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Line 7856: inv_quantity_tree_pub.clear_quantity_cache;

7852: DEBUG('The value of p_line_id is ' || p_line_id, 'GET_LPN_AVAILABLE_QUANTITY');
7853: DEBUG('The value of p_header_id is ' || p_header_id, 'GET_LPN_AVAILABLE_QUANTITY');
7854: END IF;
7856: inv_quantity_tree_pub.clear_quantity_cache;
7858: SELECT revision_qty_control_code
7859: , lot_control_code
7860: , serial_number_control_code

Line 7891: inv_quantity_tree_pub.clear_quantity_cache;

7887: LOOP
7888: FETCH inner_lpn INTO l_inner_lpn;
7889: EXIT WHEN inner_lpn%NOTFOUND;
7890: /* Bug 2440408: All the Trees in the cache have to be cleared so that trees are rebuild */
7891: inv_quantity_tree_pub.clear_quantity_cache;
7892: inv_quantity_tree_pub.query_quantities(
7893: p_api_version_number => 1.0
7894: , p_init_msg_lst => fnd_api.g_false
7895: , x_return_status => x_return_status

Line 7892: inv_quantity_tree_pub.query_quantities(

7888: FETCH inner_lpn INTO l_inner_lpn;
7889: EXIT WHEN inner_lpn%NOTFOUND;
7890: /* Bug 2440408: All the Trees in the cache have to be cleared so that trees are rebuild */
7891: inv_quantity_tree_pub.clear_quantity_cache;
7892: inv_quantity_tree_pub.query_quantities(
7893: p_api_version_number => 1.0
7894: , p_init_msg_lst => fnd_api.g_false
7895: , x_return_status => x_return_status
7896: , x_msg_count => x_msg_count

Line 7900: , p_tree_mode => inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_transaction_mode

7896: , x_msg_count => x_msg_count
7897: , x_msg_data => x_msg_data
7898: , p_organization_id => p_organization_id
7899: , p_inventory_item_id => p_inventory_item_id
7900: , p_tree_mode => inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_transaction_mode
7901: , p_is_revision_control => l_is_revision_control
7902: , p_is_lot_control => l_is_lot_control
7903: , p_is_serial_control => l_is_serial_control
7904: , p_demand_source_type_id => l_demand_source_type_id

Line 11096: inv_quantity_tree_pub.clear_quantity_cache;

11092: AND (l_resv_rec.lot_number = l_lpn_cont_rec.lot_number OR l_resv_rec.lot_number IS NULL)
11093: AND wms_direct_ship_pvt.validate_end_unit_num_at(lpnc_rec, Trim(p_end_item_unit_number) ) --bug 11659908
11094: )
11095: THEN --{
11096: inv_quantity_tree_pub.clear_quantity_cache;
11098: /* bug 14211350 */
11099: IF (l_lpn_cont_rec.lot_control=TRUE) THEN
11100: BEGIN

Line 11132: inv_quantity_tree_pub.query_quantities(

11128: DEBUG('l_lpn_cont_rec.locator_id =' || l_lpn_cont_rec.locator_id, 'Process_Line');
11129: DEBUG('l_lpn_cont_rec.lpn_id=' || l_lpn_cont_rec.lpn_id, 'Process_Line');
11130: END IF;
11132: inv_quantity_tree_pub.query_quantities(
11133: p_api_version_number => 1.0
11134: , p_init_msg_lst => fnd_api.g_false
11135: , x_return_status => l_return_status
11136: , x_msg_count => l_msg_count

Line 11140: -- inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_reservation_mode Changed bug 4128854

11136: , x_msg_count => l_msg_count
11137: , x_msg_data => l_msg_data
11138: , p_organization_id => p_org_id
11139: , p_inventory_item_id => p_inventory_item_id
11140: -- inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_reservation_mode Changed bug 4128854
11141: , p_tree_mode => inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_transaction_mode
11142: , p_is_revision_control => l_lpn_cont_rec.revision_control
11143: , p_is_lot_control => l_lpn_cont_rec.lot_control
11144: , p_is_serial_control => l_lpn_cont_rec.serial_control

Line 11141: , p_tree_mode => inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_transaction_mode

11137: , x_msg_data => l_msg_data
11138: , p_organization_id => p_org_id
11139: , p_inventory_item_id => p_inventory_item_id
11140: -- inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_reservation_mode Changed bug 4128854
11141: , p_tree_mode => inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_transaction_mode
11142: , p_is_revision_control => l_lpn_cont_rec.revision_control
11143: , p_is_lot_control => l_lpn_cont_rec.lot_control
11144: , p_is_serial_control => l_lpn_cont_rec.serial_control
11145: , p_grade_code => l_grade_code

Line 11170: DEBUG( 'Validation failed for inv_quantity_tree_pub.query_quantities for combination of '

11166: );
11168: IF l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error THEN
11169: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11170: DEBUG( 'Validation failed for inv_quantity_tree_pub.query_quantities for combination of '
11171: || p_order_header_id
11172: || ' '
11173: || p_order_line_id
11174: , 'Process_Line'

Line 11181: DEBUG( 'Validation failed for inv_quantity_tree_pub.query_quantities for combination of '

11178: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
11179: ELSIF l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error THEN
11180: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11181: DEBUG( 'Validation failed for inv_quantity_tree_pub.query_quantities for combination of '
11182: || p_order_header_id
11183: || ' '
11184: || p_order_line_id
11185: , 'Process_Line'

Line 11486: inv_quantity_tree_pub.clear_quantity_cache; --Clear qty trees to start with a fresh new one.

