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2 /* $Header: JTFVUUTS.pls 120.8 2006/02/14 00:15:13 snellepa ship $ */
4 /**
5  * Procedure   :  get_wf_user
6  * Type        :  Private
7  * Pre_reqs    :
8  * Description : this procedure returns the user name, email and wf_user_name of a given user.
9  *               If a email address is passed as an input parameter it
10  *               checks to see if the email address is a valid one.
11  *               If x_requester_user_name or x_requester_email is NULL then a valid email /user could
12  *               not be found
13  *               If x_wf_user is NULL, and x_requester_user_name and x_requester_email are not NULL then
14  *               the user /email combination is valid but does not have a valid
15  *               user in wf_user.
16  * Parameters  : None
17  * input parameters
18  *     param  x_requester_user_name (*)  - user name of the requester
19  *     param  x_requester_email          - email address the requester would like to use.
20  *  (*) required fields
21  * output parameters
22  *     param  x_requester_user_name
23  *     param  x_requester_email
24  *     param  x_wf_user_name
25  *     param  x_return_status
26  * Errors      : Expected Errors
27  *               x_requester_user_name and x_requester_email is null
28  *               x_requester_user_name is not a valid user
29  *               x_requester_email does not correspond to a valid user
30  * Other Comments :
32  * If only the user name is passed then the email is defaulted using the following logic
33  *  1. Email address from fnd_users where user_name = x_requester_user_name
34  *  2. Email from per_all_people_F where person_id = employee_id (retrieved from fnd_users using the user_name)
35  *  3. Email from hz_contact_points where owner_type_id = party_id and owner_table = 'HZ_PARTIES' and contact_point_type = 'EMAIL' and primary_flag = 'Y'.
36  *  Party_id is determined using the following :
37  *  (a)from hz_parties where party_id = customer_id (retrieved from
38  *   fnd_users using the user_name) and party_type = 'PERSON' or 'ORGANIZATION'.
39  *  (b)from hz_parties where party_id = customer_id (retrieved from fnd_users using the user_name) and party_type = 'PARTY_RELATIONSHIP'.
40  *  Use this party_id to determine the subject_id from the hz_party_relationships
41  * table. The subject_id would be used for the querying hz_contact_points.
42  * In all the above cases the user, employee, party etc. have to be valid.
43  *
44  * The same logic is used to validate the requester_email.
45  */
46 procedure get_wf_user(p_api_version_number  in number,
47                  p_init_msg_list            in varchar2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
48                  p_commit                   in varchar2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
49                  p_validation_level         in number   := FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
50                  x_requester_user_name      in out NOCOPY varchar2,
51                  x_requester_email          in out NOCOPY varchar2,
52                  x_wf_user                  out NOCOPY varchar2,
53                  x_return_status            out NOCOPY varchar2,
54                  x_msg_count                out NOCOPY number,
55                  x_msg_data                 out NOCOPY varchar2
56                  );
59   /**
60    * Procedure   :  GetAdHocUser
61    * Type        :  Public
62    * Pre_reqs    :  WF_DIRECTORY.CreateAdHocUser and
63    *                WF_DIRECTORY.SetAdHocUserAttr
64    * Description :  This API tries to create an adhoc user with the provided
65    *                username.  If the username is already being used in the
66    *                database, just update input attributes.
67    * Parameters  :
68    * input parameters
69    * @param
70    *   p_username
71    *     description:  The adhoc username.
72    *     required   :  Y
73    *   p_display_name
74    *     description:  The adhoc display name.
75    *     required   :  N
76    *     default    :  null
77    *   p_language
78    *     description:  The value of the database NLS_LANGUAGE initialization
79    *                   parameter that specifies the default language-dependent
80    *                   behavior of the user's notification session. If null,
81    *                   the procedure resolves this to the language setting of
82    *                   your current session.
83    *     required   :  N
84    *     default    :  null
85    *   p_territory
86    *     description:  The value of the database NLS_TERRITORY initialization
87    *                   parameter that specifies the default territory-dependant
88    *                   date and numeric formatting used in the user's
89    *                   notification session. If null, the procedure resolves
90    *                   this to the territory setting of your current session.
