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Line 207: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, rpad('Data Changes', 11, ' ')||': This lists down all the people (used within AME) that will get migrated to WF_ROLES');

203: sysdate between act.start_date and nvl(act.end_date - (ame_util.oneSecond), sysdate) and
204: sysdate between acty.start_date and nvl(acty.end_date - (ame_util.oneSecond), sysdate);
205: begin
206: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, rpad('Test 1', 11, ' ')||': HR People - To be migrated');
207: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, rpad('Data Changes', 11, ' ')||': This lists down all the people (used within AME) that will get migrated to WF_ROLES');
208: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, rpad('=', 132, '='));
209: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, rpad('Name', 52, ' ') ||rpad('WF_ROLES.NAME', 50,' '));
210: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, lpad(' ', 5, ' ')||rpad('Source Table', 32, ' ')||rpad('Source Object', 42,' ') || rpad('Description', 50,' '));
211: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, rpad('-', 132, '-'));

Line 209: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, rpad('Name', 52, ' ') ||rpad('WF_ROLES.NAME', 50,' '));

205: begin
206: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, rpad('Test 1', 11, ' ')||': HR People - To be migrated');
207: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, rpad('Data Changes', 11, ' ')||': This lists down all the people (used within AME) that will get migrated to WF_ROLES');
208: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, rpad('=', 132, '='));
209: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, rpad('Name', 52, ' ') ||rpad('WF_ROLES.NAME', 50,' '));
210: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, lpad(' ', 5, ' ')||rpad('Source Table', 32, ' ')||rpad('Source Object', 42,' ') || rpad('Description', 50,' '));
211: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, rpad('-', 132, '-'));
212: if approversToBeMigrated.count > 0 then
213: curr_person_id := -1;

Line 248: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, rpad('Data Changes', 11, ' ')||': This lists down all the people (used within AME) already migrated to WF_ROLES');

244: --
245: --
246: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, rpad('=', 132, '='));
247: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, rpad('Test 2', 11, ' ')||': HR People - Already migrated');
248: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, rpad('Data Changes', 11, ' ')||': This lists down all the people (used within AME) already migrated to WF_ROLES');
249: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, rpad('=', 132, '='));
250: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, rpad('Name', 52, ' ') ||rpad('WF_ROLES.NAME', 50,' '));
251: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, lpad(' ', 5, ' ')||rpad('Source Table', 32, ' ')||rpad('Source Object', 42,' ') || rpad('Description', 50,' '));
252: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, rpad('-', 132, '-'));

Line 250: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, rpad('Name', 52, ' ') ||rpad('WF_ROLES.NAME', 50,' '));

246: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, rpad('=', 132, '='));
247: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, rpad('Test 2', 11, ' ')||': HR People - Already migrated');
248: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, rpad('Data Changes', 11, ' ')||': This lists down all the people (used within AME) already migrated to WF_ROLES');
249: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, rpad('=', 132, '='));
250: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, rpad('Name', 52, ' ') ||rpad('WF_ROLES.NAME', 50,' '));
251: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, lpad(' ', 5, ' ')||rpad('Source Table', 32, ' ')||rpad('Source Object', 42,' ') || rpad('Description', 50,' '));
252: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, rpad('-', 132, '-'));
253: if migratedApprovers.count > 0 then
254: curr_person_id := -1;

Line 390: from wf_roles wf

386: select distinct oldappr.person_id person_id
387: from ame_temp_old_approver_lists oldappr
388: where oldappr.person_id is not null
389: and not exists (select null
390: from wf_roles wf
391: where wf.orig_system_id = oldappr.person_id
392: and wf.orig_system = 'PER'
393: and wf.status = 'ACTIVE'
394: and (wf.expiration_date is null or

Line 404: and not exists (select null from wf_roles wf

400: cursor c_delAppr_NoWfRoles is
401: select distinct del.person_id person_id
402: from ame_temp_deletions del
403: where del.person_id is not null
404: and not exists (select null from wf_roles wf
405: where wf.orig_system_id = del.person_id
406: and wf.orig_system = 'PER'
407: and wf.status = 'ACTIVE'
408: and (wf.expiration_date is null or

Line 418: and not exists (select null from wf_roles wf

414: cursor c_insAppr_NoWfRoles is
415: select distinct ins.person_id person_id
416: from ame_temp_insertions ins
417: where ins.person_id is not null
418: and not exists (select null from wf_roles wf
419: where wf.orig_system_id = ins.person_id
420: and wf.orig_system = 'PER'
421: and wf.status = 'ACTIVE'
422: and (wf.expiration_date is null or

Line 434: and not exists (select null from wf_roles wf

430: ,cond.parameter_one
431: ,cond.parameter_two person_id
432: from ame_conditions cond
433: where cond.parameter_one in ('any_approver_person_id','final_approver_person_id')
434: and not exists (select null from wf_roles wf
435: where wf.orig_system_id = cond.parameter_two
436: and wf.orig_system = 'PER'
437: and wf.status = 'ACTIVE'
438: and (wf.expiration_date is null or

Line 455: and not exists (select null from wf_roles wf

451: and grp.approval_group_id = grpitems.approval_group_id
452: and grp.start_date = (select max(start_date)
453: from ame_approval_groups
454: where approval_group_id = grp.approval_group_id)
455: and not exists (select null from wf_roles wf
456: where wf.orig_system_id = grpitems.parameter
457: and wf.orig_system = 'PER'
458: and wf.status = 'ACTIVE'
459: and (wf.expiration_date is null or

