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2 /* $Header: OKLPRAPS.pls 120.4 2008/02/29 10:52:36 nikshah ship $ */
4 -----------------------------------------------
5 --global variables
6 -----------------------------------------------
7 G_API_TYPE          CONSTANT VARCHAR2(5)   := '_PUB';
12 ------------------------------------------------
13 -- record structure for rule group
14 SUBTYPE rgpv_rec_type is OKL_RULE_APIS_PVT.rgpv_rec_type;
15 -- record structure for rule
16 SUBTYPE rulv_rec_type is OKL_RULE_APIS_PVT.rulv_rec_type;
17 -- table structure for rule group
18 SUBTYPE rgpv_tbl_type is OKL_RULE_APIS_PVT.rgpv_tbl_type;
19 -- table structure for rule
20 SUBTYPE rulv_tbl_type is OKL_RULE_APIS_PVT.rulv_tbl_type;
21 -- output record structure for displayed attributes of a rule's segments
22 -- for a given id1 and id2 for jtot_object will store name and description to be
23 -- displayed. For a rule_information segment will store name to be displayed
24 SUBTYPE rulv_disp_rec_type is OKL_RULE_APIS_PVT.rulv_disp_rec_type;
26 --Start of Comments
27 --Procedure Name :  Get_Contract_Rgs
28 --Description    :  Get Contract Rule Groups for a chr_id, cle_id
29 --                 if chr_id is given gets data for header
30 --                 if only cle_id or cle_id and chr_id(dnz_chr_id) are given
31 --                 fetches data for line
32 --
33 --                 IN Parameters :
34 --                 p_chr_id - contract header id for which rule group data is to
35 --                 be fetched. (can be null if rule_groups attached at line level are
36 --                 to be fetched)
37 --
38 --                 p_cle_id - contract line id for which rule group data is to be
39 --                 fetched. (can be null if rule groups attached at header level are
40 --                 to be fetched)
41 --
42 --                 p_rgd_code - rule group code which is to be fetched (can be passed
43 --                 as null if all the rule groups are to be fetched)
44 --
45 --                 OUT Parameters :
46 --                 x_rgpv_tbl - table of okc_rule_groups_v type will cointain rule
47 --                 group data fetched for a header or line.
48 --
49 --                 x_rg_count - count of rule groups fetched
50 --End of comments
52 Procedure Get_Contract_Rgs(p_api_version    IN  NUMBER,
53                            p_init_msg_list  IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT OKL_API.G_FALSE,
54                            p_chr_id		    IN  NUMBER,
55                            p_cle_id         IN  NUMBER,
56                            p_rgd_code       IN  VARCHAR2 default Null,
57                            x_return_status  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
58                            x_msg_count      OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
59                            x_msg_data       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
60                            x_rgpv_tbl       OUT NOCOPY rgpv_tbl_type,
61                            x_rg_count       OUT NOCOPY NUMBER);
62 -- Start of Comments
63 -- Procedure    : Get Contract Rules
64 -- Description  : Gets all or specific rules for a rule group
65 --
66 --                IN Parameter :
67 --                p_rgpv_rec - record of okc_rule_groups_v type selected for
68 --                a contract header or contract line prior to calling this API
69 --
70 --                p_rdf_code - rule code (eg. 'BTO', 'LAINPR' etc.) . leave null
71 --                if required to pull all the rules under a rule group. Provide
72 --                value is required to fetch a specific rule record
73 --
74 --                OUT Parameters
75 --                x_rulev_tbl - table of okc_rules_v type will contain fetched
76 --                rule records
77 --
78 --                x_rule_count - count of rules fetched
79 -- End of Comments
81 Procedure Get_Contract_Rules(p_api_version    IN  NUMBER,
82                              p_init_msg_list  IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT OKL_API.G_FALSE,
83                              p_rgpv_rec       IN  rgpv_rec_type,
84                              p_rdf_code       IN  VARCHAR2 default Null,
85                              x_return_status  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
86                              x_msg_count      OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
87                              x_msg_data       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
88                              x_rulv_tbl       OUT NOCOPY rulv_tbl_type,
89                              x_rule_count     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER );
91 -- Start of comments
92 --Procedure   : Get Rule Information
93 --Description : Fetches the display value (name) and select clause of the
94 --              rule information column in a rule if stored value(p_rule_info)
95 --              is provided else just returns the select clause
96 --
97 --              IN Parameters :
98 --                 p_rdf_code      : rule_code
99 --                 p_appl_col_name : segment column name ('RULE_INFORMATION1',...)