91    *     required   :  N
92    *     default    :  null
93    *   p_description
94    *     description:  Description for the user.
95    *     required   :  N
96    *     default    :  null
97    *   p_notification_preference
98    *     description:  Indicate how this user prefers to receive notifications:
99    *                   'MAILTEXT', 'MAILHTML', 'MAILATTH', 'QUERY' or 'SUMMARY'.
100    *                   If null, the procedure sets the notification preference
101    *                   to 'MAILHTML'.
102    *     required   :  N
103    *     default    :  'MAILTEXT'
104    *   p_email_address
105    *     description:  Electronic mail address for this user.
106    *     required   :  Y
107    *   p_fax
108    *     description:  Fax number for the user
109    *     required   :  N
110    *     default    :  null
111    *   p_status
112    *     description:  The availability of the user to participate in a
113    *                   workflow process. The possible statuses are 'ACTIVE',
114    *                   'EXTLEAVE', 'INACTIVE', and 'TMPLEAVE'. If null, the
115    *                   procedure sets the status to 'ACTIVE'.
116    *     required   :  N
117    *     default    :  'ACTIVE'
118    *   p_expiration_date
119    *     description:  The date at which the user is no longer valid in the
120    *                   directory service. If null, the procedure defaults the
121    *                   expiration date to sysdate.
122    *     required   :  N
123    *     default    :  sysdate
124    * output parameters
125    * @return
126    * Errors : possible errors raised by this API
127    * Other Comments :
128    */
129   PROCEDURE GetAdHocUser (p_api_version_number      in number,
130                           p_init_msg_list           in varchar2 default FND_API.G_FALSE,
131                           p_commit                  in varchar2 default FND_API.G_FALSE,
132                           p_validation_level        in number   default FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
133                           p_username                in varchar2,
134                           p_display_name            in varchar2 default null,
135                           p_language                in varchar2 default null,
136                           p_territory               in varchar2 default null,
137                           p_description             in varchar2 default null,
138                           p_notification_preference in varchar2 default 'MAILTEXT',
139                           p_email_address           in varchar2,
140                           p_fax                     in varchar2 default null,
141                           p_status                  in varchar2 default 'ACTIVE',
142                           p_expiration_date         in date default sysdate,
143                           x_return_status           out NOCOPY varchar2,
144                           x_msg_data                out NOCOPY varchar2,
145                           x_msg_count               out NOCOPY varchar2);
147   /**
148    * Procedure   :  EMAIL_NOTIFICATION
149    * Type        :  Public
150    * Pre_reqs    :  WF_NOTIFICATION.Send, WF_ENGINE.SetItemAttrText
151    * Description :  Send email notification to fnd user.
152    * Parameters  :
153    * input parameters
154    * @param
155    *   p_username
156    *     description:  FND user's username.  The recep of the notification.
157    *     required   :  Y
158    *     validation :  Must be a valid FND User.
159    *   p_subject
160    *     description:  The subject of the notification.
161    *     required   :  Y
162    *   p_text_body
163    *     description:  Text version of the notification body.
164    *     required   :  Y
165    *   p_HTML_body
166    *     description:  HTML version of the notification body.
167    *     required   :  N
168    *     default    :  null
169    *   p_email_address
170    *     description:  Send to this email and overwrite the email address
171    *                   in the FND_USER table.
172    *     required   :  N
173    *     default    :  null
174    * output parameters
175    * @return
176    * Errors : possible errors raised by this API
177    * Other Comments :
178    */
179   PROCEDURE EMAIL_NOTIFICATION (p_api_version_number in number,
180                                 p_init_msg_list      in varchar2 default FND_API.G_FALSE,
181                                 p_commit             in varchar2 default FND_API.G_FALSE,
182                                 p_validation_level   in number   default FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
183                                 p_username           in varchar2 default null,
184                                 p_email_address      in varchar2 default null,
185                                 p_subject            in varchar2,
186                                 p_text_body          in varchar2,
187                                 p_HTML_body          in varchar2 default null,
188                                 x_return_status      out NOCOPY varchar2,
189                                 x_msg_data           out NOCOPY varchar2,
190                                 x_msg_count          out NOCOPY varchar2);
193    /*
194     ** VALUE_SPECIFIC - Get profile value for a specific user/resp/appl
195     **
196     ** Unlike fnd_profile.value_specific this procedure retrieves the
197     ** profile value only at the level(s) that is not null.