Line 476: and not exists (select null from wf_roles wf

472: and grp.approval_group_id = grpmem.approval_group_id
473: and grp.start_date = (select max(start_date)
474: from ame_approval_groups
475: where approval_group_id = grp.approval_group_id)
476: and not exists (select null from wf_roles wf
477: where wf.orig_system_id = grpmem.parameter
478: and wf.orig_system = 'PER'
479: and wf.status = 'ACTIVE'
480: and (wf.expiration_date is null or

Line 495: and not exists (select null from wf_roles wf

491: and not exists (select null from ame_config_vars config2
492: where config2.rowid = config1.rowid
493: --and config2.variable_value like 'person_id:,user_id%'
494: and substrb(config2.variable_value,1,12) in ('person_id:,u','person_id:0,'))
495: and not exists (select null from wf_roles wf
496: where wf.orig_system_id = substrb(config1.variable_value, 11, instrb(config1.variable_value,',')-11)
497: and wf.orig_system = 'PER'
498: and wf.status = 'ACTIVE'
499: and (wf.expiration_date is null or

Line 515: from wf_roles wf

511: where name = ame_util.substitutionTypeName
512: and action_type_id = ame_actions.action_type_id
513: and rownum < 2)
514: and not exists (select null
515: from wf_roles wf
516: where wf.orig_system_id = substrb(ame_actions.parameter, instrb(ame_actions.parameter,':')+1)
517: and wf.orig_system = 'PER'
518: and wf.status = 'ACTIVE'
519: and (wf.expiration_date is null or

Line 533: from wf_roles wf

529: select distinct oldappr.person_id person_id
530: from ame_temp_old_approver_lists oldappr
531: where oldappr.person_id is not null
532: and exists (select null
533: from wf_roles wf
534: where wf.orig_system_id = oldappr.person_id
535: and wf.orig_system = 'PER'
536: and wf.status = 'ACTIVE'
537: and (wf.expiration_date is null or

Line 549: from wf_roles wf

545: select distinct del.person_id person_id
546: from ame_temp_deletions del
547: where del.person_id is not null
548: and exists (select null
549: from wf_roles wf
550: where wf.orig_system_id = del.person_id
551: and wf.orig_system = 'PER'
552: and wf.status = 'ACTIVE'
553: and (wf.expiration_date is null or

Line 565: from wf_roles wf

561: select distinct ins.person_id person_id
562: from ame_temp_insertions ins
563: where ins.person_id is not null
564: and exists (select null
565: from wf_roles wf
566: where wf.orig_system_id = ins.person_id
567: and wf.orig_system = 'PER'
568: and wf.status = 'ACTIVE'
569: and (wf.expiration_date is null or

Line 585: from wf_roles wf

581: from ame_conditions cond
582: where cond.parameter_one in ('any_approver','final_approver')
583: and cond.parameter_two like 'AME_MIGRATION%'
584: and exists (select null
585: from wf_roles wf
586: where wf.name = cond.parameter_two
587: and wf.orig_system = 'PER'
588: and wf.status = 'ACTIVE'
589: and (wf.expiration_date is null or

Line 602: where grpitems.parameter_name = 'wf_roles_name'

598: ,parameter
599: ,grp.name
600: from ame_approval_group_items grpitems
601: ,ame_approval_groups grp
602: where grpitems.parameter_name = 'wf_roles_name'
603: and grp.approval_group_id = grpitems.approval_group_id
604: and grp.start_date = (select max(start_date)
605: from ame_approval_groups
606: where approval_group_id = grp.approval_group_id)

Line 608: and exists (select null from wf_roles wf

604: and grp.start_date = (select max(start_date)
605: from ame_approval_groups
606: where approval_group_id = grp.approval_group_id)
607: and parameter like 'AME_MIGRATION%'
608: and exists (select null from wf_roles wf
609: where wf.name = grpitems.parameter
610: and wf.orig_system = 'PER'
611: and wf.status = 'ACTIVE'
612: and (wf.expiration_date is null or

Line 625: where grpmem.parameter_name = 'wf_roles_name'

621: ,grpmem.parameter
622: ,grp.name
623: from ame_approval_group_members grpmem
624: ,ame_approval_groups grp
625: where grpmem.parameter_name = 'wf_roles_name'
626: and grp.approval_group_id = grpmem.approval_group_id
627: and grp.start_date = (select max(start_date)
628: from ame_approval_groups
629: where approval_group_id = grp.approval_group_id)

Line 631: and exists (select null from wf_roles wf

627: and grp.start_date = (select max(start_date)
628: from ame_approval_groups
629: where approval_group_id = grp.approval_group_id)
630: and grpmem.parameter like 'AME_MIGRATION%'
631: and exists (select null from wf_roles wf
632: where wf.name = grpmem.parameter
633: and wf.orig_system = 'PER'
634: and wf.status = 'ACTIVE'
635: and (wf.expiration_date is null or

Line 646: and exists (select null from wf_roles wf

642: select substrb(config1.variable_value, instrb(config1.variable_value,'AME_MIGRATION_')+14) person_id
643: from ame_config_vars config1
644: where config1.variable_name = 'adminApprover'
645: and config1.variable_value like 'AME_MIGRATION%'
646: and exists (select null from wf_roles wf
647: where name = config1.variable_value
648: and wf.orig_system = 'PER'
649: and wf.status = 'ACTIVE'
650: and (wf.expiration_date is null or

Line 666: from wf_roles wf

662: where name = ame_util.substitutionTypeName
663: and action_type_id = ame_actions.action_type_id
664: and rownum < 2)
665: and exists (select null
666: from wf_roles wf
667: where wf.name = ame_actions.parameter
668: and wf.orig_system = 'PER'
669: and wf.status = 'ACTIVE'
670: and (wf.expiration_date is null or