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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 5

   *Function UPDATE_STATUS updates the status of effort		   *
   *report. It is called by STATUS_APPROVED, STATUS_REJECTED,	   *
  function UPDATE_STATUS(itemkey  in varchar2,
		         funcmode in varchar2,
		         status   in varchar2) return VARCHAR2;
Line: 40

    SELECT effort_report_id, max(version_num)
    FROM   psp_effort_reports
    WHERE  template_id=a_template_id
    GROUP BY effort_report_id;
Line: 46

    SELECT person_id
    FROM   psp_effort_reports
    WHERE  effort_report_id = l_report_id;
Line: 51

    SELECT Begin_date,
    FROM   psp_effort_report_templates
    WHERE  template_id = a_template_id;
Line: 57

   SELECT full_name
   FROM   per_all_people_f
   WHERE person_id =l_person_id
   AND   effective_end_date   >= l_begin_date
   AND   effective_start_date <= l_end_date
   ORDER BY effective_start_date desc;
Line: 334

    SELECT assignment.supervisor_id
    FROM   per_assignments_f assignment,
           per_people_f      people
    WHERE  assignment.person_id = l_employee_id
    AND    assignment.supervisor_id = people.person_id
    AND    assignment.assignment_type ='E'  --Added for bug 2624259.
    AND    trunc(SYSDATE) BETWEEN people.effective_start_date AND people.effective_end_date
    AND    assignment.primary_flag = 'Y';
Line: 386

**Function UPDATE_STATUS updates the status of effort		**
**report. It is called by STATUS_APPROVED, STATUS_REJECTED,	**
function UPDATE_STATUS(itemkey  in varchar2,
		       funcmode in varchar2,
		       status   in varchar2)
return VARCHAR2
  l_version_num NUMBER;
Line: 407

    SELECT max(version_num) INTO l_version_num
    FROM psp_effort_reports
--    WHERE effort_report_id = to_number(itemkey);
Line: 413

    UPDATE psp_effort_reports
    SET status_code = status
--    WHERE effort_report_id = to_number(itemkey);
Line: 428

Line: 431

**PROCEDURE STATUS_APPROVED updates the status of effort	**
**report to 'A'. It is called in the workflow activity UPDATE_EF**
procedure STATUS_APPROVED(itemtype in varchar2,
                          itemkey  in varchar2,
                          actid    in number,
                          funcmode in varchar2,
                          result   out NOCOPY varchar2) IS

  IF (funcmode = 'RUN') THEN
    result := update_status(itemkey, funcmode, 'A');
Line: 454

**PROCEDURE STATUS_SUPERSEDED updates the status of effort **
**report to 'S'. It is called in workflow activity 	   **
procedure STATUS_SUPERSEDED(itemtype in varchar2,
                            itemkey  in varchar2,
                            actid    in number,
                            funcmode in varchar2,
                            result   out NOCOPY varchar2) IS

  IF (funcmode = 'RUN') THEN
    result := update_status(itemkey, funcmode, 'S');
Line: 477

**PROCEDURE STATUS_CERTIFIED updates the status of effort**
**report to 'C'. It is called in workflow activity       **
procedure STATUS_CERTIFIED(itemtype in varchar2,
                           itemkey  in varchar2,
                           actid    in number,
                           funcmode in varchar2,
                           result   out NOCOPY varchar2) IS

  IF (funcmode = 'RUN') THEN
    result := update_status(itemkey, funcmode, 'C');
Line: 500

**PROCEDURE STATUS_REJECTED updates the status of effort**
**report to 'R'. It is called by a workflow activity    **
**"Update Effort Report Status to Rejected".   		**
procedure STATUS_REJECTED    (itemtype in varchar2,
                              itemkey  in varchar2,
                              actid    in number,
                              funcmode in varchar2,
                              result   out NOCOPY varchar2) IS

  IF (funcmode = 'RUN') THEN
    result := update_status(itemkey, funcmode, 'R');
Line: 523

**Procedure SELECT_CERTIFIER is called by a workflow process "Select  **
**Certifier". It is invoked if user profile option "PSP:Can Supervisor**
**Certify" is set to "No". Procedure SELECT_CERTIFIER makes a call to **
**PSP_WF_CUSTOM.EFFORT_SELECT_CERTIFIER, where users can customize who**
**the certifer is.                                                    **
procedure SELECT_CERTIFIER(itemtype in varchar2,
                           itemkey  in varchar2,
                           actid    in number,
                           funcmode in varchar2,
                           result   out NOCOPY varchar2)
  l_emp_id 		NUMBER;
Line: 543

    psp_wf_custom.effort_select_certifier(l_emp_id, l_certifier_id);
Line: 559

    WF_CORE.CONTEXT('PSP_WF_EFF_PKG', 'SELECT_CERTIFIER', itemtype, itemkey, to_char(actid), funcmode);
Line: 562

Line: 565

**Procedure SELECT_APPROVER is called by a workflow process "Select   **
**Approver". It is invoked if user profile option "PSP:Can Employee   **
**Approve" is set to "No". Procedure SELECT_APPROVER makes a call to  **
**PSP_WF_CUSTOM.EFFORT_SELECT_APPROVER, where users can customize who **
**the approver is.                                                    **
procedure SELECT_APPROVER     (itemtype in varchar2,
                              itemkey  in varchar2,
                              actid    in number,
                              funcmode in varchar2,
                              result   out NOCOPY varchar2)
  l_emp_id			NUMBER;
Line: 585

    psp_wf_custom.effort_select_approver(l_emp_id, l_approver_id);
Line: 601

    WF_CORE.CONTEXT('PSP_WF_EFF_PKG', 'SELECT_APPROVER', itemtype, itemkey, to_char(actid), funcmode);
Line: 604

Line: 620

    SELECT responder
    FROM   wf_notifications
    WHERE  notification_id =
	--(SELECT MAX(notification_id) 			Commented for bug fix 3263333
	(SELECT notification_id 			-- Introduced for bug fix 3263333
	 FROM   wf_item_activity_statuses		-- Changed to base table for bug fix 3263333
	 WHERE  item_type = 'PSPEFFWF' AND
      	        item_key = itemkey AND
		process_activity = actid);		-- Introduced for bug fix 3263333
Line: 666

    SELECT responder
    FROM   wf_notifications
    WHERE  notification_id =
	--(SELECT MAX(notification_id) 			Commented for bug fix 3263333
	(SELECT notification_id				-- Introduced for bug fix 3263333
	 FROM   wf_item_activity_statuses		-- changed to base table for bug fix 3263333
	 WHERE  item_type = 'PSPEFFWF' AND
      	        item_key = itemkey AND
		process_activity = actid);		-- Introduced for bug fix 3263333
Line: 729

    SELECT ppf.current_employee_flag
    FROM   per_people_f ppf
    WHERE  ppf.person_id = l_person_id
    AND    trunc(SYSDATE) BETWEEN trunc(ppf.effective_start_date) AND trunc(ppf.effective_end_date);