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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 7

 /* Procedure wnu_update_extra_info calls apis to insert/update records in
PROCEDURE wnu_update_extra_info
  (p_assignment_id               in    number,
   p_effective_date              in    date,
   p_include_in_wnu              in    varchar2 default null
  ) IS
l_ass_extra_info_id      number(9):= null;
Line: 18

l_proc                   varchar2(72) := 'wnu_update_extra_info';
Line: 26

       select upper(apf.current_employee_flag)
       from   per_all_people_f apf,
              per_all_assignments_f aaf
       where  aaf.person_id = apf.person_id
       and    aaf.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
       and    p_effective_date between
              apf.effective_start_date and apf.effective_end_date
       and    p_effective_date between
              aaf.effective_start_date and aaf.effective_end_date;
Line: 37

       select aei.assignment_extra_info_id ,
       from   per_assignment_extra_info aei
       where  aei.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
       and    information_type = 'IE_WNU';
Line: 99

            (p_validate                       => false,
             p_object_version_number          => l_ovn,
             p_assignment_extra_info_id       => l_ass_extra_info_id,
             p_aei_information_category       => 'IE_WNU',
             p_aei_information1               => l_include_in_wnu
Line: 106

            hr_utility.trace('Updated flag');
Line: 118

end wnu_update_extra_info;
Line: 134

  sqlstr := 'select distinct person_id '||
            'from per_people_f ppf, '||
            'pay_payroll_actions ppa '||
            'where ppa.payroll_action_id = :payroll_action_id '||
            'and ppa.business_group_id = ppf.business_group_id '||
            'order by ppf.person_id';
Line: 160

        select   asg.assignment_id assignment_id,
                 ppa.effective_date effective_date
            from     per_all_assignments_f asg,
                     pay_payroll_actions ppa,
                     per_all_people_f pap,
                     per_periods_of_service serv,
            --         hr_organization_information hoi,
                     pay_all_payrolls_f pay,
                     hr_soft_coding_keyflex sck
            where    ppa.payroll_action_id = pactid
            --and      hoi.organization_id = ppa.business_group_id
            and      sck.segment4 = p_emp_ref
            and      asg.business_group_id = ppa.business_group_id
            and      asg.PRIMARY_FLAG = 'Y'
            and      asg.payroll_id = pay.payroll_id
            and      pay.soft_coding_keyflex_id = sck.soft_coding_keyflex_id
            --and      upper(p_tax_ref) = upper(sck.segment1)
	    -- For bug Fix 3567562 added condition to filter records based on PAYE Reference specified as parameter.
	    --and      upper(sck.segment3) = upper(hoi.org_information2)
	    --and      upper(p_paye_ref)  =  upper(sck.segment3)
            --and      upper(sck.segment1) = upper(hoi.org_information1)
            and      pay.payroll_id = NVL(p_payroll_id,pay.payroll_id)
            and     (p_assignment_set_id is null
                        OR exists
                           ( select 1
                            from HR_ASSIGNMENT_SET_AMENDMENTS amend,
                                 hr_assignment_sets           aset
aset.assignment_set_id =  P_ASSIGNMENT_SET_ID
-- Bug2856413 To handle payroll in Assgt sets
and nvl(aset.payroll_id,pay.payroll_id) = pay.payroll_id
and amend.assignment_set_id(+)= aset.assignment_set_id
(amend.include_or_exclude is not null AND
((amend.include_or_exclude='I' and amend.assignment_id  = asg.assignment_id)
(amend.include_or_exclude='E' and amend.assignment_id  <> asg.assignment_id)))
 amend.include_or_exclude is null)
            and     asg.person_id = pap.person_id
            and     serv.person_id = pap.person_id
            and     serv.period_of_service_id = asg.period_of_service_id
            and     serv.date_start = (select max(s.date_start)
                           from   per_periods_of_service s
                                 where  s.person_id = pap.person_id
                                 and    ppa.effective_date >= s.date_start)
            and      pap.current_employee_flag = 'Y'
            and      asg.person_id between
                     stperson and endperson
            and     ppa.effective_date between
                    asg.effective_start_date and asg.effective_end_date
            and    ppa.effective_date between
                    pap.effective_start_date and pap.effective_end_date
            and     ppa.effective_date between
                    pay.effective_start_date and pay.effective_end_date
            order by asg.assignment_id;
Line: 267

             select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
             into   lockingactid
             from   dual;
Line: 285

