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Line 70: hr_utility.set_location('Entering '||l_proc,10);

66: and tab.owner=upper(p_oracle_schema);
67: --
68: begin
69: --
70: hr_utility.set_location('Entering '||l_proc,10);
71: --
72: --
73: -- Parameter validation
74: --

Line 122: hr_utility.set_location('Create event ',10);

118: --
119: if p_event = 'CREATE' then
120: --
121: -- rchase bug 1568561 - added paren pair around ors
122: hr_utility.set_location('Create event ',10);
123: --
124: l_strg := 'update '||p_table_name||' t set drvbl_fctr_prtn_elig_flag = :1
126: where '||p_col_name|| '= :2 and (

Line 154: hr_utility.set_location('update event ',10);

150: cep.eligy_prfl_id = epf.eligy_prfl_id))';
151: execute immediate l_strg using 'Y',p_col_id,p_col_id,p_col_id,p_col_id,p_col_id,p_col_id,p_col_id;
152: --
153: elsif p_event = 'DELETE' then
154: hr_utility.set_location('update event ',10);
155: l_strg := 'update '||p_table_name||' t set drvbl_fctr_prtn_elig_flag = :1
156: where '||p_col_name|| '= :2 and
157: not exists (select null from ben_elig_age_prte_f eap, ben_prtn_elig_f epa,
158: ben_prtn_elig_prfl_f cep

Line 185: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving '||l_proc,10);

181: execute immediate l_strg using 'N',p_col_id,p_col_id,p_col_id,p_col_id,p_col_id,p_col_id,p_col_id;
182: --
183: end if;
184: --
185: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving '||l_proc,10);
186: --
187: end eligy_prfl_handler;
188: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
189: procedure derivable_factor_handler

Line 204: hr_utility.set_location('Entering '||l_proc,10);

200: --
202: begin
203: --
204: hr_utility.set_location('Entering '||l_proc,10);
205: --
206: --
207: -- Parameter validation
208: --