id SubPO_header_id
          ,pha_s.segment1 SubPO_Number
          ,pla_s.po_line_id SubPO_line_id
          ,pla_s.line_num SubPO_Line_num
          ,pra_s.po_release_id SubPO_release_id
          ,pra_s.release_num SubPO_release_Num
          ,plla_s.line_location_id SubPO_shipment_id
          ,plla_s.shipment_num SubPO_shipment_num
      FROM jmf_shikyu_cfr_mid_temp   cfr_mid
          ,jmf_subcontract_orders sub
          ,po_line_locations_all     poloc
          ,rcv_transactions          rcv
          ,mtl_parameters            mp_oem
          ,mtl_parameters            mp_tp
          ,po_vendors                pv
          ,po_vendor_sites_all       pvs
          ,po_headers_all            ph
          ,po_vendor_contacts        pvc
          ,mtl_system_items_vl       item_v
          ,po_lines_all              pl
          ,pa_projects_all           prj
          ,pa_tasks                  task
          ,po_releases_all           pra
          ,jmf_shikyu_replenishments jsr
          ,oe_order_lines_all        oola
          ,oe_order_headers_all      ooha
          ,jmf_shikyu_allocations    jsa
          ,po_line_locations_all     plla_s
          ,po_headers_all            pha_s
          ,po_lines_all              pla_s
          ,po_releases_all           pra_s
          ,cst_item_costs            cic
     WHERE cfr_mid.row_type = CFR_TMP_RCV_ROW
       AND cfr_mid.oem_inv_org_id = mp_oem.organization_id
       AND cfr_mid.tp_inv_org_id = mp_tp.organization_id
       AND cfr_mid.supplier_id = pv.vendor_id(+)
       AND cfr_mid.site_id = pvs.vendor_site_id(+)
       AND cfr_mid.shikyu_id = rcv.transaction_id
       AND rcv.transaction_type = 'RECEIVE'
       AND rcv.po_header_id = ph.po_header_id
       AND ph.vendor_contact_id = pvc.vendor_contact_id(+)
       AND cfr_mid.tp_inv_org_id = item_v.organization_id
       AND cfr_mid.item_id = item_v.inventory_item_id
       AND rcv.po_line_location_id = poloc.line_location_id
       AND pl.po_line_id = poloc.po_line_id
       AND rcv.project_id = prj.project_id(+)
       AND rcv.task_id = task.task_id(+)
       AND poloc.po_release_id = pra.po_release_id(+)
       AND poloc.line_location_id = jsr.replenishment_po_shipment_id
       AND jsr.replenishment_so_line_id = oola.line_id
       AND oola.header_id = ooha.header_id
--Updated to fix bug 5509464 start
/*       AND jsa.replenishment_so_line_id = jsr.replenishment_so_line_id
       AND jsa.subcontract_po_shipment_id = plla_s.line_location_id
       AND sub.subcontract_po_shipment_id = plla_s.line_location_id
       AND plla_s.po_header_id = pha_s.po_header_id
       AND plla_s.po_line_id = pla_s.po_line_id*/
       AND jsa.replenishment_so_line_id(+) = jsr.replenishment_so_line_id
       AND jsa.subcontract_po_shipment_id = plla_s.line_location_id(+)
       AND plla_s.line_location_id = sub.subcontract_po_shipment_id(+)
       AND plla_s.po_header_id = pha_s.po_header_id(+)
       AND plla_s.po_line_id = pla_s.po_line_id(+)
--Updated to fix bug 5509464 end
       AND plla_s.po_release_id = pra_s.po_release_id(+)
       AND oola.inventory_item_id = cic.inventory_item_id(+)
       AND oola.ship_from_org_id = cic.organization_id(+)
       /* Bug 6630087 - Start */
       /*Standard Cost check no longer required
       as Buy/Sell Subcontracting is supported for non-standard cost
       OEM organizations as well.
       Note : The confirmation report will display data for both
       Chargeable Subcontracting and Buy/Sell enabled OEM orgs depending
       on the parameters chosen in the report  */
--       AND cic.cost_type_id = 1; --frozen cost/ standard cost
Line: 3355

  text="should insert the onhand items that without SubContracting Order."

