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1 PACKAGE BODY hr_us_osha AS
2 /* $Header: peusosha.pkb 120.0 2005/05/31 22:42:20 appldev noship $ */
3 /*
4  ******************************************************************
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21  ****************************************************************** */
22 /*
23  Name        : hr_us_osha  (BODY)
25  Description : This package declares a function required to generate
26 	       OSHA-reportable incident case numbers.
28  Change List
29  -----------
31  Version Date      Author     ER/CR No. Description of Change
32  -------+---------+----------+---------+--------------------------
33  70.0    27-Apr-95 SSDESAI              Created
34  70.2    10-JUL-97 MBOCUTT              By using profile options the
35 110.1                                   date format is now in canonical format
36 					so ammend the substr command on the
37 					p_incident_year to reflect this.
38  115.1   13-AUG-01 GPERRY               Changed routine so that it creates
39                                         unique case numbers and fills in missed
40                                         case numbers.
41                                         WWBUG 1714703.
42  ================================================================= */
43 --
44 --
45 -- Called as a default for the Case Number segment of the
46 -- OSHA-reportable Incident Flex Structure.
47 --
48 -- Function used to generate the case number.
49 --
50 function generate_case_number return varchar2 IS
51   --
52   v_case_number	varchar2(150);
53   l_dummy       varchar2(1);
54   --
55   cursor c1 is
56     select null
57     from   sys.dual
58     where  exists (select null
59                    from   per_analysis_criteria pac,
60                           fnd_id_flex_structures fif
61                    where  pac.id_flex_num = fif.id_flex_num
62                    and    fif.id_flex_structure_code = 'OSHA-REPORTABLE_INCIDENT'
63                    and    pac.segment1 = v_case_number);
64   --
65   cursor c2 is
66     select max(pac.segment1)+v_case_number
67     from   per_analysis_criteria pac,
68            fnd_id_flex_structures fif
69     where  pac.id_flex_num = fif.id_flex_num
70     and    fif.id_flex_structure_code = 'OSHA-REPORTABLE_INCIDENT';
71   --
72 begin
73   --
74   select per_osha_case_number_s.nextval
75   into   v_case_number
76   from   sys.dual;
77   --
78   -- If the value is taken then use the max value + sequence, that will be
79   -- unique, otherwise use the sequence number to fill in some of the gaps.
80   -- Gradually using this technique we would be able to fill in all the
81   -- gaps.
82   --
83   open c1;
84     --
85     fetch c1 into l_dummy;
86     --
87     if c1%found then
88       --
89       -- The number has been taken so use the max id + the sequence number
90       --
91       open c2;
92         --
93         fetch c2 into v_case_number;
94         --
95       close c2;
96       --
97     end if;
98     --
99   close c1;
100   --
101   return(v_case_number);
102   --
103 end generate_case_number;
104 --
105 END hr_us_osha;