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Line 528: wsh_trip_stops st,

524: CURSOR c_first_trip_ship_method (x_delivery_id IN NUMBER,
525: x_initial_loc_id IN NUMBER)IS
526: SELECT wt.ship_method_code
527: FROM wsh_delivery_legs dlg,
528: wsh_trip_stops st,
529: wsh_trips wt
530: WHERE dlg.delivery_id = x_delivery_id
531: AND st.stop_id = dlg.pick_up_stop_id
532: AND st.stop_location_id = x_initial_loc_id

Line 754: FROM wsh_trip_stops a, wsh_trips b, wsh_trip_stops c

750: x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS
752: Cursor lock_stop_trip (c_stop_id NUMBER) IS
753: SELECT a.stop_id self_stop_id, b.trip_id, c.stop_id other_stop_id
754: FROM wsh_trip_stops a, wsh_trips b, wsh_trip_stops c
755: WHERE a.trip_id = b.trip_id AND
756: a.stop_id = c_stop_id AND
757: c.trip_id = b.trip_id AND
758: a.stop_id <> C.stop_id

Line 766: l_action_prms WSH_TRIP_STOPS_GRP.action_parameters_rectype;

762: l_self_stop_id NUMBER;
763: l_other_stop_id NUMBER;
764: l_trip_id NUMBER;
765: l_return_status VARCHAR2(1);
766: l_action_prms WSH_TRIP_STOPS_GRP.action_parameters_rectype;
767: l_rec_attr_tab WSH_TRIP_STOPS_PVT.Stop_Attr_Tbl_Type;
768: l_stop_out_rec WSH_TRIP_STOPS_GRP.stopActionOutRecType;
769: l_def_rec WSH_TRIP_STOPS_GRP.default_parameters_rectype;
770: l_msg_count NUMBER;

Line 767: l_rec_attr_tab WSH_TRIP_STOPS_PVT.Stop_Attr_Tbl_Type;

763: l_other_stop_id NUMBER;
764: l_trip_id NUMBER;
765: l_return_status VARCHAR2(1);
766: l_action_prms WSH_TRIP_STOPS_GRP.action_parameters_rectype;
767: l_rec_attr_tab WSH_TRIP_STOPS_PVT.Stop_Attr_Tbl_Type;
768: l_stop_out_rec WSH_TRIP_STOPS_GRP.stopActionOutRecType;
769: l_def_rec WSH_TRIP_STOPS_GRP.default_parameters_rectype;
770: l_msg_count NUMBER;
771: l_msg_data VARCHAR2(2000);

Line 768: l_stop_out_rec WSH_TRIP_STOPS_GRP.stopActionOutRecType;

764: l_trip_id NUMBER;
765: l_return_status VARCHAR2(1);
766: l_action_prms WSH_TRIP_STOPS_GRP.action_parameters_rectype;
767: l_rec_attr_tab WSH_TRIP_STOPS_PVT.Stop_Attr_Tbl_Type;
768: l_stop_out_rec WSH_TRIP_STOPS_GRP.stopActionOutRecType;
769: l_def_rec WSH_TRIP_STOPS_GRP.default_parameters_rectype;
770: l_msg_count NUMBER;
771: l_msg_data VARCHAR2(2000);
772: l_debug_on BOOLEAN;

Line 769: l_def_rec WSH_TRIP_STOPS_GRP.default_parameters_rectype;

765: l_return_status VARCHAR2(1);
766: l_action_prms WSH_TRIP_STOPS_GRP.action_parameters_rectype;
767: l_rec_attr_tab WSH_TRIP_STOPS_PVT.Stop_Attr_Tbl_Type;
768: l_stop_out_rec WSH_TRIP_STOPS_GRP.stopActionOutRecType;
769: l_def_rec WSH_TRIP_STOPS_GRP.default_parameters_rectype;
770: l_msg_count NUMBER;
771: l_msg_data VARCHAR2(2000);
772: l_debug_on BOOLEAN;
773: l_module_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(100) := 'wsh.plsql.' || G_PKG_NAME || '.' || 'Close_A_Stop';

Line 801: WSH_DEBUG_SV.log(l_module_name, 'Stop locked, calling WSH_TRIP_STOPS_GRP.Stop_Action for stop '|| to_char(p_stop_id));

798: SAVEPOINT beginning_of_the_procedure;
800: IF l_debug_on THEN
801: WSH_DEBUG_SV.log(l_module_name, 'Stop locked, calling WSH_TRIP_STOPS_GRP.Stop_Action for stop '|| to_char(p_stop_id));
802: END IF;
804: l_action_prms.action_code := 'UPDATE-STATUS';
805: l_action_prms.stop_action := 'CLOSE';

Line 815: WSH_TRIP_STOPS_GRP.Stop_Action

812: l_rec_attr_tab(1).stop_id := p_stop_id;
815: WSH_TRIP_STOPS_GRP.Stop_Action
816: ( p_api_version_number => 1.0,
817: p_init_msg_list => FND_API.G_FALSE,
818: p_commit => FND_API.G_FALSE,
819: p_action_prms => l_action_prms,

Line 914: wsh_trip_stops wst,

910: CURSOR get_pick_up_stops IS
911: SELECT DISTINCT wtp.trip_id, wst.stop_sequence_number, wst.stop_id, wst.stop_location_id
912: FROM wsh_new_deliveries wnd,
913: wsh_delivery_legs wlg,
914: wsh_trip_stops wst,
915: wsh_trips wtp
916: WHERE wnd.delivery_id = wlg.delivery_id AND
917: wlg.pick_up_stop_id = wst.stop_id AND
918: wnd.status_code = 'CO' AND

Line 935: from wsh_trip_stops wsto

932: --Modified the following SQL as part of bug 4280371 ( 30-Jun-2005 ).
933: CURSOR get_all_stops IS
934: select wsto.trip_id, wsto.stop_sequence_number, wsto.stop_id , wsto.stop_location_id
935: from wsh_trip_stops wsto
936: , wsh_new_deliveries wnd
937: , wsh_delivery_legs wlg
938: , wsh_trip_stops wst
939: where wnd.batch_id = p_sc_batch_id

Line 938: , wsh_trip_stops wst

934: select wsto.trip_id, wsto.stop_sequence_number, wsto.stop_id , wsto.stop_location_id
935: from wsh_trip_stops wsto
936: , wsh_new_deliveries wnd
937: , wsh_delivery_legs wlg
938: , wsh_trip_stops wst
939: where wnd.batch_id = p_sc_batch_id
940: and wnd.status_code = 'CO'
941: and wnd.delivery_id = wlg.delivery_id
942: and wlg.pick_up_stop_id = wst.stop_id

Line 959: FROM wsh_trip_stops wts,

955: -- added cursor to check if interface is necessary
956: -- 3667595
957: CURSOR c_batch_stop(p_batch_id NUMBER)IS
958: SELECT wts.stop_id
959: FROM wsh_trip_stops wts,
960: wsh_delivery_legs wdl,
961: wsh_new_deliveries wnd,
962: wsh_picking_batches wpb
963: WHERE p_batch_id IS NOT NULL