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Line 6119: -- * Inserts transaction into wip_cost_txn_interface --

6115: -- PROCEDURE --
6116: -- process_direct_item_txn --
6117: -- DESCRIPTION --
6118: -- This is the wrapper function to do direct item costing --
6119: -- * Inserts transaction into wip_cost_txn_interface --
6120: -- PURPOSE: --
6121: -- API to process direct item transaction. Called from the function --
6122: -- process_OSP_transaction in the receiving transaction processor --
6123: -- HISTORY: --

Line 6755: -- cost a transaction record from wip_cost_txn_interface --

6751: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6752: -- PROCEDURE --
6753: -- cost_direct_item_txn --
6754: -- DESCRIPTION --
6755: -- cost a transaction record from wip_cost_txn_interface --
6756: -- * new transaction type called Direct Shopfloor Delivery --
6757: -- * called by cmlctw --
6758: -- * inserts debits and credits into wip_transaction_accounts --
6759: -- * update eam asset cost and asset period balances --

Line 6830: from wip_cost_txn_interface wcti

6826: wcti.encumbrance_amount,
6827: wcti.encumbrance_quantity,
6828: wcti.encumbrance_ccid,
6829: mp.encumbrance_reversal_flag
6830: from wip_cost_txn_interface wcti
6831: , mtl_parameters mp
6832: where wcti.group_id = p_group_id
6833: and wcti.process_status = 2
6834: and wcti.organization_id = mp.organization_id;

Line 7169: delete from wip_cost_txn_interface

7165: l_stmt_num := 140;
7166: if (l_debug = 'Y') then
7167: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Delete from wcti');
7168: end if;
7169: delete from wip_cost_txn_interface
7170: where group_id = p_group_id
7171: and process_status = 2;
7173: -- Standard check of p_commit

Line 7325: from wip_cost_txn_interface

7321: -- Get transaction details
7322: l_stmt_num := 30;
7323: select organization_id, currency_code,source_code
7324: into l_org_id,l_currency,l_source_code
7325: from wip_cost_txn_interface
7326: where transaction_id = p_txn_id;
7328: -- DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Currency ' || l_currency);
7329: -- Get functional currency

Line 7531: FROM wip_cost_txn_interface wcti,

7527: p_prg_appl_id,
7528: p_prg_id,
7529: sysdate,
7530: DECODE(p_acct_line_type,15,encumbrance_type_id,NULL) --Bug 9356654 WIP Encumbrance enhancement Change 3
7531: FROM wip_cost_txn_interface wcti,
7532: po_distributions_all pod,
7533: po_headers_all poh,
7534: rcv_transactions rt,
7535: fnd_currencies fc

Line 7600: FROM wip_cost_txn_interface wcti

7596: p_request_id,
7597: p_prg_appl_id,
7598: p_prg_id,
7599: sysdate
7600: FROM wip_cost_txn_interface wcti
7601: WHERE wcti.transaction_id = p_txn_id;
7602: END IF;
7604: -- Standard check of p_commit

Line 7893: -- deletes the record from wip_cost_txn_interface --

7889: -- * new transaction type called Direct Shopfloor Delivery --
7890: -- * called by cost_direct_item_txn --
7891: -- PURPOSE: --
7892: -- procedure that inserts a transaction into wip_transactions and --
7893: -- deletes the record from wip_cost_txn_interface --
7894: -- HISTORY: --
7895: -- 05/01/01 Anitha Dixit Created --
7896: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7897: PROCEDURE insert_direct_item_txn (

Line 8062: from wip_cost_txn_interface wcti

8058: ,0,1
8059: ,1,1
8060: ,-1,-1)* wcti.encumbrance_quantity, -- signed encumbrance_quantity
8061: wcti.encumbrance_ccid
8062: from wip_cost_txn_interface wcti
8063: where group_id = p_group_id
8064: and process_status = 2;
8066: -- Standard check of p_commit

Line 8523: from wip_cost_txn_interface wcti,

8519: wdj.primary_item_id,
8520: wdj.project_id,
8521: wdj.task_id,
8522: wdj.maintenance_object_id
8523: from wip_cost_txn_interface wcti,
8524: wip_discrete_jobs wdj,
8525: wip_entities we,
8526: csi_item_instances cii
8527: where wcti.group_id = p_wcti_group_id

