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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 27

    ,       xc.batch_name
    ,       xc.system_linkage_function
    --,       xc.batch_name ||xc.system_linkage_function|| to_char(P_xface_id) exp_group_name name  --Bug 3035863 : commented as its not used anywhere
            pa_transaction_xface_control xc
            xc.transaction_source = P_transaction_source
       AND  xc.batch_name         = nvl(P_batch, xc.batch_name)
       AND  xc.status             = 'PENDING';
Line: 41

    SELECT allow_emp_org_override_flag ,
           purgeable_flag              ,   -- Added following columns for Bug 3035863
	   gl_accounted_flag ,
           allow_reversal_flag     ,
           costed_flag             ,
      from pa_transaction_sources
     where transaction_source = P_TRANSACTION_SOURCE ;
Line: 55

            to_char(trunc(expenditure_ending_date), 'J')||':'||
            nvl(employee_number, '-DUMMY EMP-')||':'||
            nvl(organization_name, '-DUMMY ORG-')||':'||
            nvl(orig_exp_txn_reference1, '-DUMMY EXP_TXN_REF1-') || ':' ||
            nvl(orig_user_exp_txn_reference, '-DUMMY USER_EXP_TXN_REF-') || ':' ||
            nvl(vendor_number, '-DUMMY VENDOR_NUMBER-') || ':' ||
            nvl(orig_exp_txn_reference2, '-DUMMY EXP_TXN_REF2-') || ':' ||
            nvl(orig_exp_txn_reference3, '-DUMMY EXP_TXN_REF3-') expend
    ,       decode(system_linkage,'OT','ST',system_linkage) || ':' ||
            decode(system_linkage,'ER', nvl(denom_currency_code,'-DUMMY CODE-'),
                                  'VI', nvl(denom_currency_code,'-DUMMY CODE-'),
                                  '-DUMMY CODE-')||':'||
            decode(system_linkage,'ER', nvl(to_char(acct_rate_date,'MMDDYYYY'),'-DUMMY DATE-'),
                                  'VI', nvl(to_char(acct_rate_date,'MMDDYYYY'),'-DUMMY DATE-'),
                                  '-DUMMY DATE-')||':'||
            decode(system_linkage,'ER', nvl(acct_rate_type,'-DUMMY TYPE-'),
                                  'VI', nvl(acct_rate_type,'-DUMMY TYPE-'),
                                  '-DUMMY TYPE-')||':'||
            decode(system_linkage,'ER', nvl(to_char(acct_exchange_rate),'-DUMMY RATE-'),
                                  'VI', nvl(to_char(acct_exchange_rate),'-DUMMY RATE-'),
                                  '-DUMMY RATE-') expend2
    ,       system_linkage
    ,       trunc(expenditure_ending_date) expenditure_ending_date
    ,       employee_number
    ,       organization_name
    ,       trunc(expenditure_item_date) expenditure_item_date
    ,       project_number
    ,       task_number
    ,       expenditure_type
    ,       non_labor_resource
    ,       non_labor_resource_org_name
    ,       quantity
    ,       raw_cost
    ,       raw_cost_rate
    ,       orig_transaction_reference
    ,       attribute_category
    ,       attribute1
    ,       attribute2
    ,       attribute3
    ,       attribute4
    ,       attribute5
    ,       attribute6
    ,       attribute7
    ,       attribute8
    ,       attribute9
    ,       attribute10
    ,       expenditure_comment
    ,       interface_id
    ,       expenditure_id
    ,       nvl(unmatched_negative_txn_flag, 'N') unmatched_negative_txn_flag
    ,       to_number( NULL )  expenditure_item_id
    ,       to_number( NULL )  job_id
    ,       org_id             org_id
    ,       dr_code_combination_id
    ,       cr_code_combination_id
    ,       cdl_system_reference1
    ,       cdl_system_reference2
    ,       cdl_system_reference3
    ,       gl_date
    ,       burdened_cost
    ,       burdened_cost_rate
    ,       receipt_currency_amount
    ,       receipt_currency_code
    ,	      receipt_exchange_rate
    ,       denom_currency_code
    ,	      denom_raw_cost
    ,	      denom_burdened_cost
    ,	      acct_rate_date
    ,	      acct_rate_type
    ,       acct_exchange_rate
    ,       pa_currency.round_currency_amt(acct_raw_cost) acct_raw_cost
    ,       acct_burdened_cost
    ,       acct_exchange_rounding_limit
    ,       project_currency_code
    ,       project_rate_date
    ,       project_rate_type
    ,       project_exchange_rate
    ,       orig_exp_txn_reference1
    ,       orig_user_exp_txn_reference
    ,       vendor_number
    ,       orig_exp_txn_reference2
    ,       orig_exp_txn_reference3
    ,       override_to_organization_name
    ,       reversed_orig_txn_reference
    ,       billable_flag
    ,       txn_interface_id
    ,       person_business_group_name
	-- Bug 2464841 : Added parameters for 11.5 PA-J certification.
    ,	    projfunc_currency_code
    ,	    projfunc_cost_rate_type
    ,	    projfunc_cost_rate_date
    ,	    projfunc_cost_exchange_rate
    ,	    project_raw_cost
    ,	    project_burdened_cost
    ,	    assignment_name
    ,	    work_type_name
    ,	    accrual_flag
    ,       project_id -- PA.L Changes
    ,       task_id
    ,       person_id
    ,       organization_id
    ,       non_labor_resource_org_id
    ,       vendor_id
    ,       override_to_organization_id
    ,       assignment_id
    ,       work_type_id
    ,       person_business_group_id   -- PA.L Changes end.
    ,       po_number  /* cwk */
    ,       po_header_id
    ,       po_line_num
    ,       po_line_id
    ,       person_type
    ,       po_price_type
    ,       wip_resource_id
    ,       inventory_item_id
    ,       unit_of_measure
      FROM pa_transaction_interface_all
     WHERE transaction_source = X_transaction_source
       AND batch_name = current_batch
       AND transaction_status_code = 'P'
       AND decode(system_linkage,'OT','ST',system_linkage) =
    ,       expenditure_ending_date DESC
    ,       employee_number
    ,       organization_name
    ,       orig_exp_txn_reference1
    ,       orig_user_exp_txn_reference
    ,       vendor_number
    ,       orig_exp_txn_reference2
    ,       orig_exp_txn_reference3
    ,       denom_currency_code
    ,	      acct_rate_date
    ,	      acct_rate_type
    ,	      acct_exchange_rate
    ,       expenditure_item_date
    ,       project_number
    ,       task_number
    FOR UPDATE OF transaction_status_code;
Line: 202

