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APPS.PAY_ZA_EMP201 SQL Statements

The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 19

   R Babla  10/06/2009  120.0           8512751  Updated Initial Version
   R Babla  26/06/2009  120.1           8512751  Removed GSCC Errors
   R Babla  26/06/2009 120.0.12010000.3 8512751  Modified the message in warning section.
                                                 Changed the archive_code to set l_cnt_paye_perm
                                                 as N if its seasonal worker with no remuneration
                                                 with EMP201 Status as Y
   R Babla  01/09/2009 120.0.12010000.3 8859207  1.Changes done in cursor csr_asg_details to include
                                                 space between name
                                                 2. Changes done in the parameters passed to cursor
   BKeshary 07/12/2010 120.0.12010000.4 10376999 Changes to avoid impact of enabling skip
                                                  terminated asg leg rule.
   A Dash   03/08/2012 120.0.12010000.6 14081001 Reverse run in a month should be reported in that month even
                                                 if it is a reversal of a payrun of a previous month.
   asnell   10/12/2012 120.0.12010000.7 14543232 Time period based on actions effective date even if its a reversal
   ABDASH   28/01/2013 120.0.12010000.8 16174886 Adding of legal entity parameter to ZA EMP201 Report.
   ABDASH   05/02/2013 120.0.12010000.9 16174886 Adding of legal entity parameter to ZA EMP201 Report.

g_package                  constant varchar2(30) := 'pay_za_emp201.';
Line: 76

   select substr
          )  + (length(p_token) + 1),
             ' ',
             )  + length(p_token)
    from pay_payroll_actions
    where payroll_action_id = p_pact_id;
Line: 206

   update pay_payroll_actions
      set payroll_id = l_payroll_id
    where payroll_action_id = pactid;
Line: 222

          'select distinct ass.person_id
           from per_assignments_f   ass,
                pay_payrolls_f      ppf,
                pay_payroll_actions ppa
           where ppa.payroll_action_id = :payroll_action_id
             and ass.business_group_id = ppa.business_group_id
             and ass.assignment_type   = ''E''
             and ppf.payroll_id        = ass.payroll_id
             and ppf.payroll_id        = ppa.payroll_id
           order by ass.person_id';
Line: 234

          'select distinct paf.person_id
           from per_assignments_f   paf,
                pay_payrolls_f      ppf,
                pay_payroll_actions ppa ,
                per_assignment_extra_info aei
           where ppa.payroll_action_id = :payroll_action_id
             and paf.business_group_id = ppa.business_group_id
             and paf.assignment_type   = ''E''
             and ppf.payroll_id        = paf.payroll_id
             and aei.assignment_id     = paf.assignment_id
             and aei.aei_information_category = ''ZA_SPECIFIC_INFO''
             and aei.aei_information7 = to_char('||l_legal_entity_id||')
           order by paf.person_id';
Line: 274

   select effective_date
     from pay_payroll_actions
    where payroll_action_id = pactid;
Line: 282

   select payroll_name
     from pay_all_payrolls_f
    where payroll_id = p_payroll_id
    and l_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 288

		select haou.name
		from  hr_all_organization_units   haou,
		      hr_organization_information hoi,
		      hr_organization_information hoi2
		where haou.organization_id = p_organization_id
		and   hoi.organization_id = haou.organization_id
		and   hoi.org_information_context = 'ZA_LEGAL_ENTITY'
		and   hoi2.organization_id = haou.organization_id
		and   hoi2.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
		and   hoi2.org_information1 = 'HR_LEGAL'
		and   hoi2.org_information2 = 'Y' ;
Line: 417