Line 8596: wip_cost_txn_interface WCTI

8593: SELECT DISTINCT COD.currency_code
8594: INTO l_currency_code
8595: FROM cst_organization_definitions COD,
8596: wip_cost_txn_interface WCTI
8597: WHERE WCTI.group_id = p_wcti_group_id
8598: AND WCTI.organization_id = COD.organization_id;
8600: l_stmt_num := 12;

Line 9217: from wip_cost_txn_interface wcti

9213: l_po_line_id,
9214: l_rcv_txn_id,
9215: l_po_dist_id,
9216: l_source_code
9217: from wip_cost_txn_interface wcti
9218: where wcti.transaction_id = p_txn_id;
9219: exception
9220: when no_data_found then
9221: l_api_message := 'Transaction ID does not exist in WIP_COST_TXN_INTERFACE table. ';

Line 9221: l_api_message := 'Transaction ID does not exist in WIP_COST_TXN_INTERFACE table. ';

9217: from wip_cost_txn_interface wcti
9218: where wcti.transaction_id = p_txn_id;
9219: exception
9220: when no_data_found then
9221: l_api_message := 'Transaction ID does not exist in WIP_COST_TXN_INTERFACE table. ';
9222: FND_MESSAGE.set_name('BOM','CST_API_MESSAGE');
9223: FND_MESSAGE.set_token('TEXT', l_api_message);
9224: FND_MSG_PUB.add;
9225: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;

Line 9264: l_api_message := l_api_message || ' wip_cost_txn_interface ';

9260: from po_headers_all pha
9261: where pha.po_header_id = l_po_header_id;
9262: else
9263: l_api_message := 'No po_header_id exist for transaction ID: ' || TO_CHAR(p_txn_id);
9264: l_api_message := l_api_message || ' wip_cost_txn_interface ';
9265: FND_MESSAGE.set_name('BOM','CST_API_MESSAGE');
9266: FND_MESSAGE.set_token('TEXT', l_api_message);
9267: FND_MSG_pub.add;
9268: RAISE FND_API.g_exc_error;

Line 9282: l_api_message := l_api_message || ' wip_cost_txn_interface ';

9278: from po_lines_all pla
9279: where pla.po_line_id = l_po_line_id;
9280: else
9281: l_api_message := 'No po_line_id exist for transaction ID: ' || TO_CHAR(p_txn_id);
9282: l_api_message := l_api_message || ' wip_cost_txn_interface ';
9283: FND_MESSAGE.set_name('BOM','CST_API_MESSAGE');
9284: FND_MESSAGE.set_token('TEXT', l_api_message);
9285: FND_MSG_pub.add;
9286: RAISE FND_API.g_exc_error;

Line 9309: l_api_message := l_api_message || ' wip_cost_txn_interface ';

9307: Else
9308: l_api_message := 'No PO Distribution exist for transaction ID: ' || TO_CHAR(p_txn_id);
9309: l_api_message := l_api_message || ' wip_cost_txn_interface ';
9310: FND_MESSAGE.set_name('BOM','CST_API_MESSAGE');
9311: FND_MESSAGE.set_token('TEXT', l_api_message);
9312: FND_MSG_pub.add;
9313: RAISE FND_API.g_exc_error;

Line 9325: l_api_message := l_api_message || ' wip_cost_txn_interface ';

9321: from rcv_transactions
9322: where transaction_id = l_rcv_txn_id;
9323: Else
9324: l_api_message := 'No rcv_transaction_id exist for transaction ID: ' || TO_CHAR(p_txn_id);
9325: l_api_message := l_api_message || ' wip_cost_txn_interface ';
9326: FND_MESSAGE.set_name('BOM','CST_API_MESSAGE');
9327: FND_MESSAGE.set_token('TEXT', l_api_message);
9328: FND_MSG_pub.add;
9329: RAISE FND_API.g_exc_error;

Line 9341: l_api_message := l_api_message || ' wip_cost_txn_interface ';

9337: from po_releases_all
9338: where po_release_id = l_po_release_id;
9339: Else
9340: l_api_message := 'No po_release_id exist for transaction ID: ' || TO_CHAR(p_txn_id);
9341: l_api_message := l_api_message || ' wip_cost_txn_interface ';
9342: FND_MESSAGE.set_name('BOM','CST_API_MESSAGE');
9343: FND_MESSAGE.set_token('TEXT', l_api_message);
9344: FND_MSG_pub.add;
9345: RAISE FND_API.g_exc_error;