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Line 59: select fnd_global.conc_request_id into v_conc_req_id from dual;

55: v_conc_req_id fnd_concurrent_requests.request_id%TYPE;
56: v_retu boolean := false;
58: -- check if its concurrent request
59: select fnd_global.conc_request_id into v_conc_req_id from dual;
60: if v_conc_req_id > 0 then
61: v_retu := true;
62: end if;
63: return v_retu;

Line 75: select fnd_global.conc_request_id into v_conc_req_id from dual;

71: v_userid number;
72: v_conc_req_id number;
74: -- check if its concurrent request
75: select fnd_global.conc_request_id into v_conc_req_id from dual;
76: if v_conc_req_id > 0 then
77: select fcr.requested_by into v_userid
78: from fnd_concurrent_requests fcr
79: where fcr.request_id = v_conc_req_id;

Line 81: select fnd_global.user_id into v_userid from dual;

77: select fcr.requested_by into v_userid
78: from fnd_concurrent_requests fcr
79: where fcr.request_id = v_conc_req_id;
80: else
81: select fnd_global.user_id into v_userid from dual;
82: if (v_userid < 0 or v_userid is null) then
83: v_userid := 0; -- default
84: end if;
85: end if;

Line 830: -- metadata information about the individual component metrics

826: -- compute_rollup_status
827: -- Purpose
828: -- This function is for internal use of this package only!
829: -- Computes the the rollup status for a set of metrics given some
830: -- metadata information about the individual component metrics
831: -- that comprise the rollup.
832: --
833: -- Input Arguments
834: -- p_comp_info - st_table Table of numbers of with five entries as follows:

Line 886: -- on individual nodes.

882: -- Purpose
883: -- This procedure is for internal use of this package only!
884: -- Given the server name this procedure will compute and insert the status
885: -- for that server into fnd_oam_mets, based on the status of the server
886: -- on individual nodes.
887: --
888: -- Input Arguments
889: -- p_server varchar2 -- metric name for the server e.g. 'CP_SERVER'
890: -- p_server_type varchar2 -- server type eg. 'C','A','W','D' or 'F'

Line 1111: from dual;

1107: select decode(nvl(node.status, 'U'),
1110: 'U',STATUS_UNKNOWN, STATUS_UNKNOWN) into node_status
1111: from dual;
1112: insert_app_sys_status_internal(
1113: 'HOST_'||to_char(i),
1114: null, null, null, null, node_status, node.node_name);

Line 1120: -- the status of individual processes as well as those of the servers

1116: i := i + 1;
1119: -- now based on the various flags for the applications servers, update
1120: -- the status of individual processes as well as those of the servers
1122: -- Concurrent Processing
1123: if node.support_cp = 'Y' then
1124: refresh_status_for_tier('C', node.node_name);

Line 1146: -- individual instances list in gv$instance

1142: end loop;
1144: -- For DATA SERVER
1145: -- We will need to collect database statuses for all the
1146: -- individual instances list in gv$instance
1147: declare
1148: v_db_status number := STATUS_NORMAL;
1149: v_db_count number := 0;
1150: v_node_name varchar2(100);

Line 1196: into v_gv_host from dual;

1192: select decode(instr(db.host_name, '.') - 1, -1,
1193: db.host_name,
1194: substr(db.host_name, 0,
1195: instr(db.host_name, '.') - 1))
1196: into v_gv_host from dual;
1198: select decode(instr(ndx.node_name, '.') - 1, -1,
1199: ndx.node_name,
1200: substr(ndx.node_name, 0,

Line 1202: into v_fn_node from dual;

1198: select decode(instr(ndx.node_name, '.') - 1, -1,
1199: ndx.node_name,
1200: substr(ndx.node_name, 0,
1201: instr(ndx.node_name, '.') - 1))
1202: into v_fn_node from dual;
1203: --rjaiswal bug#4917109 starts
1204: -- Storing the value of webhost inorder to compare it with v_gv_host
1205: select decode(instr(ndx.webhost, '.') - 1, -1,
1206: ndx.webhost,

Line 1209: into v_fn_webhost from dual;

1205: select decode(instr(ndx.webhost, '.') - 1, -1,
1206: ndx.webhost,
1207: substr(ndx.webhost, 0,
1208: instr(ndx.webhost, '.') - 1))
1209: into v_fn_webhost from dual;
1210: -- ADDED "or v_gv_host = v_fn_webhost" in the "if" condition
1211: -- This column can be used to compare the gv$instance host_name value
1212: if ( v_gv_host = v_fn_node or v_gv_host = v_fn_webhost) then
1213: v_node_name := ndx.node_name;

Line 1649: from dual;

1645: between sysdate-1 and sysdate;
1647: select round((greatest(1,v_numerator)/greatest(1,v_denominator))* 100)
1648: into ct_completed_req
1649: from dual;
1650: update_metric_internal('COMPLETED_REQ', to_char(ct_completed_req), -1);
1651: end;
1652: end if;

Line 1982: 'select fnd_oam_dashboard_util.get_trans_name_values(''MET'','''||v_metric_list||''') from dual');

1978: if (fnd_log.level_unexpected >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then
1979: fnd_message.clear;
1980: fnd_message.set_name('FND','OAM_DASHBOARD_METRIC_ALERT');
1981: fnd_message.set_token_sql('METRICS_AND_VALUES',
1982: 'select fnd_oam_dashboard_util.get_trans_name_values(''MET'','''||v_metric_list||''') from dual');
1983: --dbms_output.put_line('MET ALERT: ' || fnd_message.get);
1984: fnd_log.message(log_level=>fnd_log.level_unexpected,
1985: module=>MODULE||'.raise_alert',
1986: pop_message=>true);

Line 1995: 'select fnd_oam_dashboard_util.get_trans_name_values(''STATUS'','''||v_st_list||''') from dual');

1991: if (fnd_log.level_unexpected >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then
1992: fnd_message.clear;
1993: fnd_message.set_name('FND','OAM_DASHBOARD_STATUS_ALERT');
1994: fnd_message.set_token_sql('COMPONENTS_AND_STATUS',
1995: 'select fnd_oam_dashboard_util.get_trans_name_values(''STATUS'','''||v_st_list||''') from dual');
1996: --dbms_output.put_line('STATUS ALERT: ' || fnd_message.get);
1997: fnd_log.message(log_level=>fnd_log.level_unexpected,
1998: module=>MODULE||'.raise_alert',
1999: pop_message=>true);