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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 56

REM                                                insert a line feed.
REM swamukhe  26-MAY-2008 115.25	Modified the date format for TX from 'YYYYMMDD' to
REM                                                  'MMDDYYYY'
REM lbodired  21-AUG-2009  115.26       Modified the 'fl_new_hire_record' function to
REM                                     insert carriage return
REM nkjaladi  26-JUL-2011  115.27 10014495 Modified 'ny_1h_record' and
REM                                        'a03_ny_new_hire_record' functions as per
REM                                        requirement of New York dependent health
REM                                        benefits available.
REM                                        (Made changes to package header also)
REM nkjaladi  26-JUL-2011  115.28 10014495 Modified 'a03_ny_new_hire_header' and
REM                                        'a03_ny_new_hire_record' functions as per
REM                                        requirement of New York dependent health
REM                                        benefits available.
REM                                        (Made changes to package header also)
REM ybudamal  11-NOV-2011  115.29 13082528 Modified 'fl_new_hire_record', 'a03_fl_new_hire_header'
REM                                        and 'a03_fl_new_hire_record' functions to add the parameter
REM                                        'p_medical_insr_avail' and modified output as per the
REM                                        Florida New Hires Electronic Reporting Specifications
REM nkjaladi  18-MAY-2012  115.30 10387522 Added new functions for SC, MI, PA,
REM                                        OH, AR, MD and LA states.
REM agarai    31-MAY-2012  115.31 10387522 Added nocopy to OUT parameters
REM                                        to remove GSCC errors.
REM agarai    01-JUN-2012  115.32 10387522 Changed substr parameters in
REM                                        a03_ny_new_hire_record to remove
REM                                        errors.
REM nkjaladi  07-JUN-2012  115.33 10387522 Corrected typos to resolve the
REM                                        issue of columns wrongly getting
REM                                        ordered.
REM nkjaladi  07-JUN-2012  115.34 10387522 In A03 PA record corrected the
REM                                        date format
REM agarai    31-AUG-2012  115.35 14532612 Modified 'a03_ny_new_hire_record'
REM                               14470601 and 'ny_1h_record' to add
REM                                        'p_new_hire_indicator' parameter,
REM                                        to correct date formats of hire
REM                                        date and Dep. health insurance
REM                                        start date and to display the
REM                                        eligibility indicator properly when
REM                                        p_medical_avail is 'E'.
REM ========================================================================

-- Global variables and Constants.
g_character_set		varchar2(80);
Line: 4574

  select address_line_1, address_line_2, address_line_3,
         town_or_city, region_1, region_2, postal_code ,style
  from hr_locations
  where  location_id = p_location_id;
Line: 4704

  select address_line_1, address_line_2, address_line_3,
         town_or_city, region_1, region_2, postal_code
  from hr_locations
  where  location_id = p_location_id;
Line: 4846

  select address_line1, address_line2, address_line3,
	 town_or_city, region_1, region_2, postal_code
  from 	 per_addresses
  where  person_id = p_person_id
  and 	 primary_flag = 'Y'
  and    nvl(date_to, sysdate) >= sysdate;
Line: 4976

  select address_line1, address_line2, address_line3,
	 town_or_city, region_1, region_2
         , postal_code ,country ,style
  from 	 per_addresses
  where  person_id = p_person_id
  and 	 primary_flag = 'Y'
  and    nvl(date_to, sysdate) >= sysdate;
Line: 5097

 Select  ppf.first_name || ' ' || ppf.last_name,
                 --per_people_f          ppf, --view bug 4912696
                  per_all_people_f       ppf,  --table
                 --per_assignments_f     paf, --view bug 4912696
                 per_all_assignments_f   paf, --table
                 per_jobs                job
                 ppf.person_id                   = p_person_id
         And     ppf.business_group_id + 0       = p_business_group_id
         And     p_report_date   between paf.effective_start_date
                                 and     paf.effective_end_date
         And     ppf.person_id                   = paf.person_id
         And     paf.assignment_type             = 'E'
         And     paf.primary_flag                = 'Y'
         And     p_report_date   between paf.effective_start_date
                                 and     paf.effective_end_date
         -- BUG2919553
         And     ppf.effective_start_date =
                      (select max(ppf1.effective_start_date)
                       from per_all_people_f ppf1  --table bug 4912696
                       where ppf1.person_id = ppf.person_id
                       and   ppf1.effective_start_date <= p_report_date
         -- End of BUG2919553
         And     paf.job_id      = job.job_id(+);
Line: 5175

    Select  ppf.first_name
          , ppf.last_name
       From per_all_people_f ppf
      Where ppf.person_id             = p_person_id
        And ppf.business_group_id + 0 = p_business_group_id
        And ppf.effective_start_date =
                          (select max(ppf1.effective_start_date)
                             from per_all_people_f ppf1
                            where ppf1.person_id = ppf.person_id
                              and ppf1.effective_start_date <= p_report_date
Line: 5294

	     pay_element_entry_values_f 	peev,
	     pay_element_entries_f		pee,
	     per_pay_bases  			ppb,
	     hr_soft_coding_keyflex		hscf,
	     per_assignments_f    		asg,
	     hr_lookups			hl
	          hl.application_id		= 800
	     And	hl.lookup_type			= 'PAY_BASIS'
	     And	hl.lookup_code			= ppb.pay_basis
	     And  peev.element_entry_id 		= pee.element_entry_id
	     And  peev.effective_start_date 	= pee.effective_start_date
	     And  peev.input_value_id+0 		= ppb.input_value_id
	     And  asg.pay_basis_id 		= ppb.pay_basis_id
	     And  pee.assignment_id		= asg.assignment_id
	     And	hscf.soft_coding_keyflex_id	= asg.soft_coding_keyflex_id
	     And  asg.assignment_id 		= p_assignment_id
	     And  asg.business_group_id		= p_business_group_id
	     And  pee.effective_start_date 	between asg.effective_start_date
			 and  asg.effective_end_date
	     And  p_report_date between pee.effective_start_date
					  and pee.effective_end_date;
Line: 5351

      select decode(ppb.pay_basis,'MONTHLY','M',
             into p_frequency
      from  per_pay_bases ppb ,
            per_all_assignments_f paf
      where  paf.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
         and ppb.pay_basis_id = paf.pay_basis_id
            and ppb.BUSINESS_GROUP_ID=p_business_group_id ;
Line: 5375

      SELECT  ptp.number_per_fiscal_year,
	         	,26	,'B'
	         	,12	,'M'
		        ,24	,'S'
	        	,52	,'W'
	         	,1	,'Y'
      INTO    l_number_per_fiscal_year ,
      FROM    pay_payrolls_f          prl,
              per_time_period_types   ptp,
              per_all_assignments_f paf
      WHERE   ptp.period_type         = prl.period_type
      and     paf.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
      and     prl.payroll_id = paf.payroll_id
      and     prl.business_group_id + 0   = p_business_group_id
      and     p_report_date between paf.effective_start_date
      and     paf.effective_end_date
      and     p_report_date between prl.effective_start_date
      and     prl.effective_end_date;