    SELECT original_encumbrance_item_id ,
           DECODE(original_encumbrance_item_id,NULL,NULL,'Y')  net_zero_adjustment_flag
      FROM gms_transaction_interface_all
     WHERE txn_interface_id = p_txn_interface_id ;
Line: 272

       SELECT 1
              transaction_source = trx_source
         AND  batch_name = NVL(batch,batch_name) -- Bug 3035863 : Introduced NVL as batch can be NULL
         AND  system_linkage_function = NVL(etypeclasscode,system_linkage_function) -- Bug 3035863 : Introduced NVL as etypeclasscode can be NULL
         AND  status = 'PENDING'
      FOR UPDATE OF status NOWAIT;
Line: 301

	  from control table pa_transaction_xface_control and updates them to 'IN_PROGRESS'
	  during processing .At the end of process updates them to 'PROCESSED' if successful
	  else in case of failure updates them back to 'PENDING' status.

          But in Grants the records are marked and left in 'IN_PROGRESS' status. We don't
	  mark the records to 'PROCESSED'  as the Projects code deletes 'PROCESSED' records
	  when purgeable_flag is set to 'Yes'.And to prevent user from updating/deleting
	  the Encumbrance transaction source details through 'Transaction Sources' form
	  i.e. PAXTRTXS.fmb  we need record in control table ,hence Grants code leaves records
	  in control table with 'IN_PROGRESS' status.

          Scenario Fixed : When transaction which is rejected is marked for re-processing
	  then grants code was failing with unique constraint violation on above control table.