         select ppf.person_id
              , paa.assignment_id
           from per_all_people_f ppf
              , per_all_assignments_f paa
              , pay_payroll_actions ppa
              , per_periods_of_service pps
              , per_assignment_extra_info aei
         where ppf.person_id between p_stperson and p_endperson
           and paa.person_id = ppf.person_id
           and paa.business_group_id = ppa.business_group_id
           and ppa.payroll_action_id = p_pactid
           and aei.assignment_id     = paa.assignment_id
           and aei.aei_information_category = 'ZA_SPECIFIC_INFO'
           and aei.aei_information7 = to_char(p_legal_entity_id)
           and paa.payroll_id = nvl(p_payroll_id, paa.payroll_id)
           and paa.period_of_service_id = pps.period_of_service_id
           -- last person record before this month end
               and ppf.effective_start_date = ( select max(effective_start_date)
                                                from   per_all_people_f ppf1
                                                where  ppf1.person_id = ppf.person_id
                                                and    ppf1.effective_start_date <= p_canonical_end_date
           -- last assignment record before this month end
               and paa.effective_start_date = ( select max(paa1.effective_start_date)
                                                from   per_all_assignments_f paa1 where paa1.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
                                                and    paa1.effective_start_date <= p_canonical_end_date
            pps.actual_termination_date is null -- employee is not terminated
            or                                  -- (or)
                        pps.actual_termination_date is not null -- employee is terminated but
                    pps.actual_termination_date > p_canonical_end_date  -- 1) termination is after this month end (or)
                                pps.actual_termination_date between p_canonical_start_date and p_canonical_end_date -- 2) termination is within this month (or)
                                        pps.actual_termination_date < p_canonical_start_date   -- 3) termination happened before month start (but) final_process_date is after month start
                                and nvl(pps.final_process_date,to_date('31-12-4712','DD-MM-YYYY')) >= p_canonical_start_date

        order by 2
 for update of paa.assignment_id;
Line: 537

         select distinct include_or_exclude
           into v_incl_sw
           from hr_assignment_set_amendments
          where assignment_set_id = l_asg_set_id;
Line: 562

               select include_or_exclude
                 into inc_flag
                 from hr_assignment_set_amendments
                where assignment_set_id = l_asg_set_id
                  and assignment_id = asgrec.assignment_id;
Line: 584

            select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
              into lockingactid
              from dual;
Line: 621

       select p.employee_number
             ,p.title ||' '|| p.first_name ||' '|| p.last_name emp_name
       from per_all_people_f p
          , per_all_assignments_f a
          , pay_assignment_actions paa
       where paa.assignment_action_id = p_assactid
         and a.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
         and p.person_id = a.person_id
         and l_eff_date between p.effective_start_date and p.effective_end_date
         and l_eff_date between a.effective_start_date and a.effective_end_date ;
Line: 647

       select hr_general.decode_lookup('ZA_PER_NATURES',aei.aei_information4) nature,
              nvl(aei.aei_information6,'N') independent_contractor,
              nvl(aei.aei_information10,'N') labour_broker,
                                                                                 , p_period_of_service_id))) EMP201_status
       from per_assignment_extra_info aei
       where aei.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
         and aei.information_type = 'ZA_SPECIFIC_INFO' ;
Line: 664

       select aei.aei_information1 reason_for_non_contrib
       from per_assignment_extra_info aei
       where aei.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
         and aei.information_type = 'ZA_UIF_INFO' ;
Line: 673

       select ppa.payroll_action_id
            , ppa.payroll_id
            , ptp.end_date
       from   pay_assignment_actions     paa,
            pay_payroll_actions        ppa,
            per_time_periods ptp
       where  paa.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
       and  paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
       and  ppa.action_type IN ('R', 'Q', 'V', 'B', 'I')
       and  paa.action_status IN ('C','S') -- 10376999
       and  ptp.payroll_id = ppa.payroll_id
       and  ppa.date_earned between ptp.start_date and ptp.end_date
       and  ptp.pay_advice_date between trunc(l_effective_date,'Month') and l_effective_date
       and  paa.action_sequence = (select max(paa1.action_sequence)
                                   from pay_assignment_actions     paa1,
                                        pay_payroll_actions        ppa1,
                                        per_time_periods ptp1
                                   where  paa1.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
                                     and  paa1.payroll_action_id = ppa1.payroll_action_id
                                     and  ppa1.action_type IN ('R', 'Q', 'V', 'B', 'I')
                                     and  paa1.action_status IN ('C','S') -- 10376999
                                     and  ptp1.payroll_id = ppa1.payroll_id
                                     and  ppa1.date_earned between ptp1.start_date and ptp1.end_date
                                     and  ptp1.pay_advice_date between trunc(l_effective_date,'Month') and l_effective_date
                                 ) ;
Line: 704

