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Line 1173: --Account Balance Itemization table ja_cn_account_balances

1170: ln_proc_level NUMBER := FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE;
1172: --Cursor for getting 'Functional Balance', 'Entered Balance' from
1173: --Account Balance Itemization table ja_cn_account_balances
1174: CURSOR account_balance_cur
1175: IS
1176: SELECT SUM(func_end_balance) Functional_Balance,
1177: SUM(orig_end_balance) Entered_Balance

Line 1178: FROM ja_cn_account_balances_v

1174: CURSOR account_balance_cur
1175: IS
1176: SELECT SUM(func_end_balance) Functional_Balance,
1177: SUM(orig_end_balance) Entered_Balance
1178: FROM ja_cn_account_balances_v
1179: WHERE third_party_id = pn_party_id
1180: AND ledger_id = pn_ledger_id
1181: AND legal_entity_id = pn_legal_entity_id
1182: AND account_segment = pv_account_number

Line 1263: Ja_Cn_Account_Balances Jab

1259: SELECT Jab.Account_Segment Account_Number
1260: FROM Xla_Ae_Headers Aeh,
1261: Xla_Ae_Lines Ael,
1262: Ja_Cn_Code_Combination_v Jcc,
1263: Ja_Cn_Account_Balances Jab
1264: WHERE Jab.Ledger_Id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id
1265: AND Jab.Legal_Entity_Id = pn_legal_entity_id --parameter: pn_legal_entity_id
1266: AND Jab.Period_Name = pv_first_period --parameter: pv_first_period
1267: AND Jab.Account_Segment = Jcc.Account_Segment

Line 1429: FROM ja_cn_account_balances

1425: FROM(
1426: SELECT currency_code
1427: ,SUM(NVL(Orig_Begin_Balance_Dr,0) - NVL(Orig_Begin_Balance_Cr,0)) Entered_Amount
1428: ,SUM(NVL(Func_Begin_Balance_Dr,0) - NVL(Func_Begin_Balance_Cr,0)) Functional_Amount
1429: FROM ja_cn_account_balances
1430: WHERE ledger_id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id
1431: AND legal_entity_id = pn_legal_entity_id --parameter: pn_legal_entity_id
1432: AND third_party_id = ln_customer_id --variable: ln_customer_id
1433: AND account_segment = lv_account_number --variable: lv_account_number

Line 1445: FROM ja_cn_account_balances

1441: --collecting all customer id from account balance table
1442: CURSOR customer_id_list_cur
1443: IS
1444: SELECT DISTINCT Third_Party_Id Customer_Id
1445: FROM ja_cn_account_balances
1446: WHERE ledger_id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id
1447: AND legal_entity_id = pn_legal_entity_id --parameter: pn_legal_entity_id
1448: AND period_name = pv_first_period --parameter: pv_first_period
1449: AND third_party_type = 'C'