          Code issue : After processing records are left in 'In_PROGRESS' status and when the
	  transaction is marked for re-processing projects code checks for PENDING status
	  record in control table and as it fails to find one it creates a new record with
	  PENDING status. Grants code tries to mark even this new record to In_PROGRESS and
	  fails with UNIQUE constraint violation, as both records are similar.

          Solution:  Delete the 'IN_PROGRESS' record created during the previous unsuccessful
	  run before updating the current run record to same status. */

      pa_cc_utils.log_message('GMS_LD_PKG.LOCKCNTRLREC : Deleting interface control record in IN_PROGRESS status which is created during last run' ,1);
Line: 326

      DELETE  pa_transaction_xface_control
       WHERE  transaction_source = trx_source
         AND  batch_name = NVL(batch,batch_name) -- Bug 3035863
         AND  system_linkage_function = NVL(etypeclasscode,system_linkage_function) -- Bug 3035863
         AND  status = 'IN_PROGRESS' ;
Line: 332

      pa_cc_utils.log_message('GMS_LD_PKG.LOCKCNTRLREC : Number of records deleted from pa_transaction_xface_control : '||SQl%ROWCOUNT);
Line: 334

      UPDATE  pa_transaction_xface_control
              interface_id = P_xface_id
      ,       status = 'IN_PROGRESS'
              transaction_source = trx_source
         AND  batch_name = NVL(batch,batch_name) -- Bug 3035863
         AND  system_linkage_function = NVL(etypeclasscode,system_linkage_function) -- Bug 3035863
         AND  status = 'PENDING';
Line: 344

      pa_cc_utils.log_message('Updated interface id/status on pa_transaction_xface_control',1);
Line: 367

    SELECT ga.award_id
      FROM gms_transaction_interface_all gtxn,
           gms_awards_all ga
     WHERE ((gtxn.award_number IS NULL AND ga.award_id = NVL(gtxn.award_id,0)  ) OR
            (ga.award_number = gtxn.award_number) )
       AND gtxn.txn_interface_id = Trxrec.txn_interface_id ;
Line: 402

    select distinct encumbrance_id
      from gms_encumbrances
     where encumbrance_group = x_encumbrance_grp ;
Line: 420

                select gms_encumbrance_groups_s.nextval
                  into l_encumbrance_grp
                 from dual;
Line: 433

                gms_encumbrance_groups_pkg.insert_row (x_rowid	    => l_rowid,
                       x_encumbrance_group		    => l_encumbrance_grp,
                       x_last_update_date		    => sysdate,
                       x_last_updated_by		    => to_number(fnd_profile.value('USER_ID')),
                       x_creation_date			    => sysdate,
                       x_created_by			        => to_number(fnd_profile.value('USER_ID')),
                       x_encumbrance_group_status	=> 'RELEASED',
                       x_encumbrance_ending_date	=> TrxRec.expenditure_ending_date,
                       x_system_linkage_function	=> TrxRec.system_linkage,
                       x_control_count			    =>  NULL,
                       x_control_total_amount	    =>  NULL,
                       x_description			    =>  NULL,
                       x_last_update_login		    =>  to_number(fnd_profile.value('LOGIN_ID')),
                       x_transaction_source		    =>  P_TRANSACTION_SOURCE ,
                       x_org_id                             =>  l_org_id,
		       x_request_id                         =>  l_req_id  /*bug 5689213*/
		                                               ); -- bug : 2376730
Line: 462

                        select gms_encumbrance_groups_s.nextval
                          into l_encumbrance_grp
                          from dual;
Line: 476