       select decode(hoi.org_information1,'Exempt','E',nvl(aei.aei_information9,'N')) "Exemption"
       from per_all_assignments_f ass
          , hr_organization_information hoi
          , per_assignment_extra_info   aei
       where ass.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
         and p_effective_date between ass.effective_start_date and ass.effective_end_date
         and ass.organization_id = hoi.organization_id
         and hoi.org_information_context = 'ZA_NQF_SETA_INFO'
         and aei.assignment_id = ass.assignment_id
         and aei.information_type = 'ZA_SPECIFIC_INFO' ;
Line: 719

      select count(ptp.end_date)
        from per_time_periods ptp
        where ptp.pay_advice_date =
                (select tperiod.pay_advice_date
                   from per_time_periods tperiod,
                        pay_payroll_actions paction
                   where paction.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id
                     and tperiod.time_period_id = paction.time_period_id
          and ptp.end_date <=
               (select tperiod.end_date
                  from per_time_periods tperiod,
                       pay_payroll_actions paction
                  where paction.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id
                    and tperiod.time_period_id = paction.time_period_id
         and ptp.payroll_id = p_payroll_id;
Line: 741

       select count(ptp.end_date)
         from  per_time_periods PTP
         where ptp.prd_information1 =
                (select tperiod.prd_information1
                   from per_time_periods tperiod,
                        pay_payroll_actions paction
                  where paction.payroll_action_id  = p_payroll_action_id
                    and tperiod.time_period_id = paction.time_period_id)
               and ptp.payroll_id = p_payroll_id;
Line: 754

        select global_value
        from   ff_globals_f
        where  global_name = p_global_name
          and    p_effective_date between effective_start_date
                                  and effective_end_date
          and legislation_code = 'ZA';
Line: 764

       select prrv.result_value
       from pay_payroll_actions ppa
          , pay_assignment_actions paa
          , pay_element_types_f pet
          , pay_input_values_f  piv
          , pay_run_results     prr
          , pay_run_result_values  prrv
      where ppa.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id
        and paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
        and pet.element_name = 'ZA_Tax'
        and piv.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
        and piv.name = 'Tax Status'
        and prr.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
        and prr.assignment_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
        and prrv.run_result_id  = prr.run_result_id
        and prrv.input_value_id = piv.input_value_id
        and ppa.effective_date between pet.effective_start_date and pet.effective_end_date
        and ppa.effective_date between piv.effective_start_date and piv.effective_end_date ;
Line: 786

       select peev.screen_entry_value
       from    pay_element_entry_values_f peev
             , pay_element_entries_f peef
             , pay_element_types_f   pet
             , pay_input_values_f    piv
             pet.legislation_code = 'ZA'
         and pet.element_name = 'ZA_Tax'
         and piv.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
         and piv.name = 'Tax Status'
         and peef.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
         and peef.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
         and peev.element_entry_id = peef.element_entry_id
         and peev.input_value_id = piv.input_value_id
         and p_effective_date between pet.effective_start_date and pet.effective_end_date
         and p_effective_date between piv.effective_start_date and piv.effective_end_date
         and p_effective_date between peef.effective_start_date and peef.effective_end_date
         and p_effective_date between peev.effective_start_date and peev.effective_end_date ;
Line: 808

       select decode (past.PER_SYSTEM_STATUS, 'TERM_ASSIGN','Y','N') asg_terminated
       from per_all_assignments_f paa,
            per_assignment_status_types past
       where paa.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
         and paa.assignment_status_type_id = past.assignment_status_type_id
         and p_effective_date between paa.effective_start_date and paa.effective_end_date ;
Line: 820

				select  paa.assignment_action_id assignment_action_id
				from    pay_assignment_actions     paa,
				           pay_payroll_actions        ppa,
				           per_time_periods           ptp
				where paa.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
				and     paa.action_status IN ('C','S')
				and     paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
				and     ppa.action_type   = 'V'
				and     ppa.action_status = 'C'
                                and     ppa.payroll_id = p_payroll_id
				-- bug 14543232 use time period spanning effective_date
                                -- and     ppa.time_period_id = ptp.time_period_id
                                and     ptp.payroll_id = p_payroll_id
                                and     ppa.effective_date between ptp.start_date and ptp.end_date
				and     ptp.end_date <= p_month_end
				and     ptp.end_date >= trunc(p_month_end, 'mm') -- start of the month
                                and     ppa.effective_date <> ppa.date_earned;
Line: 840

