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1 PACKAGE BODY irc_query_parser_pkg
2 /* $Header: irctxqpr.pkb 120.0 2005/07/26 15:02:04 mbocutt noship $ */
3 AS
4 --
5 --
6 --
7 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 -- |------------------------< remove_sequence >-------------------------------|
9 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 -- Description:
11 --   This function replaces the sequential occurrences of a character with a
12 --   single occurrence of the character in the input text and returns the
13 --   resulting text.
14 --   Arguments
15 --   1)The first argument,input_text, is the input string.
16 --   2)The second argument,onechar, is the character whose sequential occurrences
17 --     should be replaced with a single occurrence.
18 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
19    FUNCTION remove_sequence(input_text in varchar2, onechar in varchar2)
20      return varchar2
21    AS
22      result varchar2(2000);
23      twochar varchar2(2);
24    BEGIN
25      twochar := onechar || onechar;
26      result:=ltrim(rtrim(input_text));
27      --
28      while(instrb(result,twochar)>0) loop
29        result:=replace(result,twochar,onechar);
30      end loop;
31      --
32      return result;
33    END remove_sequence;
34 --
35 --
36 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
37 -- |----------------------< remove_spl_chars >-----------------------------|
38 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
39 -- Description:
40 --   This function removes the non-allowed characters from the input text
41 --   and returns the remaining text.
42 --
43 --   The ascii values of the allowed characters are:-
44 --   32,34,37,40, 41,42,45,
45 --   48-57(both inclusive),
46 --   65-90(both inclusive),
47 --   97-122(both inclusive)
48 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
49    FUNCTION remove_spl_chars(input_text in varchar2)
50      return varchar2
51    AS
52      result       VARCHAR2 (2000); -- String w/o special characters
53      len number := 1;
54      l_count number :=1;
55      onechar varchar2(30); -- Each Character of the i/p parse_text
56      asciiVal number;
57    BEGIN
58      result := input_text;
59      len := length(result);
60    --
61      while(l_count<=len)loop
62        onechar  := substr (result, l_count, 1);
63        asciiVal := ascii(onechar);
64        if((asciiVal<32)
65           or (asciiVal >32 and asciiVal <34)
66           or (asciiVal >34 and asciiVal <37)
67           or (asciiVal >37 and asciiVal <40)
68           or (asciiVal >42 and asciiVal <45)
69           or (asciiVal >45 and asciiVal <48)
70           or (asciiVal >57 and asciiVal <65)
71           or (asciiVal >90 and asciiVal <97)
72           or (asciiVal >122 and asciiVal<170)
73           or (asciiVal >170 and asciiVal<181)
74           or (asciiVal >181 and asciiVal<192)
75           or (asciiVal =215)
76           or (asciiVal =247)
77        )
78        then
79          result := replace(result,onechar);
80          l_count:=l_count-1;
81          len := length(result);
82        end if;
83        l_count := l_count +1;
84      end loop;
85      --
86      --remove unneccesary spaces that would have
87      --cropped due to removing the special characters
88      --For e.g, 'a / b' becomes 'a  b'due to the above code.
89      --
90      result := remove_sequence(result,' ');
91      return result;
92    END remove_spl_chars;
93 --
94 --
95 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
96 -- |--------------------------< query_parser >-----------------------------|
97 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
98 -- Description:
99 --   This function returns the parsed text of the input text
100 --
101 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
102    FUNCTION query_parser (input_text IN VARCHAR2)
104    AS
105       result varchar2(2000);
106       pos number;
107       pos2 number;
108    begin
109       result := upper(input_text);
110       result := remove_sequence(result,' ');
112       --remove +- as an invalid set of characters
113       result:= replace(result,' +-',' ');
114       result:= replace(result,'-+ ',' ');
115       result:=remove_spl_chars(result);
116       result:= replace(result,'*','%');
117       --Replace sequential occurrences of % with a single occurrence
118       result := remove_sequence(result,'%');
120       --Remove trailing '-' characters.