                        gms_encumbrance_groups_pkg.insert_row (x_rowid	    => l_rowid,
                            x_encumbrance_group		    => l_encumbrance_grp,
                            x_last_update_date		    => sysdate,
                            x_last_updated_by		    => to_number(fnd_profile.value('USER_ID')),
                            x_creation_date			    => sysdate,
                            x_created_by			        => to_number(fnd_profile.value('USER_ID')),
                            x_encumbrance_group_status	=> 'RELEASED',
                            x_encumbrance_ending_date	=> TrxRec.expenditure_ending_date,
                            x_system_linkage_function	=> TrxRec.system_linkage,
                            x_control_count			    =>  NULL,
                            x_control_total_amount	    =>  NULL,
                            x_description			    =>  NULL,
                            x_last_update_login		    =>  to_number(fnd_profile.value('LOGIN_ID')),
                            x_transaction_source		    =>  P_TRANSACTION_SOURCE ,
                            x_org_id                             =>  l_org_id,
			    x_request_id                         =>  l_req_id  /*bug 5689213*/
			                                           ); -- bug : 2376730
Line: 519

   SELECT  net_zero_adjustment_flag,amount
     FROM  gms_encumbrance_items_all gei
    WHERE  gei.transaction_source =  P_transaction_source
      AND  gei.encumbrance_item_id = l_orig_enc_item_id ;
Line: 622

            select organization_id
              into l_temp_org_id
              from pa_organizations_expend_v
             WHERE organization_id = l_temp_org_id
               and active_flag = 'Y'
               and trunc(TrxRec.expenditure_ending_date) between date_from
                   and nvl(date_to,trunc(TrxRec.expenditure_ending_date));
Line: 720

                    select project_id
                    into l_project_id
                    from pa_projects_all
                    where segment1 = TrxRec.project_number;
Line: 734

                select task_id
                     into l_task_id
                    from pa_tasks
                    where task_number = TrxRec.task_number
                    and project_id = l_project_id;
Line: 836

         UPDATE pa_transaction_interface_all
            SET transaction_rejection_code = X_status,
                interface_id = P_xface_id,
                transaction_status_code = 'R'
          WHERE transaction_status_code ='P'
            AND (transaction_source,batch_name,decode(system_linkage,'OT','ST',system_linkage)) IN
  	          (SELECT xc.transaction_source,xc.batch_name,xc.system_linkage_function
		     FROM pa_transaction_xface_control xc
                    WHERE xc.transaction_source = P_transaction_source
                      AND  xc.batch_name         = nvl(P_batch, xc.batch_name)
                      AND  xc.status             = 'PENDING');
Line: 963

		 UPDATE pa_transaction_interface_all
                    SET  transaction_rejection_code = 'INVALID_PROJECT'
                        ,       interface_id = P_xface_id
                        ,       expenditure_id = l_enc_id
                        ,       transaction_status_code = 'R'
                 WHERE current of TrxRecs ;
Line: 972

		 UPDATE pa_transaction_interface_all
                    SET  transaction_rejection_code = 'INVALID_TASK'
                        ,       interface_id = P_xface_id
                        ,       expenditure_id = l_enc_id
                        ,       transaction_status_code = 'R'
                 WHERE current of TrxRecs ;
Line: 981

		 UPDATE pa_transaction_interface_all
                    SET  transaction_rejection_code = 'GMS_UNEXPECTED_ERROR'
                        ,       interface_id = P_xface_id
                        ,       expenditure_id = l_enc_id
                        ,       transaction_status_code = 'R'
                 WHERE current of TrxRecs ;
Line: 990

		-- Bug 3221039 : Commented the following update statement as gms_transaction_
		-- interface_all.transaction_status_code column is obsolete

		 /*UPDATE gms_transaction_interface_all
		    SET transaction_status_code = 'R'
		  WHERE orig_transaction_reference = TrxRec.orig_transaction_reference;*/
Line: 1137

                 UPDATE pa_transaction_interface_all
                    SET  transaction_rejection_code = X_status
                 ,       interface_id = P_xface_id
                 ,       expenditure_id = l_enc_id
                 ,       transaction_status_code = 'R'
                 WHERE CURRENT OF TrxRecs;
Line: 1144

		-- Bug 3221039 : Commented the following update statement as gms_transaction_
		-- interface_all.transaction_status_code column is obsolete

		/* UPDATE gms_transaction_interface_all
		    SET transaction_status_code = 'R'
		  WHERE orig_transaction_reference = TrxRec.orig_transaction_reference; */
Line: 1171