    COMMIT; -- for debug on UT ?????
Line: 3413

--added to fix project_number related issue start
--added to fix project_number related issue end
--added to fix project_number related issue start
--added to fix project_number related issue end
      --value SUM(temp.estimated_qty) are supposed to onhand_quantity at item/price level,but got incorrect quantity.
      --got incorrect onhand quantity due to use inapposite group.
      --updated select statement to add transaction_id into group by to get correct onhand quantity.
      TODO: owner="amy" category="Fix" priority="2 - Severe Loss of Service" created="2006-6-22"
      text="--updated for fix bug 5231233 Begin"
/*      SELECT p_rpt_mode  RPT_MODE  --temp.rpt_mode
            ,temp.oem_inv_org_id shikyu_oem_inv_org_id
            ,temp.supplier_id shikyu_supplier_id
            ,temp.site_id shikyu_site_id
            ,temp.tp_inv_org_id shikyu_tp_inv_org_id
            ,temp.item_id shikyu_item_id
            ,temp.shikyu_price shikyu_price
            ,temp.currency_code shikyu_currency
            ,temp.uom shikyu_uom
            ,temp.primary_uom shikyu_primary_uom
            ,SUM(temp.estimated_qty) shikyu_estimated_qty
       GROUP BY temp.rpt_mode
Line: 3473

      SELECT p_rpt_mode  RPT_MODE  --temp.rpt_mode
            ,temp.oem_inv_org_id shikyu_oem_inv_org_id
            ,temp.supplier_id shikyu_supplier_id
            ,temp.site_id shikyu_site_id
            ,temp.tp_inv_org_id shikyu_tp_inv_org_id
            ,temp.item_id shikyu_item_id
            ,temp.shikyu_price shikyu_price
            ,temp.currency_code shikyu_currency
            ,temp.uom shikyu_uom
--added to fix project_number related issue start
--added to fix project_number related issue end
--added to fix project_number related issue start
--added to fix project_number related issue end
            ,temp.primary_uom shikyu_primary_uom
            ,SUM(temp.estimated_qty) shikyu_estimated_qty
        FROM (SELECT rpt_temp.rpt_mode rpt_mode
                                ,rpt_temp.oem_inv_org_id oem_inv_org_id
                                ,rpt_temp.supplier_id supplier_id
                                ,rpt_temp.site_id site_id
                                ,rpt_temp.contact_id contact_id
                                ,rpt_temp.tp_inv_org_id tp_inv_org_id
                                ,rpt_temp.item_id item_id
                                ,rpt_temp.shikyu_price shikyu_price
                                ,rpt_temp.currency_code currency_code
                                ,rpt_temp.uom uom
                                ,rpt_temp.project_id project_id
--added to fix project_number related issue start
                                ,rpt_temp.project_num project_num
--added to fix project_number related issue end
                                ,rpt_temp.task_id task_id
--added to fix project_number related issue start
                                ,rpt_temp.task_num task_num
--added to fix project_number related issue end
                                ,rpt_temp.primary_uom primary_uom
                                ,rpt_temp.transaction_id transaction_id
                     FROM JMF_SHIKYU_CFR_RPT_TEMP rpt_temp
                     WHERE rpt_temp.rpt_DATA_TYPE = CFR_CRUDE_DATA
                     GROUP BY rpt_temp.rpt_mode
--added to fix project_number related issue start
--added to fix project_number related issue end
--added to fix project_number related issue start
--added to fix project_number related issue end
                             ,rpt_temp.transaction_id) temp
         GROUP BY temp.rpt_mode
--added to fix project_number related issue start
--added to fix project_number related issue end
--added to fix project_number related issue start
--added to fix project_number related issue end
Line: 3569

      text="--updated for fix bug 5231233 Begin"

	    -- Deleted Update to fix bug 5665445 for incorrect onhand Qty in Secondary UOM case
         SET jscrt.estimated_qty = PO_UOM_S.po_uom_convert_p(jscrt.primary_uom
                                                                       ,jscrt.item_id) *jscrt.ESTIMATED_QTY,
                                     (SELECT jscmt.primary_unconsumed_quantity
                                      FROM jmf_shikyu_cfr_mid_temp jscmt
                                     WHERE jscmt.row_type = CFR_TMP_ONHAND_ROW   --10
                                       AND jscmt.tp_inv_org_id =
                                       AND jscmt.item_id = jscrt.item_id),
             jscrt.value1 = (SELECT jscmt.primary_unconsumed_quantity
                                      FROM jmf_shikyu_cfr_mid_temp jscmt
                                     WHERE jscmt.row_type = CFR_TMP_ONHAND_ROW   --10
                                       AND jscmt.tp_inv_org_id =
                                       AND jscmt.item_id = jscrt.item_id)
               jscrt.value1 = jscrt.ESTIMATED_QTY
    --updated for fix bug 5231233 End
       WHERE jscrt.rpt_data_type = CFR_EXT_COMPONENT;  --should not CFR_INT_COMPONENT;
Line: 3596

