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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 6

PROCEDURE Update_Status (
   p_transaction_type    IN      VARCHAR2,
   p_level               IN      NUMBER,
   p_valid_rule          IN      VARCHAR2,
   p_action              IN      VARCHAR2,
   p_interface_column_id IN      NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
   p_rule_id             IN      NUMBER,
   p_stage_id            IN      NUMBER,
   p_document_id         IN      NUMBER,
   p_violation_level     IN      VARCHAR2,
   p_document_number     IN      VARCHAR2,
   p_msg_text            IN      VARCHAR2) IS

   xProgress                     VARCHAR2(80);
Line: 28

   ec_debug.push ('ECE_RULES_PKG.UPDATE_STATUS');
Line: 53

         ec_utils.g_ext_levels(p_level).status := g_insert;
Line: 72

            l_new_status := g_insert;
Line: 81

         select ece_rule_violations_s.nextval into l_seq from dual;
Line: 101

        ec_debug.pl (3, 'EC', 'ECE_VIOLATIONS_INSERTED');
Line: 114

         ec_utils.g_ext_levels(p_level).status := g_insert;
Line: 120

   ec_debug.pl (3, 'Updated status',
Line: 122

   ec_debug.pop ('ECE_RULES_PKG.UPDATE_STATUS');
Line: 129

      ec_debug.pop ('ECE_RULES_PKG.UPDATE_STATUS');
Line: 132

END Update_Status;
Line: 170

   select process_rule_id, action_code
   from   ece_process_rules
   where  transaction_type = p_transaction_type and
          map_id = p_map_id and
          rule_type = p_rule_type;
Line: 179

   select ignore_flag
   from   ece_rule_violations
   where  document_id = p_document_id and
          rule_id     = p_rule_id     and
          violation_level = l_violation_level;
Line: 249

      Update_Status(p_transaction_type, p_level, l_valid_rule, l_action_code, NULL,
                    l_rule_id, p_stage_id, p_document_id, l_violation_level,
                    p_document_number, l_msg_text);
Line: 289

         Update_Status(p_transaction_type, p_level, l_valid_rule, l_action_code,
                       NULL, l_rule_id, p_stage_id, p_document_id,
                       l_violation_level, p_document_number, l_msg_text);
Line: 376

   select td.tp_detail_id,
   from   ece_tp_details td,
          hz_cust_acct_sites_all   ra
   where  td.translator_code       = l_translator_code and
          ra.ece_tp_location_code  = l_location_code and
          ra.tp_header_id          = td.tp_header_id and
          td.document_id           = p_transaction_type and
          td.map_id                = p_map_id   and
          nvl(ra.org_id,-99)       = nvl(l_org_id,nvl(ra.org_id,-99)) and
          nvl(ra.status,'ZZ')      = 'A'; -- fix for bug 6401982
Line: 390

   select td.tp_detail_id,
   from   ece_tp_details td,
          po_vendor_sites_all pvs
   where  td.translator_code       = l_translator_code and
          pvs.ece_tp_location_code = l_location_code and
          pvs.tp_header_id         = td.tp_header_id and
          td.document_id           = p_transaction_type and
          td.map_id                = p_map_id   and
          nvl(pvs.org_id,-99)      = nvl(l_org_id,nvl(pvs.org_id,-99));
Line: 403

   select td.tp_detail_id,
   from   ece_tp_details td,
          ce_bank_branches_v cbb,
          hz_contact_points hcp
   where  td.translator_code           = l_translator_code and
          hcp.edi_ece_tp_location_code = l_location_code and
          hcp.edi_tp_header_id         = td.tp_header_id and
          hcp.owner_table_id           = cbb.branch_party_id and
          hcp.owner_table_name         = 'HZ_PARTIES' and
          hcp.contact_point_type       = 'EDI' and
          td.document_id               = p_transaction_type and
          td.map_id                    = p_map_id  ;
Line: 419

   select td.tp_detail_id,
   from   ece_tp_details td,
          hr_locations hrl
   where  td.translator_code       = l_translator_code and
          hrl.ece_tp_location_code = l_location_code and
          hrl.tp_header_id         = td.tp_header_id and
          td.document_id           = p_transaction_type and
          td.map_id                = p_map_id ;
Line: 544

