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Line 6054: ,xla_events evt

6050: ,xla_distribution_links xdl
6051: ,xla_ae_lines ael
6052: ,xla_ae_headers aeh
6053: ,fnd_currencies fcu
6054: ,xla_events evt
6055: WHERE lgt.reversal_code = 'DUMMY_LR'
6056: AND xdl.application_id = l_application_id
6057: AND xdl.source_distribution_type = lgt.reverse_distribution_type
6058: AND xdl.source_distribution_id_num_1 = nvl(lgt.reverse_dist_id_num_1,-99)

Line 7153: ,xla_events xet -- 5262950

7149: FROM
7150: xla_ae_lines_gt lgt
7151: ,xla_ae_lines ael
7152: ,xla_ae_headers aeh
7153: ,xla_events xet -- 5262950
7154: WHERE aeh.application_id = l_application_id
7155: AND lgt.reversal_code = 'DUMMY_TR'
7156: AND xet.application_id = l_application_id -- 5262950
7157: AND xet.entity_id = lgt.entity_id -- 5262950

Line 7520: ,xla_events xe

7516: xla_ae_lines ael
7517: ,xla_ae_headers aeh
7518: ,xla_distribution_links xdl
7519: ,fnd_currencies fcu
7520: ,xla_events xe
7521: WHERE aeh.application_id = l_application_id
7522: AND aeh.ledger_id = l_array_ledger_id(i)
7523: AND aeh.entity_id = l_array_entity_id(i)
7524: AND aeh.ae_header_id = ael.ae_header_id /* bug 9194744 */

Line 10106: ,xla_events_gt xeg

10102: ,gl_ledgers gl
10103: ,fnd_currencies fc
10104: ,fnd_currencies fc1
10105: ,fnd_currencies fc2
10106: ,xla_events_gt xeg
10107: WHERE xal.ledger_id = gl.ledger_id
10108: AND gl.object_type_code = 'L' /* only ledgers (not ledger sets) */
10109: AND gl.le_ledger_type_code = 'L' /* only legal ledgers */
10110: AND xal.currency_code <> gl.currency_code

Line 10463: from xla_events_gt xeg

10459: AND (xal.currency_conversion_type = l_array_conversion_type(i)
10460: or (xal.currency_conversion_type is null and l_array_conversion_type(i) is null))
10461: AND l_array_conversion_date(i) =
10462: (select TRUNC(nvl(xal.currency_conversion_date, xeg.transaction_date))
10463: from xla_events_gt xeg
10464: where xal.event_id = xeg.event_id)
10465: AND decode(currency_conversion_type, 'User', currency_conversion_rate, -1) = l_array_conversion_rate(i)
10466: AND nvl(xal.reversal_code,'dd') <> C_DUMMY_PRIOR
10467: ;

Line 11626: ,xla_events xe

11622: ,xla_ae_headers xah
11623: ,xla_distribution_links xdl
11624: ,xla_ae_lines xal
11625: --Added for bug 12379106
11626: ,xla_events xe
11627: -- ,xla_ledger_relationships_v xlr
11628: -- ,xla_gl_ledgers_v xgl
11629: -- ,xla_ledger_options xlo
11630: WHERE xah.application_id = xdl.application_id