       SET temp.item_number        = (SELECT msibk.concatenated_segments
                                        FROM MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B_KFV msibk
                                       WHERE temp.tp_inv_org_id =
                                         AND temp.item_id =
          ,temp.item_description   = (SELECT msibk.description
                                        FROM MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B_KFV msibk
                                       WHERE temp.tp_inv_org_id =
                                         AND temp.item_id =
          ,temp.replenishment_type = (SELECT flv.meaning
                                        FROM fnd_lookup_values      flv
                                            ,MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B_KFV msibk
                                       WHERE flv.LANGUAGE = USERENV('LANG')
                                         AND flv.lookup_type =
                                         AND msibk.subcontracting_component =
                                         AND temp.tp_inv_org_id =
                                         AND temp.item_id =
Line: 3679

--added to fix project_number related issue start
--added to fix project_number related issue end
--added to fix project_number related issue start
--added to fix project_number related issue end
      SELECT   DISTINCT p_rpt_mode RPT_MODE  --temp.rpt_mode
                     ,cfr_mid_item_group.oem_inv_org_id oem_inv_org_id
                     ,cfr_mid_item_group.supplier_id supplier_id
                     ,cfr_mid_item_group.site_id site_id
                     ,cfr_mid_item_group.tp_inv_org_id tp_inv_org_id
                     ,cfr_mid_item_group.item_id item_id
                     ,oola.unit_selling_price po_unit_price --not pl.unit_price
                     ,ooha.transactional_curr_code currency_code --or jmf_shikyu_components.Currency ,not ph.currency_code
                     ,cfr_mid_item_group.uom --should jmf_shikyu_components.uom,need rcv.unit_of_measure to conversion?
                     ,jso.project_id project_id
--Added to fix project_number related issue start
                     ,NVL((SELECT DISTINCT segment1 AS project_number
                              FROM pa_projects_all
                            WHERE pa_projects_all.project_id(+) = jso.project_id),
                          (SELECT DISTINCT project_number
                           FROM   pjm_seiban_numbers
                           WHERE pjm_seiban_numbers.project_id(+) = jso.project_id)) project_number
--Added to fix project_number related issue end
                     ,jso.task_id task_id
--Added to get task number  start
                     ,task.task_number task_number
--Added to get task number  end
                     ,cfr_mid_item_group.primary_uom --rcv.primary_unit_of_measure
                     ,pha_s.po_header_id SubPO_header_id
                     ,pha_s.segment1 SubPO_Number
                     ,pla_s.line_num SubPO_Line_num
                     ,pra_s.release_num SubPO_release_Num
                     ,plla_s.shipment_num SubPO_shipment_NUm
                  FROM jmf_subcontract_orders jso
                      ,jmf_shikyu_components jsc
                      ,(select DISTINCT cfr_mid_temp.oem_inv_org_id oem_inv_org_id
                                                   ,cfr_mid_temp.supplier_id supplier_id
                                                   ,cfr_mid_temp.site_id site_id
                                                   ,cfr_mid_temp.tp_inv_org_id tp_inv_org_id
                                                   ,cfr_mid_temp.item_id item_id
                        from jmf_shikyu_cfr_mid_temp cfr_mid_temp
                        where cfr_mid_temp.row_type = CFR_TMP_RCV_ROW) cfr_mid_item_group
                      ,jmf_shikyu_replenishments jsr
                      ,jmf_shikyu_allocations    jsa
                      ,oe_order_lines_all        oola
                      ,oe_order_headers_all      ooha
                      ,po_line_locations_all     plla_s
                      ,po_headers_all            pha_s
                      ,po_lines_all              pla_s
                      ,po_releases_all           pra_s
                      ,wip_requirement_operations wro
                      ,MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B_KFV     msibk
                      ,rcv_transactions rt
--Added to get task start
                      ,pa_tasks                  task
--Added to get task end
                 WHERE jsc.SHIKYU_COMPONENT_ID = cfr_mid_item_group.item_id
                   AND jsc.OEM_ORGANIZATION_ID = cfr_mid_item_group.oem_inv_org_id
                   AND jsc.UOM = JMF_SHIKYU_RPT_UTIL.uom_to_code(cfr_mid_item_group.uom)
                   AND jsc.PRIMARY_UOM = JMF_SHIKYU_RPT_UTIL.uom_to_code(cfr_mid_item_group.primary_uom)
                   AND jso.TP_ORGANIZATION_ID = cfr_mid_item_group.tp_inv_org_id
                   AND jso.OEM_ORGANIZATION_ID = cfr_mid_item_group.oem_inv_org_id
                   AND jsr.REPLENISHMENT_SO_LINE_ID = oola.LINE_ID
                   AND oola.HEADER_ID = ooha.HEADER_ID
                   AND pla_s.PO_LINE_ID=plla_s.PO_LINE_ID
                   AND pla_s.PO_HEADER_ID=plla_s.PO_HEADER_ID
                   AND pha_s.PO_HEADER_ID=pla_s.PO_HEADER_ID
                   AND plla_s.po_release_id = pra_s.po_release_id(+)
                   AND jso.osa_item_id = msibk.inventory_item_id
                   AND jso.tp_organization_id = wro.organization_id
                   AND jso.wip_entity_id = wro.wip_entity_id
                   AND jso.interlock_status = 'C' --added to fix bug 5415777
                   AND wro.operation_seq_num = 1
                   AND wro.repetitive_schedule_id IS NULL
                   AND cfr_mid_item_group.item_id = wro.inventory_item_id
                   AND plla_s.QUANTITY_RECEIVED>0
                   and plla_s.LINE_LOCATION_ID = rt.PO_LINE_LOCATION_ID
                   and rt.transaction_date < sysdate+1--period to date
                   and rt.transaction_date >= sysdate-p_days_received --period from date
--Added to get task start
                    AND jso.task_id = task.task_id(+)
--Added to get task end
Line: 3868