      /*select map_code into l_map_code
      from ece_mappings
      where map_id = p_map_id;
Line: 620

   no_row_selected               EXCEPTION;
Line: 623

   select test_flag
   from   ece_tp_details
   where  tp_detail_id = p_tp_detail_id and
          rownum       = 1;
Line: 654

      raise no_row_selected;
Line: 676

   WHEN no_row_selected then
     if (c_test_flag%ISOPEN) then
        close c_test_flag;
Line: 680

     ec_debug.pl (0, 'EC', 'ECE_NO_ROW_SELECTED',
                  'PROGRESS_LEVEL', xProgress,
                  'INFO', 'TEST_FLAG',
                  'TABLE_NAME', 'ECE_TP_DETAILS');
Line: 737

   select column_rule_id, rule_type, action_code
   from   ece_column_rules
   where  interface_column_id = p_interface_column_id
   order  by sequence;
Line: 748

   select ignore_flag
   from   ece_rule_violations
   where  document_id         = p_document_id         and
          interface_column_id = p_interface_column_id and
          stage_id            = p_stage_id            and
          rule_id             = p_rule_id             and
          violation_level     = l_violation_level; */
Line: 928

                  Update_Status(p_transaction_type, p_level, l_valid_rule,
                                l_action_code, l_interface_column_id, l_rule_id,
                                p_stage_id, p_document_id, l_violation_level,
                                p_document_number, l_msg_text);
Line: 1076

   l_select                    VARCHAR2(32000);
Line: 1084

   select lookup_column, lookup_table, lookup_where_clause
   from   ece_rule_simple_lookup
   where  column_rule_id = p_rule_id;
Line: 1117

   l_select := ' SELECT count(*)';
Line: 1127

   l_select := l_select || l_from || l_where;
Line: 1130

   ec_debug.pl (3, l_select);
Line: 1138

      dbms_sql.parse (l_sel_c, l_select, dbms_sql.native);
Line: 1142

            ( dbms_sql.last_error_position, l_select);
Line: 1172

      fnd_message.set_token ('LOOKUP_SELECT', l_select);
Line: 1219

   select valueset_name
   from   ece_rule_valueset
   where  column_rule_id = p_rule_id;
Line: 1224

   select flex_value_set_id
   from   fnd_flex_value_sets
   where  flex_value_set_name = l_valueset_name;
Line: 1364

   select null_dependency_rule_id, comparison_code
   from   ece_rule_null_dep
   where  column_rule_id = p_rule_id;
Line: 1369

   select interface_column, comparison_code, value
   from   ece_rule_null_dep_details
   where  null_dependency_rule_id = l_null_rule_id
   order by null_dependency_detail_id;
Line: 1513

   select list_rule_id, comparison_code
   from   ece_rule_list
   where  column_rule_id = p_rule_id;
Line: 1518

   select count(*)
   from   ece_rule_list_details
   where  list_rule_id = l_list_rule_id and
          value = p_column_value;
Line: 1620

   select default_type_code, value_column_name
   from   ece_rule_null_default
   where  column_rule_id = p_rule_id;
Line: 1680

      ec_debug.pl (3, 'Updated Column Value', p_staging_tbl(n_column_pos).value);
Line: 1873

   select process_rule_id, action_code
   from   ece_process_rules
   where  transaction_type = l_transaction_type and
          map_id = l_map_id and
          rule_type = l_rule_type;
Line: 2020

      select DECODE (ec_utils.g_stack(l_stack_pos).variable_value,
                     g_bank, ece_trading_partners_pub.g_bank,
                     g_customer, ece_trading_partners_pub.g_customer,
                     g_supplier, ece_trading_partners_pub.g_supplier,
                     g_hr_location, ece_trading_partners_pub.g_hr_location,
                     NULL) into l_address_type from dual;
Line: 2546

   Update_Status (l_transaction_type, ec_utils.g_current_level, l_valid_rule,
                  l_action_code, NULL, l_rule_id, l_stage_id, l_document_id,
                  g_process_rule, l_document_number, l_msg_text);
Line: 4250

   l_select                    VARCHAR2(32000);
Line: 4259

   l_select := ' SELECT ' || p_column_name;
Line: 4261

   l_select := l_select || l_from;
Line: 4265

      l_select := l_select || l_where;
Line: 4271

      dbms_sql.parse (l_sel_c, l_select, dbms_sql.native);
Line: 4304

   select process_rule_id, action_code
   from   ece_process_rules
   where  transaction_type = p_transaction_type and
          map_id = p_map_id and
          rule_type = p_rule_type;
Line: 4313

   select ignore_flag
   from   ece_rule_violations
   where  document_id = p_document_id and
          rule_id     = p_rule_id     and
          violation_level = l_violation_level;