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1 package ame_util2 AUTHID CURRENT_USER as
2 /* $Header: ameoutil2.pkh 120.8.12010000.2 2009/03/11 11:34:35 prasashe ship $ */
3   /* user-defined data types */
4   /* Record to store WF notification details */
5   type notificationRecord is record(
6      notification_id        number,
7      user_comments          varchar2(4000));
8   type notificationTable is table of notificationRecord index by binary_integer;
9   /*
10     None of the empty[whatever] variables below should ever be overwritten. They
11     are only to be used as default arguments where empty defaults are required.
12   */
13   emptyNotificationRecord notificationRecord;
14   emptyNotificationTable notificationTable;
15   /* valid values for engStApprovalProcessCompleteYN as per bug (4411016) */
16   completeFullyApproved     constant varchar2(1) := ame_util.booleanTrue;
17   completeFullyRejected     constant varchar2(1) := ame_util.booleanFalse;
18   completePartiallyApproved constant varchar2(1) := 'P';
19   completeNoApprovers       constant varchar2(1) := 'X';
20   notCompleted              constant varchar2(1) := 'W';
21   --+
22   -- Added new constants for Item Class and Item Id bind variables
23   --+
24   itemIdPlaceHolder       constant varchar2(10) := 'itemId';
25   itemClassPlaceHolder    constant varchar2(10) := 'itemClass';
26   type insertionRecord3 is record(
27     position integer,
28     item_class ame_item_classes.name%type,
29     item_id ame_temp_old_approver_lists.item_id%type,
30     action_type_id integer,
31     group_or_chain_id integer,
32     order_type varchar2(50),
33     parameter ame_temp_insertions.parameter%type,
34     api_insertion varchar2(1),
35     authority varchar2(1),
36     description ame_temp_insertions.description%type);
37   type insertionsTable3 is table of insertionRecord3 index by binary_integer;
38   reassignStatus constant varchar2(20) := 'REASSIGN';
39   noResponseByRepeatedStatus constant varchar2(20) := 'NORESPONSEBYREPEATED';
40   forwardByRepeatedStatus constant varchar2(20) := 'FORWARDBYREPEATED';
41   --+
42   -- Added constants for bug 4700160
43   --+
44   attributeObject          constant varchar2(10) := 'ATTRIBUTE';
45   actionTypeObject         constant varchar2(10) := 'ACTION';
46   approverGroupObject      constant varchar2(10) := 'GROUP';
47   itemClassObject          constant varchar2(10) := 'ITEMCLASS';
48   specialObject            constant varchar2(20) := 'SPECIALATTRIBUTE';
49   --+
50   detailedApprovalStatusFlagYN   varchar2(1)  := ame_util.booleanFalse;
51   --+
52   type productionRecord is record(
53        item_class     ame_item_classes.name%type
54       ,item_id        ame_temp_old_approver_lists.item_id%type
55       ,variable_name  ame_actions.parameter%type
56       ,variable_value ame_actions.parameter_two%type);
57   --+
58   type productionsTable is table of productionRecord index by binary_integer;
59   --+
60 end ame_util2;