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APPS.AME_API2 dependencies on AME_UTIL

Line 19: * This API is used to check whether an ame_util.approverRecord2 that the

15: -- {Start Of Comments}
16: /*#
17: * This API validates the generated approver against wf_roles.
18: *
19: * This API is used to check whether an ame_util.approverRecord2 that the
20: * calling application generates is valid, especially before passing an
21: * ame_util.approverRecord2 to an AME API routine.
22: *
23: *


Line 21: * ame_util.approverRecord2 to an AME API routine.

17: * This API validates the generated approver against wf_roles.
18: *
19: * This API is used to check whether an ame_util.approverRecord2 that the
20: * calling application generates is valid, especially before passing an
21: * ame_util.approverRecord2 to an AME API routine.
22: *
23: *

24: * This API is available for use with any licensed component of the e-business
25: * suite.

Line 37: * @param approverin This is an ame_util.approverRecord2 that represents an

33: *
34: *

Post Failure
35: * This API returns false.
36: *
37: * @param approverin This is an ame_util.approverRecord2 that represents an
38: * approver.
39: * @return This API will return true if the approver represented by approverIn has a current wf_roles entry, otherwise will return false.
40: * @rep:displayname Validate Approver

Line 48: function validateApprover(approverIn in ame_util.approverRecord2) return boolean;

44: */
45: --
46: -- {End Of Comments}
47: --
48: function validateApprover(approverIn in ame_util.approverRecord2) return boolean;
49: --
50: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
51: -- |-----------------------------< clearallapprovals >------------------------|
52: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Line 104: * This API returns an ame_util.approverRecord2 representing the

100: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
101: --
102: -- {Start Of Comments}
103: /*#
104: * This API returns an ame_util.approverRecord2 representing the
105: * administrative approver for a transaction type.
106: *
107: * An originating application may wish to notify this approver when AME raises
108: * an exception.

Line 119: * ame_util.approverRecord2 format. Also, it will return the wf_role name as

115: * No known prerequisites.
116: *
117: *

Post Success
118: * This API will return the administrative approver for a transaction in
119: * ame_util.approverRecord2 format. Also, it will return the wf_role name as
120: * adminapproverout.name and will return ame_util.exceptionStatus as
121: * adminapproverout.approval_status.
122: *
123: *

Post Failure

Line 120: * adminapproverout.name and will return ame_util.exceptionStatus as

116: *
117: *

Post Success
118: * This API will return the administrative approver for a transaction in
119: * ame_util.approverRecord2 format. Also, it will return the wf_role name as
120: * adminapproverout.name and will return ame_util.exceptionStatus as
121: * adminapproverout.approval_status.
122: *
123: *

Post Failure
124: * The API will raise an error.

Line 131: * @param adminapproverout This is an ame_util.approverRecord2 that represents

127: * originating application that called the AME API routine.
128: * @param transactiontypein This is a string parameter up to 50 bytes long. It
129: * distinguishes one transaction type from another within a given originating
130: * application. It can be null, but you must always pass its value explicitly.
131: * @param adminapproverout This is an ame_util.approverRecord2 that represents
132: * the administrator for the particular transaction type.
133: * @rep:displayname Get Admin Approver
135: * @rep:lifecycle active

Line 143: adminApproverOut out nocopy ame_util.approverRecord2);

139: -- {End Of Comments}
140: --
141: procedure getAdminApprover(applicationIdIn in number,
142: transactionTypeIn in varchar2,
143: adminApproverOut out nocopy ame_util.approverRecord2);
144: --
145: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
146: -- |-----------------------------< getallapprovers1 >-------------------------|
147: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Line 163: *

159: * for approvals, assuming the originating application has communicated such
160: * responses to AME via ame_api2.updateApprovalStatus or
161: * ame_api2.updateApprovalStatus2.
162: *

approvalProcessCompleteYNOut can have one of the following values
163: *