                  (p_assignment_id                => asgrec.assignment_id,
                   p_effective_date               => l_effective_date,
                   p_include_in_wnu               => 'N');
Line: 290

               hr_utility.trace('Succesfully updated flag');
Line: 303

/* PROCEDURE wnu_update_action_creation:
This PROC creates assignment actions when running the process in UPDATE Mode  */
Procedure wnu_update_action_creation   (pactid    in number,
                                 stperson  in number,
                                 endperson in number,
                                 chunk     in number)
-- Bug Number : 4369280
-- commented hr_organization_information as the new legal employer classification is now
-- attached because of which we dont need the tax reference and the paye reference rather
-- we pass the employee reference. This change comes in effect due to a new legal employer
-- classification being used.

cursor csr_state(p_payroll_id NUMBER,  p_emp_ref VARCHAR2,  p_assignment_set_id NUMBER) is
            select   asg.assignment_id assignment_id,
                     ppa.effective_date effective_date
            from     per_all_assignments_f asg,
                     pay_payroll_actions ppa,
                     per_all_people_f pap,
                     per_periods_of_service serv,
                     per_assignment_extra_info aei,
            --         hr_organization_information hoi,
                     pay_all_payrolls_f pay,
                     hr_soft_coding_keyflex sck
            where    ppa.payroll_action_id = pactid
            --and      hoi.organization_id = ppa.business_group_id
            and      sck.segment4 = p_emp_ref
            and      asg.business_group_id = ppa.business_group_id
            and      asg.payroll_id = pay.payroll_id
            and      pay.soft_coding_keyflex_id = sck.soft_coding_keyflex_id
            --and      upper(p_tax_ref) = upper(sck.segment1)
            --and      upper(sck.segment1) = upper(hoi.org_information1)
	    -- For bug Fix 3567562 added condition to filter records based on PAYE Reference specified as parameter.
	    --and      upper(sck.segment3) = upper(hoi.org_information2)
	    --and      upper(p_paye_ref)  =  upper(sck.segment3)
            and      pay.payroll_id = NVL(p_payroll_id,pay.payroll_id)
            and     (p_assignment_set_id is null
                        OR exists
                           ( select 1
                            from HR_ASSIGNMENT_SET_AMENDMENTS amend,
                                 hr_assignment_sets           aset
aset.assignment_set_id =  P_ASSIGNMENT_SET_ID
-- Bug2856413 To handle payroll in Assgt sets
and nvl(aset.payroll_id,pay.payroll_id) = pay.payroll_id
and amend.assignment_set_id(+)= aset.assignment_set_id
(amend.include_or_exclude is not null AND
((amend.include_or_exclude='I' and amend.assignment_id  = asg.assignment_id)
(amend.include_or_exclude='E' and amend.assignment_id  <> asg.assignment_id)))
 amend.include_or_exclude is null)
            and     asg.person_id = pap.person_id
            and     serv.person_id = pap.person_id
            and     serv.period_of_service_id = asg.period_of_service_id
            and     serv.date_start = (select max(s.date_start)
                           from   per_periods_of_service s
                                 where  s.person_id = pap.person_id
                                 and    ppa.effective_date >= s.date_start)
            and      pap.current_employee_flag = 'Y'
            and      asg.assignment_id  = aei.assignment_id
            and      asg.PRIMARY_FLAG = 'Y'
            and      aei.information_type = 'IE_WNU'
            and      aei.aei_information1 = 'Y'
            and      asg.person_id between
                     stperson and endperson
            and     ppa.effective_date between
                    asg.effective_start_date and asg.effective_end_date
            and     ppa.effective_date between
                    pap.effective_start_date and pap.effective_end_date
            and     ppa.effective_date between
                    pay.effective_start_date and pay.effective_end_date
            order by asg.assignment_id;
Line: 384

l_proc                   CONSTANT VARCHAR2(60):= g_package||'wnu_update_action_creation';
Line: 424

             select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
             into   lockingactid
             from   dual;
Line: 443

                  (p_assignment_id                => asgrec.assignment_id,
                   p_effective_date               => l_effective_date,
                   p_include_in_wnu               => 'N');
Line: 448

               hr_utility.trace('Succesfully updated flag');
Line: 452

    hr_utility.trace('Error in Update Assgt Action cursor');
Line: 458

end wnu_update_action_creation;