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APPS.POR_AME_REQ_WF_PVT dependencies on AME_API2

Line 167: ame_api2.getNextApprovers4( applicationIdIn=>applicationId,

163: END IF;
166: ame_util2.detailedApprovalStatusFlagYN := ame_util.booleanTrue;
167: ame_api2.getNextApprovers4( applicationIdIn=>applicationId,
168: transactionIdIn=>l_document_id,
169: transactionTypeIn=>l_transaction_type,
170: approvalProcessCompleteYNOut=>l_completeYNO,
171: nextApproversOut=>g_next_approvers

Line 271: -- Iterate through the list of approvers got from the API call ame_api2.getNextApprovers4.

267: --Locks:
268: -- None.
269: --Function:
270: -- Workflow activity PL/SQL handler. This procedure is used to send the notification for the approvers.
271: -- Iterate through the list of approvers got from the API call ame_api2.getNextApprovers4.
272: -- Get the next approver name from the global variable g_next_approvers and for each retrieved approver
273: -- separate workflow process is kicked. Each process is called child process.
274: -- If there are 3 approvers, then 3 child process will be created and each of them will be notified at the same time.
275: --

Line 1131: ame_api2.updateApprovalStatus( applicationIdIn=>applicationId,

1128: -- Update the Approval status with the response from the approver.
1129: -- Introduced the condition to check the document type and pass the ame transaction is accordingly
1130: if l_document_type = 'REQUISITION' then
1131: ame_api2.updateApprovalStatus( applicationIdIn=>applicationId,
1132: transactionIdIn=>l_document_id,
1133: transactionTypeIn=>l_transaction_type,
1134: approverIn => l_current_approver);
1135: elsif p_response IN ('FORWARD', 'APPROVE AND FORWARD') then

Line 1136: ame_api2.updateApprovalStatus(applicationIdIn=>applicationId,

1132: transactionIdIn=>l_document_id,
1133: transactionTypeIn=>l_transaction_type,
1134: approverIn => l_current_approver);
1135: elsif p_response IN ('FORWARD', 'APPROVE AND FORWARD') then
1136: ame_api2.updateApprovalStatus(applicationIdIn=>applicationId,
1137: transactionIdIn=>l_ame_transaction_id,
1138: transactionTypeIn=>l_transaction_type,
1139: approverIn => l_current_approver,
1140: forwardeeIn =>l_forwardee);

Line 1142: ame_api2.updateApprovalStatus(applicationIdIn=>applicationId,

1138: transactionTypeIn=>l_transaction_type,
1139: approverIn => l_current_approver,
1140: forwardeeIn =>l_forwardee);
1141: else
1142: ame_api2.updateApprovalStatus(applicationIdIn=>applicationId,
1143: transactionIdIn=>l_ame_transaction_id,
1144: transactionTypeIn=>l_transaction_type,
1145: approverIn => l_current_approver);
1146: end if;

Line 1345: ame_api2.getAllApprovers7( applicationIdIn => applicationId,

1342: -- Note for Approve
1343: l_note := fnd_message.get_string('ICX', 'ICX_POR_REQ_ALREADY_APPROVED');
1345: ame_api2.getAllApprovers7( applicationIdIn => applicationId,
1346: transactionIdIn => l_req_header_id,
1347: transactionTypeIn => ameTransactionType,
1348: approvalProcessCompleteYNOut => l_process_out,
1349: approversOut => approverList

Line 1368: ame_api2.getAllApprovers7( applicationIdIn => applicationId,

1364: l_draft_id := po_wf_util_pkg.GetItemAttrNumber( itemtype => itemtype,
1365: itemkey => itemkey,
1366: aname => 'DRAFT_ID');
1368: ame_api2.getAllApprovers7( applicationIdIn => applicationId,
1369: transactionIdIn => l_ame_transaction_id,
1370: transactionTypeIn => l_transaction_type,
1371: approvalProcessCompleteYNOut => l_process_out,
1372: approversOut => approverList

Line 3296: ame_api2.updateApprovalStatus( applicationIdIn =>applicationId,

3293: /*
3294: g_next_approvers(l_approver_index).approval_status := ame_util.noResponseStatus;
3295: -- Update the Approval status with the response from the approver.
3296: ame_api2.updateApprovalStatus( applicationIdIn =>applicationId,
3297: transactionIdIn =>documentId,
3298: transactionTypeIn =>documentType,
3299: approverIn => g_next_approvers(l_approver_index)
3300: );

Line 3366: ame_api2.getAllApprovers7( applicationIdIn =>applicationId,

3362: l_process_out VARCHAR2(10);
3364: BEGIN
3366: ame_api2.getAllApprovers7( applicationIdIn =>applicationId,
3367: transactionIdIn =>documentId,
3368: transactionTypeIn =>documentType,
3369: approvalProcessCompleteYNOut => l_process_out,
3370: approversOut =>tmpApproverList