     SELECT p_rpt_mode rpt_mode
           ,CFR_EXT_UN_RCV rpt_data_type
           ,jsr.oem_organization_id -- = oola.ship_from_org_id
           ,jsr.tp_organization_id -- = plla.ship_to_organization_id
           ,hoi.org_information3     -- the tp org 's supplier = SubPO supplier
           ,hoi.org_information4     -- the tp org 's supplier site  = SubPO site
           ,ooha.header_id rep_so_header_id
           ,ooha.order_number rep_so_number
           ,oola.line_id rep_so_line_id
           ,oola.line_number rep_so_line
           ,pha.po_header_id rep_po_header_id
           ,pha.segment1 rep_po_number
           ,pla.po_line_id rep_po_line_id
           ,pla.line_num rep_po_line
           ,plla.line_location_id rep_po_line_location_id
           ,plla.shipment_num rep_po_shipment
           ,pra.po_release_id rep_po_release_id
           ,pra.release_num rep_po_release_num
           ,oola.inventory_item_id item_id --jsr.shikyu_component_id
           ,oola.ordered_item item_number
           ,oola.shipped_quantity estimated_qty
           ,oola.order_quantity_uom uom
           ,oola.actual_shipment_date shipped_date
               ,plla.promised_date) expected_rcv_date
       FROM oe_order_lines_all        oola
           ,oe_order_headers_all      ooha
           ,po_line_locations_all     plla
           ,po_lines_all              pla
           ,po_releases_all           pra
           ,po_headers_all            pha
           ,jmf_shikyu_replenishments jsr
           ,hr_organization_information hoi
		   -- Amy added to fix bug 5583680 start
		   ,hr_all_organization_units_tl oem_haoutl
		   ,hr_organization_information  tp_hoi
		   ,po_vendors                   pv
		   ,po_vendor_sites_all          pvs
		   -- Amy added to fix bug 5583680 end
      WHERE oola.header_id = ooha.header_id
        AND plla.po_line_id = pla.po_line_id
        AND plla.po_header_id = pha.po_header_id
        AND plla.po_release_id = pra.po_release_id(+)
        AND oola.line_id = jsr.replenishment_so_line_id
        AND plla.line_location_id = jsr.replenishment_po_shipment_id
        AND jsr.tp_organization_id = hoi.organization_id
        AND hoi.org_information_context = 'Customer/Supplier Association'
	    -- Amy updated to fix bug 5583680 start
        /*AND (SELECT COUNT(*)
               FROM JMF_SHIKYU_CFR_RPT_TEMP jscrt
              WHERE jscrt.rpt_data_type = CFR_EXT_COMPONENT
                AND jscrt.oem_inv_org_id = jsr.oem_organization_id
                AND jscrt.tp_inv_org_id = jsr.tp_organization_id) > 0
        AND JMF_SHIKYU_RPT_UTIL.get_item_primary_quantity(oola.sold_from_org_id
                                                             ,0)) >
Line: 3980