                 UPDATE pa_transaction_interface_all
                    SET  transaction_rejection_code = DECODE(x_status_code ,NULL,'GMS_UNEXPECTED_ERROR',x_status_code) -- Bug 3465939
                        ,       interface_id = P_xface_id
                        ,       expenditure_id = l_enc_id
                        ,       transaction_status_code = 'R'
                 WHERE current of TrxRecs ;
Line: 1178

		-- Bug 3221039 : Commented the following update statement as gms_transaction_
		-- interface_all.transaction_status_code column is obsolete

		 /* UPDATE gms_transaction_interface_all
		    SET transaction_status_code = 'R'
		  WHERE orig_transaction_reference = TrxRec.orig_transaction_reference; */
Line: 1204

                 UPDATE pa_transaction_interface_all
                    SET  transaction_rejection_code = 'GMS_UNEXPECTED_ERROR'
                        ,       interface_id = P_xface_id
                        ,       expenditure_id = l_enc_id
                        ,       transaction_status_code = 'R'
                 WHERE batch_name = P_batch ;
Line: 1211

		-- Bug 3221039 : Commented the following update statement as gms_transaction_
		-- interface_all.transaction_status_code column is obsolete

		 /*UPDATE gms_transaction_interface_all
		    SET transaction_status_code = 'R'
		  WHERE batch_name = P_batch ; */
Line: 1230

                select gms_encumbrances_s.nextval
                into l_enc_id
                from dual;
Line: 1234

                gms_encumbrances_pkg.insert_row (x_rowid	=> l_rowid,
                       x_encumbrance_id			     => l_enc_id,
                       x_last_update_date		     => sysdate,
                       x_last_updated_by		     => to_number(fnd_profile.value('USER_ID')),
                       x_creation_date			     => sysdate,
                       x_created_by			         => to_number(fnd_profile.value('USER_ID')),
                       x_encumbrance_status_code	 => 'APPROVED',
                       x_encumbrance_ending_date	 => TrxRec.expenditure_ending_date,
                       x_encumbrance_class_code		 => TrxRec.system_linkage, /* changed to TrxRec.system_linkage from 'ST' for bug 5035700 --'ST',*/
                       x_incurred_by_person_id		 => l_person_id,
                       x_incurred_by_organization_id => l_organization_id,
                       x_encumbrance_group		     => l_encumbrance_grp,
                       x_control_total_amount		 => NULL,
                       x_entered_by_person_id		 => NULL,
                       x_description			     => NULL,
                       x_initial_submission_date	 => sysdate,
                       x_last_update_login		     => to_number(fnd_profile.value('LOGIN_ID')),
                       x_attribute_category		     => NULL,
                       x_attribute1			         => NULL,
                       x_attribute2			         => NULL,
                       x_attribute3			         => NULL,
                       x_attribute4			         => NULL,
                       x_attribute5			         => NULL,
                       x_attribute6			         => NULL,
                       x_attribute7			         => NULL,
                       x_attribute8			         => NULL,
                       x_attribute9			         => NULL,
                       x_attribute10		         => NULL,
	                   x_denom_currency_code	     => 'USD',  -- Currency code hard coded
-- The following fix is for Bug: 1331903
--		               x_acct_currency_code	         => 'USD',  -- Currency code hard coded
		               x_acct_currency_code	         => x_acct_currency_code,
		               x_acct_rate_type	             => NULL,
		               x_acct_rate_date	             => NULL,
		               x_acct_exchange_rate	         => NULL,
                       x_orig_enc_txn_reference1 	 => NULL,
                       x_orig_enc_txn_reference2 	 => NULL,
                       x_orig_enc_txn_reference3 	 => NULL,
                       x_orig_user_enc_txn_reference => NULL,
                       x_vendor_id 			         => NULL,
                       x_org_id                      => TrxRec.org_id ); -- fix for bug : 2376730
Line: 1290

				select count(*)
				  into x_dummy
				  from gms_encumbrance_items_all gei
				 where orig_transaction_reference = trxRec.orig_transaction_reference
				   and transaction_source	  = P_TRANSACTION_SOURCE ;
Line: 1300