11482: IF ( (g_fulfillment_base = 'P' AND l_quantity_create_resv > 0)
11483: OR (g_fulfillment_base = 'S' AND l_sec_qty_create_resv > 0) ) --{
11484: THEN
11485: --Bug 13830442
11486: inv_quantity_tree_pub.clear_quantity_cache; --Clear qty trees to start with a fresh new one.
11487: FOR lpnc_rec IN l_start_index .. l_end_index LOOP --{
11488: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11489: DEBUG('Quantity for create reservation= ' || l_quantity_create_resv, 'Process_Line');
11490: DEBUG('Sec quantity for create reservation= ' || l_sec_qty_create_resv, 'Process_Line');

Line 11517: --inv_quantity_tree_pub.clear_quantity_cache;

11513: AND (p_revision = l_lpn_cont_rec.revision OR p_revision IS NULL)
11514: AND wms_direct_ship_pvt.validate_end_unit_num_at(lpnc_rec, TRIM(p_end_item_unit_number)) --bug 11659908
11515: )
11516: THEN --{
11517: --inv_quantity_tree_pub.clear_quantity_cache;
11519: -- query quantity tree
11520: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11521: DEBUG('Before query quantity tree ', 'Process_Line');

Line 11533: inv_quantity_tree_pub.query_quantities(

11529: DEBUG('l_lpn_cont_rec.quantity=' || l_lpn_cont_rec.quantity, 'Process_Line');
11530: DEBUG('l_lpn_cont_rec.secondary_quantity=' || l_lpn_cont_rec.secondary_quantity, 'Process_Line');
11531: END IF;
11533: inv_quantity_tree_pub.query_quantities(
11534: p_api_version_number => 1.0
11535: , p_init_msg_lst => fnd_api.g_false
11536: , x_return_status => l_return_status
11537: , x_msg_count => l_msg_count

Line 11541: , p_tree_mode => inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_reservation_mode

11537: , x_msg_count => l_msg_count
11538: , x_msg_data => l_msg_data
11539: , p_organization_id => p_org_id
11540: , p_inventory_item_id => p_inventory_item_id
11541: , p_tree_mode => inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_reservation_mode
11542: , p_is_revision_control => l_lpn_cont_rec.revision_control
11543: , p_is_lot_control => l_lpn_cont_rec.lot_control
11544: , p_is_serial_control => l_lpn_cont_rec.serial_control
11545: , p_grade_code => NULL

Line 11570: DEBUG('Validation failed for inv_quantity_tree_pub.query_quantities for combination of '

11566: );
11568: IF l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error THEN
11569: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11570: DEBUG('Validation failed for inv_quantity_tree_pub.query_quantities for combination of '
11571: || p_order_header_id || ', ' || p_order_line_id , 'Process_Line');
11572: END IF;
11574: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;

Line 11577: DEBUG('Validation failed for inv_quantity_tree_pub.query_quantities for combination of '

11574: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
11575: ELSIF l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error THEN
11576: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11577: DEBUG('Validation failed for inv_quantity_tree_pub.query_quantities for combination of '
11578: || p_order_header_id || ', ' || p_order_line_id, 'Process_Line');
11579: END IF;
11581: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;

Line 11824: inv_quantity_tree_pub.update_quantities(

11820: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11821: DEBUG('Updating qty tree with qty:'|| l_reservation_record.primary_reservation_quantity , 'Process_Line');
11822: END IF;
11824: inv_quantity_tree_pub.update_quantities(
11825: p_api_version_number => 1.0
11826: , p_init_msg_lst => fnd_api.g_false
11827: , x_return_status => l_return_status
11828: , x_msg_count => l_msg_count

Line 11832: , p_tree_mode => inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_reservation_mode

11828: , x_msg_count => l_msg_count
11829: , x_msg_data => l_msg_data
11830: , p_organization_id => p_org_id
11831: , p_inventory_item_id => p_inventory_item_id
11832: , p_tree_mode => inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_reservation_mode
11833: , p_is_revision_control => l_lpn_cont_rec.revision_control
11834: , p_is_lot_control => l_lpn_cont_rec.lot_control
11835: , p_is_serial_control => l_lpn_cont_rec.serial_control
11836: , p_demand_source_type_id => l_demand_source_type_id

Line 11986: inv_quantity_tree_pub.clear_quantity_cache;

