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Line 988: and nvl(app.confirmed_flag,'Y') = 'Y' --accounting exists in ar_distributions only if confirmed

984: select app.receivable_application_id app_id,
985: app.customer_trx_id trx_id
986: from ar_receivable_applications app
987: where app.customer_trx_id = p_customer_trx_id
988: and nvl(app.confirmed_flag,'Y') = 'Y' --accounting exists in ar_distributions only if confirmed
989: and exists (select 'x'
990: from ar_distributions ard
991: where ard.source_table = 'RA'
992: and ard.source_id = app.receivable_application_id); --delete only necessary records

Line 990: from ar_distributions ard

986: from ar_receivable_applications app
987: where app.customer_trx_id = p_customer_trx_id
988: and nvl(app.confirmed_flag,'Y') = 'Y' --accounting exists in ar_distributions only if confirmed
989: and exists (select 'x'
990: from ar_distributions ard
991: where ard.source_table = 'RA'
992: and ard.source_id = app.receivable_application_id); --delete only necessary records
994: l_rec_del_app del_app%ROWTYPE;

Line 1513: and nvl(app.confirmed_flag,'Y') = 'Y' --accounting exists in ar_distributions only if confirmed

1509: app.customer_trx_id trx_id
1510: from ar_receivable_applications app
1511: where app.applied_payment_schedule_id = p_control.payment_schedule_id --inv ps
1512: and app.customer_trx_id = p_control.customer_trx_id --cm trx id
1513: and nvl(app.confirmed_flag,'Y') = 'Y' --accounting exists in ar_distributions only if confirmed
1514: and app.reversal_gl_date IS NULL
1515: and app.receivable_application_id = p_app_id
1516: and exists (select 'x'
1517: from ar_distributions ard

Line 1517: from ar_distributions ard

1513: and nvl(app.confirmed_flag,'Y') = 'Y' --accounting exists in ar_distributions only if confirmed
1514: and app.reversal_gl_date IS NULL
1515: and app.receivable_application_id = p_app_id
1516: and exists (select 'x'
1517: from ar_distributions ard
1518: where ard.source_table = 'RA'
1519: and ard.source_id = app.receivable_application_id); --delete only necessary records
1521: --BUG#5324129

Line 1532: from ar_distributions ard

1528: and nvl(app.confirmed_flag,'Y') = 'Y'
1529: and app.reversal_gl_date IS NULL
1530: and app.receivable_application_id = p_app_id
1531: and not exists (select 'x'
1532: from ar_distributions ard
1533: where ard.source_table = 'RA'
1534: and ard.source_id = app.receivable_application_id);
1536: --BUG#5324129

Line 2163: and nvl(app.confirmed_flag,'Y') = 'Y' --accounting exists in ar_distributions only if confirmed

2159: app.customer_trx_id trx_id
2160: from ar_receivable_applications app
2161: where app.applied_payment_schedule_id = p_control.payment_schedule_id
2162: and app.customer_trx_id = p_control.customer_trx_id
2163: and nvl(app.confirmed_flag,'Y') = 'Y' --accounting exists in ar_distributions only if confirmed
2164: and app.status = 'APP'
2165: and exists (select 'x'
2166: from ar_distributions ard
2167: where ard.source_table = 'RA'

Line 2166: from ar_distributions ard

2162: and app.customer_trx_id = p_control.customer_trx_id
2163: and nvl(app.confirmed_flag,'Y') = 'Y' --accounting exists in ar_distributions only if confirmed
2164: and app.status = 'APP'
2165: and exists (select 'x'
2166: from ar_distributions ard
2167: where ard.source_table = 'RA'
2168: and ard.source_id = app.receivable_application_id); --delete only necessary records
2170: l_rec_del_app del_app%ROWTYPE;