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2 /* $Header: pyacvea.pkb 115.1 99/07/17 05:41:39 porting ship $ */
3 --
4 --
5 PROCEDURE get_dates(
6                     p_element_entry_id IN  number,
7                     p_payroll_id       IN  number,
8                     p_session_date     IN  date,
9                     p_person_id        IN  number,
10                     p_start_date       OUT date,
11                     p_end_date         OUT date
12                    ) IS
13 --
14    return_end_date date;
15    l_end_date date;
16    l_year varchar2(4);
17 --
19 --
20 -- This procedure gets the start and end dates for the period covered by
21 -- the accrual.
22 --
23 -- The start date is whichever is the later - the first period of the year,
24 -- or when the employee was enrolled onto the plan (ie when the accrual
25 -- element was given to the employee).
26 --
27 -- Since accruals are based on complete time periods we have a slight problem
28 -- in determining what year we are in - it is not enough to get the year from
29 -- the effective date, since the effective date may be halfway into the first
30 -- period of the year: for example, if we use monthly periods and the effective
31 -- date is '20-01-1994' then we should use 1993 as the accrual year, since
32 -- the effective date has not covered a whole accrual period for 1994.
33 -- If the effective date falls on the last day of the first period (in this
34 -- example '31-01-1994') then we have a whole accrual period and we can use
35 -- 1994 as the accrual year. Obviously, if the effective date is later than the
36 -- end date of the first period of the year then there's no problem.
37 --
38 -- The end date requires a little more work - this should be the earliest of the
39 -- following dates -
40 --
41 --   the effective date
42 --
43 --   (GET RID OF THIS ????)
44 --   the end date of the period in which the employee left the plan
45 --
46 --   the end date of the period in which the employee's period of service ended
47 --
48 --
49 -- find out what year we're dealing with...
50 --
51    select to_char(ptp.start_date, 'YYYY')
52    into   l_year
53    from   per_time_periods ptp
54    where  p_session_date between
55              ptp.start_date and ptp.end_date
56    and    ptp.payroll_id = p_payroll_id;
57 --
58 -- get the period start date
59 --
60    hr_utility.set_location('pay_payacvea_pkg.get_dates', 1);
61    select greatest(ptp1.start_date, ptp2.start_date)
62    into   p_start_date
63    from   per_time_periods ptp1,
64           per_time_periods ptp2
65    where  ptp1.start_date =
66           (
67              select min(ptp3.start_date)
68              from   per_time_periods ptp3
69              where  ptp3.start_date >=
70                       (
71                       select min(effective_start_date)
72                       from   pay_element_entries_f pee
73                       where  pee.element_entry_id = p_element_entry_id
74                       )
75              and   ptp3.payroll_id = ptp1.payroll_id
76          )
77    and   ptp1.payroll_id = p_payroll_id
78    and   ptp2.start_date =
79             (
80             select min(ptp3.start_date)
81             from   per_time_periods ptp3
82             where  ptp3.start_date >=
83                       to_date('01-01-'||l_year, 'DD-MM-YYYY')
84             and    ptp3.payroll_id = ptp2.payroll_id
85           )
86    and    ptp2.payroll_id = p_payroll_id;
87 --
88 -- get the end date (ie the effective date)
89 --
90    return_end_date := p_session_date;
91 --
92 /*
93  *****
94  ***** REMOVE ???
95  *****
96 -- now get the end date of the period in which the element is no longer
97 -- effective; this may return no value
98 --
99    hr_utility.set_location('pay_payacvea_pkg.get_dates', 3);
100    begin
101       select ptp1.end_date
102       into   l_end_date
103       from   per_time_periods ptp1
104       where  ptp1.end_date =
105              (
106                 select max(ptp2.end_date)
107                 from   per_time_periods ptp2
108                 where  ptp2.end_date <=
109                          (
110                          select max(effective_end_date)
111                          from   pay_element_entries_f pee
112                          where  pee.element_entry_id = p_element_entry_id
113                          )
114                 and   ptp2.payroll_id = ptp1.payroll_id
115             )
116       and   ptp1.payroll_id = p_payroll_id;
117       EXCEPTION
118          when NO_DATA_FOUND then null;
119    end;
120    if l_end_date is not null then
121       if l_end_date < return_end_date then
122          return_end_date := l_end_date;
123       end if;
124    end if;
125 */
126 --
127 -- ...and now the period in which the employee's period of service ends
128 --
129    l_end_date := null;
130    hr_utility.set_location('pay_payacvea_pkg.get_dates', 4);
131    begin
132       select ptp1.end_date
133       into   l_end_date
134       from   per_time_periods ptp1
135       where  ptp1.end_date =
136              (
137                 select max(ptp2.end_date)
138                 from   per_periods_of_service pos,
139                        per_time_periods ptp2
140                 where  p_session_date between
141                           pos.date_start and pos.actual_termination_date
142                 and    pos.person_id = p_person_id
143                 and    pos.actual_termination_date <= ptp2.end_date
144                 and    ptp2.payroll_id = ptp1.payroll_id
145             )
146       and   ptp1.payroll_id = p_payroll_id;
147       EXCEPTION
148          when NO_DATA_FOUND then null;
149    end;
150    if l_end_date is not null then
151       if l_end_date < return_end_date then
152          return_end_date := l_end_date;
153       end if;
154    end if;
155 --
156    p_end_date := return_end_date;
157 --
158 --
159 --
160 END get_dates;
161 --
162 --
163 --