198     ** For retrieving profiles at site level site id should be set to true.
199     ** For retrieving profiles at responsibility level pass both responsibility_id and resp_appl_id
200     ** To retrieve values at any level pass all the parameters.
201     ** This procedure does not get the resp and app id from login.
202     */
203     function VALUE_SPECIFIC(NAME              in varchar2,
204                             USER_ID           in number default null,
205                             RESPONSIBILITY_ID in number default null,
206                             RESP_APPL_ID      in number default null,
207                             APPLICATION_ID    in number default null,
208                             SITE_LEVEL        in boolean default false) return varchar2;
211 /**
212  * This procedure gets the default appl and resp id using the following logic
213  *
214  * If appl id and resp id are null - get the user value of the profiles
216  * values can be set to 'Pending appr' if user requires approval.
217  * In this case we use the resp of the usertype the user has registered to.
218  * these values could still be null if the user was registered from fnd.
219  *
220  */
222  procedure getDefaultAppRespId (P_USERNAME  IN VARCHAR2,
223                                 P_RESP_ID   IN NUMBER := null,
224                                 P_APPL_ID   IN NUMBER := null,
225                                 X_RESP_ID   out NOCOPY NUMBER,
226                                 X_APPL_ID   out NOCOPY NUMBER);
228 /*
229  * Name        : check_role
230  * Pre_reqs    :  None
231  * Description :  Will determine if a user has a specific role or not
232  * Parameters  :
233  * input parameters
234  * @param     p_user_id
235  *    description:  The user_id of a user
236  *     required   :  Y
237  *     validation :  Must be a valid user_id
238  * @param     p_auth_principal_id
239  *    description:  The jtf_auth_principal_id of a role
240  *     required   :  Y
241  *     validation :  Must be a valid jtf_auth_principal_id
242  *
243  * Note:
244  *
245  *   This API will raise an exception if a user name or a jtf_auth_principal_id
246  *   is invalid
247  */
249 function check_role(
250                      p_user_id                  in number,
251                      p_auth_principal_id        in number
252                     ) return boolean;
254 /*
255  * Name        : check_role
256  * Pre_reqs    :  None
257  * Description :  Will determine if a user has a specific role or not
258  * Parameters  :
259  * input parameters
260  * @param     p_user_id
261  *    description:  The user_id of a user
262  *     required   :  Y
263  *     validation :  Must be a valid user_id
264  * @param     p_principal_name
265  *    description:  The principal_name of a role
266  *     required   :  Y
267  *     validation :  Must be a valid principal_name
268  *
269  * Note:
270  *
271  *   This API will raise an exception if a user name or a principal_name
272  *   is invalid
273  */
275 function check_role(
276                      p_user_id                  in number,
277                      p_principal_name           in varchar2
278                     ) return boolean;
282 /*
283  * Name        :  VALIDATE_USER_ID
284  * Pre_reqs    :  None
285  * Description :  Will validate the user_id
286  * Parameters  :
287  * input parameters
288  * @param
289  *   p_user_id:
290  *     description:  The user_id of a user
291  *     required   :  Y
292  *
293  * output parameters
294  * None
295  *
296  * Notes:
297  *
298  *   This is a package private helper function.
299  */
301 function VALIDATE_USER_ID(p_user_id number) return boolean;
304 /*
305  * Name        :  VALIDATE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID
306  * Pre_reqs    :  None
307  * Description :  Will validate the subscription_id
308  * Parameters  :
309  * input parameters
310  * @param
311  *   p_subscription_id:
312  *     description:  The subscription_id of the subscription
313  *     required   :  Y
314  *
315  * output parameters
316  * None
317  *
318  * Notes:
319  *
320  *   This is a package private helper function.