100 --                 p_rule_info     : segment column value default Null
101 --
102 --              OUT Parameters :
103 --                x_name, x_select will return the name (rule value) and select
104 --               clause associated with the value set (if exists) for a
105 --               rule_information based rule.
106 --
107 -- End of Comments
109 Procedure Get_rule_Information (p_api_version    IN  NUMBER,
110                                 p_init_msg_list  IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT OKL_API.G_FALSE,
111                                 p_rdf_code       IN  VARCHAR2,
112                                 p_appl_col_name  IN  VARCHAR2,
113                                 p_rule_info      IN  VARCHAR2 default Null,
114                                 x_return_status  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
115                                 x_msg_count      OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
116                                 x_msg_data       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
117                                 x_name           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
118                                 x_select         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
120 -- Start of comments
121 --Procedure   : Get_jtot_object
122 --Description : Fetches the display values (name,description)  and additional
123 --              columns status, start_date, end_date, org_id, inv_org_id,
124 --              book_type_code, if present if id1 and id2 are given
125 --              Also returns the select clause associated with the jtf_object
126 --              whether id1, id2 values are given or not.
127 --              IN Parameters :
128 --              p_object_code - jtot object_code_name (fk to jtf_objects_b.object_code)
129 --              from which rule segment value is sourced.
130 --
131 --              p_id1 - (optional in case only jtf select clause is required) - id1
132 --              of source object view
133 --
134 --              p_id2 - (optional in case only jtf select clause is required) - id2
135 --              of source object view
136 --
137 --              OUT Parameters :
138 --              x_name, x_description, x_id1, x_id2,  x_select will retun the
139 --              name (rule value), description, id1, id2 (rule ids) and select
140 --              clause used to fetch jtot_object based rule segment. x_status,
141 --              x_start_date_active, x_end_date_active, x_org_id, x_inv_org_id,
142 --              x_Book_Type_Code additionaly return status, start data,
143 --              end_date, operating unit id, inventory  org id and FA book code
144 --              for the rule segment if these information exist.
145 -- End of Comments
147 Procedure Get_jtot_object(p_api_version     IN  NUMBER,
148                           p_init_msg_list   IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT OKL_API.G_FALSE,
149                           p_object_code     IN  VARCHAR2,
150                           p_id1             IN  VARCHAR2 default null,
151                           p_id2             IN  VARCHAR2 default null,
152                           x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
153                           x_msg_count       OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
154                           x_msg_data        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
155                           x_id1             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
156                           x_id2             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
157                           x_name            OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
158                           x_description     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
159                           x_status          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
160                           x_start_date      OUT NOCOPY DATE,
161                           x_end_date        OUT NOCOPY DATE,
162                           x_org_id          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
163                           x_inv_org_id      OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
164                           x_book_type_code  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
165                           x_select          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
167 --Start of Comments
168 --Procedure    : Get_Rule_disp_value
169 --Description  : Fetches the displayed values of all rule segments
170 --Note         : This API fetches the displayed and stored values
171 --               for all the segments of a Rule
172 --
173 --               IN Parameters
174 --               p_rulev_rec - okc_k_rules_v record type selected prior to
175 --               calling this API for a contract header or line , for a specific
176 --               rule
177 --
178 --               OUT parameters
179 --               x_rulv_disp_rec - record of stored and displyed values of all
180 --               the rule segments. x_rulv_disp_rec attributes have the following
181 --               meaning
182 --               name, description, id1, id2,  select will retun the
183 --               name (rule value), description, id1, id2 (rule ids) and select
184 --               clause used to fetch jtot_object based rule segment. status,
185 --               start_date_active, end_date_active, org_id, inv_org_id,
186 --               Book_Type_Code additionaly return status, start data,
187 --               end_date, operating unit id, inventory  org id and FA book code
188 --               for the rule segment if these information exist.
189 --
190 --               RULE_INFORMATION_BASED Rule Segments :
191 --               name, select will return the name (rule value) and select
192 --               clause associated with the value set (if exists) for a
193 --               rule_information based rule.
194 --
195 --               If name, id1 and id2 are returned as null this means that
196 --               the data for the rule segment has not been entered or that
197 --               segment is not active for this rule definition
198 --End of Comments
200 Procedure Get_Rule_disp_value    (p_api_version    IN  NUMBER,
201                                   p_init_msg_list  IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT OKL_API.G_FALSE,
202                                   p_rulv_rec       IN Rulv_rec_type,
203                                   x_return_status  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
204                                   x_msg_count      OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
205                                   x_msg_data       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
206                                   x_rulv_disp_rec  OUT  NOCOPY rulv_disp_rec_type);
207 --Start of Comments
208 --Procedure    : Get_Rule_Segment_value
209 --Description  : Fetches the displayed value and select clauses of
210 --               of specific rule segment.
