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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 32

   select name, status, rev_class_hierarchy_id, set_of_books_id,
          system_batch_size, transfer_batch_size, clawback_grace_days,
          srp_batch_size, srp_rollup_flag, latest_processed_date, usage_flag,
          salesrep_batch_size, cls_package_size, payables_flag, payroll_flag,
          payables_ccid_level, income_planner_disclaimer,object_version_number
     FROM cn_repositories
    WHERE application_type = 'CN' and repository_id > 0;
Line: 83

   (p_api_version             IN      NUMBER                          ,
    p_init_msg_list           IN      VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE     ,
    p_commit                  IN      VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE     ,
    p_validation_level        IN      NUMBER   := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
    p_name                    IN      VARCHAR2,
    p_rev_class_hierarchy_id  IN      NUMBER,
    p_set_of_books_id         IN      NUMBER,
    p_batch_size              IN      NUMBER,
    p_transfer_batch_size     IN      NUMBER,
    p_clawback_grace_days     IN      NUMBER,
    p_transaction_batch_size  IN      NUMBER,
    p_managerial_rollup       IN      VARCHAR2,
    p_salesperson_batch_size  IN      NUMBER,
    p_rule_batch_size         IN      NUMBER,
    p_payables_flag           IN      VARCHAR2,
    p_payroll_flag            IN      VARCHAR2,
    p_payables_ccid_level     IN      VARCHAR2,
    p_income_planner_disclaimer  IN   VARCHAR2,
    p_object_version_number   IN      NUMBER,
    x_return_status           OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2                        ,
    x_msg_count               OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER                          ,
    x_msg_data                OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2                        ) IS

    l_api_name                CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'Update_Data';
Line: 111

   select object_version_number
     from cn_repositories
    where application_type = 'CN'
      and repository_id > 0
      for update of repository_id nowait;
Line: 120

   SAVEPOINT   Update_Data;
Line: 143

      fnd_message.set_name('CN', 'CN_RECORD_DELETED');
Line: 156

   update cn_repositories
      set name                   = p_name,
          rev_class_hierarchy_id = p_rev_class_hierarchy_id,
          set_of_books_id        = p_set_of_books_id,
          system_batch_size      = p_batch_size,
          transfer_batch_size    = p_transfer_batch_size,
          clawback_grace_days    = p_clawback_grace_days,
          srp_batch_size         = p_transaction_batch_size,
          srp_rollup_flag        = p_managerial_rollup,
          salesrep_batch_size    = p_salesperson_batch_size,
          cls_package_size       = decode(p_rule_batch_size, 0, null,
					  p_rule_batch_size), -- 0 = null
          payables_flag          = p_payables_flag,
          payroll_flag           = p_payroll_flag,
          payables_ccid_level    = p_payables_ccid_level,
          income_planner_disclaimer = p_income_planner_disclaimer,
          last_update_date       = sysdate,
          last_updated_by        = fnd_global.user_id,
          last_update_login      = fnd_global.login_id,
          object_version_number  = object_version_number + 1
    where application_type = 'CN'
      and repository_id > 0;
Line: 180

   insert into cn_period_sets
     ( period_set_id,
       creation_date )
     select 0,
       from cn_repositories r,
            gl_sets_of_books gl
      where gl.set_of_books_id = r.set_of_books_id
        and not exists
     ( select 1 from cn_period_sets where period_set_id = 0 );
Line: 196

   insert into cn_period_types
     ( period_type_id,
       creation_date )
     select 0,
       from cn_repositories r,
            gl_sets_of_books gl
      where gl.set_of_books_id = r.set_of_books_id
        and not exists
     ( select 1 from cn_period_types where period_type_id = 0 );
Line: 211

   update cn_repositories
      set period_set_id = 0 ,
          period_type_id = 0
    where set_of_books_id is not null;
Line: 216

   update cn_period_types
      set period_type = 'Period'
    where period_type_id = -1000
      and period_type = 'Month';
Line: 234

      ROLLBACK TO Update_Data;
Line: 241

      ROLLBACK TO Update_Data;
Line: 249

      ROLLBACK TO Update_Data;
Line: 262

END Update_Data;