321  */
323 function VALIDATE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID(p_subscription_id number) return boolean;
325 /**
326  * Procedure   :  grant_roles
327  * Type        :  Private
328  * Pre_reqs    :  None
329  * Description :  Will grant roles to users
330  * Parameters  :
331  * input parameters
332  *   p_user_name:
333  *     description:  The user_name of the user
334  *     required   :  Y
335  *     validation :  Must be a valid user_name
336  *   p_role_id
337  *     description: The value of the JTF_AUTH_PRINCIPAL_ID
338  *     required   :  Y
339  *     validation :  Must exist as a JTF_AUTH_PRONCIPAL_ID
340  *                   in the table JTF_AUTH_PRINCIPALS_B
341  *   p_source_name
342  *     description: The value of the name of the source
343  *     required   :  Y
344  *     validation :  Must be "USERTYPE" or "ENROLLMENT"
345  *   p_source_id
346  *     description: The value of the id associated with the source
347  *     required   :  Y
348  *     validation :  Must be a usertype_id or a subscription_id
349  * output parameters
350  * None
351  */
352 procedure grant_roles (
353                        p_user_name          in varchar2,
354                        p_role_id            in number,
355                        p_source_name         in varchar2,
356                        p_source_id         in varchar2
357                      );
359 /*
360     ** GET_SPECIFIC - Get a profile value for a specific user/resp/appl.
361     **                Does not go up the hierarchy to retrieve the profile
362     **                values if input values are null.
363     */
364     procedure GET_SPECIFIC(name_z              in varchar2,
365                            user_id_z           in number    default null,
366                            responsibility_id_z in number    default null,
367                            resp_appl_id_z      in number    default null,
368                            application_id_z    in number    default null,
369                            site_id_z           in boolean    default false,
370                            val_z               out NOCOPY varchar2,
371                            defined_z           out NOCOPY boolean);
373 /*
374  * Name        :  GET_USER_ID
375  * Pre_reqs    :  None
376  * Description :  Will get user id from username
377  * Parameters  :
378  * input parameters
379  * @param
380  *   p_user_id:
381  *     description:  The user_name of a user
382  *     required   :  Y
383  *
384  * output parameters
385  * None
386  *
387  * Notes:
388  *        This function will return null, if it can not find username
389  *
390  */
392 function GET_USER_ID(p_user_name varchar2) return NUMBER;
394 /*
395  * Name        :  GET_USERTYPE_ID
396  * Pre_reqs    :  None
397  * Description :  Will get user type id for a user
398  * Parameters  :
399  * input parameters
400  * @param
401  *   p_user_id:
402  *     description:  The user_id of a user
403  *     required   :  Y
404  *
405  * output parameters
406  * None
407  *
408  * Notes:
409  *        This function will return null, if it can not find username
410  *
411  */
413 function GET_USERTYPE_ID(p_user_id NUMBER) return NUMBER;
415 /*
416  *@Name: Check_Party_type
417  *@Param: Party_id
418  *@Description: function which returns the party_type of a party in hz_parties given
419  * given party_id
420  *@Output: party_type varchar2
421  */
423 function CHECK_PARTY_TYPE(p_party_id NUMBER) return VARCHAR2;
426 /*
427  *@Name: validate_user_name
428  *@Param: username
429  *@Description: checks is a user name is valid
430  *@Output: number ( 1 True , 0 False)
431  Code Changes for 5033237/5033238, the errMsg from FND_MESSAGE Stack is being re-used.
433 */
434 function validate_user_name(username varchar2, errMsg out NOCOPY varchar2) return number;
437 /*
438  *@Name: validate_user_name_in_use
439  *@Param: username
440  *@Description: checks is a user name is in use
441  *@Output: number ( 1 True , 0 False)
442 */
443 function validate_user_name_in_use(username varchar2) return number;
445 /* function to get the constant FND_API.G_MISS_DATE and use it in sql*/
448 /*
449 bug 4903775 - for name formatting based on region territory
450 */
451 function format_user_name(fname varchar2, lname varchar2) return varchar;
454 end JTF_UM_UTIL_PVT;