		-- Amy updated to fix bug 5583680 end
     COMMIT; -- for debug on UT ?????
Line: 4040

      SELECT p_rpt_mode rpt_mode
            ,CFR_EXT_RCV_IN_DAYS rpt_data_type
            ,jsr.oem_organization_id  -- = oola.ship_from_org_id
            ,jsr.tp_organization_id   -- = plla.ship_to_organization_id
            ,hoi.org_information3     -- the tp org 's supplier = SubPO supplier
            ,hoi.org_information4     -- the tp org 's supplier site  = SubPO site
            ,ooha.header_id rep_so_header_id
            ,ooha.order_number rep_so_number
            ,oola.line_id rep_so_line_id
            ,oola.line_number rep_so_line
            ,pha.po_header_id rep_po_header_id
            ,pha.segment1 rep_po_number
            ,pla.po_line_id rep_po_line_id
            ,pla.line_num rep_po_line
            ,plla.line_location_id rep_po_line_location_id
            ,plla.shipment_num rep_po_shipment
            ,pra.po_release_id rep_po_release_id
            ,pra.release_num rep_po_release_num
            ,oola.inventory_item_id item_id --jsr.shikyu_component_id
            ,oola.ordered_item item_number
            ,oola.shipped_quantity estimated_qty
            ,oola.order_quantity_uom uom
            ,oola.actual_shipment_date shipped_date
                ,plla.promised_date) expected_rcv_date
        FROM oe_order_lines_all        oola
            ,oe_order_headers_all      ooha
            ,po_line_locations_all     plla
            ,po_lines_all              pla
            ,po_releases_all           pra
            ,po_headers_all            pha
            ,jmf_shikyu_replenishments jsr
            ,hr_organization_information hoi
       WHERE oola.header_id = ooha.header_id
         AND plla.po_line_id = pla.po_line_id
         AND plla.po_header_id = pha.po_header_id
         AND plla.po_release_id = pra.po_release_id(+)
         AND oola.line_id = jsr.replenishment_so_line_id
         AND plla.line_location_id = jsr.replenishment_po_shipment_id
         AND jsr.tp_organization_id = hoi.organization_id
         AND hoi.org_information_context = 'Customer/Supplier Association'
         AND (SELECT COUNT(*)
               FROM JMF_SHIKYU_CFR_RPT_TEMP jscrt
              WHERE jscrt.rpt_data_type = CFR_EXT_COMPONENT
                AND jscrt.oem_inv_org_id = jsr.oem_organization_id
                AND jscrt.tp_inv_org_id = jsr.tp_organization_id) > 0
         AND (SYSDATE - NVL(plla.need_by_date
                           ,plla.promised_date)) <= p_days_received
         -- Bug 5583680: Fixed data issue for the Received Replenishments in
         -- Past xx Days section
         AND NVL(oola.shipped_quantity,0) > 0
         AND NVL(JMF_SHIKYU_RPT_UTIL.get_item_primary_quantity(jsr.oem_organization_id
                                                              ,0)),0) =
Line: 4182