                   UPDATE pa_transaction_interface_all
                      SET  transaction_rejection_code = 'DUPLICATE_ITEM'
                           ,       interface_id = P_xface_id
                           ,       expenditure_id = l_enc_id
                           ,       transaction_status_code = 'R'
                   WHERE CURRENT OF TrxRecs;
Line: 1307

		-- Bug 3221039 : Commented the following update statement as gms_transaction_
		-- interface_all.transaction_status_code column is obsolete

		 /*UPDATE gms_transaction_interface_all
		    SET transaction_status_code = 'R'
		  WHERE orig_transaction_reference = TrxRec.orig_transaction_reference
		    AND transaction_source = P_TRANSACTION_SOURCE;*/
Line: 1329

            select gms_encumbrance_items_s.nextval
              into l_enc_item_id
              from dual;
Line: 1335

            /* Modified the following insert call by passing attributes instead of NULL for bug 3646187*/
            gms_encumbrance_items_pkg.insert_row (x_rowid         => l_rowid,
                       x_encumbrance_item_id          => l_enc_item_id,
                       x_last_update_date             => sysdate,
                       x_last_updated_by              => to_number(fnd_profile.value('USER_ID')),
                       x_creation_date                => sysdate,
                       x_created_by                   => to_number(fnd_profile.value('USER_ID')),
                       x_encumbrance_id               => l_enc_id,
                       x_task_id                      => l_task_id,
                       x_encumbrance_item_date        => TrxRec.expenditure_item_date,
                       x_encumbrance_type             => TrxRec.expenditure_type,
                       x_enc_distributed_flag         => 'N', -- default
                       x_amount                       => TrxRec.raw_cost,
                       x_override_to_organization_id  => l_override_organization_id,
                       x_adjusted_encumbrance_item_id => l_orig_enc_item_id, -- Bug 3465939
                       x_net_zero_adjustment_flag     => l_net_zero_adj_flag, -- Bug 3465939
                       x_transferred_from_enc_item_id => NULL,
                       x_last_update_login            => to_number(fnd_profile.value('LOGIN_ID')),
                       x_request_id                   => NULL,
                       x_attribute_category           => TrxRec.attribute_category,
                       x_attribute1                   => TrxRec.attribute1,
                       x_attribute2                   => TrxRec.attribute2,
                       x_attribute3                   => TrxRec.attribute3,
                       x_attribute4                   => TrxRec.attribute4,
                       x_attribute5                   => TrxRec.attribute5,
                       x_attribute6                   => TrxRec.attribute6,
                       x_attribute7                   => TrxRec.attribute7,
                       x_attribute8                   => TrxRec.attribute8,
                       x_attribute9                   => TrxRec.attribute9,
                       x_attribute10                  => TrxRec.attribute10,
                       x_orig_transaction_reference   => TrxRec.orig_transaction_reference,
                       x_transaction_source           => P_TRANSACTION_SOURCE,
                       x_project_id                   => l_project_id,
                       x_source_encumbrance_item_id   => NULL,
                       x_job_id                       => NULL,
                       x_system_linkage_function      => TrxRec.system_linkage,
                       x_denom_currency_code          => TrxRec.denom_currency_code,
                       x_denom_raw_amount             => TrxRec.acct_raw_cost,
                       x_acct_exchange_rounding_limit => TrxRec.acct_exchange_rounding_limit,
-- The following fix is for Bug:1331903
--                       x_acct_currency_code           => NULL,
                       x_acct_currency_code           => x_acct_currency_code,
                       x_acct_rate_date               => TrxRec.acct_rate_date,
                       x_acct_rate_type               => TrxRec.acct_rate_type,
                       x_acct_exchange_rate           => TrxRec.acct_exchange_rate,
                       x_acct_raw_cost                => TrxRec.acct_raw_cost,
                       x_project_currency_code        => TrxRec.project_currency_code,
                       x_project_rate_date            => TrxRec.project_rate_date,
                       x_project_rate_type            => TrxRec.project_rate_type,
                       x_project_exchange_rate        => TrxRec.project_exchange_rate,
                       x_denom_tp_currency_code       => NULL,
                       x_denom_transfer_price         => NULL,
                       x_encumbrance_comment          => TrxRec.expenditure_comment, --Bug#3755610
                       x_person_id                    => NULL,
                       x_incurred_by_person_id        => l_person_id,
                       x_ind_compiled_set_id          =>  NULL,
                       x_pa_date                      => NULL,
                       x_gl_date                      => NULL ,
                       x_line_num                     => 1,
                       x_burden_sum_dest_run_id       => NULL,
                       x_burden_sum_source_run_id     => NULL,
                       x_org_id                       => TrxRec.org_id ); -- fix for bug : 2376730
Line: 1401