11982: DEBUG('Unexpected error occured', 'Process_Line');
11983: END IF;
11985: g_lpn_contents_tab := l_lpn_contents_tab_bkp;
11986: inv_quantity_tree_pub.clear_quantity_cache;
11987: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
11988: DEBUG('Cleared qty tree cache and reset the g_lpn_contents_tab', 'Process_Line');
11989: END IF;

Line 12789: inv_quantity_tree_pub.clear_quantity_cache;

12786: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
12787: END;
12789: inv_quantity_tree_pub.clear_quantity_cache;
12791: -- query quantity tree
12792: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
12793: DEBUG('Before query quantity tree ', 'Perform_Overship_Distribution');

Line 12804: inv_quantity_tree_pub.query_quantities(

12800: DEBUG('l_lpn_cont_rec.locator_id =' || l_lpn_cont_rec.locator_id, 'Perform_Overship_Distribution');
12801: DEBUG('l_lpn_cont_rec.lpn_id=' || l_lpn_cont_rec.lpn_id, 'Perform_Overship_Distribution');
12802: END IF;
12804: inv_quantity_tree_pub.query_quantities(
12805: p_api_version_number => 1.0
12806: , p_init_msg_lst => fnd_api.g_false
12807: , x_return_status => l_return_status
12808: , x_msg_count => l_msg_count

Line 12812: , p_tree_mode => inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_transaction_mode

12808: , x_msg_count => l_msg_count
12809: , x_msg_data => l_msg_data
12810: , p_organization_id => p_org_id
12811: , p_inventory_item_id => l_lpn_cont_rec.inventory_item_id
12812: , p_tree_mode => inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_transaction_mode
12813: , p_is_revision_control => l_lpn_cont_rec.revision_control
12814: , p_is_lot_control => l_lpn_cont_rec.lot_control
12815: , p_is_serial_control => l_lpn_cont_rec.serial_control
12816: , p_grade_code => NULL

Line 12841: DEBUG('Validation failed for inv_quantity_tree_pub.query_quantities', 'Perform_Overship_Distribution');

12837: );
12839: IF l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error THEN
12840: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
12841: DEBUG('Validation failed for inv_quantity_tree_pub.query_quantities', 'Perform_Overship_Distribution');
12842: END IF;
12844: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
12845: ELSIF l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error THEN

Line 12847: DEBUG('Validation failed for inv_quantity_tree_pub.query_quantities', 'Perform_Overship_Distribution');

12844: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
12845: ELSIF l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error THEN
12846: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
12847: DEBUG('Validation failed for inv_quantity_tree_pub.query_quantities', 'Perform_Overship_Distribution');
12848: END IF;
12850: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
12851: END IF;

Line 13180: inv_quantity_tree_pub.clear_quantity_cache;

13177: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
13178: END IF;
13180: inv_quantity_tree_pub.clear_quantity_cache;
13182: -- query quantity tree
13183: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
13184: DEBUG('Before query quantity tree ', 'Perform_Overship_Distribution');

Line 13195: inv_quantity_tree_pub.query_quantities(

13191: DEBUG('l_lpn_cont_rec.locator_id =' || l_lpn_cont_rec.locator_id, 'Perform_Overship_Distribution');
13192: DEBUG('l_lpn_cont_rec.lpn_id=' || l_lpn_cont_rec.lpn_id, 'Perform_Overship_Distribution');
13193: END IF;
13195: inv_quantity_tree_pub.query_quantities(
13196: p_api_version_number => 1.0
13197: , p_init_msg_lst => fnd_api.g_false
13198: , x_return_status => l_return_status
13199: , x_msg_count => l_msg_count

Line 13203: , p_tree_mode => inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_reservation_mode

13199: , x_msg_count => l_msg_count
13200: , x_msg_data => l_msg_data
13201: , p_organization_id => p_org_id
13202: , p_inventory_item_id => l_lpn_cont_rec.inventory_item_id
13203: , p_tree_mode => inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_reservation_mode
13204: , p_is_revision_control => l_lpn_cont_rec.revision_control
13205: , p_is_lot_control => l_lpn_cont_rec.lot_control
13206: , p_is_serial_control => l_lpn_cont_rec.serial_control
13207: , p_grade_code => NULL

Line 13232: DEBUG('Validation failed for inv_quantity_tree_pub.query_quantities', 'Perform_Overship_Distribution');

13228: );
13230: IF l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error THEN
13231: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
13232: DEBUG('Validation failed for inv_quantity_tree_pub.query_quantities', 'Perform_Overship_Distribution');
13233: END IF;
13235: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
13236: ELSIF l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error THEN

Line 13238: DEBUG('Validation failed for inv_quantity_tree_pub.query_quantities', 'Perform_Overship_Distribution');

13235: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
13236: ELSIF l_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error THEN
13237: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
13238: DEBUG('Validation failed for inv_quantity_tree_pub.query_quantities', 'Perform_Overship_Distribution');
13239: END IF;
13241: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
13242: END IF;