211 -- NOTE :
212 --                This API does not yet support rules where multiple cardinality
213 --                is possible like 'SLL', 'SLH'
214 --
215 --               IN Parameters :
216 --               p_chr_id - contract header id (for rules attached at header level
217 --               ,should be passed as null for rules attached at line level)
218 --
219 --               p_cle_id - contract line id (for rules attached at line level
220 --               , should be passed as null for rules attached at header level)
221 --
222 --               p_rgd_code - rule group code (eg. 'LABILL' for Billing setup,
223 --               'LAEVEL' for evergreen eligibility)
224 --
225 --               p_rdf_code - rule code (eg. 'BTO' for Bill to Address, 'LAINPR'
226 --               for 'Invoice Pull for Review)
227 --
228 --               p_rdf_name - Name of the segment value to be fetched -
229 --               This API requires exact screen prompt label of the segment
230 --               to be passed as p_rdf_name (eg. 'Bill To Address',
231 --               'Reason for Review' etc.)
232 --
233 --               OUT Parameters :
234 --               JTOT_OBJECT Based Rule Segments :
235 --               x_name, x_description, x_id1, x_id2,  x_select will retun the
236 --               name (rule value), description, id1, id2 (rule ids) and select
237 --               clause used to fetch jtot_object based rule segment. x_status,
238 --               x_start_date_active, x_end_date_active, x_org_id, x_inv_org_id,
239 --               x_Book_Type_Code additionaly return status, start data,
240 --               end_date, operating unit id, inventory  org id and FA book code
241 --               for the rule segment if these information exist.
242 --
243 --               RULE_INFORMATION_BASED Rule Segments :
244 --               x_name, x_select will return the name (rule value) and select
245 --               clause associated with the value set (if exists) for a
246 --               rule_information based rule.
247 --
248 --               If x_name, x_id1 and x_id2 are returned as null this means that
249 --               the data for the rule segment has not been entered.
250 --
251 --End of Comments
254 Procedure Get_rule_Segment_Value(p_api_version     IN  NUMBER,
255                                  p_init_msg_list   IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT OKL_API.G_FALSE,
256                                  x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
257                                  x_msg_count       OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
258                                  x_msg_data        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
259                                  p_chr_id          IN  NUMBER,
260                                  p_cle_id          IN  NUMBER,
261                                  p_rgd_code        IN  VARCHAR2,
262                                  p_rdf_code        IN  VARCHAR2,
263                                  p_rdf_name        IN  VARCHAR2,
264                                  x_id1             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
265                                  x_id2             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
266                                  x_name            OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
267                                  x_description     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
268                                  x_status          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
269                                  x_start_date      OUT NOCOPY DATE,
270                                  x_end_date        OUT NOCOPY DATE,
271                                  x_org_id          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
272                                  x_inv_org_id      OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
273                                  x_book_type_code  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
274                                  x_select          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
275 --Start of Comments
276 --Bug#2525946   : overloaded to take rule segment numbers as input
277 --Procedure    : Get_Rule_Segment_value
278 --Description  : Fetches the displayed value and select clauses of
279 --               of specific rule segment.
280 --Note         : This API requires segment number
281 --               Segment number 1 to 15 are mapped to RULE_INFORMATION1 to
282 --               RULE_INFORMATION15. Segment Numbers 16, 17 and 18 are mapped
283 --               to jtot_object1, jtot_object2 and jtot_object3 respectively
284 --End of Comments
286 Procedure Get_rule_Segment_Value(p_api_version     IN  NUMBER,
287                                  p_init_msg_list   IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT OKL_API.G_FALSE,
288                                  x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
289                                  x_msg_count       OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
290                                  x_msg_data        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
291                                  p_chr_id          IN  NUMBER,
292                                  p_cle_id          IN  NUMBER,
293                                  p_rgd_code        IN  VARCHAR2,
294                                  p_rdf_code        IN  VARCHAR2,
295                                  p_segment_number  IN  NUMBER,
296                                  x_id1             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
297                                  x_id2             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
298                                  x_name            OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
299                                  x_description     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
300                                  x_status          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
301                                  x_start_date      OUT NOCOPY DATE,
302                                  x_end_date        OUT NOCOPY DATE,
303                                  x_org_id          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
304                                  x_inv_org_id      OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
305                                  x_book_type_code  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
306                                  x_select          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);