                          UPDATE pa_transaction_interface_all
                            SET transaction_rejection_code = NULL,
                                interface_id = P_xface_id,
                                expenditure_id = l_enc_id,
                                transaction_status_code = 'A',
                                expenditure_item_id = l_enc_item_id
                          WHERE CURRENT OF TrxRecs;
Line: 1409

		-- Bug 3221039 : Commented the following update statement as gms_transaction_
		-- interface_all.transaction_status_code column is obsolete

		 /*UPDATE gms_transaction_interface_all
		    SET transaction_status_code = 'A'
		  WHERE orig_transaction_reference = TrxRec.orig_transaction_reference
		    AND transaction_source = P_TRANSACTION_SOURCE;*/
Line: 1419

                  UPDATE gms_encumbrance_items_all
                     SET net_zero_adjustment_flag = 'Y'
                   WHERE encumbrance_item_id = l_orig_enc_item_id;
Line: 1425

                        UPDATE pa_transaction_interface_all
                            SET  transaction_rejection_code = 'GMS_CREATE_ADL_FAILED'
                            ,       interface_id = P_xface_id
                            ,       expenditure_id = l_enc_id
                            ,       transaction_status_code = 'R'
                        WHERE CURRENT OF TrxRecs;
Line: 1432

     		       -- Bug 3221039 : Commented the following update statement as gms_transaction_
       		       -- interface_all.transaction_status_code column is obsolete

		       /* UPDATE gms_transaction_interface_all
		          SET transaction_status_code = 'R'
		        WHERE orig_transaction_reference = TrxRec.orig_transaction_reference
		    	  AND transaction_source = P_TRANSACTION_SOURCE; */
Line: 1461

            UPDATE pa_transaction_interface_all
              SET  transaction_rejection_code = 'GMS_UNEXPECTED_ERROR'
                   ,       interface_id = P_xface_id
                   ,       expenditure_id = l_enc_id
                   ,       transaction_status_code = 'R'
             WHERE CURRENT OF TrxRecs;
Line: 1468

	    -- Bug 3221039 : Commented the following update statement as gms_transaction_
	    -- interface_all.transaction_status_code column is obsolete

	    /* UPDATE gms_transaction_interface_all
	       SET transaction_status_code = 'R'
	     WHERE orig_transaction_reference = TrxRec.orig_transaction_reference; */
Line: 1490

     DELETE gms_transaction_interface_all
      WHERE txn_interface_id IN (SELECT txn_interface_id
                                   FROM pa_transaction_interface_all
                                  WHERE interface_id = P_XFACE_ID
                                    AND transaction_status_code ='A' );
Line: 1495

     pa_cc_utils.log_message('GMS_LD_PKG.PRE_PROCESS : Number of success records deleted from Grants interface table :'||SQL%ROWCOUNT);
Line: 1548

        SELECT max(start_date), min(completion_date)
	FROM   (   select start_date, completion_date
                   from   pa_tasks tsk1
                   where  task_id = l_task_id1
                   union all
                   select start_date, completion_date
                   from   pa_projects_all
                   where  project_id = l_project_id1
                   union all
                   select start_date_active start_date, end_date_active completion_date
                   from   gms_awards_all
                   where  award_id = l_award_id1
Line: 1576

       SELECT 1
       FROM   gms_encumbrance_items_all
       WHERE  encumbrance_item_id = l_orig_enc_item_id1;