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Line 1772: ''/OA_HTML/IrcVisitor.jsp'' rlink from dual';

1768: or ((l_location is null and (l_lat is not null or l_long is not null)) and l_distance is not null) then
1769: query:='SELECT fnd_message.get_string(''PER'',''IRC_412597_RSS_CRITERIA_ERROR'') title ,
1770: fnd_message.get_string(''PER'',''IRC_412011_BAD_LOCATION'') description ,
1771: to_char(trunc(sysdate),''Dy, DD Mon YYYY'') pubDate,
1772: ''/OA_HTML/IrcVisitor.jsp'' rlink from dual';
1773: ctx:= dbms_xmlquery.newContext(query);
1774: dbms_xmlquery.setTagCase(ctx,dbms_xmlquery.LOWER_CASE);
1775: dbms_xmlquery.setEncodingTag(ctx,'UTF8');
1776: xml:=dbms_xmlquery.getXML(ctx);

Line 1783: ''/OA_HTML/IrcVisitor.jsp'' rlink from dual';

1779: elsif (l_location is not null and l_lat is not null and l_long is not null and l_distance is null) then
1780: query:='SELECT fnd_message.get_string(''PER'',''IRC_412597_RSS_CRITERIA_ERROR'') title ,
1781: fnd_message.get_string(''PER'',''IRC_412164_NO_DISTANCE'') description ,
1782: to_char(trunc(sysdate),''Dy, DD Mon YYYY'') pubDate,
1783: ''/OA_HTML/IrcVisitor.jsp'' rlink from dual';
1784: ctx:= dbms_xmlquery.newContext(query);
1785: dbms_xmlquery.setTagCase(ctx,dbms_xmlquery.LOWER_CASE);
1786: dbms_xmlquery.setEncodingTag(ctx,'UTF8');
1787: xml:=dbms_xmlquery.getXML(ctx);

Line 1869: ''/OA_HTML/IrcVisitor.jsp'' rlink from dual';

1865: else
1866: query:='SELECT fnd_message.get_string(''PER'',''IRC_412597_RSS_CRITERIA_ERROR'') title ,
1867: fnd_message.get_string(''PER'',''PER_34296_DIAG_NO_BLANKL_QUERY'') description ,
1868: to_char(trunc(sysdate),''Dy, DD Mon YYYY'') pubDate,
1869: ''/OA_HTML/IrcVisitor.jsp'' rlink from dual';
1870: ctx:= dbms_xmlquery.newContext(query);
1871: dbms_xmlquery.setTagCase(ctx,dbms_xmlquery.LOWER_CASE);
1872: dbms_xmlquery.setEncodingTag(ctx,'UTF8');
1873: xml:=dbms_xmlquery.getXML(ctx);

Line 1913: FROM dual';

1909: end if;
1910: query:=
1911: 'SELECT fnd_message.get_string(''PER'',''IRC_412592_RSS_CHANNEL_TITLE'') title, fnd_message.get_string(''PER'',''IRC_412593_RSS_CHANNEL_DESC'') description , to_char(trunc(sysdate),''Dy, DD Mon YYYY'') pubDate,
1912: ''/OA_HTML/IrcVisitor.jsp'' rlink
1913: FROM dual';
1915: ctx:= dbms_xmlquery.newContext(query);
1916: dbms_xmlquery.setTagCase(ctx,dbms_xmlquery.LOWER_CASE);
1917: dbms_xmlquery.setEncodingTag(ctx,'UTF8');

Line 1953: from dual;

1949: end if;
1950: --
1951: if(exchange_date is null) then
1952: select nvl(fnd_profile.value('IRC_CURR_CONV_DATE'),'') into l_profile_date
1953: from dual;
1954: exchange_date := get_exchange_date(l_profile_date,to_currency);
1955: end if;
1957: conversion_rate := hr_currency_pkg.get_rate_sql (

Line 2455: ,sysdate)),-1) from dual;

2451: WHERE ias3.assignment_id = c_assignment_Id
2452: ) BETWEEN idoc3.creation_date
2453: AND nvl2 (idoc3.end_date
2454: ,idoc3.last_update_date - (5 / 86400)
2455: ,sysdate)),-1) from dual;
2457: cursor c_doc_id_party(c_party_id in number,c_assignment_id in number) is
2458: select nvl(
2459: (SELECT max (idoc3.document_id)

Line 2471: ,sysdate)),-1) from dual;

2467: WHERE ias3.assignment_id = c_assignment_Id
2468: ) BETWEEN idoc3.creation_date
2469: AND nvl2 (idoc3.end_date
2470: ,idoc3.last_update_date - (5 / 86400)
2471: ,sysdate)),-1) from dual;
2473: begin
2475: if p_party_id=-1 then

Line 2494: where document_id=p_doc_id),-1) into l_doc_name from dual;

2490: l_doc_name varchar2(100);
2491: begin
2493: select nvl((select file_name from irc_documents
2494: where document_id=p_doc_id),-1) into l_doc_name from dual;
2497: return l_doc_name;
2498: end get_Appl_Doc_Name;