					select balance_type_id
					from   pay_balance_types
					where legislation_code = 'ZA'
          and   balance_name in (
					      ,'Net PAYE Taxable Income'
					      ,'Net Taxable Income'
					      ,'Skills Levy'
					      ,'UIF Employee Contribution'
					      ,'UIF Employer Contribution'
					      ,'Total UIFable Income'
					      ,'Gross Remuneration'
Line: 947

Line: 948

Line: 949

Line: 950

Line: 951

Line: 952

Line: 957

   select ppa.payroll_action_id
     into l_pactid_archive
     from pay_payroll_actions    ppa,
          pay_assignment_actions paa
     where paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
       and paa.assignment_action_id = p_assactid;
Line: 986

        select max(effective_end_date)
        into l_asg_end_date
        from per_all_assignments_f paf,
             pay_assignment_actions paa
        where effective_end_date <= l_month_end
        and paa.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
        and paa.assignment_action_id = p_assactid;
Line: 1436

   select distinct pai.action_information18 payroll_id,
                   ppf.payroll_name payroll_name,
                   pai.effective_date effective_date
   from pay_payroll_actions ppa
      , pay_assignment_actions paa
      , pay_action_information pai
      , pay_all_payrolls_f     ppf
   where ppa.payroll_action_id = pactid
     and ppa.action_status     = 'C'
     and paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
     and paa.action_status     = 'C'
     and pai.action_context_id = paa.assignment_action_id
     and pai.action_context_type = 'AAP'
     and pai.action_information_category = 'ZA EMP201 ASSIGNMENT DETAILS'
     and ppf.payroll_id = pai.action_information18
     and pai.effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date
     order by payroll_id;
Line: 1501

     SELECT tag
       FROM fnd_lookup_values
      WHERE lookup_type = 'FND_ISO_CHARACTER_SET_MAP'
        AND lookup_code = SUBSTR(USERENV('LANGUAGE'),
                                    INSTR(USERENV('LANGUAGE'), '.') + 1)
        AND language = 'US';
Line: 1592

        select action_information1 l_legal_entity_id
             , action_information2 l_legal_entity_name
             , action_information3 l_payroll_prd
        from   pay_action_information
        where  action_context_id = p_archive_pact
          and  action_context_type = 'PA'
          and  action_information_category = 'ZA EMP201 LEGAL ENTITY DETAILS' ;
Line: 1601

        select action_information1 payroll_id
             , action_information2 payroll_name
        from   pay_action_information
        where  action_context_id = p_archive_pact
          and  action_context_type = 'PA'
          and  action_information_category = 'ZA EMP201 PAYROLL DETAILS'
          order by payroll_id ;
Line: 1610

        select action_information1     assignment_id,
               action_information2     l_effective_date,
               action_information3     employee_number,
               action_information4     emp_name,
               formatted_canonical(action_information5)    paye_remuneration,
               formatted_canonical(action_information6)    tax,
               formatted_canonical(action_information7)    leviable_amt,
               formatted_canonical(action_information8)    sdl_amt,
               formatted_canonical(action_information9)    uif_remuneration,
               formatted_canonical(action_information10)   uif_amt,
               action_information11    EMP201_status,
               action_information12    cnt_paye_perm,
               action_information13    cnt_paye_non_perm,
               action_information14    raise_warning,
               action_information15    asg_terminated,
               action_information16    assignment_no
        from pay_action_information pai
           , pay_assignment_actions paa
        where paa.payroll_action_id = p_archive_pact
          and pai.action_context_id = paa.assignment_action_id
          and pai.action_context_type = 'AAP'
          and pai.action_information_category = 'ZA EMP201 ASSIGNMENT DETAILS'
          and pai.action_information18 = p_payroll_id
          order by employee_number,emp_name;
Line: 1687
