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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 65

      update ar_document_transfers
      set status = decode(l_returnCode,'0','TRANSMITTED','FAILED'),
          exception_message = decode(l_returnCode, '0', null, l_msg),
          exception_type = l_errType
      where document_msgid = l_msgid;
Line: 101

  procedure updateStatus is
    if isDebugOn then debug('AR_DOC_TRANSFER_STANDARD.updateStatus(+)'); end if;
Line: 105

    update ar_document_transfers doc
    set doc.status = 'TRANSMITTED'
    where doc.status = 'STARTED' and
          exists (select 'X'
                  from   ecx_out_process_v ecx
                  where	 ecx.document_id = doc.document_transfer_id and
			 ecx.transaction_type = doc.ecx_trx_type and
			 ecx.transaction_subtype = doc.ecx_trx_subtype and
			 ecx.party_site_id = doc.tp_source_id and
			 ecx.out_msgid = doc.document_msgid and
			 ltrim(rtrim(ecx.delivery_status)) = '0');
Line: 116

    update ar_document_transfers doc
    set doc.status = 'FAILED',
        doc.exception_type = 'SYSTEM',
        doc.exception_message = 'Oracle Transport Agent: maximum transport attempts exceeded.'||
                                'Please contact System administrator'
    where doc.status = 'STARTED' and
          exists (select 'X'
                  from   ecx_out_process_v ecx
                  where	 ecx.document_id = doc.document_transfer_id and
			 ecx.transaction_type = doc.ecx_trx_type and
			 ecx.transaction_subtype = doc.ecx_trx_subtype and
			 ecx.party_site_id = doc.tp_source_id and
			 ecx.out_msgid = doc.document_msgid and
			 ltrim(rtrim(ecx.delivery_status)) <> '0');
Line: 131

    if isDebugOn then debug('AR_DOC_TRANSFER_STANDARD.updateStatus(-)');end if;
Line: 167

  cursor doc is select * from ar_document_transfers
                where document_transfer_id = l_doc_transfer_id;
Line: 191

          select org_id into l_org_id from ra_customer_trx_all
          where customer_trx_id = doc_rec.source_id;
Line: 207

      update ecx_doclogs
        set cb_event_name = 'oracle.apps.ar.transmit.otaCallback',
            cb_event_key = to_char(sysdate, 'DD-MON-RRRR-HHMISS')
        where msgid = HEXTORAW( l_msgid );
Line: 226

Line: 247

Line: 318

Line: 325

  select decode(instrb(value,',',1,1),0,value,substrb(value, 1, instrb(value, ',',1)-1))
  into PG_DEBUG_PATH from v$parameter
  where name = 'utl_file_dir';