    INSERT INTO jmf_shikyu_cfr_rpt_temp
      ,value1  --Qty in Primary UOM
      ,value2  --SHIKYU Price in Pri UOM and Pri Currency
      ,value3) --SHIKYU Cost in Pri UOM and Pri Currency
      --value SUM(temp.estimated_qty) are supposed to onhand_quantity at item/price level,but got incorrect quantity.
      --got incorrect onhand quantity due to use inapposite group.
      --updated select statement to add transaction_id into group by to get correct onhand quantity.
      TODO: owner="amy" category="Fix" priority="2 - Severe Loss of Service" created="2006-6-22"
      text="--updated for fix bug 5231233 Begin"
/*      SELECT p_rpt_mode rpt_mode
            ,CFR_INT_COMPONENT rpt_data_type
            ,jscrt.oem_inv_org_id Iss_oem_inv_org_id
            ,jscrt.oem_inv_org_code Iss_oem_inv_org_code
            ,haou.name Iss_oem_inv_org_name
            ,jscrt.oem_inv_org_address Iss_oem_inv_org_address
            ,jscrt.supplier_id Iss_supplier_id
            ,jscrt.supplier_name Iss_supplier_name
            ,jscrt.site_id Iss_site_id
            ,jscrt.site_code Iss_site_code
            ,jscrt.site_address Iss_site_address
            ,jscrt.tp_inv_org_id Iss_tp_inv_org_id
            ,jscrt.tp_inv_org_code Iss_tp_inv_org_code
            ,jscrt.project_id Iss_project_id
            ,jscrt.project_num Iss_project_num
            ,jscrt.task_id Iss_task_id
            ,jscrt.task_num Iss_task_num
            ,jscrt.item_id Iss_item_id
            ,jscrt.item_number Iss_item_number
            ,jscrt.item_description Iss_item_description
            ,SUM(jscrt.estimated_qty) Iss_estimated_qty_Sum
            ,jscrt.primary_uom Iss_primary_uom
            ,jscrt.shikyu_price Iss_shikyu_price
            ,jscrt.currency_code Iss_currency_code
            ,jscrt.uom Iss_uom
            ,jscrt.item_cost Iss_item_cost
            ,jscrt.functional_currency Iss_functional_currency
            ,SUM(jscrt.value1) Iss_estimated_qty_Sum_Pri
            ,jscrt.value2 Iss_SHIKYU_Price_PriU
            ,jscrt.value3 Iss_SHIKYU_Cost_PriU
        FROM jmf_shikyu_cfr_rpt_temp jscrt
       WHERE jscrt.oem_inv_org_id = haou.organization_id
         AND jscrt.rpt_data_type = CFR_CRUDE_DATA
       GROUP BY jscrt.oem_inv_org_id
Line: 4282

      SELECT rpt_temp.rpt_mode
            ,rpt_temp.oem_inv_org_id Iss_oem_inv_org_id
            ,rpt_temp.oem_inv_org_code Iss_oem_inv_org_code
            ,rpt_temp.oem_inv_org_name Iss_oem_inv_org_name
            ,rpt_temp.oem_inv_org_address Iss_oem_inv_org_address
            ,rpt_temp.supplier_id Iss_supplier_id
            ,rpt_temp.supplier_name Iss_supplier_name
            ,rpt_temp.site_id Iss_site_id
            ,rpt_temp.site_code Iss_site_code
            ,rpt_temp.site_address Iss_site_address
            ,rpt_temp.tp_inv_org_id Iss_tp_inv_org_id
            ,rpt_temp.tp_inv_org_code Iss_tp_inv_org_code
            ,rpt_temp.project_id Iss_project_id
            ,rpt_temp.project_num Iss_project_num
            ,rpt_temp.task_id Iss_task_id
            ,rpt_temp.task_num Iss_task_num
            ,rpt_temp.item_id Iss_item_id
            ,rpt_temp.item_number Iss_item_number
            ,rpt_temp.item_description Iss_item_description
            ,SUM(rpt_temp.estimated_qty) Iss_estimated_qty_Sum
            ,rpt_temp.primary_uom Iss_primary_uom
            ,rpt_temp.shikyu_price Iss_shikyu_price
            ,rpt_temp.currency_code Iss_currency_code
            ,rpt_temp.uom Iss_uom
            ,rpt_temp.item_cost Iss_item_cost
            ,rpt_temp.functional_currency Iss_functional_currency
            ,SUM(rpt_temp.value1) Iss_estimated_qty_Sum_Pri
            ,rpt_temp.value2 Iss_SHIKYU_Price_PriU
            ,rpt_temp.value3 Iss_SHIKYU_Cost_PriU
        FROM  (
      SELECT p_rpt_mode rpt_mode
             ,CFR_INT_COMPONENT rpt_data_type
            ,jscrt.oem_inv_org_id oem_inv_org_id
            ,jscrt.oem_inv_org_code oem_inv_org_code
            ,haou.name oem_inv_org_name
            ,jscrt.oem_inv_org_address oem_inv_org_address
            ,jscrt.supplier_id supplier_id
            ,jscrt.supplier_name supplier_name
            ,jscrt.site_id site_id
            ,jscrt.site_code site_code
            ,jscrt.site_address site_address
            ,jscrt.tp_inv_org_id tp_inv_org_id
            ,jscrt.tp_inv_org_code tp_inv_org_code
            ,jscrt.project_id project_id
            ,jscrt.project_num project_num
            ,jscrt.task_id task_id
            ,jscrt.task_num task_num
            ,jscrt.item_id item_id
            ,jscrt.item_number item_number
            ,jscrt.item_description item_description
            ,jscrt.estimated_qty estimated_qty
            ,jscrt.primary_uom primary_uom
            ,jscrt.shikyu_price shikyu_price
            ,jscrt.currency_code currency_code
            ,jscrt.uom uom
            ,jscrt.item_cost item_cost
            ,jscrt.functional_currency functional_currency
            ,jscrt.value1 value1
            ,jscrt.value2 value2
            ,jscrt.value3 value3
            ,jscrt.transaction_id transaction_id
        FROM jmf_shikyu_cfr_rpt_temp jscrt
       WHERE jscrt.oem_inv_org_id = haou.organization_id
         AND jscrt.rpt_data_type = CFR_CRUDE_DATA
         AND haou.language = USERENV('LANG')
       GROUP BY jscrt.rpt_mode
               ) rpt_temp
   GROUP BY rpt_temp.rpt_mode
Line: 4421