121       --We need to handle '-' character only as other
122       --operators are removed by remove_spl_chars()
124       while(substrb(result,length(result),1) = '-') loop
125         result := rtrim(rtrim(result,'-'));
126       end loop;
128       result:=replace(result,' - ',' ~');
129       result:=replace(result,' -',' ~');
130       result:=replace(result,'-','\-');
131       result:=replace(result,' AND ',' ');
132       result:=replace(result,' OR ',' |');
133       result:=replace(result,' NOT ',' ~');
134       result:=replace(result,'( ','(');
135       result:=replace(result,' )',')');
136       result:=replace(result,' % ',' ');
137       if(substrb(result,length(result)-1,2)=' %') then
138         result := substrb(result,1,length(result)-2);
139       end if;
141       result:=replace(result,' |','#OR#');
142       result:=replace(result,' ~','#NOT#');
143       result:=replace(result,' ','#AND#');
144       result:=replace(result,'#',' ');
146       result:=remove_sequence(result,'"');
147       pos:=instrb(result,'"',1,1);
148       while(pos>0) loop
149         pos2:=instrb(result,'"',1,2);
150         if(pos2>0) then
151           result:=substrb(result,1,pos-1)||'('||replace(substrb(result,pos+1,pos2-pos-1),' AND ',' ')||')'||substrb(result,pos2+1);
152         else
153           result := substrb(result,1,pos-1) || substrb(result,pos+1);
154         end if;
155         pos:=instrb(result,'"',1,1);
156       end loop;
157      result := remove_sequence(result,' ');
158      while(instrb(result,' AND AND ')>0) loop
159        result:=replace(result,' AND AND ',' AND ');
160      end loop;
161      result:=ltrim(rtrim(result));
162       while (substrb(result,length(result)-3,4) = ' AND') loop
163         result:=substrb(result,1,length(result)-4);
164       end loop;
165       return result;
166    END query_parser;
167 --
168 --
169 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
170 -- |------------------------< isInvalidToken >-------------------------------|
171 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
172 -- Description:
173 --   This function checks the validity of the parsed text and returns TRUE
174 --   in the following cases:-
175 --   a)the parsed text contains at least a wildcard in a token of length 2
176 --   OR
177 --   b)the parsed text contains atleast two wildcards in a token of length 3
178 --   OR
179 --   c)the parsed text contains a token that starts with '%(' or ends with ')%'
180 --   d)the parsed text contains only logical operators like AND, NOT, OR
181 --   Else, false is returned.
182 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
183    FUNCTION isInvalidToken (input_text IN VARCHAR2)
184       RETURN Boolean
185    AS
186       result varchar2(2000);
187       token irc_search_criteria.keywords%type;
188       pos number;
189       pos2 number;
190       isInvalidOperator boolean := true;
191    BEGIN
192       result := input_text;
193       while(length(result)>0) loop
194         pos := instrb(result,' ');
195         if(pos=0) then
196           pos:=length(result)+1;
197         end if;
198         token:=substrb(result,1,pos-1);
199         result := substrb(result,pos+1);
200 --dbms_output.put_line(token);
201         if(((length(token) = 2) and (instrb(token,'%') > 0))
202            OR((length(token) = 3) and (instrb(token,'%',1,2) > 0))) then
203           return true;
204         elsif (substrb(token,1,2)='%(' OR substrb(token,1,2)='%)' OR substrb(token,length(token)-1,2) = ')%' OR substrb(token,length(token)-1,2) = '(%') then
205           return true;
206         elsif (NOT((token = 'OR') OR (token = 'AND') OR (token = 'NOT'))) then
207           isInvalidOperator := false;
208         end if;
209       end loop;
210       return isInvalidOperator;
211    END isInvalidToken;
212 --
213 --
214 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
215 -- |------------------------ isInvalidKeyword >----------------------------|
216 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
217 -- Description:
218 --   This function checks the validity of the keyword and returns
219 --   TRUE if it is invalid and false otherwise.
220 --   A parsed keyword is invalid if
221 --   a)it has  null tokens like () or ( )
222 --   b)any token contains only wildcard characters, eg, (%)
223 --   c)the parsed keyword contains '(IRC%)'
224 --   d)the parsed keyword has a leading negative term
225 --   e)the parsed keyword contains at least one wildcard in a token of
226 --     length 2 or at least two wildcards in a token of length 3
227 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
228    FUNCTION isInvalidKeyword (input_text IN VARCHAR2)
229       RETURN Boolean
230    AS
231       result varchar2(2000);
232    BEGIN
233       -- Obtain the parsed text from the query_parser()
234       result := query_parser(input_text);
235       --
236       --case 1 : Return true if the parsed keyword contains '()' or '( )'
237       --         or is null
238       if(result is null or instrb(result,'()')>0 or instrb(result,'( )')>0) then
239         return true;
240       -- case2  Return true if the parsed keyword contains  just %
241       elsif(instrb(result,' % ')>0) then
242         return true;
243       elsif(substrb(result,1,2)='% ') then
244         return true;
245       elsif(substrb(result,-2,2)=' %') then
246         return true;
247       elsif(result='%') then
248         return true;
249       --case 3 : Return true if the parsed keyword is IRC% or contains 'IRC%'
250       elsif(instrb(result,' IRC% ')>0) then
251         return true;
252       elsif(substrb(result,1,5)='IRC% ') then
253         return true;
254       elsif(substrb(result,-5,5)=' IRC%') then
255         return true;
256       elsif(result='IRC%') then
257         return true;
258       -- case 4 check for starting with a - which always fails
259       elsif (substrb(result,1,2)='\-') then
260         return true;
261       -- case5 Return true if the parsed keyword contains
262       --       one wildcard in a token of length 2
263       --       or two wildcards in a token of length 3
264       elsif(isInvalidToken(result)) then
265         return true;
266       end if;
267       --
268      return false;
269    END isInvalidKeyword;
270 --
271 --
272 END irc_query_parser_pkg;