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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 95

  select bc.book_type_code
  from fa_books bk, fa_book_controls bc
  where bc.book_class = 'CORPORATE'
  and bk.asset_id = X_Asset_Id
  and bk.book_type_code = bc.book_type_code
  and bk.date_ineffective is null;
Line: 103

  select asset_hierarchy_purpose_id
  from   fa_asset_hierarchy_purpose
  where  book_type_code = v_corp_book
  and    purpose_type = 'INHERITANCE';
Line: 110

  select parent_hierarchy_id
  from   fa_asset_hierarchy
  where  asset_id = x_asset_id
  and    asset_hierarchy_purpose_id = x_asset_purpose_id;
Line: 116

  select name
  from fa_asset_hierarchy
  where asset_hierarchy_id = x_parent_hierarchy_id;
Line: 145

  select category_id
  from fa_categories_b_kfv
  where concatenated_segments = x_concatenated_segments;
Line: 159

  select concatenated_segments
  from fa_categories_b_kfv
  where category_id = x_id;
Line: 174

  select concatenated_segments
  from fa_asset_keywords_kfv
  where code_combination_id = x_id;
Line: 188

  select concatenated_segments
  from fa_locations_kfv
  where location_id = x_id;
Line: 202

  select concatenated_segments
  from gl_code_combinations_kfv
  where code_combination_id = x_id;
Line: 217

  select name
  from fa_employees
  where employee_id = x_id;
Line: 232

  select employee_number
  from fa_employees
  where employee_id = x_id;
Line: 249

  select lease_number
  from fa_leases
  where lease_id = x_id;
Line: 264

  select lease_id
  from fa_leases
  where lease_number = x_lease_number;
Line: 279

  SELECT override_allowed_flag
  WHERE hierarchy_rule_set_id = x_rule_set_id
  AND   attribute_name = x_attribute_name
  AND   book_type_code = x_book_type_code;
Line: 334

      select count(*) into h_dist_count
      from fa_distribution_history
      where asset_id = x_Asset_id
      and book_type_code = v_book_type_code
      and  date_ineffective is null;
Line: 340

      select count(*) into h_dist_count2
      from fa_hierarchy_distributions
      where dist_set_id = x_dist_set_id;
Line: 346

 	  select count(*)
	  into h_dist_count3
	  from fa_distribution_history fdh ,fa_hierarchy_distributions ihd,fa_additions fa
	  where  fa.asset_id = x_Asset_id
	  and    fdh.asset_id = x_Asset_id
	  and   fdh.date_ineffective is null
          and   fdh.book_type_code = v_book_type_code
	  and   ihd.dist_set_id = x_dist_set_id
	  and   ihd.code_combination_id||ihd.location_id||ihd.assigned_to||ihd.distribution_line_percentage
	       = fdh.code_combination_id||fdh.location_id||fdh.assigned_to||round(fdh.units_assigned/fa.current_units,2)*100;
Line: 375

  select name
  from fa_asset_hierarchy
  where asset_hierarchy_id = x_id;
Line: 390

  select level_number
  from fa_asset_hierarchy
  where asset_hierarchy_id = x_id;
Line: 405

  select name
  from fa_hierarchy_rule_set
  where hierarchy_rule_set_id = x_id;
Line: 420

 select asset_number
 from fa_additions
 where asset_id = x_id;
Line: 436

  select 1 into dummy
  from dual
  where exists(select 'X' from fa_mass_update_batch_details
               where batch_id = x_batch_id);
Line: 450

  select rate_source_rule
  from fa_methods a, fa_category_book_defaults b
  where b.category_id = x_cat_id
  and book_type_code = x_book_type_code
  and a.method_code = b.deprn_method
  and ( trunc(sysdate) between start_dpis and nvl(end_dpis, trunc(sysdate) ) );
Line: 471

select (cp.end_date)
from fa_calendar_periods cp,
    fa_calendar_types ct,
    fa_book_controls bc
where bc.book_type_code = X_book_type_code and
     bc.date_ineffective is null and
     ct.calendar_type = bc.prorate_calendar  and
     cp.calendar_type = ct.calendar_type and
     x_date between cp.start_date and cp.end_date;
Line: 499

        select prorate_convention_code
        from fa_category_book_defaults
        where category_id = x_category_id
        and book_type_code = x_book
        and ( trunc(sysdate) between start_dpis and nvl(end_dpis, trunc(sysdate)) );
Line: 507

           select  conv.prorate_date
           from    fa_conventions conv
           where   conv.prorate_convention_code = x_prorate_conv
           and     x_deprn_start_date
           between conv.start_date and conv.end_date;
Line: 541

 Select fl.meaning, decode(derived_from_entity,
                           'NODE', FA_CUA_ASSET_WB_APIS_PKG.get_node_name(derived_from_entity_id),
                           'NODE-P', FA_CUA_ASSET_WB_APIS_PKG.get_node_name(derived_from_entity_id),
			   'CATEGORY-LED', FA_CUA_ASSET_WB_APIS_PKG.get_category_name(derived_from_entity_id),
			   'CATEGORY-LIFE', FA_CUA_ASSET_WB_APIS_PKG.get_category_name(derived_from_entity_id),
		            'LEASE', FA_CUA_ASSET_WB_APIS_PKG.get_lease_number(derived_from_entity_id),
			   'ASSET', FA_CUA_ASSET_WB_APIS_PKG.get_asset_number(derived_from_entity_id),
			                null  ), derived_from_entity_id
   from   fa_life_derivation_info, fa_lookups fl
   where asset_id =x_asset_id
   and book_type_code = x_book_type_code
   and transaction_header_id = (select max(transaction_header_id)
                           from fa_life_derivation_info
                           where asset_id =x_asset_id
                           and book_type_code = x_book_type_code
                           and transaction_header_id = nvl(x_transaction_id,
   and     (derived_from_entity = fl.lookup_code
                 AND fl.lookup_type  = 'IFA_HR_SRC_ENTITY_NAME');
Line: 567

     select level_number
     into x_level_number
     from fa_asset_hierarchy
     where asset_hierarchy_id = x_derived_from_entity_id;
Line: 592

  delete from FA_ADJUSTMENTS
  where ASSET_ID              = x_asset_id
  and   BOOK_TYPE_CODE        = x_book_type_code
  and   TRANSACTION_HEADER_ID = x_thid
  and   ADJUSTMENT_TYPE       not in ('COST', 'COST CLEARING');