      text="--updated for fix bug 5231233 Begin Internal"

	    -- Deleted Update to fix bug 5665445 for incorrect onhand Qty in Secondary UOM case
         SET jscrt.estimated_qty = PO_UOM_S.po_uom_convert_p(jscrt.primary_uom
                                                                       ,jscrt.item_id) *jscrt.ESTIMATED_QTY,
                                   (SELECT jscmt.primary_unconsumed_quantity
                                      FROM jmf_shikyu_cfr_mid_temp jscmt
                                     WHERE jscmt.row_type = CFR_TMP_ONHAND_ROW   --10
                                       AND jscmt.tp_inv_org_id =
                                       AND jscmt.item_id = jscrt.item_id),
             jscrt.value1 = (SELECT jscmt.primary_unconsumed_quantity
                                      FROM jmf_shikyu_cfr_mid_temp jscmt
                                     WHERE jscmt.row_type = CFR_TMP_ONHAND_ROW   --10
                                       AND jscmt.tp_inv_org_id =
                                       AND jscmt.item_id = jscrt.item_id)
               jscrt.value1 = jscrt.ESTIMATED_QTY
    --updated for fix bug 5231233 End Internal
       WHERE jscrt.rpt_data_type = CFR_INT_COMPONENT;
Line: 4504

      SELECT DISTINCT p_rpt_mode RPT_MODE  --temp.rpt_mode
                     ,temp.oem_inv_org_id shikyu_oem_inv_org_id
                     ,temp.supplier_id shikyu_supplier_id
                     ,temp.site_id shikyu_site_id
                     ,temp.tp_inv_org_id shikyu_tp_inv_org_id
                     ,temp.item_id shikyu_item_id
                     ,temp.shikyu_price shikyu_price
                     ,temp.currency_code shikyu_currency
                     ,temp.uom shikyu_uom
                     ,temp.primary_uom shikyu_primary_uom
            ,jmf_subcontract_orders     jso
            ,wip_requirement_operations wro
            ,MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B_KFV     msibk
         AND temp.subpo_shipment_id = jso.subcontract_po_shipment_id
         AND jso.oem_organization_id = msibk.organization_id
         AND jso.osa_item_id = msibk.inventory_item_id
         AND jso.tp_organization_id = wro.organization_id
         AND jso.wip_entity_id = wro.wip_entity_id
         AND wro.operation_seq_num = 1
         AND wro.repetitive_schedule_id IS NULL
         AND temp.item_id = wro.inventory_item_id;
Line: 4610

      SELECT row_type
        FROM jmf_shikyu_cfr_mid_temp
       WHERE (lp_row_type IS NULL)
          OR (row_type = lp_row_type)
       ORDER BY row_type
Line: 4758

      SELECT rpt_mode
            ,value1 --Qty in Primary UOM
            ,value2 --SHIKYU Price in Pri UOM and Pri Currency
        FROM jmf_shikyu_cfr_rpt_temp
       WHERE (lrpt_data_type IS NULL)
          OR (rpt_data_type = lrpt_data_type)
       ORDER BY rpt_mode